Avatar of Smystar99


Recent Statuses

4 mos ago
Current Every once in awhile I come back after having a failed rp and seeing so many familiar usernames reminds me of how many of us have been here for years. It's like coming back to your hometown lol
10 mos ago
Being back to roleplaying after three years honestly feels so cathartic. Writing really is so therapeutic, I'm having so much fun lol
1 yr ago
Considering coming back to RPG and I come back to ads all over the site, AHH
2 yrs ago
Life really said I'm kidnapping you for nearly 2 years huh, I'm so sorry to all my rp partners for suddenly just disappearing for 2 years.
3 yrs ago
All partners and groups I`m in, sorry for being so absent, in the new year I`ll be getting out more posts for everyone ^^ I`ll be MIA for the next few days however, Happy New Year <3


☕About Me☕
Hello to whoever is reading this, I hope you are well and if you aren't hang in there, it'll get better ^^
You can call me Star or Fox if you'd like, I have gone by many names throughout the last forever of the internet. My username no longer really fits me but I have an identity crisis every time I try to think of a new one so it stays for now.
I`m a college student studying accounting, I also have a degree in media and design (animation, photo editing, graphics, marketing, exc). This year has kinda thrown me every which way so much of my time is all over but I try to write as much as I can. I do have a full time job on top of school.
☕I`m a bit of a coffee addict.
♀I`m female and I prefer she/her pronouns. I also prefer to write female characters in a FxM setting.
🌟I`ve been roleplaying for over a decade now.
⏳ I try to get posts out as fast as I can but my life is a bit chaotic, and I don't think it`ll slow down anytime soon. It makes it hard to respond straight away. Usually you may see a while between my posts, I do the best I can just as I expect from the people I write with. So please be patient with me, I really enjoy writing with people.
❤Romance in roleplays is nice but instant romance is unrealistic and most of the time really boring. I like it when characters gradually fall in love, it makes their relationship interesting.
👌I'm a very happy-go-lucky kind of person and very uncensored, I will cut through the bullshit, especially if it's late. I'm also a kluts, I trip over flat ground quite literally. My roleplaying style is much the same way, I write how I perceive situations. Making great literary choices is a top priority, but we're all human, it's not always going to be perfect. My responses will be as interesting and as thought out as I can make them though.

P.s. I exclusively fade to black.

I hope to write with you soon, don`t be afraid to send me a message ^^

Most Recent Posts

@Themerlinhawk I'll try to get a form out tonight~
I'll definately be joining in the next few days~
@Themerlinhawk Am I able to reserve a Paladin occupation until I can create my character?
I would love to join ^^
Currently I don't have much time till next Wednesday unfortunately though.
"You`re either born loyal or not."

That stung her right in the chest. The thought of being thought of as untrustworthy hurt her now. There was no way she`d gain his trust until she redeemed herself it seemed. It was highly unlikely that they`d ever date ever again, but they could at least be friends. With everything going on they kind of are forced to at least tolerate each other. It was going to be a bad time if they didn`t.

Maybe he wasn`t the same as he was before after all. He`d always been a calm person, that much was obvious. There was something different though, she couldn`t place it. He had more confidence, more maturity, ambition. If he was willing to give her a second chance than she wanted to make sure he wouldn`t regret it. Truly Sky felt like she had changed in the past three years. College had turned her into a different person. She wanted to know how he`d changed as well. They were different people. It`d be like getting to know someone all over again.

Using the back of her hand to wipe away the tears, she took a deep breath to compose herself, and used her other hand to shake his. "Let`s do it." A certain fire returned to her eyes, it was rare, but in moments that she truly became determined her eyes almost revealed the intensity behind her emotions. A gate way to the soul is said to be revealed in someone`s eyes. This was a firm belief she held and that`s why she looked him dead in the eyes as she shook his hand.

Taking a deep breath to calm herself even more she felt a little bit less hurt. They were going to have problems but at least now there was a chance to move past them. "So a question, are you staying here as well? They told me this project was too serious to have it`s subjects just out and about. Which honestly should raise more red flags."

This corporation was huge and she had so many questions. He did work for them but that didn`t mean she should interrogate him. The curiosity would have to wait for another time she supposed. Sky honestly was worried about all of this. There was a feeling she couldn`t shake. A feeling that almost felt like she was selling her soul to the devil. This project wasn`t the most safe, but it was safe enough that she plunged head first into it. What did that say about her? What did it say about either of them?
A little shorter than normal but I was writing on my phone. I also had a cool idea for later this morning. It will be WAY later in the roleplay if it will be a thing though.

