Avatar of Rultaos
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Rultaos
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 797 (0.21 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. Rultaos 10 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current Trying to get back into the swing of things (for a 2nd time!)


Hi there I'm Rultaos, or simply Rult as some of my friends call me. I first got into RP'ing on two different sites back when I was in High School. The forums of the games Minecraft and Spiral Knights. Both had game-related RP's, as well as off-topic ones regarding fantasy and sci-fi. This was around 3-4 years ago. I wasn't really good at it back then, but I met a lot of great people and feel like I really improved since then.

For any of you who are curious, this was one of my biggest RP undertakings before I got into this site (My username also comes from this as a tribute to it!). It's not really a very well-written roleplay (or a very well-managed one for that matter). But it really meant a lot to me because of how far it went, how long it survived, and how it inspired my fellow players there. It always fills me with a sense of nostalgia whenever I glance at it in my bookmarks...

I got into RPGuild back when it was still using the old server (the one that got taken down after Mahz got behind on his pay and the providers ended their service without warning). I was pretty bummed when this happened because I was already actively participating in a number of roleplays, and I could only stay in contact with a select few guildmates on the Facebook group. Eventually, the long wait was over, and the site was given renewed life after a few bumps in the road that guildmaster Mahz faced in his attempts to resurrect this place. It was a good day for many including myself when this site slowly started getting more and more features.

2014 was my second year in college and was a very stressful time for me. Mostly concerning academics, with a few occasional problems regarding friends and fellow students alike. Because of this, I had to suddenly drop out of roleplaying for a while in order to have the time to get my real life back in order.

Now, I've returned to the site, and am hoping to get back into the groove of roleplaying and make more great friends and have even greater adventures through whatever huge universe your brilliant minds can think of! If you wanna invite me to play, or even just have a friendly chat about anything, send a message my way and I'll reply as soon as I can =)

For those of you who are wondering, my roleplay interests include: Sci-Fi, Military, sometimes Fantasy, a Fandom one if I'm familiar with the source material, heck I'd be willing to dabble in an Apocalypse setting as well. I'm also willing to try new things as well if it seems fascinating enough. So hit me up with an idea any time and I'd be happy to share my thoughts with you.

Well, I feel like I've used up enough for your time. Thanks for caring enough to read all this, and I hope you enjoy your roleplay adventures as much as I have in the past and the present ^_^

Most Recent Posts

I'd be alright for having a Discord server for us to chat in, though I feel like that would make our OOC threads here a bit less active, which can be a good or a bad thing. It's your call though @Crossfire
In the midst of their conversation with MAtija, Amy had suddenly excused herself from the mess hall. According to Grayon it was a stomach ache caused by the juice carton going bad. Benny shrugged at it for the most part, mainly grateful he hadn't taken any of it earlier, as he finished off the last of his food. Stryker then called everyone to attention by bringing up why he'd gathered them all at once in the first place.

"So as I was going to say before, I've got the strangest feeling that we're going to be mobilized soon. I know that there's been no contact from the Alliance in weeks, but I don't know, I just can't shake it, so what I'm gonna propose is we keep our skills sharp. Feels like it's been months since I held a gun, much less fired one. They really neglected to outfit the ship with a firing range, but we can rig one together pretty easily, maybe pull all the equipment in the gym off to one side, weld a few layers of steel plating against the wall for targets, is that doable Grayson?"

"Yeah, wouldn't be any issue at all," Grayson replied. "Ok, well after you check on Amy, maybe all of you guys can go down and get started on that? I'm gonna fix up a plate for the kid, see if he wants any." Stryker said. Benny wasn't sure who he referred to by "the kid" But he assumed it was a crew member they had picked up that he hadn't met yet. In any case, he'd meet them eventually if they were going to be working together.

"I think I could 'elp with a range. Anythin's betta' than sittin' on my arse waitin' fer it ta' grow 'shrooms" Benny said as he got up from the table, with Matija quickly swiping his plate and mug to slide into the sink. He went back to the ship's laboratory where he had set up his tools once before, and he had found them to be in good condition by the time he checked on them again. He grabbed a welding torch and a box of screws, bolts, and other fastening equipment that may be useful with setting up the makeshift firing range. He would've preferred a location to test some small-time explosives out on as well, but even he figured it was probably a risky endeavor on the inside of a starship. He supposed he'd have to settle for running computer simulations on the results of his bomb ideas for now.

