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Priscilla Harker

Location: Second Deck(Stairs to Main Deck)-> Main Deck
Skills: N/A

Mosi looked at the crewman with calm and completely serious eyes as he suddenly sprung into action checking her claim and calling out for a man overboard. The woman then nodded, checked her ticket had it, showed it though they were probably preoccupied.” Out of my way, got things to see.” She mused as she ran down the stairs to the main deck and looked out the railing trying to locate where it was that the person who fell was. It took a little, but people started tossing life saving gear over at the water.

She followed the direction of the people tossing things and then the lights shining at that and quickly saw the person there. Frankly she was rather curious as of why and rather how someone had ended down in the water. Were they pushed? Was this an attempt at taking their life? Well they were still moving so they were still in the land of the living. Maybe they had fell by mistake? Trying to impress a potential partner maybe? God only knows how many times she did stupid things back in the states to impress and gain the attention of a girls she fancied.

Mosi found herself really curious about whom that might be, but well he was getting away from the ship at night... even with the lights seeing whom it was was rather troublesome to do. She just looked from there, wondering if they would be able to pull the person back on the ship in time before he gets drowned or eaten or something. Did they have killer animals in this river? She wasn't really sure. She rubbed her chin in thinking manner as she started walking even further towards the back of the Main Deck, not minding at the slightest that she was in her pajamas.
Prima Rave
Location: Shadowell Manor: Joyous Corridor β†’ Music Room
Skills: Dexterity
Hit Points: 6

Rave more or less stormed into the Music room in haste as she looked over at Plum. The guy looked just as hurt and in pain as when she left him moments earlier.” Just hold a little while longer!” Prima Rave called out to Plum as she looked at the foot where he was injured. Damn this place and it's lack of proper utilities to bandage a man out. The guy in the Library room had pointed her out to the most obvious source of something to bandage Plum with in order words the linens in the Breakfast room. Even a single white linen handkerchief from the room with the food, should be enough to neatly wrap the foot and bandage him up!” I will be right back!” She added and stormed through the room towards the Breakfast room door.

β€œWill get a big linen from the other room to bandage you up! Just a moment!” Rave repeated herself in hurry as she moved." Try to take off your shoe, so we can wrap your foot properly!" She added and looked back to the door.

A thought crossed her mind, her hands still freshly dyed by Plum's blood. This was not how she imagined this to go. She might have been nervous and cautious about this event and coming here, but she didn't expect to be running around trying to find something to bandage someone with a bleeding foot. There was one death already... this was luckily not the second one, but still. Feeling the sticky blood on her hands, she couldn't help it in the end and pondered her own mortality. What if this was going to be her blood before long...?
@Rockerman403 Technically yes. Anything involving anyone of hte others including NPCs requires rolling I would be making. There's two ways to proceed here. One way is for you to write your post with the attempt only and you will recieve the results in the world update part of hte post. The second is to request the rolls here before you post and reply you with the results. So summoning a flamelash wouldn't require rolls quiet yet as long as you do not use it. Especially since combat hasn't started yet.

In fact I might make a Discord server for this. Expect more on this topic later.
@Andreyich swords and spears. ^^ They are less rangers/sentinels and more proffesional soldiers with full blown heavier armor and hte like.
Update up and firsts bits of action are upon us!

World Narrative

Clarification before I continue, the forests that the two groups have found themselves are completely different ones.

Group one: Heda and Fabios. Location:Edge of Grand Plain and Forest(???) The surroundings around the pair are still very calm and quiet. There's the occasional nocturnal animal making sounds here and there. The plain appears barren of sentient life so far. There's but the occasional nocturnal bird in the air and a small predator hiding hte the tall grasses and bushes.

Group two: Ivaron, Quiana and Gronar. Location: Ancient Forest(???) There we go the merry fellow group of unlikely allies are all at the same place! At first you 3 will be alone, but then there will be movement within the surrounding forest. Quiana would be the first one to sense someone approach, warned by the surrounding trees. With horns sounding as massive feline beasts pouched from around the trees in the near distance, having stalked until now. They have riders, in the weak light at the forests at night, except the druid, the other 2 cannot be sure who's attacking, but you could see the outlines of giant panthers. So it's a single leap away to conclude night elves. Orders are being shouted as the newly arrived are forming a circle around you three. If you attempt it now, it might be possible to break through the encirclement before it's completely closed off. Ivaron could also feel powerful magical energies radiating from one of the riders.

Heda Runeclaw

Location: Edge of Ancient Forest and Plain(???)

