Avatar of Shifter_Master


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No worries, as I said life everywhere is a bit shaky at the moment. Plus if there is one virtue that I have in ample amounts it would be patience.
Time is a cruel implement at times. Never is that truth more obvious as to when one is waiting for something to pass. Even as familiar with that fact as Slade is he finds himself counting the seconds as they slips past. Not to say that he wasn’t productive, there were dozens of things that he had to occupy his time. Working towards getting Jinayah set up as his ward for example. There was paperwork to fill out, people to bribe, information to fabricate.

Plus there were plans that he needed to adjust, supplies to acquire or put away, information to obtain and internalize. The hours that the most lethal man alive waited for his newly acquired niece to wake up were not spent idle. Yet that didn’t lessen the impact of the painful drag that time had. Nor did it lessen the temptation to allow his mind to wonder back to earlier times in his life, back when he walked this road for the first time.

Never the less he kept to his work, even as, like clockwork, he would step away to check in on the young girl that was now a part of his life on the hour, and it was during one of those times that he stepped away from his work to check on Jinny that he came across the sight of her crying, the sight of which tore at him.

Quietly he would move to sit next to her a gentle hand on her back rubbing soothing circles. He would not say anything. For there was nothing he could say, for even if he knew what it was that brought about her tears, how could his words have any sort of impact at this point?


Penny would take one last look at the mirror, her smile still tugging away at her lips as she appreciated her new look. It felt right, she finally felt like she belonged in her own skin, granted she didn’t truly have skin anymore, but that didn’t diminish the sensation. With a nod to her reflection she would walk out of the bathroom in the interdimensional apartment, stepping over the shattered remnants of the door, and move towards the front door.

As she walked she reflected on the fact that it seemed the anger issues were in fact hers rather than Jason’s, but that realization also brought a smile to her lips, even as she surveyed the demolished apartment. It was a stroke of luck that she had used the red coin here. The emotional rollercoaster would have been devastating out in Penrose. For it was not only the pain of Chloe betraying her human half that was dealt with, but also a much more subtle and longer hidden betrayal that had been uncovered.

Stopping at the door Penny would pick up the small backpack she had dug out of what was once her room. In it were the few small things that she still wanted to keep from this place. It held a few of her favorite tee shirts, the beginning of a handmade metal chess set, a golden necklace, and the doll she had recently purchased. Checking one last time to make sure that everything was in the bag Penny would once again turn her eyes towards the ravaged dwelling. She had no idea if the damage would stay, magical homes weren’t likely to obey any rules that one should expect after all, but she hopped it did.

For she had left a note, pinned to the mostly intact coffee table, her thoughts towards Chloe laid bare for the darkened girl to see if she were ever to come back. Her key to this place impaled into the wood keeping the note in place. Though she was rather sure that the destruction she had wrote would tell the message well enough on her own. She didn’t want to leave anything unvoiced, even if only in writing, for she was done with Chloe, done with a lot of how she used to be as well. And it would be within this little pocket of elsewhere she would leave behind her.

Finally she would turn and walk away from the wreckage. Her smile never wavering as she found herself once again within Penrose her eyes would flicker as she reestablished her connection to the various systems and networks within the city.
”All systems are green” She would say to herself as her hover jets would flare to life “Time to get to work” With that she would race off, using her newly acquired information network to find those that were in need of help.

>>Merry Maiden?<<

Viva was a touch annoyed if she was being honest. She had been looking forward to tearing the Ent things heart into tiny scraps with her teeth, but someone else had chosen to intervene and had blown out the things torso. Normally that wouldn’t have annoyed Viva, she liked watching gore splatter as much as the next monstergirl after all, the critical difference was the fact that she had also nearly been blown away by said attack. Granted it had also blown out all of the fire, which helped Viva relax, but still she had lost her hand due to that.

Pouring out of the newly formed gaping chest wound Viva was fully prepared to start unloading gunshots at whoever it was that nearly killed her. Even as she leeched the dead flesh from Grosket’s corpse into patching up what wounds she had suffered, which was more the result of being engulfed in the fire and subsequent magical assault that ripped away her hand.

