Avatar of Shiny Keldeo
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  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1423 (0.45 / day)
  • VMs: 1
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    1. Shiny Keldeo 9 yrs ago


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3 yrs ago
Current Man, it's been a while since I've been here last. Been cooking up some ideas so I might be comin' back with something. Dunno yet.
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[Shiny Keldeo]

Welcome! If you're reading this, than you decided to drop by for a visit and check out my profile! If not, then why are you still reading this right now?

The name's Keldeo, Shiny Keldeo. I joined the Guild about a two years ago after my first forum fizzled out. I thought I knew what I was doing with Roleplay when I came on the scene, when in reality I had barely scratched the surface of what I had to learn.

My first few RPs went bust, but with each failure I gained valuable experience to learn from, and eventually I started up a fairly successful RP known as Digimon: As the Lights Fade. However, it eventually went bust as over half the RPers, including my Co-GM, poofed and dropped without much warning.

Then came two of my longest running RPs. Pokemon: Legendary Guardians and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Shadows of the Past. Both were filled with great characters and I made a ton of new RP friends in them. Sadly, too many problems arose in both, and I was forced to shut them down.

I wasn't done with Legendary Guardians, however, and rebooted it to try my hand at it once more. So far, it's still going strong, thanks to dedicated people like Ninian and Light Lord, who've helped it stay alive through it all. I'm still not done yet, there's still more creative genius in me waiting to be tapped into!

Roleplay Information

I like to stick to Casual mostly. I've never tried anything in Advanced, but I just can't do anything in Free. I like to include way more dialog and information in my posts than I can post in Free.

I usually prefer to RP with Multiple Characters. It's easier for me to say more and do more, whether that being a Digidestined with a Digimon, a Pokemon Trainer with their Pokemon, or multiples of either.

Speaking of which, there are several subjects to which I usually work with in RP. The biggest being Pokemon. I'm up for (almost) anything, Mystery Dungeon, Ranger, or just being a normal Trainer is completely fine with me. Other interests include Digimon, Star Wars, and various other subjects that would be too numerous to name here.

Current Roleplays
Pokemon: Legendary Guardians [V2]
Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon: Crossroads of Time
Digimon: Genesis [On Temporary Hiatus]
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Shadows of the Past (2017)
Pokemon XD: Chasing Shadows

Past Roleplays
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Shadows of the Past (2016)
Pokemon: Legendary Guardians
Digimon: As the Lights Fade
Star Wars the Clone Wars: Order 66 Rewritten
Star Wars the Clone Wars: The 286th Legion
Various Other Star Wars RPs I Can't Remember The Names Of

Most Recent Posts

I see... I had considered that when I was trying to figure out how to progress without him. It seems so simple, but I was just worried about turning him into something he's not. If that's how you feel, though, I could give it a try.
Sorry for the delay. Been trying to think about how to word that post for a bit now.

Also, since Abysmal seems to have dropped off the grid, I'll be the main drive behind the RP at least for the time being. He's told me everything needed to keep the RP progressing, but a lot of it is left open to interpretation by me and you.

And as for his character, I'll leave it up to a vote. Should he be bunnied along in case he comes back? Or should we "take care of him" so it doesn't affect the RP negatively?
@Lugia @Polaris North @Ridlins @AbysmalDemon @Evanist

Drip the Brionne, Eira the Amaura, and Others
[Medburn Town - Medburn Guild: Medical Wing]

Kim frowned as Rick put on his little show. "Sorry if I'm not amused, but I've seen Pokemon in that kind of pain. It's not pleasant, trust me." Kim said as she looked over his leg. "Nothing seems broken or badly damaged, thankfully. Just keep some ice on it and try not to do much strenuous exercise. And if I hear that you've done anything contrary, I'll drag you back in here myself and put you on bed rest." She said with a strict, but still somehow sweet sounding voice.

