Avatar of sukikyoufu


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3 yrs ago
Current Just to inform all my partners I will be taking a short break whilst I move home. Responses and replies will return once I am settled.
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4 yrs ago
How do you write like you're running out of time? Write day and night like you're running out of time? (This darn song is stuck in my head T.T)
4 yrs ago
Welp, now to wait for the next patch of FFXIV ;A;
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5 yrs ago
Expect delays with replies as FFXIV Shadowbringers has come out <3


April 22nd
England/GMT time

If you have an questions or ideas please feel free to get in touch! I also work full time so sometimes my responses can be sporadic.

If I'm not on here writing I will most certainly be playing video games or sucked into a new world reading.

Most Recent Posts

Sorry for the delay! I'm working on a reply now~

Hope you have had a good day~
I love it!!

I'm just heading to bed but I'll get a post up tomorrow morning for you! :)
Sounds good to me!

Yaaaay super excited~
Ohhh I like that! Yes definitely! I can imagine it might spark some memories too seeing the sentencing! Ahh this is so exciting!!
Her heart was hammering away from the touch, he felt so warm and the temptation to keep her hand on his longer had been there, but she knew her place. They were still getting to know each other, plus she had no memories maybe she had someone in her life. What if he took it the wrong way, what if he just wanted to be friends and she had made it awkward? Her mind was racing with all the different possibilities of what ifs and what could be when she knew she should be focusing on the movie and her recovery.

Touching her cheeks, she could feel the warmth from them because she knew she still had a faint blush on them, she hoped it would calm down because she didn’t want to look like a fool in front of him. Fidgeting in her seat slightly she couldn’t help but play with he hems of her jumper, the soft fabric calming her down quicker as she kept fiddling with them. Her heart rate had returned to normal and she although she could still feel the heated cheeks from before she was sure they had calmed down now as she regained control of herself.

Should I say something?

Nervous with the idea of it becoming awkward she debated on what to talk about, what should she say? Should she even say something? She kept her eyes on the movie trying to focus on the pictures and what was happening, but it really wasn’t happening, all she could think of was the fact she had touched his hand. The warmth it had with the gentle touch of hers. Glancing over at him she wanted to say something, but she wasn’t even sure yet, trying to think of the words to say or even just something to break this silence between them.

“So… eh. Good movie!” Grinning as she looked back at the movie running fingers through her hair as she turned her attention back to the screen. If she was honest, she hadn’t paid too much attention to it, so she was a little lost at this part of the movie but again she had the sense she had seen it before, so she wasn’t entirely fussed. “Your pick wasn’t too bad.” Looking back over at him she felt a bit more at ease now after that interaction, talking had helped her feel less awkward whether the situation had been or not.

“I wish watching it gave me more memories you know?” Sighing slightly, she just wanted to know who she was, it was frustrating not knowing especially as she had no direct links to anyone. “I know it will take time, but it would be great to know if I have family, friends…” Boyfriend… “So! Before we make the subject depressing, what are you doing tomorrow? I assume your mornings are for studying as you always visited afternoon time.” She had noticed that when he visited it was usually afternoon and he had mentioned he was studying his trade so she put two and two together.
Also! Yes they are so cute! I had so much fun writing my post earlier hahaha
Oh brilliant! It's always nice when you can do things like that!~

Yeah! Time to get more of the outfit done! And bake, I'm thinking of making some cookies tomorrow~
Oh lovely!

Did you have a good date day? I'm pretty hype as I now have two days off! Time to relax~
Haha yeah! I think it's human nature to leave things last minute xD

Hope you managed to get rid of your migraine!

I'm doing much better today though I had to drag myself to work. Now I can relax at home and sleep~
“Brilliant! Thank you! Means I can do something whilst you study your trade.” Grinning at the idea of being able to use the library it excited her, she didn’t care if it was a boring book or a novel as either of them would be great to read. Learning new things was always handy and who knows maybe it would help her memory? Dwelling on the thought of books she glanced over at Cas noticing the way his features softened, perhaps he had remembered something himself? She didn’t want to ask even if she was curious about it. The smile however was pure, it was clearly a memory he was fond of and she couldn’t help but smile herself.

“Oh, well I’m certain I like novels. I probably even enjoy the boring stuff. I just have this feeling I like to curl up with a good book in the warm. I mean the art of war does sound enticing.” Teasing him gently as her gaze moved over to the film, every now and then she would cast a glance towards Cas just to see his own reactions to everything.

“Maybe! Knowing who I am will certainly be great and even so. As much as this has been a whirlwind and a bit confusing, I still made a new friend.” Commenting on the fact she could remember who she was by the end of the week, it was a possibility. Smiling over at Cas she placed her hand on top of his, her touch gentle, hand soft, smooth and warm. She met his gaze still smiling, as she was happy that through it all she had met someone decent, someone who could make her laugh and feel at ease whilst her life had been turned upside down. As much as hated to admit it he had become a person she could rely on, even though she loved her independence she needed him.

Oh my gosh, you’ve kept your hand on there for way too long! I hope this isn’t awkward. Should I take it back? Should I leave it? Ahh… jeez. Her face flushed pink as she pulled her hand away and turned to the movie coughing, acting like nothing had happened. Already she was berating herself silently, wondering what she was even playing at, hoping he didn’t find it awkward or hated it. She should know better! I don’t know who I am, I don’t know my memories and now I’m touching his hand! Idiot!!

She didn’t dare look at him, face still pink as she tried so hard to focus on the movie. Blue eyes almost glaring at the screen, but her mind was far from watching the movie. A part of her wanted to take a glance at him, wonder how his reaction had been but she knew better. It would save her more embarrassment especially if he had taken it a bad way. What if he has a girlfriend? I hope he doesn’t think I’m trying it on with him… how stupid of me. Biting at the bottom of her lip she could feel the nerves creep up as she kept focusing back to what she had just done.
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