Avatar of sassy1085


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3 yrs ago
Current It’s crazy that it’s been 2 months since Chris-Chan was arrested. I feel like it was two weeks ago 😥 Time really do files by.
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3 yrs ago
3 yrs ago
3 yrs ago
3 yrs ago


Hello my dearest sweet hearts~ I see that you walk in to my lair. my name is sassy the one and only, come come make yourself right at home and read or play one of RPs that I am in if you~
Role plays that I'm in
убийца академияAcademy for assassins DEAD
Soul Eater DEAD
The Killing Club DEAD
Mirai Nikki+ DEAD
[url=roleplayerguild.com/topics/125486-mar… Arts School[\url] DEAD
Frolam Capital and School of Mana DEAD
Kid's Next Door: R.O.L.E.P.L.A.Y DEAD
Fight or Flight
Magical Girl War

Role plays that I made
Claymore Academy REBOOT dead
Middle life DEAD TOO SOON

Most Recent Posts

Shelley Frank

Shelley hesitate at first, she doesn't know this girl but since they are going to be roomates, Shelley guess have no choice. Before she walk with Bethany to their room, write down something on the paper and show it to Shelley new friend Well I Guess i'm going To SEE My new RooM. SEE You Around Friend! ♥ Shelley wrote to the boy with a smile on her and with that, she headed with Bethany to see her new room.

When Shelley and Bethany enter dorm, Shelley eyes wide open. She never see this type of room, Shelley old room was small and old but this dorm room look nice and big and it have kitchen! While looking around the room, something caught in Shelley eye, it has a box like appearance and it have a screen that her father has but they were bigger. While fascinating the box that have a screen on it, Bethany ask her does she have any powers. \Well my father said I have Enhanced strength, Pain Suppression and Anatomical Liberation./ Shelley sign to Bethany \Can ask you something? What is this thing?/ Shelley ask Bethany when Shelley point at the box
Shelley Frank

Shelley grab the notebook and a pen from the boy It Ok and Yes I'm New Here. My Name Is Shelley, Nice To meet You! ^_^ Shelley wrote to the boy. Shelley jumped a little yet again when a another person approached her and the boy, the girl appearance has a little mystery theme around her. When the girl eyes turn red, Shelley shivers a little bit. the girl turn back to herself and ask if she was Shelley. Yes, I'm Shelley but How did you know my name?? Shelley wrote to the mystery girl
Shelley Frank

Shelley jump a little when she hear someone say something to her. “New here?” he ask Shelley, the boy appearance look like one those main protagonist from Shelley books everytime she thinks of a protagonist look like. though Shelley face look calm, her mind is just straight out panicking right now, this is the first time someone beside her father is talking to her but what would Shelley do next?! What if the boy can't read sign language, She can't say anything, she can't talk! She doesn't know what to do! Quick! Think of something! She should get a piece of paper and write hello to him but there's no paper around! the boy is still standing there, waiting for Shelley to answer, Quick, Shelley! Do something to answer his question....Shelley nodded \Yes, i'm new here/ Shelley sign to the boy.....Huh, that was easy.
HECK YEAH!-Er I mean, sure. Shelley Frank would love to help Roger turn into a monster
it ok man, I had fun
Shelley Frank


\But Father-/ Shelley signing pleading to her father but he interrupt her by grabbing her hands "No buts Shelley! This is for your own good." her creator say as he and Shelley walk toward outside from the lab "You need to be more like a evil Mad Scientist! Be more like me!" her creator say as he strike a mad scientist pose.

Shelley roll her eyes \But I don't want be a Mad Scientist! I want to be writer!/ Shelley sign, her creator gasp when Shelley say writer. "I have brought you to live and this is the thanks I get?! You want to be a..." Her creator shivers "...A writer..." Shelley pouted angrily \Well rather you like or not, i'm going to be a writer and that is that!/ After she sign that, she turn from her father and walk toward the laboratory but after walk one step away from her father, her creator place both of his hands on both sides of Shelley head and pull her head of on her body.

Shelley face is very close to her father face while he is holding her head "Look, you need to go to that Blackwood academy because...Because i'm getting old..." her father say shamefully and this is true, Shelley is starting some greyness on her father hair. "And I need a successor to continue my legacy, I need you to continue my legacy...please" her father say to Shelley in a sad tone with the puppy eyes.

Shelley thought about it, being a evil monstrous Mad Scientist is all her father want and he would be so happy if she became like him and she always wanted her father to be happy, she guess she has no choice to be a Mad Scientist.....But then, Shelley realize something. Shelley eyes point at her body to let her father see her hands \Actually father, there a village and I think some kids, teens, somebody will volunteer to be your successor, so that way I can still be a writer and your successor will be a Mad Scientist/ Shelley sign happily hoping that will change her father mind but her father face have a deadpan look, staring at her while Shelley is happily staring at him. But then, all suddenly, her father thrown her head in a box that was right next to her luggage, then her creator thrown her hands and her arms and her legs and every body parts into the box, her creator walk toward the box to face Shelley bodiless head "Look, I know you don't want to go but I want you to be a evil monstrous Mad Scientist...rather you like or not....Have fun" her creator say with a sinister smile and closing the box door on her....Well this the worst day of Shelley life.


After arrive to the academy, Shelley hand lift up the box door, she reassembling herself and get her head out of the box and put it back on, she see the rest of the students heading toward the auditorium, she walk with them toward there.

After headmistress speech, Shelley stand toward the wall, she really don't what to do, this is the first she far away from home, far away from her father, she doesn't know what to do.
Same here, I'm also sorry for not getting my character up yet but I promise I will bring her up soon

it the power to split ones body apart and control the pieces
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