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Here is my boi Archer

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Timothee Chalamet | 35996B
Alina Kovalenko | CF5685
Damn you guys! Let's do this!

Grace kept her eyes at the small alarm clock standing on her dresser, she had not been able to sleep for more than half an hour. Her night had been full of canceling and re-booking package deals for the upcoming trip since she would no longer be traveling with a partner. She turned over to lay on her back so she could stare up at her ceiling instead, a tired sigh escaping her lips. Truth be told she had just been dumped, even if she tried to convinced herself that the break was mutual when her boyfriend of 2 years had said he needed to go his own way and focus on himself a week before one of her best friends wedding. The first half of the week Grace had told herself that this would not define her was convinced that she would make it through without breaking down. However 2 days ago she found herself in a cubicle at the office sobbing on her break.

She hadn't told Darien or even Chris about the end of her relationship, she knows Chris would drop everything and come to her aid and give her that look of his... that look of care. She knew it came from love but Grace couldn't help but feel that there was some sort of pity behind it as well, and she just couldn't handle that right now. But she had to tell them soon because they'll notice her boyfriend not being at the wedding. But she didn't want to bother Darien so close to his big day either, and what would Nicole say about her soon to be husband having to worry about another woman's relationship problem. No, she would deal with this and get past it.

Finally the digital clock chimed and Grace sat up slowly, stretching her tired body trying to wake it up. She looked down at the packed bags at the foot of her bed and the travel outfit that laid on top of them, she grabbed them and headed in to her bathroom for a long shower. After about an hour she was ready to leave for the airport, grabbing her bags and ordering an uber that signified it was 8 minutes away. While waiting outside her upper west side apartment Grace took the time to check her e-mails to make sure that everything was set up for her time off.

While in the uber Grace stayed on her phone but this time she was deleting all the pictures of her ex. When she was done the only photos left were of George and Chris, looking up from her phone Grace expected to be almost there but instead she found she was stuck in traffic. She checked the time and saw that she was already running behind, “Just...great.” she grumbled and fell back in her seat and stared out at the cars crawling by. When the car finally arrived at the terminal she had to rush through check in and security, she made it to the gate just as they was announcing last call. She smiled and thanked the flight staff as she walked towards the plane. Almost everyone were already seated so finding her seat was easily done, and there she found her best friend Christopher having saved her the window seat.

“Hello my sweet boy, that was a struggle!” She greeted her best friend cupping his face and kissing him on the cheek. She put her bag up in the overhead compartment and stepped over Chris's legs to settle down in her seat. Grace turned to face him and sighed, “So..uhm... You know how Tristan was going to fly in on saturday?” She began, feeling her lip trembling and her eyes moisten, she steadied herself with a small sniff “Well... that's not happening anymore since he broke up with me. I just thought you ought to know.” She gave Chris a weak smile.
The flight passed by pretty quickly, mostly because Grace spent it with softly sobbing or sleeping leaned against Christopher. They spent the drive from the airport mostly in silence, which was probably him giving Grace some space, but she knows he was also trying to figure out how to make her feel better. Arriving at the Seara Luxury Resort was a relief, because this meant she was soon going to be able lock herself in her suite and contemplate her newly single status, the pair checked themselves in and parted ways as they went up to their separate rooms. When Grace entered the lush suit she had booked with her ex-boyfriend she flopped down on the bed and finally the tears rolled down her cheeks.

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