So imagine her surprise when she found herself swept off her feet and being carried to safety. Which as a quick glance over her saviors shoulder told her was away from the growing number of Beacon members.

”Sure know how to sweep a girl of her feet ” Viva would find herself saying before she put much thought into the situation even as she refocused onto Reaver. ”Got to say I’m digging the blood drenched look” she would go on to say as she suppressed the urge to lick her lips. Thankfully she had just had a few bites to eat so it wasn’t too difficult, but a small part in the back of her mind was cringing never the less. She was flirting with her own son, it felt both wrong and right, and that same small part wondered if she had been spending too much time in Mothers Company.
“This should help out a bit” she would go on to say attaching her healing amulet to the front of Reavers gorget. She could try and heal him herself, but she doubted that he would enjoy the feeling of his skin and muscles being individually stitched back together, nor the crawling static that came with her reinforcement. Never the less she would loop her arms around his neck as he carried her off to who knows where content to be carried, because why not?
She could always spawn her Bike if they needed to get away faster after all.

-=Ǝ No Rest for the Weary E=-

Despite the fact he was still recovering, despite the fact his arm had only recently been reattached, despite the fact he was more or less running on empty. Kyle found himself waking up from his short nap, brimming with restlessness. A quick look around the medical ward told him the reason why as well.

There was a steady stream of wounded Beacon members being brought in, and with their arrival came the flow of emotions that were always attached to such events came with them. With a mumbled ‘Damn it all’ Kyle would push himself up to a stand and slip in alongside the normal people stationed to work this area.

He wasn’t in so bad a shape that he couldn’t help move supplies around, to be an extra hand if someone needed it.

None & @AtomicNut & None
Hey no worries, life everywhere is on the rocks right now so no need to stress. Take care of you I'm fine with waiting.


It took more effort than she would have liked but Ashlyn was able to keep the biting retort on the tip of her tongue to herself. She hated dealing with the preachy types; they always seemed to forget that everyone’s got a sob story. That doesn’t mean everyone is going to go out and indiscriminately murder because of it.

Instead she would reply to the question that was posed to her “Yes, I don’t know anyone within the magical world who hasn’t killed someone” Would be the reply “And I am including you in that statement.” She would add on with a slight glare. “But I get the feeling you’re more asking if I’ve killed a civilian.”

To that, she would take a deep breath before replying. “I hope not. But I don’t know. I know I’ve wanted to. The asshole who was abusing my sister for example; I would have enjoyed ripping his throat out most likely. I didn’t though. Still thinking of dropping by when he gets out of prison in a few years though, might be worth see him freak out when he sees me across the street not aged a day despite the decades.”

“I do hope that you weren’t trying to insinuate that killing someone alone makes me a monster.” Ashlyn would say after shaking that thought away “As I’m almost positive you have a larger body count then I do.”

>>Monster vs Monstrous<<

Flying through the air due to the sudden onset of Vine Viva could only lament the fact that her bike would be unusable in the coming days.

Finding herself wrapped with the abmonial grasp of the twisted Ent. Viva had no fear. For it would be less than trivial to simply slide between the grip of the monster, as she was no longer restricted to the form she normally wore. She was much more a kin to a slime or a shape shifter than anything else at this point. She released her spell watching with a macabre fascination as the vines and fluids of the creature withered away.

Then she heard the tale tell sounds of fire. The popping and crackling of the inferno spreading, and that caused a fresh injection of fear into her heart. Her instincts screamed at her, as he mind blanked for a moment at the rapidly encroaching heat and the excruciation pain that the flames brought with them. In that moment of hesitation she would engulfed in the fire. It would be the longest moment of her life, but then came the cold focus.

After all, this thing still dared to attack her son. With focus came hate and hunger, and with those she was able to banish her fear and panic at least for now.

Grosket had hidden its twisted and debased flesh underneath a layer of plant life, but that layer of protection was gone, yet the flesh remained. That was what Viva dug into, like demented worm. She tore open an entry way and borrowed deep into the abominations body, ripping muscle fibers and tearing ligaments as she invaded its body with her own profane magic

”Taste a Mother’s hate as I feast upon your Heart!”


