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> Bell: Be the kid full of conspiracies.

The kid full of conspiracies is too busy furiously mashing his keyboard trying to coordinate all of his friends and simultaneously win a game of Touhou Unreal Mahjong.

Instead you get to be this guy. What is his name?


Come on, who would believe that that’s an actual name?


One stupid name is enough, thank you very much.

Oh wait, you’re serious.


This is Ryan Tarbosaurus, I guess.

> Wow, his hair just gets stupider the more I look at it.

That’s not a command, you asshat.

> Ryan: Examine room.

Ryan ignores the words of an actual living creature in favor of talking, out loud, to a stuffed animal. Stuffed animals make positively riveting conversational partners, and they’re bound to be less rude than SOME PEOPLE.

> Ryan: Stop being crazy and examine room!

Great, TD’s gone silent again. You return him to his lair (your closet) since he has the uncanny effect of making your guardian uncomfortable and ponder what to do next.

> Ryan: Examine room! ==>

Ah, that’s right. One of your friends is messaging you. You should answer them.

> Ryan: Examine room!!! ==>==>==>

You’re such a terrible liar, not that being good at lying is something to take pride in, you think. As you ponder the value of a skill used almost exclusively for treachery, the doorbell rings, bringing you out of your thoughts. Well, looks like your package really did arrive!

> aaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! ==>==>==>==>==>

Jesus fuck, fine! Your room is empty okay?

> ...

...Mostly empty.

Where did you leave off? Your name? Alright, your name is RYAN. Normally the things scattered about one’s room would indicate their INTERESTS, but you keep your room very clean. You don’t think yourself a neat freak, but the open space is invaluable for your proclivity for STRIFES. You might not carry out much actual strifing in your bedroom, but you pride yourself on your ACTIVE IMAGINATION, fueled in turn by your ACTIVE LIFESTYLE. Or, as active as you can make it when you’re not allowed to leave the house. Most of your things are stored in your closet, primarily a VAST COLLECTION OF OUTDATED VIDEO GAMES, which forms a throne upon which your best friend sits. You have quite a collection of video game consoles in there too, but every last one of them is INCREDIBLY ANCIENT. There’s also a pair of WOODEN TONFA, your ideal strife weapon.

> Ryan: Equip Tonfa.

Sure, why not. You put the wooden tonfa in the strife deck of your tonfakind specibus.

> Ryan: Examine bamboo.

What? oh, yeah.

You keep a stick of bamboo in your room for whenever you want to play around. You aren’t nearly as skilled with it as you are with Tonfa, since there’s never enough room to practice with it in your apartment, but it quite closely approximates an effective bō Staff

> Ryan: Equip Bamboo.

You can’t! You lost your staffkind specibus a while ago. Instead you captchalogue the BAMBOO STAFF, wherein your PokeModus assigns it three pokemon.

> Ryan: Continue examining room.

Do you have to? You have stuff to do you know.

> Ryan: Eeexxxaaammmiiinnneee!!!

Why do you even need to listen to these commands? They're probably not even real, even in your imagination.

> Ryan: Finish examining the room or I will become very upset.

...That’s a weird threat.

In your hands is a gameboy advanced which is usually loaded up with your copy of Pokemon FireRed. Oh, how you love Pokemon. If there was only one game you could play for the rest of your life, it would be Pokemon. While chatting with Tigers and friends alike, you’ve been slowly leveling up the last member of your party, since you don’t think you’ll have much time to do so once you start playing CT’s game. A little ping goes off to indicate that Nidoking hits level 99 and you’re reassured that you’ll be able to get it done with time to spare.

Your closet with sliding mirror doors makes up the west side of your room, with a TV unrepentantly standing in front of it, facing your bed. Said bed is on the south end of your room, right beneath your room’s only window and adorned in only the finest of abstract tiger patterns. The bed takes up the entire length of the wall that your dresser, on the south-east part of the room, doesn’t. It’s a pretty standard dresser, though atop it and on the shelf above it sits your martial arts trophies.

> Ryan: Examine trophies.

On a shelf over your dresser as well as on the dresser itself is a small collection of trophies from your various martial arts exploits. You're quite proud of them, every last one of them gold, but the tournaments were local, and for the young, so you doubt you are any sort of intermediary substance approaching "HOT SHIT" just yet.

In the middle of the north wall is a desk upon which one of your brother’s many laptops sits, this one being his absolute shittiest, incapable of doing much more than playing ancient video games and operating Pesterchum like it’s the only thing it was built for. Its complete and totallack of any web browser is baffling.

