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I was thinking smoke manipulation and maybe a bit of fire. I’ll go a deeper but that is the general idea.
Interested. I'll start working on a cs to post.
I'm interested. Are you still accepting?

Reidun could see Aksel speaking to one of the other leaders and locked arms and clapped each other on the back as was a common greeting among friends. Grinning she took in the sites around her. They had past the ruins of the monastery that Ragnar Lothbrok and his men had destroyed so many years ago. Her excitement was dimmed only by the sun’s determination to go down in the next hour or so. It had been a day full of anticipation. They had been a bit further away than they had assumed. It had taken them more time than they had expected to get to the shoreline. Since the boats were going to be beached for a while they had emptied them of their supplies and had put up makeshift coverings for the night.

Overhearing something about the defenseless village of Oakshire being just through the trees and then Watford being so close from there left her grinning.

Conall had helped the rest of the men unload the ships’ cargo into their makeshift base for the upcoming raids. Conall having placed the last of the boxes down he began to wander into the surrounding forest to clear his mind and prepare for the battle. Conall made sure not to get carried away in his daydreaming and kept close to the outpost, but for the time he enjoyed this peace and quiet. Many were fearful during this period that the often called “The calm before the storm” but Conall loved it. He also liked the fact that he could do his pre battle rituals in private.

Reidun looked around for Conall and didn’t see him right away. Deciding to walk towards this Oakshire beyond the trees she stepped outside of the outpost and headed for the woods. A figure emerged in the distance and she smiled recognizing Conall. As she approached him she could see that he was focussed on what he was doing. Not wanting to startle him she hung back a little. “Conall?”

Conall’s head shot up at the sound of Reiduns voice. He hadn’t noticed her following him into the woods. “Ay its me. I'm sorry I didn't notice you had followed me.” Conall had begun to stand from his kneeling position. Once he had turned around to face her he showed that he had been in the middle of getting his face paint ready. He smiled at her saying “Did you need something Reidun?”

Reidun smiled at him and walked over to him. “Actually I was going to go check out the village of Oakshire. Finding you out here is just a surprise I didn’t expect. Getting ready for the battle I see. I think I’ll wait for my paint til tomorrow. Since you are here, would you like to take a peak with me? I imagine that these Englishmen are quite different from us.”

Conall smiled at her. “Well sure I’d love to go with you.” he said while putting the paint down “I can put on my paint later.” Conall waited for her to lead him to the town called Oakshire. “It will be a bit difficult to stay hidden considering we don't blend in with our red hair and my extreme size.” Conall said not sure how going to this small town would go but he was willing to do it if it meant spending some time with Reidun before the battle.

Reidun was certain that these people had seen enough of the vikings over the last years to be used to them for the most part. Her smile came easy at his description of them. “Yes, we are pretty recognizable. I think it will be fine, and if not...I have my axe and you can definitely fight them off with your weapons or your fists. I have no worry about Oakshire.”

Reidun walked next to him through the trees until they opened into a clearing and ahead was the small village. Reidun kept her pace the same as they walked towards the village. There were people working the land. The harvest was being planted and it made her smile. Were they really so different? Apparently they were not so different in all things.

Conall kept close to Reidun in the event that a fight started he could quickly get both of them out of harm's way. Though to be fair Conalls size usually did a good job at scaring off would be opponents. He knew that most of the villages here would be different then what Reidun had been used to with much more sturdy homes and a bigger focus on surviving than on fighting and raiding. He also wasn't so sure how she would like the fact that women in this culture were not kept in such high regard as in that of her and his cultures. He turned to her to see how she would react to seeing this small town. “Is it everything you hoped it would be” Conall said with a smirk as they got closer to the village.

Reidun smiled at Conall and glanced back at the people in front of her. There had been rains recently and much of the ground was saturated. The people didn’t appear to be as clean as she had thought they might be. She also saw the father figure strike the young woman for something and her hand automatically went to her axe. The man yelled at the woman and she nodded and picked up an about all barrel and walked away. This bothered Reidun and her brow furrowed as she thought on it.

