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@HeMandaddy Ey I finished the character sheet. I think!

EDIT1: moved some of the headers a lil about ot make it more presentable.
@HeMandaddy Alrighty going to get it done by the end of the day. Probably... at latest it would be tomorrow.
And after lurking about for a day or two, I've decided to indeed say that I'm very interested in this RP! If you would have me, I would gladly draw up a CS in short notice! ^_^?

Constantin Kolev

Location: Gretna Green
Skills: Tretiy Glaz(passive), Fal'shbort(passive)

The situation was rapidly unfolding before their eyes as everyone had kinda sprung into action like a MOSTLY well oiled machine. Some people used their well trained skills, others simply acted out of logic and deduction, utilizing regular actions, but in the end everyone tried something to help out with the situation. Honestly part of the vision he saw wasn't too hard. Getting the beast to the alter was probably going to be the easy part and somehow or another, maybe God was on their side, or maybe it was some other kind of fickle entity that controlled their fate, but indeed getting the beast to the alter proved to be easy! It happened fast and with rather utmost precision! it was almost a miracle.

With the joint efforts of everyone, the beast was more or less dragged and hurled with force to the alter! The firewalker reacted like lightning as he reached over, pulling the Grand Duchess out of the way the beast traveled, keeping her behind himself, while he faced the creature. He didn't dare to imagine what would happen if this smoky bastard hit someone with it's seemingly big torso. Especially so if it was Veta, her protection was of utmost importance to him here!" Vell part one completed... now how to do holy prayer to get flames to vhite..." He mumbled, proving to his mind that indeed this was the greater mystery here. No one quite seemed to be attempting to do anything about that right now. Well they were busy getting the beast to alter so that's a nice reason to not having attempted to get the flames white.

He had nothing on that front. Hell his entire head was blanking out as he was trying to think of the prayer and white flames and the like. He knew flames, but it was dancing on flames and embers. This was way out of his domain here. He had no idea what it meant or how to proceed with it... Nada. Still blankness on the vision aside, he had a thing that was at least focusing enough and he could always rely on! Protecting Veta. Now that the beast was pushed to the alter, they were the closest to it along with that other woman that Veta was searching for. Thus he focused on protecting Veta still! Leave the thinking on the weird theological stuff on the people who could do it.

Priscilla Harker

Location: Boat(Sun deck)
Skills: Great Observation

Mosi's attention was suddenly brought to the soldier British man as he started speaking advice and suggestions about their situation and what might be the most prudent way to act from now on. At least he didn't try to deny the supernatural before his very eyes, which was a plus in Mosi's eyes. Her eyes darted over to Josephine as well as the woman confirmed she was armed, the fact she was aware that it might not be effective actually spoke volumes, this was not a stupid woman, a fact that pleased her to no end right now.

“I'm of the same opinion... if those things are completely shadows, no amount of guns or weapons will cause any damage to it. Can't damage what's not really there, can't you?” Mosi mentioned as she glanced at the shadows.” That is if they are only shadows though, who knows, maybe there's something underneath that can be affected. We will have to wait and see... possibly without getting harmed ourselves. Hopefully even if bullets cannot stop them, if we are lucky, maybe they can slow them. As for getting equipped and supplied, that's not a bad idea...” She agreed.

“Well, I'm unsure where the others would be and what transpired to them. After all, what happened to the city we were at? Were we the ones moved or was the surroundings moved?” She asked, questions that had no real answer as of now. Then she diverted her eyes to Vera. Something was happening with the woman. She wasn't speaking, not even a reply to her question. This was concerning, Mosi was worried the woman wasn't feeling well, but after a little bit of observation she was startled.

“What the. Lady Mun?” Mosi asked in actually concerned voice after she did confirm her that her assumption had some merits.” Are you alright!?” Mosi asked as she got closer and looked at the actress and the soldier.” Something's happening with her! I think... she's fading away! Like literally! Pretty sure her hair and fingers are already fading away!” Mosi informed them. Starting to wrack her brains out, trying to figure out in whatever occult knowledge she had, if there was something that might be of importance.

Amelia Payne

Location:Camp Mexico Beach: Quarantine (W: Conference Room)
Skills: N/A

After all of them admitted the paperwork, the results were given out. When the news about who stays and leaves came, Amelia was honestly just a tad surprised when it came to Victor. She had tried to get close to him a few times over the span of their time in quarantine, but to no avail. Whenever she made the attempt, he would pull away despite the initial joy of having seen him again passed. Then it shifted to concern about the situation and what his way of acting meant. Now he was rejected. Things had probably gone bad for him... Amelia silently swallowed the last of her attachment to him in the days of Newnan. Sadly friendships sometimes died and especially in this world now... Watching him vanish, she just wished him the best of luck as a final farewell in her mind. She had other things to think about, people to worry, old attachments had to eventually end.

