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3 yrs ago
Current Just to inform all my partners I will be taking a short break whilst I move home. Responses and replies will return once I am settled.
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4 yrs ago
How do you write like you're running out of time? Write day and night like you're running out of time? (This darn song is stuck in my head T.T)
4 yrs ago
Welp, now to wait for the next patch of FFXIV ;A;
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5 yrs ago
Expect delays with replies as FFXIV Shadowbringers has come out <3


April 22nd
England/GMT time

If you have an questions or ideas please feel free to get in touch! I also work full time so sometimes my responses can be sporadic.

If I'm not on here writing I will most certainly be playing video games or sucked into a new world reading.

Most Recent Posts

Trying not to giggle as she watched him roll his eyes over her pretending to have more interest in the film than him. To her it was the best payback for the chocolate cake, not that she minded they ate the delicious treat as it was by far the best thing she had tasted. Still to her it was funny that she felt like she had all this power over him as she denied him all for the movie that she really wasn’t paying attention to anymore. Though she couldn’t let him know that when it was clearly having an affect on him, one that she was finding all so amusing with a hint of excitement.

Holding back the gasp as she felt the weight of him push her down to the sofa she looked up at him trying not to smirk as he smothered her with attention, a kiss to her forehead, nose and then jawline and as always it was enjoyable feeling his lips against her skin. Biting her lip as she felt the sensual touch to her side her body squirmed beneath him still sensitive to his touch as she felt herself shudder to his words. “Is that an order?” Barely able to let out a feeble whisper as she began to crumble wanting nothing more than to enjoy him once more, the desire pushing aside the teasing as she tried to keep her cool.

Drawn to him like a bee to honey she couldn’t help but respond to the kiss, relishing in the attention as she couldn’t help but deepen the kiss completely smitten by him. Iris was so focused on him and what they were doing that she barely noticed the rising of her dress, the fabric brushing against her skin until he broke the kiss to remove it. A low whine escaped her lips at the loss of contact from the kiss and she pressed her hands against his chest fingers tracing circles against his warm skin as she felt her heartbeat quicken wanting nothing more than to just disappear to the bedroom with him once more and experience the high feeling he gave her.

Right now, nothing else mattered to her, not the film, not all the drama from his father or her own turmoil that she was trying to deal with. All she wanted was to enjoy herself, to ignore it all for that moment of bliss with Caspian. Looking up at him she could feel her chest rising and falling quickly, caught in the heated moment with him as she snaked one of her hands to his back as the other slowly dragged up his side pouting as he brought up the movie. “I am really enjoying this movie.” An utter lie because she hadn’t paid any sort of attention to it for a while as he had stolen all of her attention in a good way of course.

Leaning up she pressed her body against his as she captured his lips in a deep kiss, both hands moving to his back as she scratched against his skin in a teasing fashion hoping to make him crumble just as much as he had made her weak. “I bet you can’t either.” Breaking away to whisper in his ear before she used that time wisely to place hot kisses down his jawline all the way to his shoulder, “Let’s see that adventurous side of yours.” Unable to stop the purr that left her lips as she tried to tease him, tried to regain some sort of power back.
Ohhh that's quite nice then! Nature for all the beautiful sites and then the city side for shopping and such :3

How's the shoulder doing today?
“I still can’t believe you’d choose chocolate cake over me.” Iris chuckled as she tried to sound hurt over it, but she found it too funny to take even remotely seriously. “I think I might just like the movie more than you at this rate.” Unable to stop her giggles as she started to watch the movie thinking of ways, she could tease him more, enjoying the pleasant evening with him without any sort of drama getting involved. Though it was bound to happen at some point she was just glad right now they could focus on them and not anything else.

“It seems so, who doesn’t love chocolate? Though you can’t let me go overboard. I would honestly stuff my face with all those goodies and that can’t be healthy at all.” Patting her stomach insinuating that she would gain weight if all she ate was sweet treats and nothing else. Not that she had much weight on her from not a very nutritious diet in the districts, but she didn’t want to overindulge as that was just as bad.

