Avatar of RolePlayerRoxas


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4 yrs ago
fanficriff.blogspot.com/202… It's long overdue that I make fun of myself for a change.
5 yrs ago
fanficriff.blogspot.com/201… This is one time loop that everyone will gladly forget about.
5 yrs ago
fanficriff.blogspot.com/201… No, I can't imagine why you feel like you've read this exact story before, why do you ask?
6 yrs ago
fanficriff.blogspot.com/201… I wanna be, the edgiest, like no one ever was~
6 yrs ago
fanficriff.blogspot.com/201… Have you ever wanted to see Scathach and Ichigo Kurosaki shipped together? No? Well, here it is anyway.


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The witch watched in silent awe as Hibiki somehow managed to activate the strange map, and... a series of moving images displayed. Was this a lingering memory? No, this wasn't the Earthpulse, or anything of the sort, was it? And this didn't feel like they were watching someone's memories... Magilou wasn't sure how exactly to describe what they were watching. But it felt... targeted. As if these images were compiled purely to motivate the viewer into a specific course of action.

So some strange soldiers/adventurers/whoever were fighting daemons, perhaps to try and save the distressed little girl?

"...That was weird..." Bienfu commented with a troubled frown, "what're we gonna do, Magilou? Should we mayb- they're already gone?!"

Indeed, the other three had already decided to go help this girl. Hibiki especially seemed eager to help. Magilou didn't consider herself to be so righteous as to immediately launch herself into danger to help this stranger, especially in such inexplicable circumstances. In fact, what was to prevent her from returning to that door and continuing her own wandering back in Desolation?

And yet, Magilou was following the rest of her new group, hands behind her head as she strolled casually along. Really, she couldn't say it was for the sake of that girl especially. For all she knew, that girl was long dead, turned into a daemon, or this was all a needlessly elaborate trap to begin with.

But it would make a hell of a tale to tell, on the off-chance she saw all of them again.

@Raineh Daze@PKMNB0Y
Kishinami Hakuno

Hakuno was silent at Kiara's words, not wanting to pry any further. It sounded like Mary was having some difficulties even before this incident. She would love to help, but intruding on private matters was far over-reaching her position. All she could do was track down the rogue Servant and arrest them. Well, more like point Saber in said rogue's direction so she could do the arresting, but hey, Hakuno could wear the armband.

The young enforcer smiled at the kind woman, "if I need to know anything else, I'll let you know. For now, I'm sure my Servant is dealing with the Servant as we speak."

Ideally, that much would be resolved by the time Mary woke up.

With a bow of her head, Hakuno said, "I'll take my leave for now. Please contact our office if something comes up," and she made her way out of the hospital. She could wait nearby for Saber's return, and hope for some good news.
Once outside the main entrance, Hakuno made her way to a nearby bench, hoping she would be easy to spot from the skies. Once seated, Hakuno let out a long sigh. Then buried her burning face in her hands.

Who even says things like perp and slammer?! she berated herself, the embarrassment of such silliness slamming into her with great force.


So, they really were from completely different places, huh? As expected, 'Japan' was completely unknown to Magilou (though why it brought Rokurou, of all people, to mind was a mystery), and even to Mr. Eyepatch. How delightfully curious. Still, she didn't show any signs of surprise, simply giving a mysterious smile as she mulled this information over. It was then that the duo formally introduced themselves in a rather over-the-top manner.

"...Mm. Ten points," was Magilou's only response, giving a half-hearted shrug, watching the 'Blade' Pandoria as they continued their little skit. She didn't feel like a Malakhim of any sort... though she wondered if her title indicated a similar partnership between herself and the still-shaking Bienfu.

At that moment, Zeke's interest was caught by something, and Magilou followed after him to see what was up. When she laid eyes on the strange display, evens he was momentarily at a loss for words. Yeah, it was... most definitely a map, but what was with the faces? What kind of Arte could create a map like this? The witch circled the stand, investigating from all angles as she tried to figure out how this thing could be created.

"...Alas, even my encyclopedic knowledge fails me," Magilou lamented after a few moments, shoulders slumping, "to stump even a stunning savant such as I... this is truly a shocking situation...!"

@PKMNB0Y@Raineh Daze

With a satisfied smirk, Magilou finally came to a stop when the comedy duo took notice of her passing. So all those theatrics were just a ploy to strike up conversation? Whoever would resort to such silly tactics? Bienfu couldn't help but give Magilou a suspicious glance, almost as if he could feel the hypocrisy, though he returned his attention to the one-eyed guy that seemed to look directly at him. Had that been his imagination? Sure, Malakhim in general were no longer visible to the general populace, but it wasn't like there was no one ever that couldn't perceive his kind...

At that moment, a young blonde girl called out to them. The witch regarded her silently, surmising she was unlikely to be from Desolation, or at least somewhere remote enough for her knowledge to be lacking. The duo... slightly more likely, but Magilou couldn't quite place why that felt unlikely to her, too. Oh well, she'd probably find out in a few moments.

"So, I guess we were all led here by a mysterious Arte, huh?" Magilou wondered aloud, pacing slowly, "naturally, it's no mere accident that brought the magnificent Magilou to this place, but a sense of duty! Of curiosity! And just a hint of boredom!"

With a flick of her lock of hair, she turned to the group with a carefree smile, "so, where did you two wander in from? Midgand? Southgand?" she glanced towards the man with the eye-patch, "...Titania?"