Turning to Hanna, Drip began to answer her questions. "Yeah, crazy right? I guess he was going after that Vul... pix..." She looked at the empty cot. "Did... you see him leave? We were standing... right here..." She looked around her. The young Vulpix had vanished seemingly into thin air. "Well... I don't know how he did it, but he'll turn up..." Turning back to Hanna, she shook her head no in reply. "They gave it their best shot, but he took off running so fast he had literal fire coming from behind him!" She explained.

Aki had finally finished applying the Heal Pulse to Eira's wound, and floated back to examine her work. "There, how does that feel, dear?" She asked, Eira moving the leg back and forth feeling no pain. "It feels... normal. No... pain I mean..." She said, Aki nodding. "Good, my Heal Pulse always does the trick." She said melodically. "So... can I... go home now?" She asked, taking a moment to look at the note left on Ember's bed.

"You've got my approval, but I don't want you out there alone. Or your friend either. Hanna, would you be so kind as to help this girl find her friend and escort them both back to their homes?" Kim asked, her gazing coming to rest on the Phanphy.

Drip made her way over to Rick's bedside. "Come on, mister funny monkey. I think we've both had our fill of excitement for one day. Wanna go grab some food?" She asked.

Kale the Tropius and Swords of Justice
[Medburn Town - Medburn Guild: Guildmaster's Office]

The normally happy and cheery section of the Medburn Guild was now the sight of a rather fierce argument, as various words and shouts could be heard if one was close enough.

"Listen to reason, Arnold! We can't do this on our own!" Kale said, flabbergasted at the Guild Master's stubbornness. "No, I refuse to work with Wigglytuff and the Treasure Town Guild. We are more than capable of solving this dilemma on our own. One of our teams did it before..." Arnold argued. "... And look what happened to them. When you refuse to see reason, not everyone comes out unscathed..."

Those words from Cobalion silenced the room. Arnold began to pace back and forth. "It's not just Treasure Town though, you say." Arnold said, looking at the Swords. "Right. Organizations across the world have been reaching out to one another for help, to try and find a way to end this once and for all. This isn't a matter of pride, it's a matter of protecting everyone and everything we care about." Keldeo stomped his foot. "Things are already getting out of hand, Guildmaster! I don't know if it's from the recent events, or before that..."

Terrakion sighed. "He's afraid that the world is losing faith in the Legendary Pokemon and various Organizations like yours. And seeing you, here and now... can't say I blame them." The room went completely silent. For minutes it was like this. "It's not going to stop, until we prove we can work together for the sake of the world. Even just now, a little kid outside tried to challenge me to a battle..."

"You can't be serious... have we fallen this far, and the next generation has completely lost faith in our abilities..." Keldeo shook his head. "Whatever. I'm not going to fight you. I have no reason to. You are only endangering yourself." He said, closing his eyes as he walked past his would-be opponent.

The room grew silent again, for a much shorter duration this time. "Well... if they have lost that much faith in us... I suppose... what do we have to lose..." Arnold said, the shouting and arguing dying down at last.
@Ninian @Light Lord
Selena the Bayleef and Ember the Quilava
[Team Horizon - Folio Town Guild]
[Folio's Trunk - Waypoint]

It seemed her words had done little to quell their concerns, as she now found herself the center of attention. Noticing this, she instinctively backed up a step or two. "Really, it's nothing... It wasn't too big a deal to me, so I didn't say anything. I just... stubbed my foot on a rock or something a few floors back. I was taking it easy while the pain went away. But see, it's fine now." She feigned, stamping her uninjured foot in a display. "See, it's fine..." She stated again, turning and moving away to clear her head and calm herself. She'd never been so vocally defensive before, why was it all showing now?

Ember had joined the others, her head turned towards Selena as the others probably did as well. "Something's bugging her. I've only really known her for a day or two, but I can just tell by the way she acts. I just don't know if we should... you know... keep bugging her about it..." Ember said in a hushed voice, low enough only Devon and Lilisette could hear at that distance. Then the group heard footsteps approaching...