At the east end of the north wall, is the door out of your room.

> Ryan: Finally answer door.

You’re glad you agree on this, because you’re already at your apartment’s front door.

Evidently however, this door isn’t going to be opened by your hands. Your Dad keeps his impressive lock collection on the door at all times, both to keep intruders out and keep you in. Why, it’d be easier to break down the door than to try and get it open. Fortunately, you can just barely see a speck of something on your doorstep. Something… reddish...

> Ryan: Examine apartment.

No way, you’re through appeasing these ethereal commands, you are going to get down to business!

And by get down to business you mean return to your room and mope. It’ll probably be hours before your Bro is home, and you won’t be able to pick up the package waiting right outside your door until then.

> Ryan: Do something productive.


If by productive you mean chat with one of your friends, ultimately accomplishing nothing. You go ahead and carry out this conversation before resolving yourself to jumping out of your window.

Which just so happens to be on the top floor of your apartment building.

What could go wrong?

> Ryan: Cease these self-destructive delusions of flight.

What are you going on about now?

You pocket your Gameboy, since you can’t exactly captchalogue it without triggering some sort of absurd metaphysical paradox and gather up some of the many dubious trinkets littering your apartment, doing your absolute best to put the nature of their intended use out of your mind as you fasten them together one by one.

> Ryan: Explain yourself.

Well aren’t you a bossy one. You’re making a rope to climb down of course! You give each knot and convoluted binding a tug to ensure that they don’t come undone at the worst possible time as you drag it around your apartment like you’re playing the world’s worst game of centipede.

> Ryan: Examine living room.

For the love of all that is holy, why would you feel the need to re-examine your own place of dwelling?

> Ryan: Examine living room, please.

You know what, you'll take what you can get.

The living room has all the makings of a functional and fashionable living space. It has a flat-screen TV on one end, a large and comfortable leather sofa at the other, and a glass coffee table in the center. The thing is, your Dad's "projects" litter the place. Everywhere. 90% of the time there’s not a single place on your carpeted floor that you could actually lay down on without touching the stuff, and frankly, you refuse to describe any of these objects other than that they are sexual in nature and you need them to make a rope. Hiding behind the sofa is a Papier-mâché Raptor. A Herrerasaurus, as your bro constantly reminds you. As if supposed to simulate an environment, there's even a couple of house plants on either side of it, both of which for some reason haven't died even though you are almost positive your Bro never waters them. You ignore the kitchen because you are not a god damn tour guide and begin the arduous task of picking up these items, finding solace in the fact that their presence in your apartment means they have never been in use.

God you hope they've never been used.

As you inadvertently clean up the place you notice something your Dad left sitting on the table...

...It's a book.

Okay, you know what, you think this rope is long enough. It’s about time you drag it back to your room.

> Don’t you need to captchalogue that?

You consider yourself an expert on sylladex management. Sylladex battles do not grant your pokemon exp, so you try to avoid them unless you’re really bored.

In other words, not now.

> Ryan: This still seems like a bad idea.

You’re sure it is! Still, you don’t have time to sit around waiting for your Bro to come home. Well, maybe you do, but you don’t want to okay? Besides, it’s not like this is the first time you’ve done this.

After tying it to your bed, you open your window and toss out the pile of makeshift rope. You smile to yourself in satisfaction that it reaches the ground without too much excess.

> Ryan: Break legs.

Fuck no.

You were really careful when you made this rope, and now you’re sure you’ll be fine climbing down its length. After an extra confirmatory tug, you gingerly step out onto the windowsill backwards and, rope in hand, step off of it.

It only now occurs to you that you really should have tied the other end around your waist. Oh well. You have ample upper-body strength for this anyway. Little by little you slide down the rope, your shoes making a scraping sort of sound against the building until the first window comes up where you rely solely on letting your hands slip to control your descent. Wow, you live really high up.

A ways down the side of the building, you look up to see what else but part of the rope ripping right through one of the “leather” straps. You should have known it was made out of some sort of shitty substitute, though you aren’t actually certain of leather’s tensile strength to begin with. You start to panic a little and speed up your descent, letting the rope slip through your hands as much as you can without losing control of your speed. The rip is too close to the window to attempt climbing back up. Not long after you begin to hurry however, the rope snaps and you experience complete and utter weightlessness.

> Ryan: Die horribly.

Don't be so melodramatic. That was leg-breaking height at best. Fortunately for you however, the pile of cloth, leather and metal chains that accumulated on the ground broke your fall. You think you might have a bruise or two, but otherwise you’re no worse for wear.

