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well will post tomorrow ^^
Lovely an evil tower of suspicious easiness~ I've heard this story so many times... from dead adventurers xD *realizes 4 possible ways for this to turn ungly just from the top of his head <3*
Satilla Valen

Location: The Tower
Interacting With: The Group

Everything happened so fast! By the time they stepped on this floor and both armors were taken out. The witch barely had time to take in what had happened before it was all quiet once more. Quiet and sort of smelly, but ohh well. Thomas seemed affected by his spells like he warned, Satilla made sure to stay by him in case she had to pull him away to dodge something, but otherwise the place seemed rather calm for the moment.

“This was... too easy.” She finally commented noting that Ash was pawing at the door. There was naturally no way all the undead were just hiding in this tower there wasn't enough space in here... but the fact the defenses were so weak didn't change." If we could only sense possible magic sources here... Maybe detect traps."
@The Fated Fallen You tell em! I had to tell my workplace to actually sod of a few times... my that felt incredibly good!
will get the post tonight~

Kosara Koleva

Location: Lake

“There are way to breach the wards...” Kosara stated as she followed Abe.” I learned a thing or two while hunting... witches of the bad kind.” She stated. Magic was very useful multifunctional tool that could be used in variety of ways and she had learned a decent amount now. Thinking about it, it was a decent field of study.

“Besides putting out a searching ward requires a very specific set of knowledge. There are different kinds against different searches. Reminds me I should probably set an anti-curse one at home. Just in case...” Hunters by nature were very cautious( near paranoid) creatures. Taking precautions was a must if they wanted to survive and given the situation where something huge was at foot, caution was a must... if not paranoia.

“If only we had trusted... ones we could contact here. Supernaturals usually have some kind of info one way or another.”

Amelia Payne

Location: Graveyard

Amelia barely reacted as Meg called up behind her. She just couldn't believe she saw her dead friend... she saw the body. They were burying her for god's sake! What was this!? A spirit? A ghost?! A phantom placed there to torment them!? She couldn't think, she just wanted to see her friend again. Was it to prove to herself this was truly just a fragment of her imagination, she wasn't sure herself.

As she came running around the corner, she halted, not seeing anything. She looked left and right, but there was nothing. As she blinked she was suddenly frozen as she saw Sana, so close to her!” Sana?” She asked pushing through the confusion and fear, but then it happened.

Sana's mouth opened... no it went agape, her jaw unhinging like a snake. Her face... it was the nightmare she saw ever since this whole nightmare of a life started. The zombies... the decay. Them the scream that pierced through her ears.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” Amelia panicked and screamed, in tears and fear as she moved backwards, trembling. She couldn't see the vision anymore, but she couldn't stop crying. She didn't want this. Right now she felt like hiding in a corner or a wardrobe. Just bury herself in a little hidey hole and cry until all the tears run dry.

Priscilla Harker

Location:The Alleyway of wonder

While moving towards Rosheen to grab something else to much on since hse kind of didn't finish her meal properly last time and maybe a drink before focusing on a good old shopping, she heard a meowing! Turning around she saw an elegant black cat with amber eyes! She loved all things feline. She smiled and nodded respectfully to the cat. Cats were smart creatures, one ought to treat them with respect and she knew that full well.

Well her plans for a quick meal were interrupted when it appears she caught the eye of all the merchants she walked by. Given how calmer it appeared right now with less customers for them, it seemed they decided to grab her attention and get her to buy! Well job well done on their side because... she was surrounded! No way to get free outside of pushing her way and she didn't want that. A little bit she actually enjoyed the attention, not that she will show it overly so.

“Alright, alright, some space please.” She said with an amused voice making gestures with her hands to get them to spread out a little.” I will see everyone's merchandise~”

“I need nice soft cloth... and maybe a robe.” She added, switching her attention to focusing on all the things that were proposed to her, trying to judge the quality of them all and to see if there was anything truly interesting like old trinkets and the like.

Constantin Kolev

Location: The Tent City.

“More like I vorried I vould have missed my little chances to point out something or correct something you missed...” Constantin replied with a smile, enjoying the apparent eagerness on his friend's side to taunt him right now. Yes it appeared Veta had indeed entered the road to recovery. He was about to comment on something else when...

“Myshka... there goes this set of performance clothing...” He growled as he was sprayed with tiger phlegm. He moved his right and and wiped some that had sprayed on his face.” This just cost you half of the bonus reward and I'm replacing it with vegetables...” The fire dancer smirked as the Adam moved to hand him a handkerchief.” You acting needs practice...” He said to Adam with a half frown half smile. He was in a good mood though and he did notice that Vlad and Mary had returned.

“Good even....” He was just about to greet them when he turned quiet. Something... his mind felt clouded for a moment before the flashes started. Tretiy Glaz made it's presence known as images and sensations flooded his mind. There was pain, incredibly strong pain that made him grind his teeth. He was unable to breath for a moment as he felt himself feel dazed. He closed his eyes to try to numb his current overwhelmed senses. Good thing this didn't happen during performance, it could have turned catastrophic.

“Ahhhhh...” He tried to take a deep breath, the images burnt now into his mind. Visions of Lace, boomsticks and thistle... What the hell did that mean!?
@AdvancedJ3lly I know that feeling lol. I have so many things to do and never seem to gather the will and time to finish them all ><
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