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Can demons have children? I didn't see any specific info on demon biology, (if its notably different).

I have an idea for a nemesis for Nello, (or rather, Nocturne,) his papa'.
<Snipped quote by Blackstripe>

Bold of you to assume I'm not going to procrastinate this CS until 3 in the morning.

I could always make a Discord chat like the rebel shit I am.


'Bout dat' Discord chat.

I am happy you liked it!

If anyone does need help with some kind of picture or editing or whatever, I enjoy that kinda stuff. Doesn't always turn out great all the time, but I try, XD.
So, I was browsing images on Pinterest and found this, and I couldn't pass it up XD. I am going to give Nello a new Hero Outfit, which also makes more sense for a teen, (considering the clothes they'd have at their disposal).

So anyways, I threw this together. Considering how Nello is a lizard.., with a snout, I couldn't really find a mask for him, but it's whatever, really. He only goes out to be a hero boi at nighttime, and he looks like a lot of other monsters, and wears a hood. (I want things to be semi-realistic, damn it.)

Also added theme songs.., and quotes, because I have a busy life and I don't have time for character sheets.



I saw that your character had skull themed daggers, and came across a picture I thought looked decently cool, so I edited it and stuff, and.., I made a thing, for fun. Thought it fit Clio's bombastic approach.

I like that strange bone design you have going on on your CS. And of course the color of your text matches :)

Thanks a lot!
Added a buncha' more, detailed information to my character.

Also changed his icon to this.
When I get home, I am going to add stuff to Nello because I have no life.
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