Looking back up towards the window, it seems that almost your entire rope has broken. While it’s nice that it’s not too conspicuous, you lament the fact that you're going to have to wait outside of the apartment for your Dad to come home to get back in the apartment. Fucking great, you’re back where you started. The circle of stupidity is complete. You are the idiot. It is you.

Nonetheless, you captchalogue the BDSM ROPE and head out of the alleyway you've fallen into. You turn the corner and enter the building's lobby, a vision of velvety red. You normally take the stairs because of how it gets you exercise in the one area you can't work on comfortably in your apartment, (cardio) but fuck that. You just want to sit down outside of your apartment for now and finish off your Nidoking. When the elevator dings for your floor and you step outside, you can’t help but stare in unbelieving horror at the empty space outside of your apartment door. You internally groan as your march your way to your apartment as you realize that this entire ordeal has been a fool’s errand all along. That is, until you notice that the door to your apartment has been left unlocked and slightly ajar.

Bro knows.

You enter the apartment slowly, more cautious than the most timid of Cats.

It's empty.

The remaining BDSM shit has been swept to the side and bro's book put away. A single scrap of paper adorns the coffee table.


Roof. Now.
Name: Ryan Tarbosaurus (Original Surname: Tairin)
Gender: ♂
Age: 16
Personality: Mostly shy, passive and friendly, but can be harsh and cold with people he dislikes and distrusts. He has a habit of bottling up anxiety, which can be common due to his frequent self-doubt. Tends to default to a cheery personality, facade or not. Overall socially awkward due to his upbringing.
History: Ryan was sheltered by his guardian, Al, from a young age, forbidden from leaving the house, having his internet (but not Pesterchum) access restricted, homeschooled after kindergarten, and living in a house with no cable television. He owns many video game consoles, but none of them were released after 2001. Due to this, despite his apparent obsession with pokemon, he’s never heard of a pokemon game beyond FireRed/LeafGreen.

He was taught self-defense at a young age by his guardian, which Ryan embraced. Since Ryan has little to do each day, he often strived to be more like the many martial artists he sees in movies and video games. Al accordingly humors his strife requests and allows him to enter local martial arts tournaments from time to time, but otherwise, his relationship with his guardian isn’t the best.

Ryan is, broadly, theistically curious, but as Al is an atheist, he is discouraged from pursuing or even learning of any religions. Contrarily, the apartment usually has inappropriate items strewn about at any given moment as a result of Al’s website, which mostly sells BDSM accessories. This has resulted in mild merinthophobia in Ryan and made him a bit of a prude. For the most part Ryan ignores it, instead focusing on his video games and “training” himself. The problem is, he’s not normally allowed to leave the house. Because of this, while he’s physically fit, he lacks cardio, and tends to feel trapped by his own home. Finally, there’s the matter of Ryan’s best friend, a plushie that Al has dubbed “Tigerdeath”. The name stuck, albeit usually abbreviated TD. Ryan is convinced that he can speak to TD, with TD speaking back. However, even without mentioning it to Al, he seems to dislike the plushie, probably due to its tendency to randomly move around the house when no one’s looking.
  • Strifing
  • Imaginary strifes
  • Nerding out over hypothetical strifes
  • Martial Arts movies
  • Martial Arts (copied from movies)
  • Working Out
  • Patience
  • Sleeping anywhere
  • Video games, especially pokemon
  • Talking to friends, usually TD

Classpect: Heir of Hope
Planet: Land of Burns and Binds
Dreaming Planet: Prospit
Strife Specibus: Tonfakind
Fetch Modus: PokeModus (FireRed edition) - Assigns pokemon vaguely related to stored items and requires you to defeat them to retrieve the item. The modus links to a designated game, and uses the pokemon therein to fight them. All enemy pokemon are scaled to the level of the user’s team, which in this case is always 100. Items are assigned a number of pokemon proportional to the item’s size, (and in rare cases, importance) and will be ejected in hilariously tragic fashion should the user lose.