“Their family unit differs from ours. I think I’ll be quite able to enjoy slaughtering some of these men who will undeniably deserve it.”

“Ay it does.” Conall said with a hint of disappointment in his voice. “There are some good ones out there but they are far and few between.” Out of the corner of his eye Conall could see Reidun ready to chop off the poor fools head. Placing a hand on her shoulder he whispered “I want that fool to pay just as much as you but let's try not to start unless we have to.” Conall could see how angry the man's action made her. Letting out a sigh and shaking his head a little he said “If ye must do it I'll help you.”

Reidun looked up as the sun was setting and she glanced once more at the man and she decided that she would rather enjoy one last night with the vikings celebrating now that they are here, in England. “I’m sure he’ll get his. I want some ale. Let’s go back. It might be a long time before we get a night without fighting again.” Squeezing his hand she turned and headed back towards the outpost.

Keeping a hold of her hand Conall followed her back towards the forest. “I'm sure he will get what he deserves if he doesn't run like the coward he is.” Conall pulled her close to him as they continued their walk towards the camp. “Besides I would much rather spend the night celebrating with you and Harek then getting into some meaningless fight.”

As they broke through the tree line Conall could see the rest of the raiders had begun to set up fires and had already gotten the ale ready for a night of celebration. Conall made his way over to where a fire had just began. He motioned for Reidun to sit next to him as he looked into the fresh flames.

Harek had been resting by one of the fires when he heard the voices of two young people on the other side of the flames. Harek immediately recognized the two redheads who sat down on the other side of him. Harek grinned and moved around the fire to sit next to Conall. “I remember the last time we were in these isles. I seem to have memories of an unnaturally tall man almost being captured a fair bit south of here. Of course my memory may just be failing me, but I don’t think so.”

Conall couldn’t help but let a slight laugh out at Hareks antics. “Well if I remember correctly it was because some old man couldn't keep up with me.” Conall held a smirk, he loved so much to poke fun at Harek. “Hopefully I won't have to risk my neck to save your sorry arse this time.”

“Hey! How is anyone supposed to keep up with those stupid long legs of yours.” Harek looked over at Reidun and nodded his head, “Reidun, you look as beautiful as ever. I see you have been tasked with babysitting this oversized child.”

Reidun laughed as the pair teased each other. It had been a long time since she had seen Harek in a playful mood. “More likely he is babysitting me.” She tossed back as she took a long gulp of her ale. “I wanted to kill a man for hitting his girl earlier. These people do not respect women.”

“They don’t respect anything. They beat their women and children. They live short and pathetic lives, toiling under some lord for no reason. Never doing what they want, because it is against one of their thousand laws. They live free lives, so they never live at all.” Harek was immediately put in a sour mood from thinking of the people that they were here to raid.

Conall took a drink of his ale before looking over at Harek. “I don't think I have ever seen you get like this while talking.” Conall said very matter of factly. Conall wanting to lighten the mood on this time of celebration wrapped an arm around Harek saying “Could it be that you are capable of doing something other than swing a sword around like a chicken with no head.” Conall was trying desperately to maintain a straight face through all of this.

“You wanna see a chicken with no head??? I’ll show you one when I cut yours off and show your own head how stupid you look.” Once again Harek’s smile had returned. “You’d probably die with a stupid look on your face.”
Conall couldn't help it any more and was dying of laughter. “I would like to see you try. That is if you think you'll do better than the last time we fought.” Conall knew he was tempting fate but was to caught up in the moment to care much of the consequences.

Instead of throwing a punch at him Harek tossed him a drink and laughed with him. “Let us save our strength for the enemy rather than fight amongst ourselves.”

Reidun raised her mug to that. “SKOL!” She drank and shouted, “May we all fare well and gain wealth and fame!” Shouts agreeing were heard all around.

Conall smiled as he began drinking from the fresh bottle that had been tossed to him. “It's probably for the best wouldn't want you going into battle with a limp anyway.” He said towards Harek as a last jab before they were swept apart into the celebrations which had exploded into dancing and singing all around them. Grabbing Reidun’s hand Conall stood up and began moving towards where the others had begun dancing speaking “May I have this dance?” He added a small bow acting as if he was some king.