Heda was a little surprised when the man started poking with the hilt of his sword above her head where normally he would be poking at her lower torso. She looked at him with questioning expression and sighed." I'm shrunk, it's not an illusion." She explained and pointed out the a set of runes on her body." These are runes of shrinking. Once activated they shrink the subject to half it's usual size. It's a type of ancient magic my people practice since the dawn of the world." Hade gave even some more detailed explanation with a smile. The world seemed so much better when she was in this form. Still having traveled a lot in this size, she was a lot more used to it than most of her kind. Hell most Vrykul wouldn't shrink themselve even if they could. Bad influences within the race in the North were still present. Still the good thing was that at least some had returned to the old ways and given up on prejudice like that. Especially since humans were technically Vrykul kin." I hear that some of the Tauren and dwarves are rediscovering Runic magic in the last few years also. So in a couple of years it probably will be a lot more avaible."

"Well... Name's Heda Runeclaw, a Runemaster in service of the Keepers." She inroduced herself with a slight nod of her head. As a Vrykul she wasn't really into what many of the other races especially alliance considered etiquette, but introduction of herself was something she had gotten used to by now. She then hurried to follow in walking with the man. It's been frankly years since she had actually met a member of the Silver Hand. Mostly because she's been traveling less in Alliance lands as of the last years. There was much to be done in the service of the Keepers and lots of enemies to fight that Alliance and Horde had yet to find out.

"Wait..." She suddenly heard something with her acute hearing boosted by the magical earring." Someone's coming towards us... DIRECTLY at us." Heda stated and readied her axe. She had picked them from distance by hearing, but once soon enough they were within sight in the strong moonlight. Giant cats and long eared warriors on top of them." Night elves... Guess we are on Kalimdor." Heda stated, but as she narrowed her eyes, she could see armors that were shiny in the night's light and certainly for hell wasn't in line with what Sentinels usually wore. Her ears twitched when she heard something." DEFEND YOURSELF, HUMAN! THESE ARE NOT ALLIES!" She shouted as she pulled her axe. Keepers, there seemed to be at least 20 people riding giant cats barreling down on them!

update going to be posted in a little while.

Constantin Kolev

Location: Regalia's Ship
Skills: Tretiy Glaz(passive), Fal'shbort(passive)

β€œI see, then congratulations are in order I believe for a job well done, sir Fyror. Good job on making sure this lovely lady survived this ordeal.” Constantin stated and gave the man a little bit of a nod of recognition to the man. The firewalker liked brave people well enough and the man apparently had taken an ordeal to save this woman and that was worthy of praise and thus he delivered said praise. He then nodded as he listened.

β€œI know of her... vaguely. The Grand Duchess was also interested in her.” Constantin nodded and his expression took a sort of grim look at it.” Perhaps too great of interest in that woman's well-being. The Grand Duchess ran avay with the macabre lady and the zealot lady to chase after the voman you spoke off. Ve are giving chase and took a short cut via sea... that's hov ve ended up here.” He recounted to the two of them their own escapades in short. Seemed like their objectives merged now too more or less.

It was then that he noted what Vlad was about to do. Before he even had the time to react and warn him, it followed. That nose was broken yet again and this time even the Russianest Russian man was taken out by the impact. His nose cracked quite audibly and visibly.” Π‘ΠΎΠΆΠ΅ ΠΌΠΎΠΉ... Π½Π΅ ΠΎΡ‚Π½ΠΎΠ²ΠΎ.β€œ The firewalker muttered in Bulgarian as he facepalmed. This was getting absurd, this time he didn't even have the chance to attempt to heal before Vlad was whisked away into the captain's cabin behind closed doors.” Well... at least he should be save... probably.” He mumbled and sighed.

Amelia Payne

Location:Wewahitchka: Centennial Bank(B7)->C8
Skills: N/A

Amelia smiled up when Riley came closer. The woman's very presence was enough for Amelia to brighten up. That said what her love had pointed out was pretty darn important. This sound was going to wake up all the walkers in the area and draw them in. In fact she was pretty amazed there weren't any walkers visible around as it was. It was almost like something had drawn them away previously, but she had no way of confirming that theory of hers. It was also entirely possible that until now the walkers were just all hanging somewhere shady themselves, who could say. If they started to see some from no one, it would show.

β€œWe sh... Ahhh..!” Amelia nearly jumped when she heard Ash's booming loud voice as he barked orders at them. She had her bag with her at all times cause she now knew that keeping your bag close was a virtue. Especially after everything they went through the last weeks and months. She had grabbed it within the moment and was on Ash's tail the next. Well by on his tail it was more like couple of meters away from him, but close enough. She in hurry took out the defensive formation that he had barked out and was ready for a fight or to flee at the moment's notice as they walked out the bank and towards the noise. He had said a huey... 'What the hell is a huey anyways?' She thought to herself.

She followed outside and onto the street until she saw more people... and something she couldn't quiet believe she was seeing standing there some distance away.” Am I seeing things?” She let out a whisper when she could see people and a heli out there. Some of htem were even speaking to their group it seemed they spotted them and spoke out to hteir merry group. Amelia was shocked.
the new terry is better
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