Avatar of Ruthenselle
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 59 (0.02 / day)
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    1. Ruthenselle 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
My apologies for not warning you earlier; I'm going to keep being on hiatus till the 16th. Been preparing (and now about to take a plane) to Ireland & the UK!
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7 yrs ago
Yikes >.< Geese and turkeys facing off next to a school is no small (staring) battle. Turkeys are more aggressive, but as the saying goes, geese have power in their numbers.
7 yrs ago
One of my 'get to know you' questions are, "What do you think might happen if a ghost got infected by a zombie, bitten by a werewolf, and then bitten by a vampire?" cx
7 yrs ago
Woah. The newest addition to my favourite animals team is DEFINITELY a pangolin <3 It's so scaly too oh my gods
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w e l c o m e

I'll try editing and adding on to this in my spare time. So expect more later... one day. Thank you for visiting!

🐣 A glorious April to you!

Most Recent Posts

Timber Moren

Newcomers? Ah, good, sweet ol' newcomers. Something scooped into her heart, her chest -she parted her mouth, letting a breath creep past her clutches- rippling waves of apprehension, spreading outwards, spreading at a rate so inconsistent and yet still never hesitating for more than three seconds, like an infection—a domino effect! All until it reached the borders of her body. Her skin. The waves suddenly overflowed and crashed out into the breezes, then got carried away with them. And vanished.

On the exterior, however, this final lofty sensation was pictured by simply a twitch of Trilune's wings. It wasn't as long, and certainly had not been as majestic, although at other times she could be. Thank the gods I'm not last! That would've been rather embarrassing. She twisted her neck back toward her little cluster in her side of the wagon, blue eyes dilated wide from observing them, and trying best she could to catch every detail. The mythic humanoid creature filed them away for later.

Speaking of 'filing people away', what had become of the 'two individuals', as the letter had effectively worded it? She caressed a pointer finger over the rough zipper of a random pocket, recalling the message. They were supposed to pursue them. Or what was left of them, anyway. The situation surfaced and pooled onto the surface of her mind, obscuring the world around her for a second.

Aw shoot, what did I miss? flashed instantly through her head, taking in somebody's low voice while linking it to a face. At least, it sounded lower than the conversations made of feminine speech. Wait, besides that one other male. She had detected an older person in the wagon upon her arrival before, of course.
"Huh? Oh...! Yes, I know, I know." Trilune pursed her lips, swallowing back 'just that I hate to keep people dawdling around, see' without a second thought. This was common practice for her. Statements that may reveal too much had to leave.
No, not may. Will.
Weaknesses weren't a healthy start, now were they? It'd be... inconvenient. She'd broken her sentence off, in any case. Acting hastily, she added, "Mister. Sir." Trilune passed him the slightest beginnings of a playful, wry smirk to cover her heated cheeks. Caught off guard, again. Step up your game. Chill out. You're still in the same exhilarated gear you wore while reading the letter. Keep that in mind, Trilune. It wasn't as if she knew anything about him, including his name, or vice versa. Considering she was younger (though not always shorter) than some other people in the group, 'mister sir' seemed fitting. Granted, it might change over time, depending on what Trilune learned, but it seemed fitting at the moment. Also, it was amusing to repeat in her mind, since the nickname sounded immensely old-fashioned, even for the sylph race.

For the remainder of the time, the young lady settled back to observe, due to 'mister sir' turning to the woman she had greeted earlier, and stole a few glances at another of the newcomers. "Indeed it is, or else we would not be on here, don't you think?" Afterwards, Trilune might exchange words with them; for now, she'd let the feathers fall where they may, as long as it didn't take too long. Or, as her father would have said, 'Yes, I do understand, but you know that though time is fascinating teacher, he unfortunately kills all his pupils.' Quite frankly, she always thought that was very rude of Time.

@Mimik That makes sense. Alright, thanks.

edit: I had gotten bored on a long bus ride and started to write, so there's a post. :c
@Mimik Hey, do you think Trilune will recognize Jenna from around Woondaly? She hasn't moved -well, until now, that is- and lived there.
@Xilaw I love your character and their backstory, wow! It's a long line of incredibly unfortunate events/deaths, but I think it explains how he ended up at his current position well.

(Just throwing this in too, that link doesn't show up either. A suggestion; maybe you could upload it to imgur or something of the sort?)

...oh...absolutely! :3

On another note, alright, sounds fun.


