Avatar of Sadu


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Feel free to PM me if anyone is interested. I don't really look at this thread other than to post a bump once in a while when things calm down at work.
Updated with a story I have particular interest in:

Legend of Zelda: Crossover of the Wild.

Basically just an excuse to do a Lucina/Zelda ship.

And some appreciation back at you for putting up with my long pauses lol.
Did a little bit of a list update.
A little update to clarify on the FF RP.
Got the idea list updated. Also added a second Genshin idea.
Typed up a fair few more ideas... and then my computer crashed downloading Dota. So uh. Yeah, gonna type those up again later, but for now, the ideas were:

League of Legends
Metal Gear Solid 5
Kingdom Hearts
Conan Exiles
Action Taimanin (Or any version of that universe...)
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