Reidun smiled and bowed in a low curtsy and then she took his hand and let him lead her in a dance. ‘Harek you old fool grab a girl and dance!” Reidun smiled and let the music and the ale take her.

colab with @wick @pandapolio

Reidun was done rowing for the evening. After relinquishing the oars she leaned against the side of the boat and inhaled the sea air deeply. Paying no mind to the ache in her back or the calluses starting on her hands from the oars she turned and looked ahead. It was dark but not so dark that they couldn’t still see by the moonlight. There were still at least ten ships that she could see and the other five were likely just out of her vision. Reaching over to her side she put her hand on Conall’s hand.

“How are you doing?” She reached inside the nearest crate and grabbed out some cheese and bread for them. “Hungry?”

“Fine” Conall said looking to his side to see Reidun holding his hand while offering him food. “Thanks” he said as he grabbed the food from her[color=green] “I’ll be better though when we get on solid land again.”

Conall looked out towards the sea, staring off into the horizon. “What about you?” he asked not turning away from the sea “how are you doing on this fine night?”

Reidun noticed his mood and ate quietly for a moment before answering in a lower voice. “I’m glad the sea is calm. I’d rather not have to test my swimming skills so far out.” Looking at the others she noticed several were leaned up against the sides sleeping now that the air was cooler. Aksel was at the front of the boat just a few feet away trying to see into the distance.

“Conall? Where do you call home? Did you leave a family behind or are you on your own?” She blushed at the realization that she should have known that one before taking him to her bed. Luckily he couldn’t see that she was blushing in the limited light.

Conall had smile that was weighed down by sadness. “I come from an island not far from our travels end. My people called it Eire.” as the word came out he felt a pang of guilt. “And I had a family before I met Harek, though that was a long time ago.” He never really liked talking about his past but for some reason when he talked to Reidun he felt he could trust her.

“What about you and your family? I dont suppose that Aksel is your father is he?”

Reidun chuckled softly. “No, he is only three or four years older than I am. When I was five, there was a raid in my village and my parents and older brother were killed. Aksel’s family took me in and raised me. He has protected me all of these years from some of the less honorable men in the village. He more than deserves my loyalty.”

Glancing up at Aksel she still felt guilt after all of these years and she turned back to Conall. She could see his heartache in his eyes. “When you say family...parents? Or wife and children?”

“I had parents and some siblings back in my home village.” he kind of chuckled “never had a wife nor children.” Conall thought about what she had said about her past. Placing a comforting hand on her shoulder he said in low comforting voice “I'm sorry to hear about your family I know what you went through. And don't worry I’ll make sure nothing harms you.” Conall had hoped that he could hide his emotions from Reidun. He didn't want to burden her with the sadness and depression he carried with him. But deep down he new that his eyes always gave him up to people.

Reidun nodded at his words of empathy. “Thank you. Truth be told I only remember flashes of them. Mine and Aksel’s fathers grew up together that is why he took me in. I remember an old song my mother used to sing and her face. I remember Papa’s beard used to scratch me when he kissed me goodnight and that my brother called me his little imp. He was twelve or thirteen.”

Her voice quivered just slightly and she smiled trying to steady it. She wiped a tear from her eye and pushed it and the sadness away. She automatically pushed her armband higher on her arm making certain it was good and tight. She leaned into his side and whispered with a smile. “I probably should have made certain you were free before I hijacked you into my bed.”

Conall chuckled a little at the last bit. “Well I guess I can't blame you for that.” He Smirked wickedly “After all, I know it's hard to resist looks such as mine.” He was barely able to get the words out without laughing. For some reason he found himself going back to their last topic of families. “I still remember a lot about my family which at times makes it hard to bare. I often wonder if it is a gift or a curse i can still remember them so vividly. I remember some of our old songs we used to sing every night with the rest of the tribe. The faces of most my village members. I can still see me and my brothers fighting and training around the village along with causing trouble the only way boys can.” He chuckled lowly at the way he and his brothers used to act. “The things I hold most dear now are all of our old traditions and customs that I don't see much of in places like these.” Conall could feel a tear rolling down his cheek from all his memories coming up again. He could feel the floodgates that would lead to him breaking down, which he desperately tried to stop, were starting to open.

