Avatar of Ryonara
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  • Old Guild Username: Malakaus
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1817 (0.48 / day)
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    1. Ryonara 10 yrs ago
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7 yrs ago
Current Just because you "fight a good fight" doesn't mean you didn't do horrible things.
7 yrs ago
Not feeling too great everyone. Sorry if you're waiting on me.
8 yrs ago
I'm sorry for anyone who was waiting for me. Some real life stuff happened, but for now things seem calm. I'll try to post in my RP's ASAP.


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Oh. I thought we were splitting up based off Tholl’s last paragraph. Though now that I think about it you probably meant splitting our group on different sides of the tunnel and not into separate directions.
Sonia Weaver

Sonia knew they were getting close to the sewers by the smell alone. She didn’t have super smell but the sewers were still a very overpowering stench. Granted she smelled worse at her family’s dye and tanning workshop, but that doesn’t mean she liked the smell. It was also going to be quite a tight fit considering how large their party was, and how big some of the students were. Sonia doesn’t consider herself a big girl but her spider abdomen was larger then most human teens. Good thing she could walk on the walls at least.

Inside the sewers Sonia, much like Tholl, had no issues with the darkness. In fact the light level didn’t change even as she was going from the topside to down under. Perks of being an Arachne. Still this place was uncomfortably moist and putrid. For her own sake, Sonia imbibed an anti-plague to immunize herself ya any diseases lurking down here. And just for good measure, an antitoxin too. For any venomous or poisonous things creeping about. Tholl went over their task again and pointed them in the right direction. Sonia took charge shortly after.

”Since we’re splitting up, let’s move in two teams. Move quick and carefully; we could be attacked from any angle. Since Professor Tholl and myself have perfect darkvision, we should work together to make use of our heighten senses. We shall be the recon team. Let’s see... I suppose Duncan should also accompany us. I see that he relies on a bow, which will be helpful neutralizing threats afar. Trey, Lotte, and Professor Kromic will act as our vanguard. Go on ahead of us and if there is any heavy resistance, hold them off until the recon team can come assist you. Or eliminate all threats, that’s fine too.”

Sonia moved on over to Duncan, touching her spell book. She placed a hand and leg against each of his hooves and casted Silence on them, ensuring that his footsteps won’t give them away. ”I hope you don’t mind Duncan, but I’ve silenced your hooves. Now you can move stealthily through the tunnels, though I don’t thunk there’s anywhere for you to hide. Still if a threat is near, at least they won’t hear you coming yes?”

@Lonewolf685@Awesomoman64@Silver Carrot@floodtalon@KoL
Nani the fuck guys.


Survival class ended without much trouble. Instead of signaling for the ship or waiting out the storm, a few of the students elected to just take it by force. From an outsider perspective Yue would have had serious issues with it, but the more she thought about it, the more she begrudgingly accepted that she’d likely have done something similar if it was just herself and her team. She could afford to create shealter thanks to having so many others to do the heavy lifting, but in her own she likely would’ve robbed and stole from others too. Perhaps not the sort of thing a Hunter should do, but they weren’t heroes. They needed to do what they could to survive.

Next class was Dust App. Yue hopes to restock her supplies there as well as test out some new dust. She usually carried the basics but now she needed to diversify her dust. Since her weapon didn’t have as many mechanical applications as others, and her semblance was fairly straightforward, she needed to make up in dust usage. New and unexpected ways to utilize dust that will make others really question what can and can’t be done.

After changing to a new uniform Yue went into Dust Apps and immediately went to restock her supplies. Most people used raw crystals for the most impact, or at least highly concentrated dust to fill bullets and such, but Yue could get as much power with must less using her paper tags. A Guan Family secret, hardening back to an older era where dust infused clothing was still a thing. By inscribing dust into unique fiber sheets and then applying a bit of laminate, Yue could create compact and powerful tags as strong as a large cache of Dust without taking as much space. Only issue was their short shelf life; they’ll barely last a day before the juice is out and they become worthless fancy paper.

Yue made the usual fire, ice, and lightning, but also started the process of making some with an earth, light, and wind. She wanted to test a few ideas out before she starts making them in bulk.
Sonia Weaver

As Sonia was walking away she heard the trots of hooves approach her. She dismissed it at first figuring it was just another student passing by until he called out to her. She turned to see that it was indeed her being called out, by a somewhat familiar face. A young centaur named Duncan Chiron, who Sonia was only vaguely familiar with. She’s see him hanging around Circe the few times Sonia is ever around the girl, so she knew they were friends. He seemed nice enough but aside that he’s Circe’s friend, Sonia didn’t know anything about him.

”Ah yes, I’ve seen you around before. Sonia Weaver, happy to meet you. I hope we work well together. Sonia shook Duncan’s hand daintily. Just then there was a loud whistle that nearly started Sonia, making her jump hard enough that her glasses nearly fell off her face. Adjusting them back into place she turned to see that it was Tholl calling out for her students. Sonia did remember seeing her as the teacher watching over their mission. But what really caught the Arachne’s attention was that Tholl wanted them to leave in five minutes. Sonia hoped she just wanted to debrief them and not immediately embark into the sewers as is; Sonia didn’t even have her potions yet!

”Oh no... We’re leaving already? The assemble hasn’t even been over for thirty minutes and we’re suppose to just jump right in without even gathering our equipment? I mean... I understand we need to be ready for anything but surely we could have at least half an hour to prep...”

Fortunately for Sonia, Owldin was quick. He returned to her carrying a satchel containing her potions. Most of them were healing, though she did have a few experimental anti-toxins and a very temperamental invisibility potion. It works, but it seems like almost any action aside from moving around or drawing an item would dismiss the invisibility. Even opening a door will dispel the magic. Sonia felt a little bit more confident with her satchel since she already has her spell book with her, but she did want to grab a few other essentials as well as do research. However Sonia wasn’t going to be the first to bellyache about inconveniences ether, at least not in front of the teachers. She’ll just have to suck it up and adapt.