“I will do what I can” Penny would promise with a nod to Goblina even as the mechanical girl turned to leave herself “But I fear we are already too late” She would add solemnly. “Keep those here safe, I’ll be back”

With that she Would race off into Penrose. He first goal was not the Park though, for she truly didn’t think she would be of any use there. No she was off towards Beacon HQ, she had a pick up to make.

Madness. That was a good way to describe this night. Utter madness. Penny was never more glad for her mechanized nature than she was right now. She was still tapped into the network of the entire city, feeding information to Beacon about hot spots that needed immediate help, or hijacking girls’ phone calls to get them out of harm's way if she could. All the while she was racing across the city at frightening speeds. Time was against her at the moment, which seemed to be a recurring trend for her this winter season, so many places to be and so many things to do and hardly enough time to get them all done.

Still, the madness worked in her favor in this one instance. Making it to the lab where Binky was at was easy, no one stopped her to ask questions, most barely gave her a second glance. Everyone was suddenly knee deep in the fallout of the Rave, and the truly horrific loss of life that happened there. Then there was the mess of what happened at Penrose Park adding yet more work to everyone’s pile. It wasn't going to get easier any time soon either, but that was one of the reasons why Penny was here.

Quietly Penny entered the Lab and a soft pulse of Sound she located her target and strode with purpose towards Binky, making her presence known shortly afterwards “Binky! Were you able to finish my request?” Penny would ask the moment she could see the perpetually tired researcher. Binky wouldn’t notice much out of the ordinary with Penny when she turned to regard her, save for the cloth bandage that the robotic girl had covering the majority of her right arm.

Binky was startled by Penny’s greeting, having been absorbed in her use of a microscope. “Aaah!” She screamed, spinning on her chair wildly until Penny stopped it with a precise grab. “Oh, Penny! It’s been a while!” She turned to search through the clutter on her desk. “So uhh, your request...Ummm...Yeah, the Red Coin.” She moved over to a large box filled with all kinds of junk. ”I think I put it here...” She haphazardly climbed into the box. “So, uh, was the party fun?”

“No,” Penny would say succinctly as she followed Binky. “Elvira triggered a riot using sound magic designed to incite Monstrous instinct to uncontrollable heights. Then the leader of the Penrose Independant triggered a psychic WMD, only for an unknown third party to reply with a large-scale Lightning assault.” Her explanation was curt, and painfully blunt, yet also oddly distant. The robotic girl seemed distracted, her gaze often darting around tracking things unseen.

“The riot is still ongoing, to say nothing of the other emergencies still taking place.” Penny would flinch slightly and grip her bandaged arm for a moment before shaking it off.

Binky paused at the brief but powerful revelations, and visibly cringed. “Oof, that’s rough, buddy.” She went back to her search, throwing out a kitchen sink from the crate. “So Penrose has gone to hell in a hand basket...” She paused with a sigh. “...Again. Well, what else do you expect to happen when you give magic to a bunch of people unaccustomed for them? It was only a matter of time before we started waving nukes around like big o’l di-Oh there it is!”
She stood up from the crate, and showed the Red Coin to Penny. “Now, in theory, this Coin should fuse you back with your other half without any side-effects...But I haven’t had time to test it on any twins or anything, so the practical result may differ.” She scratched the back of her head. “S-So yeah, best of luck in using it.”

“I’m in a position to assume that Penrose never quite left the first hand basket” Penny would say with no small amount of annoyance “At least that is what it seems like some days”[/u][/color] She would add as she reached out for the Coin, rolling it over her fingers as she listened to what little info Binky had to offer nodding her understanding as she did. She could feel the subtle changes in the coin, which reassure her it would work, but also knew that with magic most anything was possible.

“If you were to hazard a guess, what kind of repercussions could there be for using this coin?” Penny would ask returning her gaze to the sleep deprived researcher, which if she bothered to think too hard about would likely dampen her hope of this working out.

