Avatar of SleepingSilence


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My Very Brief Bio

Male, 31 years old. (So I'm practically dead, as we speak.)

Likes (other than writing and roleplaying): I'm into all genres of music. I love to cook. I love the outdoors, and walking through the park near my house. (Yes, really.) I read a lot of thriller/mystery novels. And I usually watch seasonal anime. (Or cooking shows. Because Western Media provides even fewer things that are worth watching.)

But as for my many other neglected hobbies, I've played basically every sport. (Soccer and Bowling being my favorite of the bunch.) And I'm trying to play more video games. (Going through my never-ending Steam library.) Plus, I've dabbled in making electronic & metal music, and I used to play a number of instruments. (Guitar, French Horn, etc.)

My 1X1 Interest Check: SleepingSilence's Tavern (Want 1x1 RP's? Please come in.)

Hope you have a wonderful day!

Most Recent Posts

(Will make pretty at later date.)

Name: Lydrim Viertan
Race: Antarrayin mardik
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Height: 6’1 (Foot/Inches)
Weight: 187 Pounds
Continent: Tellus
Occupation: Chef

  • Calm: His ability to maintain his composure is quite above many others limits of tolerance, even when angry or agitated his words and his movements come out calmly and methodically. His voice when happy, sad and furious is practically indistinguishable Leading to being unpredictable, his actual actions can seem to come from nowhere given how calm he always appears to be.
  • Loyal: He never goes back on his word. Rarely making promises, but always keeping them regardless of the strength of the relationship and how impractical it is to keep it. He has a close circle he would kill and die for, even taking his bond with animals to an extreme level, considering them part of his own family. He has respect for those in his community and takes pride in keeping them fed.
  • Hardworking: He’s often a workaholic, seldom giving downtime for himself. He’s always cooking and working on new recipes, gathering, hunting and anything required to keep busy. Sometimes even helping others with their work, solely for his own personal satisfaction of not feeling like a layabout.
  • Neat: Keeping everything neat, his personal appearance is well kept as it could be given his environment and often being too busy. His clothing, his cooking equipment and hunting tools all meticulously organized and sorted out.
  • Tolerant: Different races, creeds, cultures never bothered him. Though he was never particularly interested in others cultures or problems. Just figuring he had enough problems of his own to deal with. He doesn’t care about loud or smelly animals, or whiny children. He ignores most of them equally, with an apathetic attitude.
  • Humorous: Always appreciates a good joke or bad joke told right, often takes pleasure when people slip and fall. He has a good sense of humor about himself, he will occasionally laugh at something that probably wasn’t that funny to anyone else. He can’t resist cracking a joke to lighten any gloomy mod or particularly sad looking individual.
  • Adventurous: He is often asked to do rather impossible and dangerous tasks that he’s always more than happy to do, when there’s a good reward and the thrill of entertainment is just luxury. He rarely backs down from things that he’s confidently able to perform.

  • Chummy: Most would probably disagree or give leery stares, if you told them this was a friendly soul and they’d be correct. But to those he’s close to, he doesn’t bother keeping anything to himself and can enjoy a casual conversation. Often leading him to talk to all the animals around to keep him company.
  • Irreligious: He doesn’t believe in gods of any kind to the point where providing evidence would do you no good. He’s quite bitter when others even bring faith or spirituality in conversations. He’d likely use books or parchment with religious text as kindling for fire, from how much he regards their worth. His reasoning for this is quite vague and ill defined.
  • Stubborn: He is never wrong, even when he makes a mistake. Someone else is likely to blame. Not because he’s stupid, but because he just will never admit that he’s ideals and methods of doing things aren’t always correct or justified. He’ll never lose sleep over self-doubt.

