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Frankie smiled as she stretched her limbs out from her sleeping position curled up on her bed. The sunlight streaming in through her window filled her with the inspiration of starting the day right, which for her was with a quick painting session. The blonde girl skipped out of bed and plopped down at her desk that was cluttered with painting supplies: aquarelles, brushes, glasses of dirty paint water, and a whole lot of unfinished paintings. Frankie ripped the latest unfinished work of art away from her art pad before she sighed and closed her eyes imagining the scene she wanted to put down on the page.

She could not tell you how much time had passed when she finally snapped out of her painting trance. It was her phone vibrating next to her that brought her to the realm of the mortals. Frankie smiled fondly at the screen as she read the message from Quinn. She jumped up and floated over to her door and opened it. And just as promised there stood a cup of liquid joy. Frankie squealed as she snatched the beverage up retreating back into her room to get ready for the day.

Taking her time to perfect her styling in her iconic ‘I didn’t spend any time in the mirror at all’ look, Frankie smothered her lips in some cherry chapstick as a finishing touch before she skipped out of the door and down the stairs.

When she got out into the courtyard, her keen eyes searched the people in it. She perked up as she found her friend perched against a wall deep in thought as usual. Frankie quickly flittered over to Quinn almost without a sound and plopped down beside her spreading herself out resting her head in Quinn’s lap smiling up at her friend.

“You listening to murder stories again?” she grinned up at her clutching her coffee thermos in her paint-stained hands.

If you listened closely outside the door of room 205 you would hear loud snores emanating from inside. On the bed, you would find an unconscious Theodore Wallstrom ignoring the sound of his alarm clock which was blearing on his desk a few feet away. It wasn’t until his second alarm he had set on his phone went off that he slowly opened his eyes and groggily looked around to find the source of the noise. When the first alarm was turned off the sound of the second one irritated him so much that he threw off the covers and stomped over to his desk and slammed the palm of his hand on the radio alarm clock. This whole routine was necessary for getting Teddy out of bed. If he didn’t set two alarms he could very well sleep the whole day away. It had happened before and it would have happened this morning as well considering the night he had.

Last night had been spent together with Soleil at their usual hangout spot, the academy’s Olympic size pool. The pair had spent the night talking about everything and nothing. Teddy had played some of his new songs for her. It had all ended with him suggesting a small dip in the pool. When she protested with the predicament that they didn’t have any swimwear, Teddy just smirked as he slowly unbuttoned his shirt. His smile just widened as he witnessed Sol’s face grow redder as he removed his pants.

“How is that a problem” he had said before diving in the pool.

Her laughter rang through the building as he resurfaced and swam closer to her at the edge of the pool. He slapped his hands on either side of her before he kicked off and swam backward leaving behind his wet boxers.

A devious smile crept on to Sol’s face as she slowly rose to strip off to her underwear and jumping in after him. Their play in the water was unfortunately cut short as the rattle of the door alarmed them that campus security was on their way in to disrupt their fun yet again. They both had to rush out quickly scrambling to get their clothing on as fast as they could. The night had ended with a very wet piggyback ride back to the dorms.

After some time getting ready, Teddy was out of his dorm room ready for his morning jog almost knocking over a cup of coffee someone had put on the floor as he warmed up down the hallway. He took the stairs down with high knees before making his way towards his usual running path.

“Hey, Wes! Ready for this week?” he smiled at the lanky teen standing in front of him. Teddy smacked his friend on the back a little too hard, forgetting not everyone had the body mass he has. “Shit… sorry. Wanna get started?” he asked as he took off.

Bastíen Bonfamille sat in the front row with his legs crossed pretending to listen to what his headmistress was saying. Of course, he already knew about the plan for his whole year being put on probation. Seeing as his family has a lot of people on the inside of management of MU his parents got the play by play of what was going to happen almost as soon as the video had been sent to the officials. The tall boy was not worried about his future at the school, what were they going to do? Kick one of the most lucrative walking advertisements for Meadow University? Not really.

As soon as they were excused Bas stood up stretching his long legs and yawning. He had spent most part of his weekend doing damage control with his parents. His brother being the focal point of the video that started all of this had Adelaide and Thomas in full out panic mode. But after a couple of calls and a lot of strings being pulled the Bonfamille triplets were promised that they were safe. Of course they were… they always were.

Smirking amongst his panicking peers Bas just calmly snaked his way through the crowd in the courtyard. He had his sight set on going to the music building to just spend the rest of the day working on one of his newer pieces. But before he had the chance to make the right turn he heard the final hiss of a heated conversation. Flicking his eyes to where the argument was held he witnessed his good friend Cassian stomping towards him, away from the girl Blake had been simping around for the last few years looking almost too pleased with herself.

“Getting into trouble again Cassian?” Bastían asked his smirk widening into a grin. He put an arm around him as they walked together. “Well more trouble than what you already put the whole junior year in” he continued letting out a soft laugh. “You and Blake gunning for the same girl again?” Bas continued to pry.

