Avatar of ShadowVentus
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  • Old Guild Username: ShadowVentus
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 8078 (2.13 / day)
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    1. ShadowVentus 10 yrs ago
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The name's ShadowVentus, but you can call me Ven. Fantasy RPs have always been my genre, but I'm always open to trying new genres and all that jazz. Oh, and I don't know about anyone else here, but in my opinion, Atlus makes awesome games! PERSONA!

Most Recent Posts

@Letter Bee

"I see...if regrouping with them means me finally finding her...then I will gladly charge into battle once more. It is high time that I finally show her that my sacrifice that fated night was not in vain." Then, realizing rather quickly that his face was still veiled, he bows his head out of respect. "You have my apologies. I acknowledge that it may be seen as rude that I keep my face hidden from you even now. However, with all due respect, I wish to reveal myself to her first. It'll be a delayed surprise, but a surprise nonetheless." He says.

The sword had been removed from Taka and laid to rest on a nearby table in the infirmary, where one Judah bin Isaac was examining it.

"A blade stolen by the Grand Vizier of Alternate Baghdad, and used to exorcise this young man of a piece of a 'Seeker of Darkness'." Instincitvely, he took the blade with his left hand, and slashed at the air, surprising a number of Moogle orderlies.

"A good weapon for a mundane exorcist, but really, this Vizier should have asked me for help," Judah then frowned, before looking behind him to find Akemi Homura behind him.

"Lady Homura," he would lay down the sword. "I have...something to discuss with you." Mincing no words, he continued, "I've been reading records of the 'Original Universe', or if you prefer, the 'Original Timeline'. Let's just say that the very latest entries, made just before Ascot split his world into our Multiverse, do not make for edifying reading."

"Explain," Homura said laconically to the eighteen-year-old Jew, who then talked of various wars, terrorist attacks, epidemics, and economic turmoil. Once Isaac was finished, Homura would continue, "So, do you believe Ascot was right?"

Judah's response was, "No. The very final account says that he made things much worse by revealing the Keyblade's power too soon, and caused all the nations to try and take its power - and Ascot - for themselves. The point of this discussion is; what if by bringing the Multiverse together against the Seekers of Darkness, we are repeating the same mistakes made by the Original Timeline? What if we are putting together people who cannot live with one another in contact with each other, sowing seeds of war and devestation?"

"You're the Keyblade User," Homura said, approaching the sword and taking it for herself, "I think that should be your problem; all I want is for Madoka to be safe."

Judah pursed his lips, "You're selfish. But yes, it is my problem, and all Keybladers'. But, I say this - once Ascot is restored, I am going to give him a good ass-kicking."

@Double@Arty Fox@Rex@ShadowVentus@SMS

Upon the sword being touched, the Light it gives off begins to glow even brighter. As it radiates these pure rays, Taka finally wakes from his slumber, his hand instinctively stretching upward as if he were calling upon his Keyblade. The katana vanishes from Homura's hands, re-materializing in Taka's hand. The blade releases a powerful aura, traveling down his arm, printing white flame designs upon his sleeves and coattails. Once this is done, his blade disappears, now replaced by a sunset red Wayfinder. Despite what has been restored to him, he still refuses to remove his hood. "Well then...it seems I've been asleep for quite some time! Would one of you kindly fill me on what has been going on?" He inquires, sounding like a completely different person. His happy-go-lucky demeanor had been resurrected, very few traces of Nobody personality remained, for the exorcism had helped the wielder reclaim not only his memories, but more importantly, his heart. This young man had been rescued from the cold embrace of Darkness.
I'm with @Arty Fox on this one. While I know my post frequency isn't very high at the moment, I'd still love to keep this going. I'm personally busy since I've just entered into my last month before summer break, so school is pretty insane.

Morgan simply listens in silence, vigilantly watching Dremmick and their captive, preparing herself in case the interrogation goes awry. She can already tell that Dremmick is being unusually hostile, but so long as he doesn't act on these intense feelings of violence, she does not yet deem it necessary that she step in and take control of the situation.
Um...was that post by some user named Rovagug my imagination..? Maybe I really do need more rest than usual.

How dare you cough in my general direction! ....but you're not wrong...^^;;
It took a Magikarp Ritual and chucking of said fish at me, but I have finally posted!
Taka's "Dive to the Heart"

Falling...straight down into a seemingly endless abyss...

This feeling was all too familiar to the Nobody. Again, just like before, a ray of light would appear, enveloping his being. However, rather than develop in front of him, Taka could feel the warmth of the Light from behind him, its presence growing stronger as he drifted further downward. Soon enough, his body would safely land on the platform. He simply lays there at first, the Light lapping about his coat, gently washing unto him like waves on a beach. However, upon feeling another presence appear beside him, he slowly sits up, the Light clinging to him, feeling almost waterlogged.
He was surprised to see himself, garbed in completely different clothing. The other Taka was sitting upon the edge of the platform, simply staring out into the void. However, upon sensing movement behind it, the apparition looks right at Taka, a smirk forming upon his face. “You’re finally here...you’re rather late, you know. So late, in fact, that you’re probably confused as to what you’re seeing…” It says, turning to look back out towards the void. Taka moves towards the apparition, sitting beside it. “Who are you? ...Why do you look like me?” The Nobody inquires. The apparition chuckles in response, looking over at Taka from the corner of its eyes. “I am a Remnant of who you used to be. I’ve been residing within you for quite some time now. However, because of the darkness that had grabbed ahold of you, I was unable to fully awaken. Ergo, your memories, the ones of your life before you became a Nobody, have been withheld from you.” Taka silently thinks on what has been said, baffled by what this representative of his memories has to offer. “What must I do to set you free..?” He inquires.
The Remnant smiles, swinging its legs to and fro. “Well, it’s quite simple really. You have to make a choice. The choice between Light and Darkness. The seed of despair that was planted within you when you first lost your heart is the reason you’re even able to wield the darkness in battle. Your true path was one that is bathed in the Light, bringing hope to all. However, do not let the actions of your past influence this decision. The choice is yours and yours alone.” It explains.
Taka looks over at the Remnant, soaking in the reality of the situation. “...Neither path is mine to walk. They are two sides of the same coin..I shall forge my own path, using both Light and Darkness as my guides…” Taka pauses briefly as a memory flickers to life in his mind. The memory of his title. “I will walk the path...of a Twilight Knight.” The unlocking of this memory causes the Remnant to smile happily, dissipating into fractals of Light, starting from his feet, the fragmentation working its way upward. “A fine choice for a warrior of your caliber…” With this being said, the Remnant’s form disperses completely, only to suddenly reform as a new keyblade. Equipping himself with it, Taka eyes the weapon curiously, knowing fully well what it is meant to represent.


As these events transpire within Taka, the katana he had been pierced by in his fight, whether it still be plunged into him or removed and laid to rest nearby, begins to glow, pulsating with Light...
*When you're so excited to post that you accidentally post in the wrong section*

Morgan now simply awaits for the woman to answer Dremmick, holding off from making any moves until she shows any sign of resistance.
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