Omen the Absol, Serenity the Sylveon, and Krystal the Glaceon
[Team Sanctuary - Valiant Village Guild]
[Folio's Trunk - Town Path 7F]

The normally sweet and gentle Sylveon ground her teeth after the strange Absol's snappy remark, she even caught him smirk as they talked. Words could not express the anger swelling up inside her right now. "Easy sis..." Krystal remarked, attempting to soothe her angered sibling. With a shake of her head, she regained her composure. "Right... right... I'm good... I'm calm..." She said, taking a deep breath. "If that's settled, let's get moving."

[Folio's Trunk - Waypoint]

At some point afterward, they'd lost sight of the other Absol in the usual maze that was a Mystery Dungeon. Eventually they found themselves at the waypoint that connected the Town Path to the Treacherous Roots. "Hmm... I don't see him here..." Omen said, eyes warily scanning the room. There were Pokemon there, a group of five. They seemed nothing special, save for the oddly colored Kirlia and, if one had a good enough eye, Totodile. Curious, he wasn't a normal discoloration like others he'd seen through various means.

"Good riddance. You heard what he called that guy back there. There's no worse insult in the world than calling someone..." Serenity was ranting, before also noticing they were not alone. "Well... I think I'll hold my tongue for now..." She finished. "Good call, sis. I don't remember seeing them up there. They don't look too much younger than us, ya know." Krystal noticed. "They can probably hear you, Krystal." Omen stated, causing her to blush in embarrassment. He walked towards the exit, eyeing the surroundings. Off handedly, he spoke to the Poliwrath, whom he immediately could tell was the most experienced one there. "Heading to Gerudo as well?" He asked, still facing out towards the desert.
@Lugia @Ridlins @Polaris North
Drip the Brionne, Kale the Tropius, and Eira the Amaura
[Medburn Town - Medburn Guild]

As the trio made their way into the Guild, they ran into the duo in the main hall heading towards the medical wing. "Hey Hanna. Dunno what happened to this kid. Passed out in the main lobby, not too sure of the details myself." He said, stopping just in front of the entrance to the wing. "Kim, I've got a patient here for ya!" He yelled out, a Chansey emerging soon after. "Oh dear, oh dear, what happened now?" She replied, taking the Vulpix from his shoulders. "Don't you worry, little one. I'll have you healed up in no time... my goodness!" She said as the three others approached.

"Drip? What happened out there?" Kale asked. "Some guy was outside just down the road going after some local kids. The Swords of Justice drove him off, but that idiot set off another Earthquake and dropped a building on them! Or... he tried at least..." She explained, Eira hearing what she called the four Pokemon who battled the criminal. "The Swords... is that what Ember was so shocked about hearing... I'll have to ask him later..." Eira thought to herself. "And that all happened just down the street? Okay, something strange is definitely going on here in Medburn... That's Right! I completely forgot, I've gotta go find Arnold! I'll catch you later, okay?" He said as he rushed past them, disappearing around a corner.

"For heaven's sakes, don't just stand there. Look at those bruises, come on inside. Aki, prepare some beds! We've got injured kids and a Guild Member!" She cried out. "Dear Arceus, I'll get right on it!" A melodic voice would ring through from the room. "Now, come along you three. Drip, Hanna, you're welcome as well." The Chansey said, leading the group into a rather small room with a few straw beds laid out. "Now sit, all of you. Let me take a look at these wounds..."

First, and probably easiest, would be the Vulpix. Quiet patients were always the easiest to work with. A quick examination revealed damage consistent to being hit by a powerful Super-Effective Attack. She applied some ground up herbs to the serious wounds and, satisfied, moved on to her next patient. "Look at the size of that bruise, you poor girl... Aki, oh where are you now..." She said, a Chimecho floating into the room. "Right here, Kim... say no more, I know the drill." She said, applying a Heal Pulse to the Ice Type. "Ember... will he be..." She asked. "Don't worry, child. Your friend will be just fine. Now... let's see that leg, Rick." Kim said as she turned to the Monferno.
Brent Ignia
[Pokemon Trainer]


Gender: Male

Age: 10

Hometown/Region: Stormbutte City, Viore

Personality: Brent is a level headed, down to earth kind of kid. While he is open minded, he is often quite skeptical of outrageous claims or mystical ancient legends that have no real proof to back them up. He believes that everything can be explained through some sort of science or reason. He's usually a pretty friendly guy to get along with, and has plenty of friends. But watch out if you try to debate something with him, he'll find a way to prove you wrong and then some.