“Hard to say,” Binky answered, rubbing her eye with the back of her hand. “Maybe it refuses to work, or it blows up, or the fusion fizzles out half-way and you turn into a freaky Siamese twin thing, or it screws up the soul, resulting in you turning into a horrible abomination...Not that it actually would do that, that’s just in, uh, horror movies. And, uhh...If it does fail, at least then we’ll know, and the next girl who rips her soul in half but wants to recombine anyway will have a better chance with the next version, right?” She turned away and picked up a big stack of books.

“Anyway, I’m super busy, so I gotta get back to my work. See ya later.”

Penny simply nodded at all the various far end failure states that the coin could hold. None of them really settled in as true possibilities though. Closing her hand over the coin she slipped it into her chassis tucking it away until it was needed. “Thank you again Binky.” She would say as she started turning to leave so that Binky could get back to her work.

“I’ll be back in a couple days so that we can go looking for Betty” Penny would mention over her shoulder before continuing on her way out. It was time to meet up with her other half.

Penny hardly waited in putting her next step into motion, the moment she was off of Beacon property and away from scrutiny she dug deep into what little magical ability she had. Focusing everything she could on her other half, and the small vital piece of metal that they carried with them.

Had she another option she would have taken it, but they weren’t answering their phone. They weren’t responding to any of the messages, and they weren’t in Penrose. Penny didn’t have the luxury of waiting either. So once again she pushed forward with her magic in ways that she knew wasn’t human, but then again perhaps that was for the best as she wasn’t human. So, with eyes closed, she reached out for the call of Metal between her and a Key that had been once upon a time gifted to her and in some way was still.

Still, when the pain hit she wasn’t surprised. She didn’t falter however, just kept her focus and continued to harmonize with the Key to a lock that existed in the space between where she was and the far side of the door she was trying to walk through. An event that would normally take only a few seconds stretched into one that took minuets, but Penny was in fact rewarded with the tale-tell click of a lock being thrown open.
Blindly she walked forward feeling the world drop away behind her as she stepped into an apartment that was painfully familiar to her, and only once she had made it through the threshold did she allow herself to reopen her eyes and give any attention to the pain she was suffering from.

The jagged crack that ran the length of her arm now bleed freely, staining the sheets she had wrapped around it a vibrant red. An oddity to be sure, but Penny always knew that she was still connected to her other half, who was still fully human. This wound was just a warning of the increasing damage that their soul was being put through.

Looking to the rest of the apartment, it would seem as if it was untouched. But there was a heavy air of depression and a thick smell of oil. And it wouldn’t take her long to see why.

Sitting on the couch curled up into a tight ball sat her other half, eyes puffy and red from crying. The human half’s right arm was a mangled mess, as black viscous oil leaked from the various cuts that littered her arm. To say nothing of the numerous burns and bruises that littered her body. To add to the desolate appearance she seemed to be staring brokenly at a pendant that sat on the coffee table not far from her position on the couch.

“You were right” The human girl on the couch would say, her voice hoarse, and filled with devastation. Fresh tears would start to fall as she spoke.

“Jason…” The robotic girl would take a tentative step forward, her mind rapidly churning through all the possible reasons the scene in front of her could come to pass.

“She left me again. I killed Iesud for her. I tore away from you, and Alicia. Yet she never stayed. She was always off, talking to others, working with the Mint, or preparing things. Why didn’t she stay with me? She said she loved me. Why did she lie?” ‘Jason’ would ask not really expecting an answer her gaze still fixated on the once enchanted amulet that sat on the coffee table.

“Iesud. That’s why you forced the Power isn’t it.” The machine would ask instead of answering. There was no reason to retread old arguments. Not here, not now. Slowly it moved to sit next to its human half, even as Jason would simply nod their answer.

“We are dying aren’t we” They would ask in response. They were in pain, a deep unmistakable pain, that grew and faded as they both bleed out each other’s life sustaining fluids

“Yes. Our soul was always going to be unstable due to the split. Not it is falling apart.” There was no need for any deception between the two of them. Besides they knew each other too well for anything other than honesty at this point.