“By the way… let me take this moment to apologize for my brother’s brutish actions. Rest assured our mother has been giving him hell all weekend long” he said patting Cassian’s shoulder.

MacKenna sat yet again inches away from her mirror adding the finishing touches to her makeup when her phone vibrated on the table. Lazily she tapped on the screen so that she could see what it was about. It was a campuswide announcement that called all of the junior class in for a mandatory assembly. The girl rolled her eyes at the thought. It was almost like she was back at her old high school where it felt like faculty held assemblies for whatever small occurrence.

“What is this about?” the dark-haired girl mused as she brushed her hair up into a high ponytail. And as if the world listened to her question the answer came zooming into her phone. This time when it vibrated it was a notification from Instagram someone had tagged her in a comment under video post.

@diemac isn’t that you?”

Mac’s jaw dropped open as she watched the small clip of Teddy jumping Cassian. And there she was in the background looking frantic… with a bottle of vodka in her back pocket. “Fuck… my life” she whispered.

Bursting through the auditorium’s wooden door MacKenna stomped away from the crowd of young adults filtering out towards the courtyard. This was a disaster! Academic probation? What will that mean for her scholarship?! Fuck she was in trouble. Her phone was vibrating like it was something that belonged in the box she kept under her bed. Obviously, the faculty had sent out an e-mail about the situation because her father (the more neurotic one) was blowing her phone up with text messages telling her to call him this instant. And she knew better than to ignore him, there was no doubt in her mind that he would come up here and drag her back to Florida himself if she didn’t tell him what was going on.

It took about a half of a signal before Archer Diedrikson answered the call.

“MacKenna… what am I looking at here?”

“Oh hey, dad nice to hear from you too! I don’t know…”

“Uhm don’t give me that Mac! Probation?! For a party and a guy?!”

“I didn’t even do anything dad!”

“Uh the video of you with a bottle of vodka in short-shorts says otherwise now doesn’t it!”

“Oh… you’ve seen that…”

“Please MacKenna, what do you think I am an elderly old wizard who doesn’t know what social media is?”


“Look… I’m no stranger to a raging party around school grounds. I grew up with Marisol for god’s sake. But you got to be more careful about these things, this is your future we’re talking about. So from now on, I want daily updates from you! Got it?!”

“Go easy on her…” her other more calm dad’s voice could be heard in the background.

“You shut up! Am I clear MacKenna?”

The girl stood stomping in place in frustration trying not to scream right out in the hallway.

“Am. I. Clear?” her father repeated.

A frustrated breath escaped through her nose before Mac answered “Yes.”

After a short talk with her other father Kavan where he calmed his daughter down as he always had to do when Archer had riled her up, MacKenna finally hung up and entered the fresh air in the courtyard. She bought a small lunch and sat down at the table with the first person she recognized.

“This is some bullshit, Connor!” she lamented as she slapped her trey on the stone table making a loud smacking noise certainly getting the blond boy’s attention. “I mean… who the fuck? Who the fuck was the shitforbrains that posted a video of the great bash on Instagram?!” she continued on with her rant while ripping the wrapper of her chicken salad wrap viciously and taking a bite.“It’s like MU law and common knowledge that the bash is off limits on social. Right?!” she asked chewing as she pointed at Connor with her lunch. "I won't hesitate to hunt a bitch down!"

Booming laughter could be heard coming from the living room of the Wallenberg house. Where the two men of the family were sitting enjoying an after-dinner drink together. The pair had spent the day together doing all the things they enjoyed. It had started with Magnus treating his son to a huge breakfast spread then, 18 holes at the club finished with an hour in the steam room, and to cap it off a steak dinner at home. The reason his father had treated Max to such a beautiful day was mostly because of his mother.

When his date to the valentines day dance had canceled on him last minute. His mother had jumped at the opportunity to help her sister out that had just moved back into town. The move meant that Max’s cousin Dani was thrust into the circus that was King’s academy, with the first big event being the dance. And to quote his mother ‘it would be a tragedy if such a pretty girl went alone’.

Now it wasn’t the fact that Max didn’t enjoy his cousin’s company that was the problem. Quite the opposite, he adored all of his cousins especially Dani. It was more so the social suicide that was taking your cousin to a dance. But Max had caved when his father had promised to make it up to him. An updated sound system in his truck and the aforementioned father/son day later and the deal was set.

The large lacrosse player thanked his father for the day and downed his drink and slammed the glass down on the table in front of him before jovially jumping up buttoning his blazer. He had opted for a casual pinstriped suit jacket combined with a white cotton shirt.

Soon enough he was in his truck speeding down the roads of Crown Heights towards his aunt’s new house. When the robot lady that lived in his GPS told him he had arrived at his destination Max stared up at the house before finally getting out and bounding toward the front door giving it a sharp knock.