"That's harsh, Magilou..." Bienfu muttered, shaking his head, "Did you learn to spot criminals by sight during your sta... ah."

Magilou had only flicked her eyes towards her shoulder, but that was enough to shut the Normin up. Leaving him to shrink away from sight, Magilous returned to smiling pleasantly at the other three, as if she hadn't been interrupted.

"Miss Magilou! Look!" Bienfu pointed towards the two approaching figures with relief, evidently happy that he wasn't stuck in this place with just the wicked witch. Based on appearances alone, they surely had to be less terrifying than his partner! Magilou, however, simply watched them silently as she approached, carefully studying them. From the few words she could overhear, it was obvious these two weren't a threat, or at the very least, hostile. Not that she could really make sense of the overheard keywords either.

"Hey, we're gonna talk to them, right?" asked the small Normin quietly, the young woman walking closer and closer. Magilou gave an impish smile, passing by the arguing couple, and replied in a carefree tone.

"Nah they seem far too odd and outlandish~ They're probably as clueless as you are, so it wouldn't exactly help!"

Seemingly snubbing the eyepatched man and his bespectacled companion, Magilou continued onward, despite Bienfu's confused protestation. Not that she expected to go too far - if these people were in the same situation, she had a feeling they would want to stop her and suggest grouping up. And since Magilou didn't feel like initiating that suggestion, she could just let those two go ahead and make it official.

Though it would be awkward if they just moved on and left her there. Oh well, she could work around that!


"Oh, look at that. How unexpected."

The nonchalant statement left the lips of a young woman, whose manner of dress was reminiscent of a jester. Though perhaps even a cort clown would have better dress-sense than one that adorned their waist with several tomes. Regardless, the oddly-dressed woman crossed her arms, head tilted slightly as she regarded the odd sight before her.

The door of the small cabin she had borrowed for the night was supposed to lead outside, as doors tended to do. While that remained true, the location was not a tranquil clearing surrounded by trees and the chirping of nature, but a desolate, barring hellhole. As jarring and alarming as it was, Magilou didn't seem too perturbed. she could leave that up to her little Normin companion.

"BIIIIEEEENNNN?!" cried the tophatted creature, his round eyes wide with alarm, "wh-where are me, Miss Magilou?! Did you transport us somewhere strange?!"

"Of course not," Magilou responded with a small shrug, "In fact, I didn't detect any Artes being used at all."

That was probably the most puzzling aspect. As a self-proclaimed Witch, Magilou had an ear for Artes, especially something as powerful as what appeared to be complete transportation of an entire cabin with its' occupants. And yet, when the witch glanced towards a window, she could see the clear sky and the treeline that should have been there. It was only the front door that appeared to be affected.

If she were still with the old group, she had no doubt they'd walk right on through that door, sure that it was a trap set by the Abbey. And then just plow right on through it. Velvet would do it simply to see her desires met. It brought a small, nostalgic smile to Magilou's lips, before she finally uncrossed her arms. It had been a dull week anyway. No harm in checking this out a little bit, right?

"Oh well, mind doing a little scouting work?" Magilou asking in a worryingly-sweet voice, kneeling down to grab Bienfu before he could react. As he squirmed and voiced his protestations, Magilou casually chucked him through the door, to the strange, ruined landscape outside, "is it safe out there, my brave little friend~?"

Without waiting for an answer, Magilou stepped through herself.


"You're awful..." Bienfu lamented, clinging to Magilou's shoulder as she walked through the strange, barren city, "wh-what if daemons were roaming around..."

"You're a tough guy, I'm sure you'd be fine," Magilou replied in a carefree manner, scanning everything she could see. Ruined buildings, empty roads... the architecture wasn't anything like most of the locale she knew. Was this even anywhere in Desolation? Evidently, they were taken much further than she had expected. Still, there didn't seem to be any daemons running around. The witch kept her Guardian close at hand regardless. You never knew when an ambush would occur.

"Should have brought a Geo-board..." Magilou sighed. There was a LOT of ground to cover, it looked like.
It's fine, yeah.
I should probably note I won't be playing an active PC (not yet, anyway), but I will be assisting with NPC actions and behind-the-scenes stuff, too.
Surely the only justification anyone needs to visit the shrine is Himeko's charming personality.
Himeko gave a warm smile to Chise as she retrieved her questions. This girl was clearly the sensible one of the duo, though she wondered how these two came to be interested in shrine maidens. She didn't recall shrine visits being a mandatory school subject, and not many girls seemed too interested in being a miko, did they? Ah well, these two seemed young enough to perhaps romanticise the inherent mysticism of her position? If that was the case, Himeko had a duty to keep that belief alive!

"Hmm..." Himeko tilted her head slightly, deep in thought as she kept a firm hold of Hanako's hand, "well, I suppose it's been pretty... normal? Just like normal girls, I eat, sleep, speak with the gods, exorcise wicked spirits at night, and just between us, but sometimes I sneak some chocolate into my diet~"

The shrine maiden spoke with a straight face, enjoying herself. Chise had turned her gaze towards the sweet shop for a moment, and it would be cruel to prevent all these girls from having something to eat if this was going to continue, so the shrine maiden added, "speaking of chocolate, how about I treat you all? Hanako-chan here was crying for some earlier, I wouldn't want to keep her waiting any longer..."

@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze
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