“It feels like it” Jason would say before turning to look at Penny “Is it bad that I’m looking forward to the end?”[/b][/color]

“I don’t think so” Penny would reply after a moment her thoughts lingering on all the terrors and traumas that the human next to her had undergone within their year of magic. “I’m sorry” She would add after a moment of silence.

“You have a fix don’t you” Jason would say more then ask the crack on her voice at the thought of having to keep going on unmistakable.

“It can be used as a way to fix us both” Penny would agree with a nod “Or it can be used to fix one of us”

“I don’t have to go on Penny?” the Human would ask quietly after a moment, fragile hope lingering within their voice.

“Not if you don’t want too”

More tears, but these are at least tears of relief. “Thank you”

Penny moved to say something, but what eluded her. Instead she would simply nod, and let her human half take from that what they wanted. It was truly settling in, that here in a moment it would only be one of them left. The machine hadn’t fully comprehended what that would mean until just now. That Jason, the first person they had ever known, the person they had spent their entire life with was going to be gone. She wanted to feel sad, but instead she felt relieved, as soon Jason would no longer be in pain. She did build herself off of their mind after all, so perhaps it wasn’t that surprising.

“Are you ready?” Penny would ask softly as she offered her hand to Jason, the gleaming Red Coin sitting innocently within her palm, ready to start the process that would bring this chapter of their lives to a close.

Jason hardly waited, reaching to clasp her remaining good hand with Penny’s out stretched one almost before the mecha girl had finished asking. A charged red glow would engulf their hands the moment they were intertwined. “Set me free Penny” Jason would plead turning to catch Penny’s eyes finally looking away from the dead Hero token for the first time.

“Good bye Jason” Penny would say her voice catching slightly as she spoke. After all this good bye was much more permanent than any other would be. Then the red glow would flare up, drowning the room in harsh red light and words no longer mattered.

@Ariamis & @AtomicNut+@BrokenPromise

.:⋮Construction in Progress⋮:.

“Thank you” it was a pair of words that those in the Sanctuary would hear a lot as they started to leave, as Penny did her best to thank everyone who volunteered. “Make sure you can make it back, your lives are important as well” She would say as well. She wanted them to stay as safe as they could, but that was a risky thing at the best of times now. Once this was over she would do, something, she wasn’t sure yet, but she would find some way to thank them with more than just words.

Penny would only stop thanking people when the shy monstergirl poked her, and even then her drone would take over, projecting an image of Penny bowing in thanks with the words ‘Thank you, stay safe’ as it floated above her head. She listened carefully to the girl, and could empathize with the internal strife of trying to change how it was one used their magic. Thus even though her attention was dragged away by Goblina she would place a soft hand on the girl’s shoulder, for Penny knew she had words that would be able to help this shy troubled girl.

“Goblina” Penny would reply in greeting to as she too in the goblin girl’s obviously disheveled state, a sinking feeling forming in her as she did. She had seen Goblina at the Rave, Penny was sure of that; the goblinette had been with Cindy when the Queen left… Which was shortly before everything went to hell. It would take only a moment more for Penny to more deeply scan the dozens of reports flooding in from Beacon members across the city, and another moment to sift back to find what she was looking for.

‘The Cardinal is under attack by Cindy Ford at Penrose Park!’
Beacon reports

She had no proof, and nothing but a feeling of dread, but Penny was almost sure that Cindy was either dead or would soon be so. For it seems everyone had forgotten about the Mint, which the blackened organization used to masterful execution.

“One moment please” Penny would say to the second in command of Cindy’s queendom, turning back to the girl next to her. “Yes. Yes, you can used it to help. My first Patron made me a machine of destruction, gave me a deep and colorful measure of ways to break people and things. Yet look what I have done made a place for all of us to find a moment of peace and quiet. Nothing is stopping you from helping those that are injured. In some instances you might be the only one that can help.” Penny would give the girl a soft smile as she gently pats her shoulder, “Thank you for having the courage to come forward, and thank you for all the help you can give.”