One step. To be specific, that would one step out of her small, but open spaced and tall home, hovering halfway across Woondaly; far enough that occasionally her family would have to strain their eyes to view the waters, and yet close enough that they'd receive fresh breezes every so often. She'd repeated this action far more times than she could count.

Her expression was calm and features relaxed, absorbing the rays of the sun. Trilune's pace was decisive and slightly quickened. She had a purpose: meet with some traveller crossing over to Shipgull Anchor. It was a few streets down, and Trilune knew this place like the back of her hand. The sylph didn't stroll down very far, though, before a boy halted her even strides. He appeared to be young, so she was forced to bend her neck down to glance at him. And it was like that! Poof, he vanished somewhere around the neighborhood. She hadn't gotten to call out. However, it didn't matter now. A letter was currently in her hands, and she was certainly going to read it.

The female folded the letter back up, and then carefully stowed that, the card, and the money away into one of her numerous pockets inside and outside her light, long, jacket. She'd had it for a while now and it'd been exceedingly useful during any type of weather. She flipped and zipped down a couple of her other pockets on the way. There were also several light but lasting snacks she had packed for the day, two pens, two pencils, a tiny metal pencil sharpener, and another folded up object- a hat-, as well as travel binoculars Trilune meant to offer to the traveller in case they wanted to tour around.

For a minute she hesitated.
She'd be leaving her mother alone in their house. Would the widow be able to manage on her own? Maybe not. Then again, she had been a positive woman, and her dogged determination to push against life's struggles led her to become a leading figure through Trilune's earlier years.
Pardon me? Are you questioning your choice to apply for the Tin Dragon Detective Agency? You'd better not be. Leave a note telling your mother of the good news and get going! Make it choppy!
Nevertheless, was a reasonable reaction. She forgave and quit chastising herself, a delirious little smile peeking around the corners of her dark blue eyes and lips.

Timber Moren

Trilune stumbled forward out of drop-gate, gingerly holding her fingers to her temples and focused her gaze on the ground in front of her, trying to shake the unsettling feeling out of her. "Thank you for this, miss. I'm sure you'll do fine later on. See ya, and thanks again." Her eyebrow quirked skywards at the sight of the two other women around her- one of them obviously had an accident! She dipped her head at them briefly. Lifting her eyes, Trilune felt more sheepish and guilty that she'd arrived later than the others, probably last, or at least next to last. Ah well. Nothing could change that now.
Her slim body didn't seem to have much of a problem with the limited space inside the wagon, especially since her tools and gadgets were stuffed in the forest green jacket. She had to admit that it was cramped. Plus, they still had to carry the woman with luggage. Her white wings pressed more against her back, and she grimaced. Following that she spoke to the woman with the strange creature. "Hello. Yes, it is a good day so far, I have to agree." Trilune Lewthwyne d'Arch used that particular greeting to announce her arrival. Friendly, but tranquil enough to remain wary of her fellow people. They seemed to be a well-chosen bunch, though. Only waiting for the future would tell her if that was the truth. Fortunately, this kind of patience she could do. Partly to the other people in the wagon, she murmured, "Sorry for my tardiness."

@Greenie @TheWindel @KoL @DepressedSoviet @deadpixel101 @Ms Ravenwinter @Mokley
I'll post this afternoon! I know what I'm going to write, just have to type it out.

edit: aaand finished!


Tribune heads out to a meeting she arranged with someone.
Runs into the small boy.
Decides that the letter is more important then her arrangement.
Almost scolds herself for thinking too long on the the matter; her reaction should've been instantaneous.
Reflects in the peculiar way of hers and forgives herself, noting that she'd never left home before (Woondaly) and that it was a reasonable response.
Thrilled. Delirious.

- start off w/Trilune strolling out of her family's house, calm, but with a decisive, slightly quickened, pace

"Welcome to Timber Moren! I'm Hedra, your gatekeeper for today, and it's my first day as a volunteer gatekeeper actually, and I'm so tickled to meet you, wouldn't you know? Hahaha! Could I help you find something? I can recommend some wonderful restaurants and attractions! Would you like a cookie?"

Exactly what I was thinking XD

@EmzyOfNeverland Yeah, of course! Sounds good, and the partner problem won't exist there. They can bonnnnndddd...

Yep, sleep isn't happening much over here too. I'm a zombie and a vampire combined. So powerful yet so drowsy; lovely.
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