History: Brent was the second born in the Ignia family, being born six years after his older brother Ryan. His parents, Leon and Michelle Ignia, had lived in Stormbutte City for a few years now, having moved to the Viore Region from the Sevii Islands. As he grew up, it wasn't normally his parents taking care of him. His father was the assistant of the Region's Pokemon Professor, and his mother had recently become the foreman of the Stormbutte Power Plant. Instead, his brother Ryan was the one who would most often take care of him, teaching him important skills such as how to cook and some decent personal hygiene.

When Brent finally started attending Trainer's School, his brother headed off on his Pokemon Journey, leading to his father and mother taking more responsibility, and time off. His father would recount the numerous tales he'd learned of Viore's Ancient Past, tales of unbelievable adventures and strange magic and abilities that none today have uncovered. Heroes and Villains, massive battles and conflicts. To just about any kid they would have clung to every word. Brent... was not any kid.

He never believed many of the more outrageous legends, like the one about the ten heroes chosen by fate to defeat an evil king with a powerful dragon. All they were, he believed, were stories meant to thrill the kids and instill them with a sense of adventure as they grew older. His inspiration didn't come from that, however. He wanted to be like his brother, who'd begun challenging Gyms in the Kanto and Johto Regions.

On his tenth birthday, his brother gave him his first Pokemon, or rather what would become his first Pokemon. He had gifted him a Pokemon Egg bred from his own Starter, Typhlosion. Within days the Egg had hatched into a Cyndaquil, whom Brent went on to nickname Cinder. There was only one thing left to do. A couple days later, he and his father headed to New Amber Town, so Brent could receive a Pokedex and start his journey. While there, Brent met who would become his travelling companions. Three Johto Natives who had come to Viore: Lily Meadows, Devon Lyton, and Celes Elwyn.

The group headed off towards Vertigo City while it was still daylight, but came under attack by a strange group called Royal Skies. They escaped with an injured Shaymin, and made it to a Pokemon Center as the sun set. The next day, Brent watched a fierce battle between Devon and a Trainer named Brooks, before the group continued on to Vertigo City.


Viore League Badges

  • While his father studied Pokemon alongside Professor Maple, he was never around enough to really teach Brent any advanced facts or tricks when it came to being a Pokemon Trainer.
  • Brent doesn't disregard all legends and stories. For example, the story about a great civil war in ancient times, ended by one king, is one he believes, as there is proof of this war. He's still not sure about if how it ended is true, though.
  • In "Legendary Guardians", Brent became bonded with the Victory Pokemon Victini, becoming one of the Mythical Legendary Guardians of Viore.
So... Anyone... Gonna Post?
Ignore. Web Browser Screw Up.
Luna Muuya
[Pokemon Trainer]


Gender: Female

Age: 11

Hometown/Region: Heahea City, Alola

Personality: Luna is generally a very outgoing and social girl, and has made many friends in her time. She's often ready to lend a helping hand to someone who needs it, but normally doesn't go completely out of her way to help someone she doesn't know. She'll always be there for a friend. She has a lot of enthusiasm about her, but can be discouraged fairly easily. She'll soon snap back to her senses, however, and be ready for whatever life throws her way next. Usually.

History: Luna was born into the Muuya Family on Akala Island. She was raised in Heahea City by her parents and her grandmother who lived nearby. She was a relatively normal girl and lived a relatively normal life. It was nothing spectacular or world changing, but it was life.

She would end up attending the Trainer's School on Melemele Island alongside other kids her age, many of whom she would become good friends with as time passed on. She learned much from her experiences, among them the basics of being a Pokemon Trainer.