Afterwards she would turn back to Goblina and move closer to the disheveled girl, she wouold start speaking as soon as she got close “Cindy left the Rave, shortly before it stared devolving into a massacre. Last bit of her I can find is in the reports I can access, in which it claims Cindy has attacked Beacon.” She would hold up a hand to stall out any response “I think the Mint orchestrated all of this, as I saw you at the Rave, you were with Cindy and I don’t think she would attacked without a good reason.” And even then once a mutation was triggered it would be hard to pull someone off their chosen, which Penny could only assume was what happened. “I am sorry to add that at the moment I don’t know where Cindy is or if she is alright. To make it worse the Park where she was last seen has become the sight of a Horror attack.” She would place her hands on the shoulders of the smaller girl as she spoke, thankful for her robotic nature as it kept her appearing calm and composed, even if internally that wasn’t completely true. Everything was going to hell, far too quickly, and Penny knew she needed to step up, thankfully she also knew she was up for the task.

“I won’t stop you if you want to leave, but I need to focus on this Sanctuary right now”[/i][/u][/color] It was a touch cold hearted, but also true. Cindy wasn’t someone Penny could bother with trying to help at the moment, not with all the others who were unsupported. “Once thing have calmed down I will do everything I can to help you find her, or find out what happened to her. But at the moment you know this place better than I do and I could use your help to keep it safe for tonight. It’s your call, I’ll understand either way.”

.:Culture clash:.

“Right… Because the only reason anyone came to the Rave was to get smashed” Ashlyn would say sarcastically “Not like anyone there could easily tell things were going to get out of hand the moment the idea was tossed about and figure they could go there to help out right? Nah couldn’t be, just not in anyone’s nature to be a good person unless it is convenient, right?”

She would go on to say crossing her legs and resting her chin on her hand. “After all, we must all be drenched in sin. So much you can tell me at least one two things that I have done to lead to the death and destruction of humanity right? It’s not like I was given this form by my ancestors to keep protecting humanity from rampaging Yokai. That would just be ridiculous.”

Her tone was dry enough to evaporate lakes and her gaze was locked onto Sharron, but there was no reproach in her eyes, just simple disappointment. “And yeah we are all cowards aren’t we, I mean who else would try and evacuate as many people as they could from an obvious death trap at personal risk, obviously the cowards. It’s not like we can’t feel the lingering echo of when a spirit is rent from its mortal shell, or hear the last echo of a mind as it goes quiet and decided that we are fed up with the pointless slaughter. No, we are running away because we are scared, and wanted to hide. Guess it’s a good thing we shut the door and made damn sure not to open it even when someone was pounding on it huh?”

She wouldn’t move much as she spoke, nor would she raise her voice, she just simply stayed seated watching Sharron, but it was easy to tell that Ashlyn didn’t expect much from the Ascendency member, yet she was still disappointed, yet not suprised.

>>Now and Then<<

The city was little more than a blur of lights and color as Viva raced through the streets of Penrose. Thin stream of her now viscous form trailed slightly behind her as she pulled more and more speed out of her now divinely powered motorcycle. Taking turns and lethal speeds and near blind angles, none of that garnered anything more than a passing thought.

There was much more important things on her mind after all. The plight of the city, the Rave’s outcome, none of it was known to the corrupted nurse, and truthfully neither would she care. Her family was in danger and that thought consumed her to near totality.

It was a warning, a gift, and congratulations all wrapped up in one given to her from Mother
‘Oh my dear Vivian, I knew that you were something special’ The goddess’ words reverberated within her mind even now ‘Why didn’t you tell me you already had a child within our world? And a Lover that’s not too far removed from it either, shame that it seems like one of them is about to die’

Viva couldn’t recall what she said in response, but she knew that she was lucky to not have been stuck down for her insolence as she demanded to know who and where.

‘Follow your heart’ The goddess had said with a coy smile as a moment later a stinging pain had flared up within Viva’s chest, as if something was tugging on her heart. The girl in question hadn’t stayed instead she had raced off following the sensation as best she could.