A pretty easy modus to use, though a little time-consuming, and the Gameboy used to operate it can be misplaced. Can store any number of items so long as the total number of assigned pokemon does not exceed 420.
Guardian: “Al” Tarbosaurus, acknowledged as his “Bro-Dad” and called by either title. Surname is a result of a name change for inscrutable reasons. Al has ten strife specibi.
Place of Residence: A penthouse apartment in Phoenix, Arizona
Pesterchum Handle: arrantTachyon
Text Color: #FFE135

Name: Nyna Esteban
Gender: ♀
Age: 16
Personality: While Nyna generally seems mature and calculated, (or at least tries to) she’s rather impetuous or even impulsive. She tends to be manipulative or domineering and can be downright sassy at times. She has a bit of an inferiority complex, so she goes to great lengths to hide her flaws from people that matter to her. Really hates being demeaned. She thinks poorly of her own personality and is accordingly haunted by the idea that all of her friends are merely temporary.
History: Nyna was found by her guardian in Mexico, was raised in Canada, went to school in China and moved to America two years ago, where she now resides. Her father, the head of an oil conglomerate, moved around quite frequently, and Nyna tried to follow him whenever she could. Of course, he would have her stay in one place whenever he could, deciding that moving around would interfere with her education. He had nannies upon nannies for her whenever he wasn’t around anyway.

Despite being fluent in English and Spanish, Nyna never bothered to fully learn Chinese so soon after learning a language that she stopped using soon thereafter. Instead, she had a translator help her, a classmate named Yuna, arranged by her father. Yuna was the last in a long list of translators hired to serve Yuna in school. Every translator before that had quit from her abuse of power. As the daughter of a very wealthy benefactor to the school who wasn’t afraid to make bribes, everyone from the teachers to the faculty bent to her will. This gave her the freedom to step on anyone she wanted without suffering the repercussions, and often one of her biggest targets was her translator, who was always arranged to share classes with her.

In spite of this, Yuna never quit, and after some time, they somehow grew to be friends. They would spend time at each other’s house (mostly at Nyna’s) and they would share their interests with each other. However, Nyna's desire to become a doctor and her fascination with death proved fatal for Yuna. Nyna was able to perform surgery on small animals and sew them back up just fine, and because of this she thought she was ready to practice on human bodies. She even used an anesthetic, and promised Yuna that she would wake up again just fine.

She was very wrong.

Yuna’s family thinks Yuna was killed by a serial killer still at large and as a result of the incident, Nyna was allowed to follow her father’s current operations to America, where she is permanently grounded.

Not that her father is around to enforce it most of the time...
  • Darts; uncanny aim
  • A steady hand
  • The occasional video game that piques her interest
  • Fashion Design
  • Shopping
  • Swimming
  • Music, both listening and composing. Plays the flute, violin and piano.
  • The study of biology and death
  • Bullying that one super-annoying girl in her class
  • Cutting apart and studying both the innards and death threshold of small animals

Classpect: Sylph of Doom
Planet: Land of Lilies and Calm
Dreaming Planet: Derse
Strife Specibus: Scalpelkind
Fetch Modus: Surgeon Modus - Every time an item is captchalogued, the captchalogue card is sealed in an airtight container and magically inserted into the body of a designated creature. The modus can summon (and put back) the creature at any time, and the item must be surgically removed. If the creature is sapient, it can only be designated with their consent. If designation is changed, all current items in the sylladex are removed and inserted into the new host’s body. This modus has many applications, drawbacks and loopholes. It is currently designated to Nyna’s childhood friend, Yuna, who’s body was treated with chemicals and stored in a coffin in her basement.
Guardian: “Lorenzo” Esteban, Nyna’s Father and head of an influential multinational oil conglomerate. He’s filthy rich, and Nyna is accordingly spoiled.
Place of Residence: A private manor in Boulder, Colorado.
Pesterchum Handle: gangreneConductor
Text Color: #7DEAF7

Name: Izen Nicolas
Gender: ♂
Age: 16
Personality: While harsh or even caustic in speech, Izen generally has a calm temperament, not meaning the things he says maliciously. A bit of a hermit, Izen is somewhat antisocial, preferring to keep interaction filtered and indirect. Appears perpetually moody.
History: Izen was raised on a secluded island within the Pacific Ocean by his legal guardian, Nick, from which his last name is supposedly derived. This is to say, he doesn’t know his guardian’s last name at all. While a responsible and supportive guardian, Nick isn’t very expressive and is in fact quite distant, so Izen has never come to think of him as a father so much as a caretaker. This suited him all the same though, as he never learned to behave around other people. Making friends online at Nick’s suggestion was supposed to develop his social skills, but even then, all he has to go off of is media and how his friends act in turn.

Still, with all his time alone, he’s developed quite a few hobbies. In particular, his home, an observatory with suspicious machinery lying about, begs many questions which Nick avoids answering. The ruins near his house also seem to have unnatural qualities, which has led Izen to become convinced that Nick’s employers handle in extraterrestrial activity. He suspects he fits into the equation somehow, but he has thoroughly searched and failed to find any system that monitors him. To make matters even more puzzling, he has dreams of a purple world where he speaks with mysterious entities far in the sky, who foretell the unfolding of nonsensical mysteries.