  • Cruel: Free tip, never piss this guy off. He can be relentlessly sadistic and hateful when he is angered. He doesn’t have problems murdering, burning and torturing others for benefit to himself. But only becomes that way through emotional affliction, he doesn’t enjoy being cruel toward others and his monstrous side is well known and often warned about beforehand. So you only have yourself to blame if you find yourself six feet under.
  • Dishonest: His friends don’t have to worry about him pulling a fast one. But everyone else, more than likely, you’ll be hearing endless lies coming from his mouth. He often lies even when there is practically no benefit for him to do so. He’ll likely tell you his name is several different things in one day, because he’s also not efficient at lying either, despite his experience.
  • Faithless: Evil assumes evil, he doesn’t trust a single word that comes out of another’s mouth. Quite skeptical of even the most benign things, making his relationships with others quite complicated. Only giving animals and his closest friend the benefit of doubt, usually.
  • Opportunistic: He doesn’t have money on the brain and won’t accept anything asked of him for a price. But give this man an opportunity to make some money and you’ll likely have him hear you out, if nothing else. Not exclusively wealth specific, he’ll take any advantage he can in almost any situation.

History: Living in Tellus, his beginnings weren’t favorable odds, his father and mother were young lovers burdened with afflicted pasts, abusive families and back breaking labor. Poverty stricken along with the misfortune of their few friends being wrongfully convicted for crimes, punished with lifetime imprisonment or death which was considered the favored circumstance. Making love in the month of the earth, under the giant blossoming tree they met, their miracle of having their first child together begot with tragedy. The mother gave birth to a children with the umbilical cord wrapped twice around the baby's neck, the baby survived. The mother passed away soon after. Leaving the father had to care for the son alone.

His early childhood was a struggle, the father had worked his hardest while getting a couple lucky breaks along the way, finding a small group that he could call friends. Allowing his baby boy to grow up properly, his father was quite protective of Lydrim, recognizing his uniqueness. A rumor had spread fast, about the strange phenomenon of animals consistently approaching and imprinting with him, the father had creatures of various sizes and beasts circling and following him, never bringing his son harm or himself, unless he wasn’t in near approximation of his son. Which always kept them well fed, even subsequently allowing other hunters to spend less time hunting, his father started sharing his wife’s cooking skills and hunting techniques which greatly benefitted the people of the trees. Making the father respected by those who knew him and the young boy praised for being the communities restoration.

From a young age he was always interested when his father was cooking and watching his buddies sparring with each other during times of relaxation. He grew up healthy and without many problems in his impoverished life for six years. Anytime he’d feel down, one of his father’s friends or his father’s joke would get him to smile and giggle. But that was all blurred, his first actual memories weren’t pleasant. When he turned seven, his father got terribly sick and bedridden. He was alive, but unable to do anything for his son. His friends became surrogate parents and provided as much care, training and comfort they could for Lydrim. But he didn’t make friends easily, the other children found him bizarre and awkward. The fact that he constantly talked to animals, nobody could understand or believe that he could despite his insistence. Having many in his hands or following him, that they’d end up leaving a mess. He needed more baths than the average kid. The adult were kinder, but even they found his behavior at times questionable.

Finally learning about his mother dying because of his birth that year. Begged by his son to share stories about his mother. Feeling the harsh truth should be taught before his passing, he complied making Lydrim miserable every night, often sleeping after exhaustively sobbing beside his father, despite his efforts to console. An entire year passed before Lydrim couldn’t be comforted by his father anymore. His funeral was during snowfall, held by a small group, his six closest friends gently lowering him down, filling the hole. On the very same day one of his father’s closest friends died in an accident during a rockslide. Lydrim was taken in by another friend, where he’d spend his days until his early adulthood.

He spent most of his days running off, where nobody could find him. In isolated areas of forests, climbing high trees, keeping himself from loneliness, communicating and spending time with all the animals. When he could be found with others of his own kind. He was training and cooking, slowly becoming as good, possibly better than his father at a much younger age. His best memories revolve around meeting and befriended a young wolf in his early adolescent and his eventual love. They protected each other during their many misadventures. His hatred grew for the nobles and the people of the trees, learning how they lived and how they treated everyone. During one of the earlier months, what tended to be very boring traveling for supplies, lead to altercations with the nobles that got his surrogate father badly injured. Both he and Lydrim were nearly killed, but his companion sank their fangs into the nobles throats, and ripped them to pieces. The female wolf getting hurt in the process.

