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    1. Spinna 8 yrs ago
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@rocketrobie2 That's great Robbie! I know you're busy right now so it doesn't gotta be super long.
@sassy1085 I like how your characters look but the RP has already started and we're going to be moving on to the next event as soon as one other person posts. There could probably be a space for you among the young gems if you can get your characters done soon enough, otherwise I'll have to see what I can do in order to work your characters in later.

Also, I'm assuming that Black Pearl is Jet's Pearl? That's probably the only way it would make sense for a Pearl to be there.
@Archmage MC You never know! I'm not saying anything just yet.
I'm considering having it be slightly after Steven and Peridot have dealt with the Cluster. Generally speaking though the show's timeline and how closely this RP follows it will be malleable since it's an AU.
@rocketrobie2 It's fine, I like what you've got!
Gem: Chromite

Name if your gem goes by a different name: N/A

Appearance: Chromite stands at around 5'10, with a build and physical appearance similar to Tanith from Fire Emblem, but with gray skin and hair. Chromite is generally covered head-to-toe in armor similar to a knight's. Her gem is located on her right shoulder blade.


Strength: I. Chromite isn't excessively strong, but she is a combat gem and can get the job done.

Defense: II. Chromite is primarily a defensive gem. Her armor and gem item can absorb significant amounts of damage, and she knows how to use both.

Combat Training: I. Chromite has received standard training as a gem soldier.

Items: A large, Spartan-style shield, her gem item. A long, thin lance. Her armor.

Backstory: Chromite's existence has mostly been a boring affair up to this point. Like all Chromites she was created to be a frontline defender but has rarely seen true combat, and has mostly only worked security jobs on various planets conquered by Homeworld. She was chosen, of course, to serve in a defensive capacity to her group.

Writing example: A not necessarily canon story about Chromite:

"Chromite reporting." The young gem stood at attention, straight as an arrow before her superior. After a few decades of training and two centuries working security jobs, Chromite had been stationed on the Earth to help fight the growing rebellion. Her nervousness was so palpable you'd practically get lightheaded just standing next to her.

The older chromite didn't rest on ceremony, she didn't even bother with so much as an "at ease." Hardened as she was, she'd suffered more than a few headaches since the war began, and she wasn't interested in wasting time or words. She looked her new soldier in the eye, her gaze like a corpse's: unreadable. "You won't be with us long. Fall in with the rest of them, chromite." If she weren't a gem, Chromite would be sweating. "YES, MA'AM!" she belts.

Chromite falls in with her squad. In spite of being the same type of gem, she doesn't blend in particularly well. She stands among other chromites in the ancient forest where they were instructed to meet up. The group includes several chromites of various colors and gem placements, those being bicep, eye, hand, and stomach, in addition to the commander's who had hers on her head.

The chromites head towards their "base," a small area where the trees and plantlife are especially thick, thereby providing cover and preventing their words from traveling very far. As they make their way there, a brown mass becomes visible not too far in the distance. The older chromites immediately raise their shields as a bear moves towards them. Chromite, caught off guard by this non-gem opponent, imitates the rest of her group only a second too late. The bear is on top of her just before she can bring her shield up. Even with her strength, Chromite has immense difficulty against the overwhelming force of the bear. She manages to keep it's mouth away from her face, but is repeatedly grazed by its claws. The squad leader puts her hand up as the other chromites lower their shields and prepare to help, allowing this to continue for a full minute. Finally, she draws the shortsword from the sheath at her hip and takes care of the animal, rolling its body off of Chromite as she does.

Chromite bolts up as soon as she overcomes the shock of the event. "I'm sor-" "Stop." The leader kneels down before Chromite has a chance to stand up, giving her yet another glare of death. "Listen up. Don't apologize- and no, this isn't a stupid 'Don't apologize, do better" lecture because right now you'd only fail at that too. What I want you to do is understand that being hard on you is the best thing I can do for you at this point. So I don't want your apology. A 'thank you' is what I just worked hard to earn." "T-thank y-" "Thank you's are cheap! You were so wound up that if that had been a group of Crystal Gems instead of some mindless Earth creature, you'd be dead, and all the time we spent reaching you would have been a complete waste! I trust that's over now."

Chromite had no idea how she was supposed to respond. She thought for a moment and realized that, as traumatic as that situation had been, she was quite lucid now, like the worst was already over. Gone was the constantly nagging fear that she'd do something wrong, or that she wasn't good enough, she'd already come face-to-face with the knowledge that she wasn't. "Yes, ma'am." she said calmly. "I'm glad we understand each other, see that it doesn't happen again." The older chromite stood up and joined the rest of the group. The chromite whose gem was located on her stomach gave Chromite her hand and dusted her off as she got up.

"Hey, I don't think the Paladin wants you doing that." the bicep chromite called. "It's fine." the leader responded. "Let her have someone to get her emotions on, spares us from having to deal with it. If she hasn't grown out of it by now, she never will."

Anything extra you'd like to add: N/A, at least for now.
I think I've heard something about that yeah, it was weird. Apparently the game refers to Peach as "badass" which is pretty hardcore for a Mario game.

In other news, it looks like we're off to a great start!
@Loony@pyroman@DracoLunaris@Guardian Angel Haruki@Universal5710@Archmage MC@The1Rolling1Boy@UnknownScarlet4@MechonRaptor@rocketrobie2

The first post is up woo! I'm sorry it isn't longer but I think that what I've got should be enough to get things going. All of you are approved to post IC.
Earth. After several months of travel, it was finally in sight. For most of the gems aboard your ship, this place has always been an ominous mystery. The one thing you know of the planet before you for sure is that something unspeakable happened here thousands of years ago, a tragedy unparalleled before or since: the death of possibly the most beloved of the four diamonds, Pink Diamond. You probably aren't terribly well-informed on most of the specifics of the war that led up to her death, aside from important names like the reviled Rose Quartz, but that fact alone is more than enough to earn this planet its vile reputation among gems. You were sent here as part of a reconnaissance team to run diagnostics on a geoweapon unlike anything Homeworld has used before, the Cluster. Upon landing, your orders are to use the equipment provided to reach the Earth's core and see that it has been developing as expected, then quickly leave before it emerges. If all goes according to plan, this weapon will finally remove Earth from existence.

Unfortunately, your mission is currently decidedly not going according to plan. Either due to an undetected bug with the ship's programming or a navigational error, your pilot lost control of the ship shortly after you entered its orbit and you are presently heading toward the Earth's surface at an alarming rate. A computerized voice sounds over the ship's comm system. Warning: Gravity resistance systems offline. Prepare for impact. An awful rumbling noise can be heard as your ship begins to catch fire in the planet's lower atmosphere, you are approaching the ground at speeds capable of damaging a gem.

The Chromite who had been sent as protection for the scientist gems began to panic. "E-everybody remember your training! Duck and cover!" Damn, was it 'duck and cover' or 'hit the deck?' I'm probably not qualified for this! "Howlite, is there anything you can do? It would be best if we landed on wet ground!" Chromite, of course, was aware that Howlite already knew this and was probably already in the process of trying to regain control of the ship, but in this situation she needed to be absolutely sure. Being that she was designed to take heavy amounts of damage, Chromite wasn't terribly afraid of what the impact would do to her, but she was terrified of the idea of losing any of the gems that she had been sent there to protect. Chromite struggled to stand against the force of Earth's pull as she summoned her shield and placed it on the floor of the ship, motioning for any nearby gem to come and hide under it. Hopefully, that would be enough to prevent any of them from being poofed or worse. Chromite then took her own advice and crouched down with her hands over her head.

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