I have another idea that will be able to take place sooner and make things more interesting~
It wasn't like she didn't deserve it, she knew that she did. It didn't make it feel any better though. Three years does change people, college changes people. At the time she knew it was wrong and she had to live with that. Sky was willing to own up to her mistakes and move on. Honestly she knew they'd never have the same relationship aa they did back then. That kind of relationship wasn't what she wanted.

She wanted to at least be able to be in the same room and have the dignity to just leave the past in the past.

Yes she'd cheated, but it never was very far in any regard. She kissed Henry. It wasn't like she'd had sex with him though. Would he listen to her at the time she'd been conflicted about what the hell was going on? No. He left her and never looked back. It'd been three years and he was belittling her out of moving on. "I'm glad you're pissed." Sky turned the chair from the window and got up going up to him until she stood four feet away. "At least now you're actually talking to me."

If he'd look at her he'd see the tears coming to her eyes. All the stuff that had built up inside her, that stuff she'd put behind her was coming back, and she was done.

"18 is young, I had no idea who I really was. The person I was back then is not the kind of person I ever want to be again. What I did to you was awful, I know very well that it was. You don't need to tell me that. You never have to forgive me. I am not the same person as I was back then though. I got my act together as much as I possibly could and struggled to leave the past behind me. It's not fair that you're the only one that can have the dignity to leave the past behind you."

When she was younger she would have stomed out of the room. Left to cry by herself, leave what was hurting her in the other room, but damn it she was an adult now. This is never going to resolve itself. She'd rather him yell at her then stand there and not even look at her. Sky wasn't 18 anymore. She had a place that she called her own. They'd both moved on and now they're doing a project that will mess with them mentally and physically. If this is what this project was going to be like than she wouldn't be able to stay.

"Get angry, yell at me, at least then we'll have an actual conversation about what happened." Sky said more calmly as a tear ran down her cheek.
Posted! ^.^
The way he cringed caused her chest to ache. It hurt that after all this time he was still so repulsed by her in that way. It wasn't like she had stopped loving him back then. She had. School had become busy for both of them back then. Sometimes he was downright short with her and her to him. Going to Henry had been a mistake. The first time Henry admitted that he felt more strongly than he should they both had known it was a big mistake.

There are some mistakes you just can't take back. She'd been young and inexperienced with the world. Hell! She'd been 18 and he'd been 21 when they started dating, they were different in experiences from the start. Now they were 22 and 24 respectively. His birthday every time it rolled around was still a reminder to her. It`s hard to let someone you were so close too go. The reaction of him not being able to even stand looking at her was enough to remind her of all of that.

Yet after all this time he was still the same man as he was before. Sky knew he`d be civil no matter how angry at her he was. "I`m not going to run out of here. It`s obvious why you can`t forgive me, I don`t expect you too." She paused trying not to let her emotions creep up on her again. This stuff had been buried deep down to try to forget the scar that was still raw. "This situation is one we`ll just have to be adults about."

"Well and I physically can`t go far or I`m royally screwed. This place is gigantic."

Humor to ease pressure, yep plan A for uncomfortable atmosphere`s had gone into action. Hopefully he could actually look at her while they were on this project. It wasn`t like she really had family or anyone else to talk too. Being people from messed up backgrounds had been one of the reasons they`d become so close so quickly.

Sky had been the product of an affair and as such had been fought over in custody in all of her early childhood. Her father had won custody simply because her mother was unfit to even care for a child. This wasn`t to say her father had been Dad of the Year either. His wife hated her, their kids wanted nothing to do with her. Their house was just a place she stayed until she moved out to go to college. Unlike him her family history wasn`t a mystery, but at times she wished it was.

"Eventually I just want you to look at me without wanting to rip my head off for what I did to you as a stupid kid." Sky admitted with a sigh.

"I`m not going to justify what happened because you won`t listen to me about it anyway."

With that she walked over to a chair in the corner of the room, mostly out of paranoid habit, and turned it to look out the window. Her heart was in her throat and they`d have to work together for who knows how long. It was best they got over at least not being able to speak now. If not it was going to be a very isolated experience. Even if they were going to be diving into someone else`s memories.
I should be posting before I go to bed tonight, I'm starting to feel a bit better so it should be easier~
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