Avatar of RumikoOhara


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Every day I believe that people can't get any dumber then Trump has a press conference
4 yrs ago
Women aren't mysterious, men are often dense
4 yrs ago
"We commit the sins again And our sons and daughters pay"
4 yrs ago
Good point life but to make a correction----- When Life gives you Lemons... Grab a fat one an squirt it in Life's Eyes
4 yrs ago
They when life gives you lemons... grab one of the fat ones an squirt it in lie's eyes


Hello curious person, I am Rumiko Goddess of Chaos, Benevolent Dictator; The Bluemoon Dreamer....You know a nut case

Where do I come from? I could be a smartie an say the "Great State of Denial" but lets just agree that I like keeping my RL Life disconnected from my RP Life.

I survived Guildfall and have always loved this place even though I see a lot of good RP time eaten up in Discord drivel

Most Recent Posts

Just a bit on what I am looking at making
At least clean up after yourself
Well I been working on a caster type not the original Fairy type who I was seeing as Happy the flying kitty


LEGAL NAME: Triss Canilii
AGE: 73
PLACE OF ORIGIN: Ko Sectii / Gamma Quadrant

Height: 1.993 meters/6.54 feet
Weight: 121 kilos/267 pounds
Eyes: Luminescent Blue
Hair: Platinum White
Skin: Tanned
PSYCHOLOGICAL PROFILE: Triss is like almost all the females of her race a very duty oriented person first and foremost but as a follower of Sana the Long Spear a person that believes when not engaged in her duties she must live life to it's fullest.
Difficult to throw off balance emotionally she never loses her temper

Love the interest in the Enlisted ranks I agree they are seldom seen

I myself always wanted to see a Star Trek set in the FMM (Federation Merchant Marines)
[hider=Ectasy Ohara]

Guild Membership Card

[indent][i]Ecstasy is almost always and foremost a “Lover not a Fighter” meaning she hates being negative in any way which makes her a self appointed Morale Officer.
Soft hearted she is always ready to help the helpless or injured loving being the nurse back to health type.[/indent]

Ecstasy is a lovely young woman with suggestive curves she loves to display and show off some believing she is always in preparation to attack with her brand of light magic. Long teal colored hair falls like a silky waterfall to nearly her mid thighs and adorned with a golden hair band that circles the back of her head and is attached to 6 pointed antlers that are either part of it or are actually growing out of her head. She has eyes that vary from bright yellow, orange and deep red appearing to be containing a furnace within.

For clothing she loves to dress in yukata, kimono, and skimpy bikinis when relaxing but on missions dresses in a stylized Yukata with large sleeves of pure white trimmed in gold brocade loosely attached to a vest layered over a teal and white sleeveless an slitted undercoat falling to just above her knees decorated with a gold clasp chair across her breasts and small gold chains at her hips holding the leg slits closed. A black obi belt circles her waist and is tied with a shimmering gold silk bow and creamy white stockings topped in gold with Bloodwood Geta adorned with thick padded gold foot ribbons.
In her hand is also found an ornate flame covered hand painted fan that many seeing it for the first time think marks her a pyromancer the back of which is a polished gold mirror she uses to enhance her solo attacks of Light magic.

”Lamest Thing Ever Heard”
~Baby if I said you have a beautiful body would you hold it against me?~

[indent]| N a m e: |
Ectasy Ohara

| Alias|Nickames|Titles: |

| G e n d e r: |

| A g e: |
Over 18

| R a n k: |
Goddess of Joy

| Guild Membership Status: |
1month an hopeful

| Guild Seal Location: |
Thats personal
(tramp stamp)

| History: |
Gimme a bit of a basic backstory? Focus on just the major stuff, any minor details can be discovered in the IC. An important note is what has brought them to Winter's Blade specifically as their guild of choice?

| Magic: |
[indent]Pleasure (快楽 Kairaku) is a Caster Magic and variation of Light Magic that seeks to kill humans by means of extreme pleasure.

Pleasure is a type of Magic that, according to one of its caster in Larcade, only affects humans who have experienced the "forbidden" pleasure (those that have indulged in their desire to seek out sexual pleasure),[1] and cannot be avoided by those people; those affected are struck with pleasure so intense that, if experienced for long enough, causing them to die.
The caster can opt to turn the Magic into one that affects a wide area, though this has the drawback of affecting allies who may be otherwise qualify to be affected. It also appears that Pleasure can be directed on a small group of people (even if they don't meet the requirements), and overload them with pleasure regardless. This type of maneuver takes the appearance of tentacles that grab the targets, but the tangible nature of this kind of attack also means that the tentacles can be severed, thus allowing those attacked to be freed. The Magic can also be turned into blades of light that the user can launch towards their target; these blades are as sharp as any normal sword, as well as physical off-white strands that can wrap around the target to inflict the same potency by those who haven't experienced the determined human pleasure
When a victim is overwhelmed by the pleasure of Pleasure and they die, their body is left with no blemishes, and their souls are described to have simply left their bodies. Victims can escape death if they self-harm early into the sensory overloading process, however.

| Strengths and Weakness: |
What is ur character good at? What do they suck at? Can relate to their magic, physical capabilities, and social skills. Preferably formatted ina bulleted list and kept short, sweet, and to the point

| Miscs : |
Anything else you might wanna add to flesh out the details a bit

[/indent] Sheet credited to Buddha(slight edits taken from Sanguine rose).


The guild lost it's enthusiasm right after Guildfall an never fully recovered

So I need to think Fairy Tail

How about a pyromaniac fairy?

An I mean an actual Fairy

One that was the summon of a mage who died while using a life draining spell on her which backfired the result being she can't return to the Fae realm because she's now a Mortal.
6" tall but packing a growing ability with thermodynamics

Hi hi Amelia here wondering what ever happened to excitement in the Guild
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