Avatar of SubjectVision


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4 yrs ago
Well, that was a rather turbulent year.
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5 yrs ago
Shady's back, tell a friend.
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5 yrs ago
It is time for churros.
5 yrs ago
A random generator created this username for me.
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5 yrs ago
Started playing Salem in F/GO. It's gotten to the point where the youtube ads are hyping me up for the timegate to be lifted.


Back from a spell with all my witty charm to take advantage of the quiet nights of a graveyard shift, one that goes from 20:30 [EST] to 8:30.

DMs are open for whatever. Discord handle will be given as needed, more often than not to make it easier to contact (or be contacted by) folks in ongoing RPs.

Ongoing mobage picks: Limbus Company; Arknights (every so often); Marvel Snap.

Avid fan of video essays.

Most Recent Posts

I'll be resigning from this roleplay, apologies for the inconveniences caused.

Latin District - Arènes de Lutèce
A Cowled Figure

Mentions: @Cu Chulainn (Dietrich) @GreenGoat (Tenryuu)

The hounds stopped before the Servant once he stood in their way, albeit it took several moments for the supposed leader of the bunch to react, raising its head to look at the servant "My Master's business is none of yours, Saber. But, as a reward of getting rid of that pesky hebrew, I will grace you with an answer nevertheless: He is busy secluding himself in a particular location and I've been tasked with taking this leyline as I better saw fit". A human hand rose up to rub the lower part of the hound's snout as those empty eyes analyzed the Servant before it, and then turned to the girl that Caster assumed was Saber's Master.

"It'd be a waste of everyone's time if you stood here and slew my familiars. And I despise wasting resources in meaningless triffles. Therefore, it is my regret to extend an offer to aid you, Master of Saber". A hand was slowly presented in a deliberate and measured gesture to point at Tenryuu. "We both require this leyline and, unless I am mistaken and I am before an abomination, you are simple rabble compared to a Caster Servant such as myself in terms of magecraft". The familiar turned to face Saber again. "However, I am fairly certain that Saber Servants are particularly adept at twarting magecraft. Quite inconvenient, if I must say. Therefore, my offer is as follows:"

"We both join forces and take a shared control of this leyline. We politely neglect to hinder each other's progress and we begrudgingly agree to be of aid to one another until the enemies have been trimmed to more manageable numbers. I can bring forth more familiars to aid you in whichever preparations you need to take control and set up measures, and I shall even degrade myself enough to appear before you at some point. After all, my Hounds of God can only do so much and my capabilities will need to be called upon sooner or later".

Latin District - Église Saint Thomas d'Aquin
Tomás de Torquemada

What a pain in the arse.

Latin District - Northern Sector, in hiding
Yazhu Hua

Mentions: Tristan (@KoL)

She knew that her lack of preparation would rear its head sooner rather than later within the war, she simply didn't know it'd be this soon. Her specialization of magecraft, whilst being very effective when it came to defending herself and retaliating from melee assailants, did not take into account the needs for stealth. For this situation, she had to improvise and, whilst she was reluctant to depart from Tristan, Yazhu did as instructed and, with some difficulty, managed to find a nock in some emergency ladders where she could cram herself into and either attempt to hide herself by using her petite stature as an advantage or abscond by running up or down. If such a case was needed, she could even try and jump out of the stairs and progressively drop down until she wouldn't break her legs when falling down. Whilst she waited for Archer to make his return, she payed attention to any odd sound and movement she perceived around her, ready to make a run for it if any sort of attack went her way.
>Become amazed at the might of a cube and how the pool turned gold.
>Declare myself Cube: God of Dirt.
>Do nothing but build a statue on my likeness. Remain a cube. Slimes must be aware of the greatness of Cube the cube.
>Cube makes a deposit in the ATM slime pool: Drop the seeds into the slime pool.
>Attempt to become dirt with all the dirt inside
>If the identity crisis fails, try to increase mass with dirt
>If inventory expansion fails, engage in an attempt of architectural might and make a statue of Cube with the dirt.
"Oh, Lord. What a mighty blessing have you cast upon your humble Servant today. To believe that my eyes would be graced with such an act of divine retribution. 'Tis a shame that such a person had to die, yet 'tis more of a shame that my hands weren't the ones to cast this wicked imitation of such a holy man to the flames of hell. Indeed, quite a shame, yet I am truly blessed. For the Hand of the Lord shall find within himself to show these lost lambs the path to Heaven."

"... thus, it is now the time to make my entrance. As the virtuous shepherd that'll guide the worthy ones to Paradise, and the ruthless executioner that'll doom the heretics to oblivion. As the judge of those who deserve, I leave my fate in your hands, Oh Lord."