But everyone’s physical scars had healed, the mental stress and the pressure from many in the community to give up the wolves, The People Of The Trees administered dire consequences, affecting everyone who associated with Lydrim. Even those closest fearfully started to abandon them through exclusion. Managing on their own, the surrogate father started getting into a darker crowd under duress and eventually became a hired assassin. Lydrim was taught to be strong and take any opportunities he had, even violent and cruel ones. Because that’s just how life worked. He worked rigorously and got his hands dirty often, having a few interchanging companions, but nothing lasted long, while eventually growing into adulthood and living on his own. His surrogate father becoming one of the most wanted criminal, changed in many ways, except that he still truly loved Lydrim like a son. But distance was the only thing that could grant him safety.

Living the best life possible, somewhere unfamiliar and unknown, becoming a chef and doing an abundance of risky jobs given to him. During a month of earth only a few before his birthday, several years ago. The wolves finally decided by have babies of their own, the mother wanted children to raise before dying. The mother wolf only gave birth to a single pup, before dying from a complication of the birth. The only real friend he had left and his health started spiraling down, proving nothing good last forever. Nowadays, things have gotten pretty quiet and mundane. Raising his best friend’s child, just his several fathers before him. Doing what it takes to thrive, until the inevitable end, remaining in the company of those he feeds.

Powers (Desired):
  • Burying: The ability to sink objects or people into the earth. I.E Sinking someone into the sand until only their head remains, during a high tide.
  • Burrowing: Ability to dig through solid material and create tunnels. I.E Creating a quick tunnel for escape or save time during travel by going through mountains opposed to going around them..
  • Earth Generation: Ability to create earth materials. I.E Creating a wall of solid earth.
  • Earth Transmutation: Ability to change earth material into a different form. I.E Changing quicksand into mud, or soft soil into solid ground.
  • Ground Rupturing: Ability to make the ground burst out. I.E The ground breaking and cracking.
  • Unearthing: Ability to rise up something that was buried beneath earth. I.E Finding buried treasure chest without stress.
  • Ground Liquification: Turning solid ground into liquid substance. I.E an area of solid ground suddenly changing into a pool.
  • Geokinetic Surfing: Ability to use boulders or earthly platforms to move faster. I.E Surfing a boulder.
  • Creating Avalanches, Earthquakes, Mudslides: Abilities to create natural disasters. I.E To cause mass destruction.
  • Terraportation: Ability to teleport through different types of earth material. I.E Teleporting from tree to tree to quickly cross a forest.
  • Fruit/Vegetable Manipulation: Ability to manipulate fruit and vegetables. I.E Make food ripe, spoiled, grow them, change their color.
  • Flower Manipulation: Ability to manipulate flowers. I.E Changing their fragrance, changing their properties. Making harmless flowers poisonous.
  • Plant Fertility Manipulation: Ability to make plants grow faster or slower. I.E Making weeds spread like wildfire and kill crops.
  • Pollen Manipulation: Ability to manipulate how pollen travels and it’s effectiveness. I.E Send paralyzing spores in a certain path, to incapacitate a group of enemies.
  • Vine Manipulation: Ability to control vines. I.E Use vines to bind an enemy.
  • Seismic Sense: Ability to sense things touching earth around you. I.E Sensing other movements from a distance away, if they're on solid ground.
  • Zoolingualism: Ability to talk to animals and the ability to make animals speak comprehensively.

  • Hand to hand combat: He’s quite a good fighter in an unarmed brawl, he can take many good punches to the gut and deal out plenty of pain. Having a knack for it even at a young age, only getting better with the training he performs. He could even teach someone to stand their ground in a fight, at the right price of course. Only improving in tactics and endurance with age.
  • Animal Tamer: He’s quite capable of training and taming the most rowdy, aggressive and stupid beasts upon these lands. Making them quite approachable and well trained. All without any magic necessary. But often form endless trial and error, but if anyone can do it...
  • Linguistic: He is quite fluent in various languages and forms of communication. Quite a fast learner in interpreting different languages when speaking or even writing.

  • Mana Reckless: When performing his earth magic, he often lets a little more magic escape than necessary when completing his abilities, making his mana storage deplete often faster than his opponents. Often relying on very quick hit and run tactics, because of his unrestrained magic production.
  • Genophobic: Nothing complicated here, he’s just terrified of sexual experiences. His parents died having him, his closest wolf companions died from birth, the list goes on and the idea always seemed grotesque. He doesn’t mind other sharing or expressing affection, just in other ways.
  • Easily Irritable Sleeper: Though you’ll likely never be able to sneak up and kill him in his sleep, it’s certainly more negative when it doesn’t come to extreme situations, often tossing and turning in sleep which is required for proper mana replenishing and retention. Not usually someone you want to wake up either.
  • Dulled Senses: His ears aren’t much stronger than a human’s from several accidents from his childhood and his nose was always borderline useless, often relying on his wolf or others when needing to smell.