And it was only now, after what felt like an eternity that Viva was nearing her destination, if the growing pain in her heart was any tell at any rate. Conjuring a simple ramp with her magic, Viva launched herself off the road and in to the sky. Something that she was going to have to do regardless as she was rapidly running out of road, as her destination was Mayor Park.

Her divine guidance would fade the moment she laid eyes upon the magical boy within the park, and she would know with unshakable certainty that she had found her son. Her fear would quickly shift to anger as she shifted her attention towards the twisted tree that had dared to harm her child.

Once again her translucent gray barriers would spring into existence underneath the wheels of her bike, as she formed the road she would need to take her past Gtosket and closer to Reaver.

Her revolver would materialize and she swiftly would start unloading into the back of the abomination’s legs as she drove on. As she began her strafing run she started to prepare a more effective spell for the task of fighting this hulk of rotted wood. Most reinforcement is about building things up, making them better then they are, Viva's magic was much more the opposite, tearing things down and making them worse, but reinforcing the flaws inherent in all things. If she was given an opportunity she would take it, and place a withering disability upon Gtosket.

@Ariamis & @Ariamis & @AtomicNut+@BrokenPromise
Post is away.

And hooray for new job?
“These take detailed looks at your insides” Slade would explain just as gently as before as he watched the data scroll across the screen in front of him. The screen wasn’t at an angle that would make impossible for Jinayah to see, but it wasn’t very likely that she would be able to decipher anything on the screen. “So we can see what went wrong and learn how to avoid it from happening again”

The scan results from her brain were worrying, but thankfully understandable and not dangerous. He would nod to himself as he committed the scan to memory; migraines were dreadful things to have to deal with especially when one was so young. “Well I think we will stop for today” He would say as he slid the equipment away and carefully set about plugging the bleeding nose. He had methods of fixing it near instantly but the normal way would go a long way towards teaching her the consequences of her own powers, which wasn’t something Slade could teach and he didn’t want to lessen those lessons either. They would be the most important ones she could get after all.

Then he would gently pick her up and calmly retreat back to the upper portion of the house. “Your telekinesis has limits” He would say softly as he took Jinayah to her room so that she could rest “With time you will be able to expand those limits, but as you, unfortunately, have found there are drawbacks to forcing past those limits too quickly” Slade was careful not to turn on any lights as he went, which sadly wouldn’t help much considering the early hour. “What you are dealing with right now is called a Migraine, I have some medicine that can help but the only real thing that can be done is simply let your body heal.” When they reached Jinayah’s room he would sit her down on her bed and crouch down so that they were at eye level.

“For now, you can stay in here, lights, sounds, and other stimuli can aggravate, or make it worse.” He would explain “I’ll be back in just a moment with some water and some ibuprofen, afterwards I’ll come back in to check on you every couple of hours, but you can call for me if you need anything alright?” he would ask, waiting for a reply before he went to fetch the medicine.
Spoke too soon, Should be able to get a reply to you tomorrow morning however.


Penny would waste no time handing off her passenger to one of the other girls that had followed her this far, gesturing off towards one of the corners that held some blankets. With that taken care of she would stride into the middle of the two girls arguing her extra limbs lashing out to grab hold of both of their weapons.

“Enough” She would say firmly giving both of them a flat stare. “If we start bickering and fighting amongst ourselves now we aren’t going to last through the night.”

“Yes, Elvira led everyone into a trap, but none of us knew that she was a part of the Mint” Penny would say deathly serious “None of us knew that the Penrose independent was going to make things worse and try to kick off a war by unleashing a WMD at the Rave either. Now, as hard as it might seem at the moment, is not the time to start tearing into each other. Now is when form up and learn who it is that we can trust” As Penny spoke her voice would slowly grow louder until she was addressing everyone present.

“Some of you know me, some of you have likely even met my other half, but for those of you who don’t know me. My name is Penny, and I am the one who built the foundation of this safe haven” She would say gesturing towards the walls of the Sanctuary. “I am glad that it has proven to be the Sanctuary that I wanted it to be, but now I must ask for your help.”