Latin District - Arènes de Lutèce
A Cowled Figure

Mentions: @Cu Chulainn (Dietrich) @GreenGoat (Tenryuu) @Seirei No Hai (Ryte) (No direct interaction, simply presence in the area)

It had been a magnificent spectacle, so much that he was a tad disappointed he had arrived too late to properly appreciate it. Nevertheless, the crackling of the funerary pyre set for the Servant was almost cozy to see. Although he felt that it would be more adequate to say that it was "the funerary pyre that the Servant became".

Those were the thoughts that the figure that had just recently arrived had. Or, more accurately, the thoughts the one controlling the figure had. Whilst it was definitely strange and suspicious to spot a procession of cowled figures slowly forming an orderly line as they arrived from the west, it'd be even more bizarre to spot a snout slightly protruding from underneath it. It wouldn't help that the lightning of the zone was subpar, adding a sinister layer to it all. A normal passerby could easily infer that this was a group of cultists or young men that believed Halloween to be a bit earlier than most.

This was the Holy Grail War, however, and as such almost all unexplainable phenomena had to find its explanation within this extraordinary event. These were familiars, of which only one was standing different than the rest: Whilst the others kept their heads low as to conceal their animalistic feature with the hood of their robes, the one in the middle was admiring the dying fire, paying no attention to anyone else. A single mutter could be perceived from them: "Exodus 3:2 to 3. There the angel of the Lord appeared to him in flames of fire from within a bush. Moses saw that though the bush was on fire it did not burn up. So Moses though, 'I will go over and see this strange sight- why the bush does not burn up'".

A dry chuckle came from the smirking familiar, a smirk that was made much more disturbing by the canine snout and the fangs it sported. "Bah, what a joke". Then, a shift on the attitude of the hound could be seen as his head bowed down and the group of them began to make their way into the arena, uncaring of those leaving or remaining lest they were stopped.

Latin District - Église Saint Thomas d'Aquin

He had seen enough of that situation. A late arrival had ended up working to his advantage: without any sort of intervention from his part he had gotten one of the leylines in the city for himself. However, such a valuable place was not without dispute and he had to tread carefully: make too many enemies and he'd be doomed. Make too many allies and he'd be limited and, more importantly, forced to cooperate with unsightly heretics. This city was stemming with them and, were it not for the secrecy of the war, he would have already taken the matters of this deranged city into his own hands.

The times weren't as they previously were. Things were way better when he was in charge of the Inquisition. Catholicism was purer, and one couldn't half-ass their beliefs. He even founds his own existence as a Servant repulsive, as it was an affront to the Lord and the holy miracle that was life. Yet, he had to make do with what he had. After all, this was most likely part of His plan, and could be accounted for the ineffability of it. It must have been divine intervention that brought him this chance of taking the Hoyl Grail, and righting the wrongs in Humanity with its might.

This was a test. A test of faith, and devotion. And Tomás de Torquemada was going to show the Lord just how far he'd go to protect the name of Catholicism, and to clean the sinful taint that had spread through it across the ages.

>Emerge from the tunnel into the surface with the grace of one particularly overweight dolphin.

Business District - Close to River Seine.
Yazhu Hua

Mentions: Tristan (@KoL)

A mere ten minutes later after they've met, Cerzelium and Yazhu had parted ways at the park. They had spoken for a bit, exchanging some pleasantries and tidbits about themselves, eventually reaching an agreement between each other. However, a point in the conversation left a bit of a sour taste in her mouth and made her regret something she had said before. After all, even if it was true, was it correct to introduce herself as a member "of the Hua Family"? They had backstabbed the family that had housed them for so many years, and the one they were bound to. Was she happy being part of that group of people?

Once again carried by her Archer, Yazhu signalled him to move onwards to the Latin District, as to avoid a second encounter with Cerzelium. She had her qualms about crossing the river: from what little she knew the Foreign District could be filled with magus of the Jin family trying to find and kill her in order to gain control of the shard of the Round Table she had in her posession. Moreover, they'd be aware of this Holy Grail War and she believed them to be vindictive enough to execute her on the spot in an act of retiliation towards her family. The situation was dire for her, and meeting the old man, albeit it was a breath of fresh air in comparison to what she had come to expect, didn't ease her worries in the slightest. In a manner of speaking, she hoped that this path would lead her to the sort of treacherous magus that she believed were participating in this war. At the very least, that'd help her take in the cruelty of the situation she was living.

Currently moving from the Business District to the Latin District
>Absorb Cube's way out to the surface and drop the seeds into the Slime Pool.
>Fill itself with dirt on its way there.
>Become one with Earth. Cube absorbs more Dirt
>Cube absorbs a bit sideways, away from the gate, though. Don't wanna get caught on a hole that cannot be escaped.
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