The next was Bea who had apparently decided to leave on her own accord. The camp for some reason seemed to hold her in a rather good regard though. Well it was of Little Importance for Amelia. She had never gotten along with the woman even back in the day. If she wanted to be out there, she'd just wish Bea a good luck in her head. Even if she didn't have any friendship to the woman, she could at least hope that she wouldn't die a horrible death somewhere.

Afterwards the situation just unfolded as regularly as possible. They were given more paperwork. This one had some notes on her. She frowned just a little as she read she had some issues... Amelia preferred calling those being prepared rather than issues. No one knew when things might go south after all. Still she nodded at the overall meaning of the written down information. They were indeed going to tell her how to avoid those pesky beasts... and keep them away from her in a way too. So this was good, the fact she was recommended for Education made her blink for a moment. Was this because of her being decently well in mathematics?” This...” She mumbled, still gazing at the paper.” Isn't bad... actually quite good... possibly.” She allowed herself the freedom of optimism on this small occasion. Finally the rest of them were told they could leave Quarantine and go to a beach party! She almost couldn't believe this was real. She was looking forward mostly for the beach and well... the BBQ. Less so the seafood boil. She smiled at Riley and as the guards lowered their weapons, they all were finally free to get going.

“Haven't seen a beach in years... even before...this.” She smiled and muttered out. If no walkers walked out of the water or some other nightmare like this, that would actually be quite the decent time to relax. Seeing a beach again after all this time without danger, well without apparent danger, was indeed like a dream come true. Maybe she and Riley can actually have a proper 'data' walk about the beach, not straying too far from the party of course. Still she decided to not ask Riley about that quite yet.” You thinking of Singing if you can?” She chose to ask Riley instead as she started following towards the exit.
Prima Rave
Location: Shadowell Manor: Confinement (Attic)
Skills: Dexterity
Hit Points: 4

Prima Rave took a really deep breath as people were moving about the room, heading to leave. They seemed to have a lot better luck than hers earlier. She was queit as she was testing how much her leg could hold her right about now. At first she assumed that it would be good enough to take a few steps, but as soon as she attempted to put any weight onto it, she felt a stab of pain travel through her calf, her hand moved to it like lightning, as she leaned to the other side to put all the weight onto her good leg in an attempt to stay standing and not fall to the ground yet again. Her shoulder slammed into the wall because of hte speed, but she did keep herself from falling.

"Damn..." She mumbled, holding onto her injured leg. Maybe she should have never attended to that dinner after all. It would have been better ot just keep away from the food and keep her own hands at her lap, pretending she wasn't hungry. Maybe at least that way she should have avoided stabbing herself with a knife by an absolute mistake. Still there was absolutely no way to revert back time and do things differently except for some divine intervention and she wasn't sure if even the gods could do something quite like that.

Still now that the pain subsided and she could once more resume a less dependent on having her shoulder on the wall posture, she took a breath and listened. People were probably already leaving the room more and more. If she wasn't the only one left by now, she would soon be. The leg was going to be screwing her hard, she wondered if by the time the others have left the floor, she might be still trying to leave this damned room.

Constantin Kolev

Location: Gretna Green
Skills: Tretiy Glaz(passive), Fal'shbort(passive)

Well Vlad was back in black... well not in black, but he seemed on FIRE! Well not really on fire either, he was on fire metaphorically, but he was apparently in the process of playing with fire as he was throwing stuff with fire at the soulless. Constantin was very pleased at the fact that the Bazhooli tanked that hit and stood up like a complete boss. There was nothing better than seeing a person you trusted and respected not get squashed by the power of evil creatures!

Everyone seemed to be doing something grand and attacking. Things were flying about and at the monster, runes were appearing on the ground inside the church. Constantin briefly wondered what the opinion of the local priests would be if they saw that last one, but ehh wasn't really a problem for him. Also he did get his wish, the window got blasted as birds entered and started to help wrap the flaming tapestry thing across the creature to make sure the fire doesn't fall off. He himself was doing mighty fine job of protecting the Duchess from anything, everything and all in between.

Suddenly just as he was pondering his next step, at the sight of the creature growing bigger, a fact that really surprised him, his vision blurred for a moment. He knew what was happening and damn it was both the best and the worst moment for it to happen. Depended on the thing he'd see and what he saw confused him. He wasn't the best with Riddles... why couldn't it have been more straight forward at this crucial moment? Just as fast as the vision arrived it left and the firewalker steeled himself, still holding his protective vigil for Veta, nothing was getting past him!" Had a vision!" He said, taking a deep breath, keeping himself in the direct direction between the Grand Duchess and the monster." It vas Foggy and through some kind of Crystal. The fires shouldn't be black, but vhite." He said loudly, so everyone could have the same degree of knowledge on this thing. No point in keeping secrets here thus he continued." The second part of the vision was about Prayers, purity and that vhen the flames are vhite, the beast is over the alter." He was getting concerned with the fact that the best had indeed grown in size." Ve need to remove or weaken the black fire!" This was the most direct idea he had right away direclty drawn from the vision without digging into symbolism. But the creature did grow and had black flames so it was probably a good idea to attempt any way to weaken it.

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