Around the age of nine, she met a wild Popplio on the beach near her home, and the two became what she could call friends. Every day, after school, the two would meet and play on the beach until sundown. However, one day when she arrived, the Water Type wasn't there. She set off along the coast searching for it, having a bad gut feeling something had happened to it. Her gut was right, and she found it beaten and bruised on a craggy portion of the beach.

After rushing it to the nearby Pokemon Center, Nurse Joy came to the conclusion that the Popplio, who she also confirmed was a she, had been bashed along the rocky coast by waves caused by a storm the night before. After she treated her wounds, Luna brought her home for the night where she recovered. After that night, the Popplio began to follow Luna everywhere, which eventually led Luna to officially capture the Water Type, naming her Torrent.

After that, her journey as a Pokemon Trainer had officially begun. Her team grew quickly on her adventures. First she would meet a Bounsweet after becoming lost in Lush Jungle, who admired Luna for her courage in protecting her injured partner when they came under attack by Wild Pokemon. Next would be a very lively bundle of energy, a Rockruff who quite literally fell into her lap from a cliff. The Rock Type bonded very quickly with her, and joined her team later that day.

Her latest addition was an Alolan Vulpix named Flake, who belonged to Luna's Grandmother. She ended up passing away quite suddenly a few weeks before Luna's eleventh birthday, and left the Ice Type to her granddaughter in her will. It was hard for both of them to cope with, more so for Flake. Later that week, Luna would also find a strange Sparkling Stone left on her doorstep. Finding this meant a great deal to her.

Following her eleventh birthday, Luna earned the right to take on the Alolan Island Challenge, bearing a Z-Ring made from the Sparkling Stone by the Island Kahuna Olivia. She faced the Trial at Brooklet Hill, doing battle against the Totem Pokemon, Wishiwashi. After a hard fought battle, Luna and her Pokemon emerged victorious, earning a Waterium-Z Crystal afterwards.

However, after witnessing the power of the Totem Pokemon first hand, Luna is unsure of how to proceed from here. Should she continue her Island Challenge, or was there something else for her in the big wide world? For the first time in her life, she hadn't a clue what she was going to do, now.


Alolan Island Challenge
  • Brooklet Hill - Waterium-Z

  • Luna has not captured a single Pokemon she owns through battle. Torrent, Sola, and Hound she befriended and they would later join her team, and Flake was gifted to her by her late grandmother.
  • She is good friends with other trainers her age such as Mallow and Lana from Melemele Island.
  • While Flake will follow Luna's instruction, the girl has yet to truly bond with her grandmother's Pokemon.
  • In "Legendary Guardians", Luna became bonded with the Melody Pokemon Meloetta, becoming one of the Mythical Legendary Guardians of Viore.
Bryce Crest
[Pokemon Trainer]


Gender: Male

Age: 16

Hometown/Region: Dewford Town, Hoenn

Personality: Bryce was once a young man filled with determination to fulfill his dreams. He wouldn't give up no matter what, even a crippling injury didn't keep him from trying. However, time and many failures have taken their toll, and he has begun to doubt himself and his abilities as a Trainer. He's nearly given up on the dreams he once carried with him, and his only motivation for continuing his journey is his Pokemon. He's willing to risk anything for them, and as long as they're happy, he's content. He'll put on a facade for those around him, but his Pokemon know the real him.

History: Bryce was the second born in the Crest Family, being born two years after his sister Lynn. Being born in Dewford, Bryce grew up around many different species of Pokemon. However, that didn't interest him. What he was interested in was the Water. Yes, from the moment he could swim, that's all that was on his mind. He wanted to get faster, stronger, and one day become the greatest swimmer in Hoenn.

Over the years, he and his sister took very different paths. On her tenth birthday, she left on a Pokemon Journey to become a Top Coordinator, while he continued training in his own way. He'd mastered several different swimming techniques by the time he was twelve, which had caught the notice of the Hoenn Olympic Team. In a shocking turn, he was offered a spot on the team, which he happily accepted. He could hear the crowds cheering his name, the best swimmer in Hoenn. He had to keep working, it wouldn't be long now. Just a few more weeks...