Reidun felt his melancholy and decided to derail it if possible. [color=f49ac2]“I think time has a way of making things easier to live with.” She pulled out a small cask and a mug and poured a drink for him. He would have expected it to be water but it was ale. Her grin was mischievous when she handed it to him. They usually took some ale with them but never touched it on the water. Mostly because on the water they were working but now it was night and most were asleep. Reidun kissed his neck softly. Aksel watched her pour the ale and smirked and closed his eyes.

“Relax and think good thoughts. We all need some good from these raids. And...I don’t need your protection. I can take care of myself.” She grinned at him temptingly.

He grinned at the taste of ale in the mug. “I am sure you can take good care of yourself… But you never know when you will need the help of a strong fearless giant such as myself” He said with a sly grin, flexing with his free arm. “not to mention, one with devilishly good looks.” After finishing the last bit he placed a kiss on her cheek.

Reidun outright laughed at his playfulness. “Oh so you are the brawn and the beauty in the relationship? I guess that must leave me as the brains and the cook.” She gave a slightly annoyed look. “Well at least I have that!”

Aksel snorted with laughter and turned away from them at that. Reidun reached over and hit him in the arm laughingly. “Go to sleep Aksel!” His chuckles slowed after a few moments. She couldn’t tell if he was asleep or listening. She sat back down and shook her head grinning as her attention diverted back to Conall.

Conall looked at her playfully “well I never said you weren't beautiful.” Leaning in a bit closer to make sure only she could hear “I’d say you're even the most beautiful woman i've ever set my eyes on.” He held his smile while leaning back trying to see how she would react to that. “Not to mention I am a sucker for a strong woman with red hair.”

Reidun blushed at his comment. “Ah, Sure you say that now. How could I possibly compete with your handsomeness?” Her smile was contagious and she put her hand on his cheek as she kissed him soundly.

She scooted over so she was leaning against him with one of his arms over her. She wondered if she did that partly in case the boat capsized or if it was solely emotion driven. “If all goes as planned we should reach land tomorrow or the next day at the latest.” She reached over with her foot and kicked Aksel’s leg and he just moved it over and snored a little. Worried only slightly about the upcoming fights she pulled herself tighter into Conall’s arms. “I don’t need protection but I want you there anyway.” She looked up at him in the darkness hoping he understood what she was saying.

Conall Smiled a little at her. “Sure i'll make sure to stay near you.” Looking back out towards the sea he felt an odd sense of both peace and excitement. He rested his head on hers so she could lean into his shoulder. “Tonight has been good Reidun.” he said wrapping his arm around her protectively. “I wonder how Harek and that seer are doing?”

Glancing to her left she saw the seer asleep with her head on her arms on a bench and she knew Harek was on his ship. “I’m sure he is fine and she is asleep.” She glanced at the seer again and thought to herself that Harek might find the seer to be useful on his trip. Yawning she let her head rest against Conall’s chest. Closing her eyes she felt safe and protected.

“LAND AHEAD!” Reidun was jerked awake by the sudden flurry of people awakening and all of the yelling about land. She sat up and looked ahead and although it was still several miles away they were going to make landfall by noon. Aksel was so excited he was lucky he hadn’t fallen overboard yet. Reidun grabbed the oars and started rowing with the others. She couldn’t wait to get on land.

Conall shot up at the sound of yelling and movement. Seeing that land was only several miles away Conall could feel his blood pumping with excitement. Noticing that there wasn't any oars left to row, he instead moved to the front of the boat stepping on to its rim. He let out a loud roar as he looked to the other ships seeing others doing the same thing. Letting his gaze settle on the the approaching coastline he became antsy for a fight. ‘Please watch over me father and mother. May you guide my axes and my anger letting me carve a path through the enemies that stand in my way.’ He prayed to himself.
I would be interested in a group commander
Reidun had gravitated back outside and let the music and the dancing get into her soul. Her new friends seemed to like smoking and drinking. Reidun had never smoked what they were and she felt a little light headed but good.