”Well... I guess we should see the professor. Wouldn’t want to keep her waiting.” Adjysting her pack Sonia walked towards her fellow Arachne teacher, walking along the wall to bypass the mass of students still milking about. She did her best to put on her confident face; she was genuinely eager to begin. Her first taste of a real job. Barely in school and already doing field work. She suspects that this mission should y be too hard, but following cliches Sonia was certain that there was more of a threat than any of them realize, and the students will have to quickly adapt and grow stronger to survive. Sonia hopes she isn’t found wanting.

@Lonewolf685@Silver Carrot
Sonia Weaver

This was unexpected. Frankly, Sonia was a bit afraid. She had no doubts that she was chosen as one of the few students who could partake in missions; most of the student body still acted like regular highschool teens, and had about as much power as one. Sonia on the other hand had actually mastered quite a number spells and a few of them quite powerful, yet she still doesn't feel as though she was quite ready. She knew that Hikari was going to be a harsh school but to throw students into the fray like this? "Trial by fire it is." Sonia did her best to look confident though. In fact the vice principle's words brought a bit of hope to her; the fact that they were only going to accept a reliable few, rather than anyone who's looking for honor or glory, made Sonia hopeful that her teammates won't be a liability. She has to work hard not to be the weakest in her team either.

As the students were dismissed, Sonia left and find that message board. Walking along the walls and ceiling to avoid the traffic Sonia soon saw the board and found herself and her future team. No one she was too familiar with, but Sonia didn't know a lot of people here. Though the one name that caught her attention was Lotte; Sonia only knew her as the groundskeeper. Neither a student or a teacher, but she may assist the group as needed. Sonia wasn't sure what to make of Lotte but if she came than Sonia figured she wuld be useful. Aside from the team comp, there was also the task at hand. "Clearing out the sewers of monsters hmm? I hope those sewers are big..."

Sonia immediately set out to the library to find more information about the city's sewer's infrastructure. She needed to figure out the terrain as well as get an idea of what they were dealing with. Perhaps it was goblins or maybe slime monsters. Or even mutated creatures like giant lizards or crocodiles. Frankly anything was possible so Sonia needed to be prepared. She only wished that she had some new spells; she was still researching that illusion scroll and a few other cantrips she picked up in school. She finally found the spell she can use to clean up her room. She also had a few healing potions from potions class, in a variety of different coffee flavors. Not as tasty or effective as real coffee but they made for fine healing potion. Summoning her owl Sonia petted him and sent him away.

"Owldin, go fetch my potions in my room. I'll meet you back at the library."
Parum looked to Kyra then to the cultists she was talking about. She nodded her head and wondered if maybe those uniforms could be useful in escaping. Grab one or two to help hide Leosin, or perhaps disguise themselves and fool the lower rank cultists. Though it’ll have to be one of the others wearing the disguise; she hasn’t seen any other halflings among the cultists rank.

”Indeed. Very interesting. Why don’t you get a closer look so we can show it off to our friends?”

If Kyra could grab some disguises it could really help them escape durin the chaos. Or possibly even help the other prisoners get away if things go really crazy. Parum kept the options on her mind.
I have no idea.
Sonia Weaver

Sonia maintained her polite and gentle facade as her teachers spoke about the hardships and difficulties the students will have in class. Be it the business end of things that Tholl was talking about, or the inevitable and violent ends that Yurius eluded two. The fact that only two out of a dozen students he has shows any promise made her wonder if she'll even graduate with anyone in her class. Or if she'll graduate at all. But before Sonia could let these negative thoughts bother her, Owldin flew down towards his master. Sonia raised her hand for him to land on as he passed her a note: a spell scroll has been delivered to her room. "Oh right. Thank you Owldin. Please excuse me professors, but I need to go and get ready for my next class. Thank you for the meal, Professor Tholl."

Packing away her dishes Sonia left the cafeteria to go to her dormitory. She had previously spent her money bidding on a magic scroll of illusion, having stayed up all night sniping the bid to ensure that it gets into her hands. She wanted to make sure she was able to use it soon. It may take her a while to fully understand and memorize the spell off the scroll but unlike others who may need weeks or months just to understand the fundamentals, Sonia can already adapt her current magic to add spells to her pool of knowledge. That is to say, where some people mastering the blade, Sonia was studying spells. It made her think about what Yurius said about how he deemed only a few "physically" promising. She knew that she wasn't going to be one of them so Sonia needed to compensate. Fools look for answers, wizards make solutions. Sonia also needed to check the status of her spider silk shipment; she was relying on a good sale at the end of this week so she can buy groceries. Without it Sonia was going to have to eat more ham-and-cheese sandwiches for a while.


Yukari Yozakura

”Almost the same actually. I was going to go into the town and shop for an item that will help me with work.” When the elevator arrived Yukari walked in, holding the door open for Luelle to join. She could hear it in the girl’s voice that she seemed sad, though Yukari wasn’t sure why. If she had to guess she figured that Luelle was bummed out about her combat performance. Yukari wished she could help, but she wasn’t sure what she could do for Luelle; she hardly did anything at all. Can’t work with nothing.

”Going up.” Softly touching the buttons Yukari found the braille saying third floor. As they were going up Yukari had an idea. ”Say Luelle, why don’t you come with me to town and shop around? I could use your eyes after all.” Yukari tapped her fingers against her cane. Yukari could always use someone else's perspective to improve herself. Maybe show her something that she never thought of, something that could be useful.

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