Long legs dangled over the bed that Archer was lying on. A book held in front of his face reading away leisurely. He was still not ready, dressed in a t-shirt and still damp shorts. The tall teen spent the day together with his ride or die, Marisol Castillo, on the beach. They had decided it was necessary if they were to make it through this evening.

A low grunt left the boy as he threw his book to the side. His green eyes staring up at the ceiling before turning his head toward his closet where his outfit was hanging on the door. Slowly the curly-haired boy stood up walking over to the simple navy jacket and a light blue buttoned-down shirt. Letting his fingers trace the collar of the jacket. With a sigh, he peeled the t-shirt of him and started to get changed.

Archer ran his hands through his hair for like the twentieth time as he stood in front of his mirror making sure that everything looked ok. He had intentionally not washed his hair after his beach excursion because he loved what the saltwater did to his hair, even though there was some amount of sand in it, a small price to pay for that whole beach-bum look.

When he was satisfied with how he looked he grabbed his phone checking if April had texted that she was outside. Obviously she wanted to be the one that picked him up and not the other way around. The motorhead girl wouldn’t be caught dead stepping into the rusty blue deathtrap that Archer called a car. Her words, not his.

He pocketed his phone and made sure he had everything before he headed down the stairs to wait for fo his date. To his dismay, his mother was waiting for him at the bottom of the stairs.

“Oh you look so nice Archie!” she exclaimed holding her hands together in front of her in excitement. When Archer had said he was taking April to the valentines day dance his mother had become beside herself with joy. Which annoyed him more than he could ever explain. It showed that his mother still had a small part of her that thought maybe he wasn’t gay after all… maybe it was just a faze.

“Garrett! Come here!” she called out to her husband.

Archer could already feel a migraine coming on as he heard his father walking up toward them. Archer plastered on a thin-lipped smile as he turned to face his parents. To his surprise, his father wasn’t wearing his usual scowl. His mother must have told him her theory and lit that small light of hope inside of him as well.

“So Archer! You have fun with that girl tonight… not to much fun eh?” Garrett jokingly commented putting an arm around his wife.

Trying to stifle a laugh Archer bit his lip. “Yeah uh I don’t think that’ll be a problem dad. You-” his sentence got cut short by the doorbell ringing. A smirk creeping across his face as he turned to open the door. There was something that they were bound to notice and the shock value alone was making up for the pounding in his head.

“Hey, April!” Archer smiled as he put a hand on the small of the girls back ushering her in to display her in front of her parents in all of her pregnant glory.

His parent’s faces quickly went from happy and excited to dread in about a nanosecond. A huge smile was plastered on Archer as his parents stood silently looking at the pair.

MacKenna was so focused on the game in front of her to notice that Theo was almost boiling over as he stared at the smirking idiot standing a few feet away. It wasn’t until she heard a dull thud and an audible gasp coming from a random girl in the crowd that she turned around and saw Theodore sitting on top of Cassian. Her eyes widened in shock, she was frozen in place no matter how hard she tried to get her legs to move forward so she could break the two meatheads away from each other. It wasn’t until someone bumped into her while running over with their phone in hand, that Mac snapped back to reality and had full control over her body. Quickly as she could she fought her way through the forming crowd to the front.

“Stop it!” she screamed, “What’re you doing?! Get off!” MacKenna made a move to pull Theo of Cassian, but someone probably Aleric held her back. She was back to just being an onlooker in the crowd again. Watching in horror as the two “men” traded blows and spat insults at each other. Then out of nowhere, Theodore flew off his opponent and landed at her feet. Quickly Mac kneeled down to check that he was ok, but before she could get anything out of the redhead Cassian spoke.

“Better comfort your gorilla again before his ego takes anymore hits, Kiyo. Find me later when you want to play with a big boy.” he spat staring daggers at them. His signature smirk still intact, albeit bloody.

Usually, MacKenna would have spat back with an equally loaded comment but the situation had rendered her uncharacteristically mute. Instead, she could only stare after him as he walked away. Not long after one of his groupies rushed after him. Mac let out a frustrated breath as she rolled her eyes. “Alright! Shows over…” she lamented to the crowd waving her hands around signaling that they should disperse.

The dark-haired girl turned her attention back to the young man laying on the ground in front of her. She hoisted him up so that he was sitting as she checked that he was ok. As soon as she confirmed that nothing was wrong with him her face hardened.

“What the fuck is your problem?!” she scolded pushing him off her. She stood up brushing the grass from her looking down at him “Was that really necessary? Huh? You feel better now? God damn it, Theo… I thought better of you!” and with that, she was done. Mac turned around and began to walk away before turning back toward Connor “Maybe keep him in check huh? Go jerk off together or whatever gay shit you meatheads do to blow off steam!” she huffed turning on her heel disappearing into the laughing crowd.

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