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A bio? You mean you really want to hear my life story? OK, I am six cats in a trench coat.

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Definitely still looking.
I've haven't have a ton of luck here, but I don't really have anything better to do. So let me begin by giving a slight introduction to myself. I am rise13eyond but you may call me Sam. I have been roleplaying seriously for maybe 10 years now. I take my roleplaying very seriously. Maybe too much. I like art, writing, Death Note, Japan, cute things, Death Note, horror movies, and did I mention Death Note? Now onto the relevant stuff.

OK something to note. I cannot guarantee how often I will reply. I try not to make anyone wait too long but sometimes I am physically unable to. In those events someone will let you know. It's entirely possible you'll hear from either someone calling himself Beyond or someone calling herself Stacy. Don't be alarmed by them, my account will not have been hacked or anything.

Let us begin with rules and any other tid bits that may be important.
-I average about two paragraphs once the roleplay really gets going. But I will write how ever much or little necessary to keep the roleplay moving.
-I'm not picky when it comes to partners. As long as I can understand what you are trying to say then I am good.
-I swear like a sailor and have no qualms abut literally chopping a character up into pieces.
-I play male characters primarily (with exceptions below). Should doubling and NPCs be needed I will play either gender. You are free to play whichever you heart desires. I will do FxM or M// (F// exceptions below) if the roleplay has romance.
-I will roleplay over PMs or threads.
-I really like OOC chats . Let's be friends OK?
-You may use whatever picture you want be it anime or photo. I myself do not use face claims, but I usually end up drawing my character simply because I like drawing.

Here are things that I WON'T do
-Overly large age gaps
-Pure fluff or romance
-Slave and master
-Celebrities and real people......its just creepy to me

Now here are some things I'm looking for and like to do:
I'll start with some specific muses I have:
-Link (specifically BOTW)
-Beyond Birthday (OK either you know who he is or you don't. He is my strongest muse and I have a lot of experience playing him).
-Jeff the killer
-Near (the Death Note drama specifically)
-Yandere ( one of the exceptions to the male only rule. I am perfectly fine playing a female character for this, or even do F//.)
-Jareth (Labyrinth. You love it and you know it).
Some character I will also do but don't have as strong of muses for or haven't actually done before:
Erik (More so the musical version of The Phantom of The Opera, because frankly the book was disappointing)
-Dracula (.........Well you know. Its been a while since I've seen any movies or read the book though, just keep that in mind)
-Josh (Until Dawn. I realize he isn't the most popular character but I love him).
-Hiei (Yu Yu Hakusho).
-Daniel (Amnesia: The Dark Descent).

And here are some themes and elements I like
-Mental illness *********(Asterisks because while I love royally fucking up my muses I am a tad picky, its something I have a shitton of experience with).
-Most dark themes. But related to the above not rape or sexual assault.
-Fantasy (mostly high fantasy) Kind of craving this right now.
-Serial killers (if the above didn't give it away serial killers are my forte)

Now onto the ideas and "plots"
I have many many half developed horror and fantasy idea with several different themes, but there are simply too many to list here, however if you give me some specific themes then I can probably give you an idea.
-Whispering Corridors. Ever seen it? No? Then what are you waiting for all of them are very good. This is the other exception of the male only rule. Following the theme of lesbians in an all girls school, two characters meet at school and unaware that they are both possessed by spirits of a pair of star crossed lovers. Or it could be M// you know whatever you prefer.
-A serial killerxdetective kind of thing.....This isn't really a plot I just have a serial killer OC that I love to bits.
-A war rages on between vampires and vampire hunters, unknown to regular humans. With the hunter's forces gaining the upper hand and the vampire's forces growing weak the vampires are forced to seek help from humans. Character 1 is a simple young girl, but smart and resourceful. Character 2 is part of a group of vampires who come into town to scope out possible recruits, and has his eye set on Character 1, he finds himself not only interested in recruiting her, be interested in her as well. I do have a preference for character 2, but roles and genders are open for reversal or change.

And some vocaloid things I like! These are just the few songs that pop up into my head that I have an interest in turning into roleplays, so feel free to suggest more.
-The Madness of Duke Venomania
-It's a Wonderful Cat Life
Can't think of any more right now, I'm sure there's more so I'll update as I remember.

But yeah if any of that sounds appealing great, hit me up! Or if you've got any ideas that fit into any of the above suggestions then that's great too. Or you know if you aren't interested at all then happy roleplaying.
Alright folks because I don't know when to stop I'm making another specific search thread. Keep in mind this idea came from a dream so it may or may not make sense, I mean for some reason I thought killing myself in the end was a valid solution to the problem, but we'll get to that later. It was about twin brothers, very close twin brothers (not incest close but you get it), one being sickly. And they who as it happened are ghosts and because I am a horror nut they were not aware of the but unable to move on they kept reliving the events leading to their death. Sound familiar? Probably, I watch a fuckton of horror movies. Or you know if you have a better plot that involves ghosts I'm open.
So some things to note:
-For simplicity's sake let's keep it PG 13 I mean they're children. I guess we could change their age but unless you say so specifically I'm going to go with them being around 12-14.
-Most details are up for alteration.
I can't think of anything that shouldn't be discussed between us as we plot, so I'm gonna leave this here and if I get no takers and I think of something that should be added I will.