He never really took any of it too seriously until he listened to the entities and found that the writing on the ruin’s walls translated into computer code. It needs multiple users to do anything though, so he’s burnt some CDs and sent them to his friends.
  • Archery
  • Cooking
  • Handicrafts
  • Taxidermy
  • Hunting animals. Whether this is a result or the cause of the above hobbies is hard to say
  • Astronomy
  • Unhealthy obsession with UFOs and the possibility of alien life
  • Programming
  • Anime
  • Video Games, so much video games. If you’re not good at video games, he’ll think you’re not trying hard enough.

Classpect: Mage of Space
Planet: Land of Chaos and Frogs
Dreaming Planet: Derse
Strife Specibus: Bowkind
Fetch Modus: Has Modus Gone too Far??? - Hides captchalogued items with an image of the item transformed in various outlandish ways. When withdrawing items, Izen needs to guess whether the presented item is actually the real item, modified in some way, or just a fake image made to look real. If he guesses correctly, the original item is returned to him. If he thinks the real item is a fake, the item is ejected in hilariously tragic fashion. If he thinks a fake item is real, he does not retrieve the real item, is given the fake item, and all images for the items in the modus are changed, which can make it hard to tell what image denotes what item.
Guardian: “Nick”, an “agent” of some “organization” with suspiciously discreet modus operandi.
Place of Residence: A strange observatory with bizarre gadgets on an island in the middle of the pacific ocean. The island is home to an active volcano and ruins with a frog motif.
Pesterchum Handle: cynicalToxophilite
Text Color: #761616
I'm interested. I've done Homestuck RPs multiple times before, but I'm not very experienced with 1x1 RPs. Perhaps we should discuss the details through PMs?
Waiting on @manapool1 for Ink to continue, waiting on @Rethel34 to initiate the battle.
@Lady Athena
Yes. You can have up to 8.5 and 161%. (to account for decimals)

I guess you could leave it as-is if you really wanted to.
next question, where can I find the stats for classes?

First link in the OOC chat, the same link as the one in Rethel's signature.


Still unsure what you mean.

@Lady Athena
A while ago we converted to a weighted stat system where some stats are valued more than others.

This was done both to better balance things and to make flavorful stat spreads more appealing. In particular, to make it less punishing taking Luck, HP and Skill. As well, defense and resistance stacking was a bit strong, particularly with cheaper HP, so it's slightly more expensive.

You can update your sheet by finding the (updated) tab for Nyx and adding stats until your personal stat bonus total reads 8-8.5 and 160-161% as it used to.

The link at the top of the character sheets tab.
question, I can't seem to find the character sheet, could I get a pm for what I need?

Rethel never made one :V

Not much is required, just include Name, Appearance, Personality and Biography.

Adding a tab to the (admittedly messy) spreadsheet and filling it out takes care of the rest.
As much as I'd love to stay, I think I should also drop for much the same reasons as Holy Grail.

I tend to split my time for many interests every day and I can see this RP becoming a chore if things stagnate, as I'm not very experienced with slice of life-type RPs. I'm going to be taking up very time-consuming responsibilities pretty soon, so it's probably best I not get in the way by leaving altogether.
Nine times.

Nine times out of ten, a CPU Scarf beats a CPU Shift while at equal difficulty levels. Throughout the long train ride, the two CPU-controlled characters are pitted against each other with painstaking observation, and through each match Shift's AI is tweaked. When the match ends, the changes are saved and they fight all over again.

It was certainly busywork, but there was a distinct catharsis in watching an AI gradually become smarter. After successfully winning three out of six games, the flowery mix of soft pastels on Kaison's window reflected on the screen of his laptop, his cue that they've arrived.

It's quite refreshing, being able to stretch out his legs after a long ride, and the town leading up to St. Fortuna's beckoned. No time is wasted on deliberation; Kaison heads out, straight towards town. After all, he had plenty of time to meet classmates, especially this year. Rolling a suitcase behind him with a subtle bounce in his step, he idly begins trying to draw figures in the air, whistling a tune stuck in his head to go with it.

Flower after flower, building after building adorned with every color and scent entices him. Still yet, such delights were forbidden with pretty red ropes, like a distant memory of a fruit from eden. Even still, his favorite cafe awaited, and there she was, a beauty of red brick and white flowers.

Ah, sweet memories, made and to be made new.
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