  • Cooking: He enjoys finding new food and tasting, making recipes for anything savory, spicy or sweet. There’s nothing he won’t cook and feed to those who want it or pay for it. His passion is almost childlike in approach, but his mastery of techniques make him quite excellent at it.
  • A good fist fight: He’s always been interested or intrigued by unarmed brawls, finding them the ultimate test for how worthy you are. Not respectful of anyone who won’t raise their fists in a hostile scenario. He often spares with others to exercise and keep himself healthy and fit.
  • Company of animals: Being quite used to it ever since childhood, animals always seemingly following him around anywhere he went. His powers aren’t taken for granted. His pets often staying beside him, conversing with them constantly.
  • Jokes: He loves jokes, dark, dry, crude, childish, unfunny. Anything that’s meant to give others pleasure through a small giggle or hearty chuckle, he relishes in them and appreciates their craft.

  • Long conversations: Despite enjoying being around animals, his pets especially and talking them deaf. He doesn’t actually enjoy communicating with strangers or even his close non-animal friends for very long, especially if he’s not interested in the current topic of discussion. Preferring most communication between others to be brief.
  • Nobility: If you’re rich, you better have a good answer why you haven’t donated over half your income to charity. Don’t just explain that you’ve earned it. He’s quite repulsed by those with excessive wealth or those that brag about material possessions.
  • Reading: Despite being perfectly articulate, his reading comprehension is quite below average. Thus, reading anything that isn’t cooking recipes, he’ll be very disinterested unless someone happens to read it aloud for him.
  • Seeing children or animals being mistreated: Seeing how to piss him off easily, doing malevolent things toward children and animals. Takes proper precautions when hunting, to give animals the proper respect and making it painless as possible.

Equilibrium - Mana (Theme song)

@Dynamo Frokane Am I allowed to jest that I clearly have missed nothing? I don't have real internet so I can't post any juicy memes. So I feel left out. :C
@Odin Unfortunately most of that is too vague (without proper explanation or clarification) for me to empathize with what you're talking about exactly. I'll leave the personal feelings at the door, since they're not particularly helpful.

I know people have told me things, it just depends on their personal history (or complete lack thereof) with me on how much I'll take them seriously...They just usually don't give me good reasons for those things. I did specify concrete ones. But don't worry I wasn't trying to rake you over the coals. But it's unfortunate you think I'm unfunny, I'd say that's about the only thing I'm particularly good at. I guess you wouldn't care for real life me either because I do a lot of self-deprecating humor. I wear my friends nearly choking to death on their drinks at my jokes, as a badge of honor.)

I mean if it was based on any actual evidence or examples. Like if I role-played with you in the past and I wasn't polite when bringing up mistakes for instance. But I've never role-played with you. But if you weren't making a personal statement and making a general one instead, that I probably couldn't be polite when pointing out mistakes to people I role play with. There's also many, many points to the contrary of me politely pointing out people spelling errors and getting a perfectly reasonable response back. Some have thanked me for it. If you feel that judging someone entirely, based on limited experience for things that could potentially be beneficial and perfectly innocuous. That kinda sorta sounds like bias to me, but never said you couldn't have them. I guess we can leave it to agreeing to disagree.

(This below isn't at you it's just to save from spamming the thread.)
Having no internet for 3 days fucking sucks. And typing posts from my phone is going to be incredibly arduous and a pain in my ass, because I'm a horribly impatient person and looking at a phone too long hurts my eyes.

There we go, got the vent out of the way...
@Grim I'm aware that's usually how it's done. Honestly if a GM made the rules that you'd have to make a sample post but was also clever enough to describe what it should be about, whether doing what you suggested or making a topic or broad theme which since everyone's reading your CS's anyway it would be fun to see what other people came up with. And I could see that being worth doing because it adds a little extra community interaction.
@Odin So in the scenario that I brought up, you not being the GM, would you PM the GM to bring up the concern with someone else's character post? Or would you just assume the GM gave them the permission to break their own lore or have an undefined power. The customer is always right addage, if you will.