~Craving Roses~
Greedy and cruel ooh I'm coming for you
It is customary for a young man to give red roses to a girl when he begins to court her. Then white roses on the eve of their wedding.
Lately the dead bodies of young women have been found holding bouquets of poisoned red roses.
A young woman who has many potential suitors coming to her with roses, but she rejects then all. As the news of the murdered girls reaches her ears she becomes even more reluctant to accept the numerous declarations of love she is given. However one day she finds a bouquet of black roses on her doorstep with a letter from a secret admirer attached. Intrigued she takes them and replies to the letter sending it to the location specified in it. She begins a secret relationship with the admirer sending letters back and forth.
Because I suck at actual romance.
Some things to note:
-Plot twist! The killer and the admirer are one in the same. Not horribly jaw dropping but that's how it is.
-I would say this is more like "romance" than romance. Confused? Let me explain; romantic actions are inevitable, but I do not believe her admirer intends to fall in love with her. He was one of the rejected suitors and plans on getting close and comfortable enough to kill her. Of course if you really want it to go the other way you could persuade me.
-I refer to the character as her/she but I will be perfectly fine if it were MxM. I do however only play males as my primary character.
-Having said that secondary and side characters are fine, be them male or female. If I do this I expect you to as well when needed.
-I see this as a rather dark roleplay or at least potentially dark.
-This roleplay can take place anytime and anywhere you want. Historical? Modern? Fantasy? All fine.
-The specific details of the plot are up for negotiation. If you have any ideas you think might fit then throw them my way.
-This plot was indeed inspired by a song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6V3RliuDbZM Feel free to listen for inspiration, or just because, because it's a really good song.
-Your responses may be anywhere from one paragraph to a novel. I average about 2, but I will not hesitate to write smaller or larger amounts should the reply call for it.
-I don't do smut, but other than that I have no limitations.
-I will roleplay over PMs or threads. Though PMs won't be my first choice.
-Let's be friends OK? OOC chatter is great.
-If you are interested send me PM or leave a response here, I'll probably notice either way.
-I will add something here later if I think of it.
~roses wandering free, ooh which one will it be?~
@Smystar99 OK yes, hi. Sorry, I didn't see you responded earlier. But yeah send me a PM.
Alright, I have stated many times in many places romance is not my favourite genre to roleplay, I don't mind incorporating it into roleplays but not just romance. Now let me contradict myself and say I have plot mostly centered around romance...sort of. This is something that stemmed from a dream I had and a story that I half wrote based on it, and now I'm curious to see how it would turn out as a roleplay. Now before I start rambling too much let me explain the basic idea:

Sometime in the past, early 15th century I believe, on the eve of their wedding a young man and woman were cursed by a jealous witch to be torn apart. However their love was able to withstand time and space. They were continuously reincarnated, each time having to find each other again only to meet tragedy until they can find a way to break the witch's curse.

Wow....that was much easier to explain that I anticipated.

Some things to note:
-The reincarnations are a pretty big element, so expect the characters to die....over and over.
-I mainly play male characters however I am perfectly fine with the characters changing genders and exploring multiple sexualities with new reincarnations.
-As the title suggest I'm anticipating this to be relatively dark.
-Originally one of their set backs was difficulty in finding each other again actually remembering each other and what happened. (Note that I said originally).
-Aside from the points made about I am open for alterations, let's be honest it's a plot that leaves a lot of room for improvement. And I'm sure you're all creative enough to be able to put your own spins on it. Feel free to ask me about anything.

A bit about me and my roleplaying:
-I will roleplay through PMs and threads.
-I average about 2 ish paragraphs a reply, but will not hesitate to write novels if needs be (particularly my introductory post).
-I am over 18, but will not do smut. I mean I never have and probably wont, but It's not impossible to convince me to try new things provided you have some patience with me.
-Expect art. This isn't really related to the roleplay itself, I just felt like saying it's something I like to do and I will probably draw things relevant to the roleplay.
-Side characters are not a must but let's be honest most roleplays could do with some extra characters here and there, that being said if if the roleplay calls for it expect me to play other characters and hopefully this will be something you do as well.
-I'm not a history buff. Obviously the reincarnations originally span centuries so I'm willing to do a bit of learning.

That's all I can think of right now without rambling too much, which I fear I've already done. So I shall begin the wait to hear from you.

OK I'm closing this plot now, because 4 people have expressed interest in this and I think that's more than enough.
I could also go for a zombie apocalypse.
I haven't actually produced anything worth looking at in years, the avatar I have now was made I think 5 years ago, and I haven't been able to replicate that style or quality in a long time. I'm on a marker kick right now, but as you can see I have done digital art in the past.

My style is....I have no idea, it's a mutt style. Unless of course I am attempting realism, which isn't often, its somewhere between anime and semi realistic. Can you make the images shown smaller? I don't know, but if its possible let me know because I don't want to fill up the screen with huge images.

And of course there's the obligatory DeviantArt link here: https://rise13eyond.deviantart.com/
Just because I updated it.
@Miss Gallagher Good good, because I don't really play female characters. But Outlast is fresh in my head and I found that plot intriguing, somehow different from most "asylum" roleplays I come across. Movies and games are another thing entirely.
For some reason I am excited over the fact that you can mention someone in a post. -happy hand flaps-
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