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Well darn, sorry to hear that. Do you mind if we NPC Nicodemus for the rest of this mission at least?

Saef Harken
Lenuria-Giant Crabs and Khaine

Ordinarily procedure would be to deal with every threat in an area before searching corpses. The battlefield has a way of messing with procedure however. Two squads moved in to search the downed crabs for the staff while the rest stayed on overwatch, keeping an eye on their surroundings. There were no significant forces nearby. Although a singular Demon was showing up on sensors, apparently watching. It was making no move to attack so they let Bonesword be. This was not a search and destroy mission after all.

In the waters above Saef was having only a mildly more difficult time. A flick of his wrist turned his scepter into a blade. The golden blade that sprang forth was ten feet long and easily sliced through the Demonic chains on one side of the trap. As he shot through the gap the Thaumaturge's attention was drawn to the portals from which the chains had sprung. His mind tracing out the patterns of magic holding them open.

Hmmmm. Not massively different from the portal back home. And these aren't being powered by an apocalyptic storm and human sacrifice. If I do this...

A countetspell shot from his shell of light and slammed into the nearest portal. It flickered and wavered for several seconds before resolidifying. A grin crept over his face beneath the helmet. That hadn't worked, but it had been close. A little longer and he would be able to dispel them with ease.

The spikes of light continued doing what they had formed to do. Homing in on Khaine once more. The swarm of significantly more than a dozen projectiles flew with essentially no water resistance. With very sharp tips and almost frictionless sides there wasn't a whole lot the water could do to slow them down.

OOC: The shields don't work on any strange, "Less is More" principles. If you take one strong hit and split into two strikes that each have half the power of the original strike it will still take the same amount of power from the shield to block them. What I said earlier is that there is a minimum amount of power needed to activate and block an attack. That means that you could do what Apia's bees did and put less energy into the attack than it takes to activate and block it.

Of course this is a comparatively long term form of attack. It might save you energy but it won't save you time.

The duo headed back to the small transportation chamber as Nakreyya spoke. Fionn fiddled with the screen once they were inside, switching the view on the screen to another section of the ship before touching one of the glowing dots. Another flash of white filled the room before the doors opened and the young man led them out.

This section had the same utilitarian look as the area around the cargo bay. Silverwhite walls and a black floor that was simultaneously smooth enough to slid along and yet provided excellent traction when walked across. Doorway arches dotted the corridor before them. Writing was engraved atop each arch in the same flowing script as that on the console on the bridge.

Turning to the left Fionn answered her question as he started walking. "There are a few but none in the same way you are used to. We primarily use less mmm, physical, ways of manipulating the world around us. I don't suppose you had a chance to learn about the electromagnetic spectrum or advanced thaumaturgic principles?"

Best to find out what she did and didn't know now. While they had this moment of relative peace.
@Holy Soldier

The 911 call was in fact made, yes. But the information given in that call is pretty far from the truth.

Little to no police. A few might show up but if it was a real gang shootout it's not likely they would be able to do anything until the bullets stoped flying.

As for why you don't want to let said shootout run its course. It's an apartment building. People live there. Bare minimum some of them will have their families in the building. To say nothing of rounds leaving the building and possibly hitting people outside.

The Saints may not be able to avoid killing the same way as the Justice League does. But they can can still try to save as many lives as possible while making sure justice is served.
@Holy Soldier

It was the apartment building that got the fake 911 call. And I really must question your evaluation on what does and does not require intervention.

From what the Saints know it's probably a gang war.

In an apartment building.

With little to no police response.

How does that in any way shape or form sound like something you just let run it's course?
@hagroden@Agent 47@Krayzikk

Justin Harken

It took a concerted of will not to flash his power and abort the jump partway through. The entire thing just felt so wrong. But it would also save them crucial time traveling across the city. That time could mean the difference between life and death for a lot of people. So Justin held it in until they arrived on the roof of the warehouse in question.

Of course that didn't mean he had to put up with the nausea the teleportation induced. A small effort and a soft glow behind his eyes were all it took to banish the feeling. Straightening up he placed a hand on Olive's shoulder, sending a similar surge of power through her as well. The large man was just turning to follow Eld Fen when his phone rang. It was the burner phone of course. He never brought his regular phone on these excursions. You never brought identifying items on a black op.

"Guardian. Warden. On my way in, with a potential recruit in tow. Might want to make sure anyone that's not in a mask gets one on quick."

"Understood Warden. Be advised the base is currently empty and security systems have been engaged. The entire team is currently deployed to an ongoing gang related incident in Death Row. I marked the location on the map."

He hung up when he finished passing on the information. As much as he would have loved to sit and chat with Acheri this wasn't the time or place. She would understand. Putting the phone back in its pocket on his tactical vest Justin withdrew his Glock and followed Eld at a crouch.
Bit of a sticky situation since you are essentially making a faction and a character. Take a look here for information on creating the former.
Help, the GM is the slowest member of the cast and we need to him to post to get the Saints moving.

Nakreyya's laugh teased out a similar chuckle from Fionn himself. He smiled as he rose from his chair and spoke. "There is no shame in feeling wonder at such a completely new experience. It is my pleasure to show it to you." He gave her couple minutes longer to enjoy the view as they sped across the landscape, eventually clearing his throat and speaking again. "The flight will take us about twenty minutes and I have a few more areas I would like to show you. You should enjoy the engineering section even if we can't get to anything else.

She might not be able to understand much if anything that went on within that esoteric section but he was certain she would have a blast anyway. Heck, if what he had seen so far was any indication she might just decide to live down there if she became a permanent member of the crew.

Saef Harken
Lenuria-Giant Crabs

Of course things could never go wrong just one at a time, that would be too easy. They had to happen in pairs or trios. Or about a million at a time that all added up to one giant F### YOU. Thankfully this was one of the former.

"Adjust fire. Less volume more accuracy. We don't want to destroy the staff if it happens to be in there somewhe-####" His commands broke off as a cascade of red lightning flashed over the formation. Blades of varying sizes started appearing out of the floors and walls, slamming into shields in flashes of light. "It would appear that we have drawn the attention of an enemy champion. Cover isn't helping so starting jumping around like a school of minnows. Try to brings those crabs down carefully while I deal with our guest."

His men moved with alacrity. Many of them were now low on shields and getting shot at is always a wonderful motivator. Squads stayed more or less together but as a whole they all started moving in fast, unpredictable motions. Even with the water slowing them down somewhat it would be very difficult to perform a repeat of the earlier mass attack.

The stream of lasers had lessened but not ceased. Instead of a massive deluge the fire was sparser and more accurate. Limbs were the primary target, legs and claws. When possible coherent light also slammed into heads. Without the extra firepower of the anti-armor missiles the Heavenly Mechanized was going for a slightly longer fight. Slow the crabs down and pick them off when able.

Saef himself turned and shot upward, following the magic being launched at his troops. Another sheath of light surrounded him. This one radiated significantly less light. He wanted the extra mobility afforded by it but didn't want to broadcast his position to the entire battlefield at the same time.

Up ahead was a Demonic figure by anyone's measure. Red, spiky and glowing the orange/yellow of flames. And his aura was the same as the magic just cast at his troops. Saef raised his scepter and formed a spell within the sanctum of his mind. Half a second later a swarm of golden spikes erupted from the waters around the Thaumaturge. There were a lot of the softly glowing weapons and each one was homing in on Khaine from a variety of different directions.
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