But you at least acknowledge that you can point out people's mistakes and flaws without being judged for it and feel justified for doing so. As long as you are the GM of the campaign or just someone who isn't me? Don't worry about it. I hate me too sometimes. That's even more common ground we share.

I guess it's nice to be honest and transparent with your biases? No really, it's a step. (If I can ever meet someone to give me a concrete reason for their contempt I'd shower them with confetti.)

So theoretically someone else could use the exact same words I use when describing possible advice and critique with writing that you've made. And you'd take it personally to innocuous depending who said it? I suppose I go by the broken clocks can be right twice a day, so if anyone had positive or negative critique to something I had written. I'd appreciate that they took the time to read it in the first place. Though I agree my thoughts can differ from the average individual. I suppose that clears up my query and also previous discussion. Bout all I can add. Was a nice chat. :3

@Grim While the new and old both have con's. I'd say new would be the better choice. (A prologue sample post is actually kind of nifty.) Though would you consider making someone write that before typing out the character sheet or after the character sheet is already accepted? Or is it something that just needs to be done at the same time? (The alternatives I mentioned just sound more convenient to the poster to me.)
@Odin People that use the XD emoticon should be flogged.

There's nothing wrong with denying people mind, you're right that pointing out flaws won't automatically make one a better writer. Similar to the 'giving a man of fish versus teaching'. But they will inevitably ask "why?" When they do, I'd say would be fair to answer them. Though it would involve you pointing out what they spelled wrong, grammatical mistakes, cringey lines or stuff that doesn't follow the lore, or whatever rules you have put in place. Etc etc.

Let me go one step further, because I'm sure this happens to everyone. If you are part of a community of role-players, not a GM, but your with a chosen group and making/posting characters. You notice someone's character sheet is written just fine, but they have a misunderstanding with the lore, or just some things amiss, like a power that's not clearly defined. Do you think it's inappropriate to point it out to that person, so they can correct it? Do you just leave it to the GM even if you found it first? And presumably the GM is getting the first post written up, planning future plot details with the CO-GM's, whatever else. May even be something that was missed by the GM. (because they make mistakes too) and something like that a undefined power could potentially become a IC problem.

Doesn't it benefit more than yourself to @/PM that person and politely bring up the concern?
@Grim I mean if you agree with that comment being so, then I'm glad we're on the same page. But it was actually was relevant/related to something I wanted to/just asked and to the comment I was responding to.

Now on sample posts, what would you personally expect as an example post if you were a GM? Because there's two different answers to that question. 1. That you don't mind if someone posts and old post they have already made on the forum previously as long as it showcases their writing. 2. Acquiring everyone to write something new. (if not my suggestion where it's just your first post with a barrier of mod acceptance.)
@Odin *I wonder if I should bring up the fact that I spoke typed these on my phone while walking.* #blameautocorrect

So are you (or anyone, if they feel like responding) completely opposed to people who made a unsatisfactory character sheet from writing another one or getting a second chance? Because in order to do that you would likely have to point out what was wrong with it in the first place. Right?
@Grim If I can be very smug about my own writing for just a second. I personally love how that sentence can apply to anyone (including myself) and isn't a direct attack/comment. While perfectly encapsulating how useless a critique it is. Because not only is it crossed out, which means I agree it wasn't worth keeping. Playfully acknowledging its own ridiculousness. But it really does add to the humor because I can't be called out on it because I've been directly called the hypocrite by several people including people in charge. (which is fair is fair because most human beings are hypocrites) So my comments not only playful, less direct, it's also pointing out the fact that judging people, for simply mentioning people make mistakes (and maybe should improve upon them.) is somehow inherently wrong because you make mistakes is pretty ridiculous, if you're just going to do it yourself in the very next comment you make.

Sorry, I'm usually so critical of my own writing that sometimes you need to give yourself some praise. I basically agree that you can have personal preferences and maybe if there are particular things on a character sheet like your characters world or philosophy you can start getting into some prose. And even though I'm not big into sample posts I can see why they might be used. ( maybe the sample post can be just the first post you plan on using that just requires mod acceptance for example.)
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