Avatar of SleepingSilence


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My Very Brief Bio

Male, 31 years old. (So I'm practically dead, as we speak.)

Likes (other than writing and roleplaying): I'm into all genres of music. I love to cook. I love the outdoors, and walking through the park near my house. (Yes, really.) I read a lot of thriller/mystery novels. And I usually watch seasonal anime. (Or cooking shows. Because Western Media provides even fewer things that are worth watching.)

But as for my many other neglected hobbies, I've played basically every sport. (Soccer and Bowling being my favorite of the bunch.) And I'm trying to play more video games. (Going through my never-ending Steam library.) Plus, I've dabbled in making electronic & metal music, and I used to play a number of instruments. (Guitar, French Horn, etc.)

My 1X1 Interest Check: SleepingSilence's Tavern (Want 1x1 RP's? Please come in.)

Hope you have a wonderful day!

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Today is a good day.
Nah it's all good.

Update: Posted finally. I apologize for the delay.
Do you want the AI character to be apart of your ship in some way? I can role with whatever you have in mind. But lets just say it's just unlikely that they'll come across another ship straight away under normal circumstances.
Nah, feel free. Maybe you can write them in a separate situation?
His eyes shift to the upper-right corner for a moment, letting out a sharp exhale through his nostrils, creating the only noise in the silent atmosphere that surrounds them. His claws clench the armrests before focusing back at her with an empathetic expression. At least that’s what it looks like on your face, what it meant to the alien could’ve been wildly different. But it was almost surprising to hear his voice soften and be seemingly calmer in response. “I believe I understand your concerns in these matters. If you wish to return to the docking bay, I can let you go to your ship and document your inventory during my own procedures. I’ll have you know that you’re welcome to shares of my food, it provides many of the same nutrients that you require and shouldn’t be harmful for your digestive system or other bodily functions. But I implore that you wait until we land on a safe planet before sending out those probes. Because there’s a lot of complicated problems we’ll run into if you send them out now, and it will be wasted efforts. And I’m afraid if we spend too much time discussing this while remaining adrift in this zone, we’ll just be damning ourselves from finding our solution.”

It was a vague warning indeed, but one that felt calculated. A decision to choose those words weren’t made lightly or from lack of experience. Pathfinders didn’t reach such magnificent heights by failing to judge people’s intentions, and his worry about the probes seemed genuine enough. So she was presented with a conundrum that he waited for her agreement to head to her ship, so that he could quickly settle in a location where the rest could be determined later. But you’d likely need to wait to ask many pertinent queries, like how he knew what resources your body needs if he’d never heard of your species. It didn’t sound like a lie to mislead or blindly reassure. You could kind of get the vibe that he had a solid conviction in his plan and that doubting him wouldn’t be favored. So the question would be if she’d be better off challenging that assertion and questioning the exact reasoning behind his hesitations. Or agreeing and waiting for him to prove himself as a useful ally to stick around in this strange dimension you found yourself in...

Edit: Also while you shouldn't feel obligated to vote. I figured I'd mention that I didn't see you vote for your favorite/most worthy to win. Just wanted to make sure that was intentional. (I also might've just missed it. Forgive me if that's the case.)
He appeared to be amused by her first remark as his grin got a bit wider and his body leaned in. “You've never heard of the Oraborom? Heh. Then my speculations were correct...” Stroking his chin with certainty, with his eyes seeming to stare into her soul, perhaps he was pondering what to say next. Returning to a laid-back posture, resting his claws atop the armrests while speaking frankly. “The systems we’re from shouldn’t be our primary concern at the moment. Instead, it appears due to us colliding into each other, neither of us are where we belong. So we’re both equally at fault for finding ourselves stuck in this situation. So I propose we work together to find our way back home. And I'm already working on that, observe...”

A section of the ceiling seemed be caving in and dropping from between them, but it was just the red light morphing its shape again, this time changing into a transparent holographic screen that displayed the colorful space that surrounded the ship's exterior. He didn’t seem to bother explaining how he was able to operate this bizarre interface, maybe it was easier to make your own assumptions, but the additional information he did give only lead to further complications. “I’m afraid I don't know what happened, or anything about the dimension we’ve ended up in. But I can tell you that I neither have money, nor the mechanical knowledge to know how to repair your ship. And I’ve already tried sending out waves meant to detect planets or ships that receive communication signals in the same way I used to speak to you. But I haven’t picked up anything yet, which may mean we’re quite distant from any planet with intelligent life. So for now, I believe we’re on our own...that might not be the answer you were looking for. But I wouldn't worry, as you’re free to stick around here until I can find us a safe spot to land.”

You were given permission to sit tight and wait for this creature to find any source of life that may be able to help. But he didn't seem to have many more answers than you did, least not the ones that lead you closer to home...until then you could try asking it more questions or offer suggestions. But it probably wouldn't hurt to pick your words carefully...
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