He brought his gear over to the gym on the ship by the time Grayson was there, already getting started on moving the existing equipment out of the way. Benny put his tools and supplies down near the door and walked over to one of the steel weights, and carried one of the heavy ones using Skelly's strength for the most part, thanks to the sturdy machinery housed within it. After putting it down with some of the others he went to go retrieve the rest. "So, Foreman Grayson, how're we gaunnie turn this gym inta' a range worthy o' dangerous bastarts like us?"

@Gardevoiran I am so glad Matija and Benny woke up before you guys got to this point...
Just wrote up a short reply to show Benny's thoughts on the whole thing and to show how socially incompetent he is XD. I'm wondering how Amy's going to take this poking by Matija.
Before Amy was able to respond to his greeting, Matija had flicked him on his nose and clicked her tongue at him, causing him to flinch with an exclaimed "Wha-?" before he turned to look at her questioningly. "Well, we all know he has more than an additional spotter now, am I right?" Amy responded to his question as he helped herself to some of the pancakes.

Matija meanwhile, got up to greet them and make conversation. "Glad you two can come on over! What took you guys so long? Busy?" she asked, with her tone being teasing at the end. Benny wasn't too sure what she was teasing them about, he figured that couples tended to enjoy snuggling in bed for longer than usual anyway. Was she implying they had sex? He didn't quite see how that was something to poke fun at seeing as couples did that all the time anyway, at least in the holo-movies he had watched. "To be perfectly honest, I was in bed deciding whether to stay tucked in or come down and join you magnificent people. I mean, it was a really tough decision for me, so that's why we're late." Amy replied cooly.

Matija made her way to the coffee machine before responding. “Guess I’d feel the same if I had some... special breakfast in bed too. Hope it was steamin’ cuz this breakfast is... proobably not as hot anymore.” She said before pausing. ”But hey, that’s just me,” She finished.

Benny couldn't tell if he was missing something here but, was Matija really trying to get a rise out of Amy? If she was he didn't fully understand what the point of it would be. Then again, there was still a lot of things about her that he had found strange, even after 8 months recovering from a coma together. Deciding it would be better to distance himself from what these 2 we're getting into he turned back to his food to finish the last slices of bacon and bits of egg he had on it. At least the ones that Matija hadn't taken, causing him to silently huff in exasperation at the white-haired girl's inability to keep her hands off things she didnt own
"Don't call me that, Matija. How's it hanging with you two being free from your comas?" Their skeletal pilot responded, shaking off the nickname that Matija gave him as people usually did. It was an odd thing that she did to almost everyone, even their doctors, calling their Physical Therapist "Doc" instead because she said he didn't look like a Frank, and his last name was too hard to pronounce.

"As boring as watchin' a brick wall. I'd kill fer some excitement now that I can move like a normal person again. Might even mean that lit'rally..." he said as he chewed on one of his bacon slices. His time after their recovery, aside from being beaten up regularly by Matija, was spent in the labs where he was reunited with his explosives and bomb-making kit. He'd been crafting a steady supply of explosive ordnance for himself just to pass the time, and had even made a few bombs and grenades that looked like toys and trinkets. He got told off for that after one of the crew mistook a small tear gas bomb for a simple music box and had a nasty surprise when the sad music ended.

He kept the "goofy-looking ones" locked away in containers in the labs after that incident, but didn't exactly stop making them. They had their tactical uses, especially since unlike bombs that looked like real bombs, people wouldn't instinctively run away from them, maximizing the chances of hurting someone with it.

After most of the people at the table had nearly finished their meals, two of their other crewmates arrived. Grayson and Amy from what they remembered. Benny could still recall helping her with her luggage when she first boarded The Revenant and had heard news from the rest of the crew that she was getting her eyesight back through some experimental tech.

While Stryker greeted Grayson, who seemed a little embarrassed at Stryker's greeting (though Benny wasn't really sure why as he was still very poor at reading social cues) he decided to say hi to the blonde girl that came along with their resident sniper "Oi! I heard the blind lass ain't so blind anymore. Guess ol' Grayson finally has a spotter other than that drone of his, aye?" He said as he turned around in his chair towards her.

Amyson: The Sniper and Spy romance, but with less homosexuality than Team Fortress fanfictions!
Holy Hell that collab. And I was worried I was making our posts too long xD. That's some quality exposition @Crossfire @Xandrya
@iTem posted on behalf of both of us. IC that involves both Benny and Matija will most likely be collabs between us so we can make things go by more smoothly. I hope we're not making our posts too long because of that >_<. Nobody also got our RVB reference in the timeskip post it seems
@Crossfire there is just something downright adorable with the mental image of some bearded, grizzled mercenary making bacon and eggs for his crew of misfits xD
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