Conall sat taking in the music that was playing around him. It was times like these that he almost felt like he was back home. The drinking and partying made him feel good and helped him forget. Finishing off his drink Conall decided to get up and join the people dancing letting the music guide him away from his troubles.

Reidun was having a fantastic time and she was downing her drinks faster than she realized and she hadn't eaten anything in hours. Oddly she felt better than fine and had no worries about her tomorrow morning. She smiled when another man joined in on the dancing. He was tall and she noticed the red hair like her and grinned. She couldn't seem to take her eyes off of him. She felt like she was drunk and invisible at the same time.

Conall wore a large smile on his face as he danced around the fire soaking in the music. Even with him having downed a few drinks Conall realized that someone was watching him. He had turned to look when he saw a beautiful woman looking at him. What surprised him the most was her fiery red hair. It could have been the alchool hitting hard but Conall could swear it felt as if the world had slowed for a moment.

Reidun felt herself blush and she allowed the partner she had been dancing with to twirl her and then she let go of his arm and she walked over to the tall red headed man. She was normally a little more shy than this but with the alcohol she wasn't feeling the slightest bit shy. Not until she was standing right in front of him anyways. She knew her cheeks were turning pinker if that were even possible. As she stared up at the tall man she started to lose her balance just a little so she grabbed onto his waist. "You are so tall you made me a little dizzy. Is it alright if I hold on for a moment?" She mumbled with a grin.

Conall looked at the woman who was clearly drunk that was now holding onto him. Smiling a bit Conall grabbed her and helped her to her feet trying to keep her steady. "I dont mind lass." Conall said in a kind tone "What would happen to be your name?" Conall looked at her almost laughing at how she could hardly stand even with his help.

"I'm Reidun Gunderson." She kind of felt oddly lightheaded. "The ale I'm used to but I am not sure what they are smoking. Whatever it is, it's giving me a lovely feeling but I can't seem to keep my strength in my legs to carry me. I feel like I'm floating." She giggled slightly unsure of her own feet. Looking up at him she asked him, "What is your name?"

Looking down at her Conall replied in a kind tone "Thats a nice name. I would be Conall Cassidy." Looking around at all the smoke and ale he said "Their Ale isnt as strong as the kind I had back home but ive never been around this smoke." Looking back down Conall's pale blue eyes met with her brownish green eyes that seemed to soothe him. With out even thinking Conall felt himself pulling her slightly closer to him trying to tell himself it was only to help her stand.

Reidun smiled up at him a little wobbly on her feet and felt him pulling her closer to his body and as hers melted into his she kept her eyes locked ont his. After a moment she snapped back to reality and noticed all of the people staring at them with knowing smiles. Slightly embarrassed she blushed and took his hand in hers and pulled him into the darkness back towards her lodgings. "Conall, come with me."

Upon feeling himself being pulled towards the housing areas realized that he had been staring at her for some time. Conall after seeing the others looking at him felt somewhat embarassed but had shrugged it off, he wasnt new to people looking at him as odd given his stand out appearance. Snapping out of his thoughts Conall could feel himself blush slightly when he heard Reidun talk and when he saw where they were headed. Conall usually wasnt like this, he wasnt really the kind of man to be distracted as much as he was tonight. But something was telling him to follow this woman he had only just met.

Walking slowly she led Conall back towards hers and Aksel's house. Her head began to clear the further from the smoke they got. She was still quite certain that she was intrigued by this man. She opened the door and pulled him inside and closed it behind them. She knew someone would remind Aksel if he couldn't remember where she had said it was.

Reidun turned around and stared up at the tall man. She could see that he was more soft hearted than many of the men who went on these journeys. "Conall, I'd like you to stay with me tonight." Reidun spoke softly but reached up and pulled his face down to hers and kissed him. As Reidun explored his mouth she felt like she burst into flames and she pulled him into her bedroom and shut the door.

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