“Many of the girls that went to the Rave are still under the influence of Elvira’s maddening song.” As she spoke her drone would float above her displaying live feeds from the various street cameras of the riots currently going on in Penrose. “The number of them currently has Beacon stretched to capacity and I would ask for volunteers to go out and help quell these riots.”

“Now I can already tell that many of you don’t see why that is a bad thing. But you are all missing a vital piece of information; Beacon is stretched to capacity, not the Ascendency. The Ascendency is a fundamentalist group within Beacon. They are the ones responsible for the wholesale purge tactics that have become common as of late. We do not want them to have any more reason to mobilize in force.”

“So once again I ask for volunteers. I need people who are willing to go out and help deal with those that are currently tearing this city apart. I also need people who are willing to stay here and help deal with the injured. Who can I count on?”


.:Home sweet home:.

“Shh... it’s okay, you’re safe now” Monica would say to Sharron softly one hand gently laid on the still recovering girl’s shoulder. “I’m sorry you had to suffer from that dear” She would go on to say as she quietly took the girls glasses and cleaned them before handing them back. As she returned the glasses there would be a notable glazed look to Monica’s eyes.
With a warm, if vacant, smile she would stand up and look towards Ashlyn “Keep an eye on her won’t you honey?” She would ask her voice taking on a dreamy quality “I’m off to make soup for all the kids, most of them seem to have made it through that alright but I want to make sure” she would go on to say putting a finger on her chin as she spoke aloud, as if she was pondering what type of soup to make.

Ashlyn for her part would quietly curse as she watched the changes start to overtake the rather petite Cowgirl. “Don’t worry about this one sweetie” She would reply with a strained smile after a moment. “I’ll sit down with her and make sure she’s good” She’d move to sit down next to Shannon as she spoke. “What should I tell her happened out?” Ashlyn would ask, as if Shannon wasn’t there.

“Oh” Monica would seem surprised by the question and it would take her a moment to reply “Some vile wretch attacked our kids with a Psychic nuke” She would reply serenely “But no need to worry her with that, just tell her that Mom was able to rescue her from a bully okay?” She would give one last vacant smile before turning and walking off further into the house.

Ashlyn would wait a moment, before punching the wall hard enough to crack it. “Damn it all…” she would mumble rubbing a hand over her face. “You get that?” She would ask after a moment, turning to Sharron “To answer you other questions. Yes, we saved you. Because it was the right thing to do. Not going to torment you, unless you find home cooked meals tormenting.” She owuld answer with a huff as she leaned up against the wall, her legs loosely crossed in front of her.

“Name’s Ashlyn” The Oni girl would introduce herself “That was Monica” she’d go on gesturing towards the hallway that the Mino-girl had walked down. “Best get comfortable we’re going to be here for a while.”

-=Ǝ Night time E=-

“Kimble, Alicia’s not going to hate you, everyone makes mistakes.” Kyle would say to agitated girl as they awaited extraction. It was always an odd feeling, teleporting around, especially when one was low on magic; thankfully he had long since gotten accustomed to the sensation.

“Sadly not my first time doc” Kyle would say as he focused on the far wall as he waited for the first wave of sensation to die down, it was always a flashback of what caused the loss in the first place, or at least that was what happened to him at any rate.

He would let out a slow breath as he tried not to focus on the tingling in his arm, it would go away on its own time after all. He would suddenly look very tired, but he would still wave at Sally as she walked away “Go get ‘em tiger” He would say before collapsing back into the bed and letting his exhaustion take him into slumber.


Deep in whatever little suburbia Viva found herself in the quiet of the area would suddenly be shattered by the sound of an engine roaring to life. Moments later Viva could be seen astride her bike going at a furious pace a look of barely contained panic on her face.

'I'm coming, don't you dare die on me, I'm on my way' She repeated in her head as she tore up the streets racing to where it was she was heading.

For only a few moments ago she had received a vision from her Mother, Viva's family was in danger, and twisted as the dark nurse was Family still was the most important thing of all.

@Ariamis & @Ariamis & @Ariamis & [No one]
((I'm noticing a theme here))
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