He had no idea how long he'd been out for. He looked around him. It looked like a hospital room. He could see his parents and sister around him. That's when he received the worst news of his life. While training along a normal swimming route, he had been attacked by a Wild Pokemon. He was found by a passing vessel, and brought to Slateport Hospital, where they barely saved his left leg, which was the most damaged. Only a week away, he had to drop out from the team to recover. He hoped that he would be ready for the next one. But, try as he might, he could never again swim the same again.

His dream was shattered, he had no goal in life. He had nothing to strive for now. That was when his sister tried once more to encourage him to go on his own Pokemon Journey, showing him a live Championship Battle in the Hoenn League. A Trainer had come to challenge the Hoenn League Champion, Steven Stone, for his title. He watched, and slowly he began to see how the crowds reacted to each blow. The power of the Champion prevailed, and Steven held his title. Not only that, but Bryce now had a new goal in life. To become a powerful Pokemon Trainer, and hear the roar of the crowds like they cheered on then.

After he recovered as fully as possible from his injuries, he set off on his own Pokemon Journey, choosing a Mudkip he would name Moss from the three Hoenn Starter Pokemon. He quickly gained a loyal friend in an Electrike he would name Striker, and continued training, catching, and battling his way to the Hoenn League. However, he lost in his Qualifying Round. He would not be easily deterred, however, and continued his journey to the Kanto Region to take on the Indigo League.

On this journey he would encounter a Shiny Eevee being hunted by a Pokemon Poacher, whom he defended it against. This Eevee decided to join Bryce on his team after seeing his heroics, and he named her Maya. Later on his journey, he came across three stones: A Fire Stone, Water Stone, and Thunder Stone. He decided to give Maya the choice of Evolution, and she chose the path of Fire.

Building up his team once again, he challenged the Indigo League, and placed in the Top 32. He still didn't win, but he was improving, and making his name known. Next he traveled to Unova, and challenged the League there as he had done before. However, much to his dismay, he lost his Qualifying Match once more. He was decimated, like his new dream had been pulled right out from under him. Unsure of how to proceed at this point, he looked to his Pokemon, who urged him to continue. And so he did, deciding to give it one more chance, one more shot to make his dream come true. He didn't have much hope...


Hoenn League Badges
  • Stone Badge
  • Knuckle Badge
  • Dynamo Badge
  • Heat Badge
  • Balance Badge
  • Feather Badge
  • Mind Badge
  • Rain Badge
Ever Grande Conference Placement: Qualifier

Indigo League Badges
  • Boulder Badge
  • Cascade Badge
  • Thunder Badge
  • Rainbow Badge
  • Soul Badge
  • Marsh Badge
  • Volcano Badge
  • Earth Badge
Indigo Conference Placement: Top 32

Unova League Badges
  • Insect Badge
  • Basic Badge
  • Toxic Badge
  • Bolt Badge
  • Quake Badge
  • Jet Badge
  • Freeze Badge
  • Wave Badge
Vertress Conference Placement: Qualifier

  • His Loss in the Unova League was a case of pure luck, yet he doesn't seem to realize that, and places the loss solely on his lack of skill as a Trainer.
  • There are always three Pokemon he takes with him through his journey. Moss, his Starter. Striker, his first catch and loyal partner. And Maya, his pride and joy and one of his most faithful companions.
  • Bryce doesn't remember the attack, but has developed a fear of Sharpedo after learning it was the likely culprit. He will dodge conversations concerning them, and will become tense if he glimpses even the faint fin of one in the water.
  • While he has two Pokemon capable of Mega Evolution, he himself does not possess a Key Stone nor the required Mega Stones.
  • It was actually Striker the Manectric who taught Maya how to use Flamethrower after she evolved into a Flareon.
  • In "Legendary Guardians", Bryce became bonded with the Seafaring Pokemon Manaphy, becoming one of the Mythical Legendary Guardians of Viore.
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