Turning her attention back to the movie she found herself laughing alongside some of their jokes, the humour being bad in places, but it was the kind of bad that made you laugh so it was at least enjoyable. It wasn’t a terrible choice in movie to watch either as she was content, but then she knew it was partly due to the company. Sighing happily to herself she leaned into his side as she felt his arm move around her shoulders, both plates now empty on the coffee table from the chocolate cake and she settled in to watch the movie with Cas.

It hadn’t lasted too long, their attention drawn from the movie and she felt the kiss against her neck already setting her skin on fire as she tried not to react. Iris could still feel the remnants of his touches from their last encounter in the sheets and it was safe to say that he excited her to no end, the idea of rekindling what they had done earlier in the sheets. It was hard to not just melt into him, to respond with hot kisses and gentle touches across his skin, but a part of her did want to tease him. A mischievous smile spreading across her face as she kept her eyes on the TV acting as if the movie was more important than him, payback for the chocolate cake remarks.

“Hmmm, I’m enjoying this movie.” Turning to face him briefly as she whispered in his ear, leaning her body into him as she placed her hand on his chest. The smirk not leaving her face as she dragged her fingers down his muscles lingering at the hem of his pants before she let her hand drop and she turned her full attention to the movie playing on the TV, trying to hold in her giggles as she teased him to no end feeling slightly victorious even if she knew she was about to crumble.
Yeah! I'd love to see stuff like that! I'm just too attuned to the city nowadays xD

Hahaha I get you though, sometimes it can only be small so there is no need. Seeee! I knew you'd be the type to go walk your dog even if you've been told to rest xD you better not make your shoulder worse!
Awh no!! That sucks, but honestly that sounds like such a lovely thing to see. I'm super jealous :3

Oh man I'm glad you have someone that literally drags you there to make sure you're alright lol. Gosh I can't imagine you sitting still hahaha. What was that sit still? Oh you mean go out on a hike and walk the dog xD
Awh omg did you get a photo of it? That sounds so amazing! I would love to see that kind of stuff :3

Oh gosh you’re one of those, though I can barely talk I am the same. I won’t go to the doctor at all regardless of what is going on haha. I’d have to be dying in all honesty. Oh, wow fractured rib had to have been painful! How did you heal that?
Iris couldn’t help but let out a squeal when he poked her side, the surprise of it coupled with the fact she was a little bit ticklish had caught her off guard. “I mean I think I am more important than some cake going cold.” Huffing to make her point but it was only in jest because she couldn’t keep a straight face and ended up laughing, “Hang on a minute, I am no way manipulating you. I think you’ll find you want to give me attention so I wouldn’t consider you getting roped into it when it’s what you want too.” Smirking as she settled back down as if she had won her point, watching as he began to flick through the channels mentioning the different the movies they could watch.

“I’ll be honest I have only just started watching all of your blockbuster hits, I don’t think I’d really seen any of your movies or TV shows before I was hauled up with Miles nothing else to do but watch them.” Iris laughed looking at the image of the film shown on the screen, glancing over to Cas as he explained the film. “Ohhh sounds interesting, sure! Let’s give it a try. I’m sure we won’t finish the movie anyway.” Casting him a coy smile accompanied with a wink as the honeymoon period clearly not over, the part of her that desired more of his touch and the feeling of him in between the sheets.

Sitting up on the sofa as she heard the door go signalling their cake she couldn’t help but grin feeling like a child who had just been given their favourite food, eyes lighting up as he brought in the tray that held their chocolate cakes on. Taking in the scent she could smell the freshly baked goods and the excitement just grew at trying them out, clapping her hands together as he placed it on the coffee table uncovering the goodness from the dome. “Oh, wow that looks so good!” Not waiting any longer, she followed suit grabbing a plate herself and a fork to take a bite, looking up at the screen as she started to pay attention to the movie briefly.

The cake was wonderful, it was unlike anything she had ever tried before, and the sickly-sweet taste danced on her tongue as she enjoyed the treat smiling. A part of her agreeing to the fact that this was so much better hot as it just complimented the cake itself. “We definitely have to get this again; this has to be the best thing I have had from the Capital so far. Much better than that pizza and even the carbonara.” Finishing off the cake swiftly before she placed her empty plate accompanied with fork on the coffee table, “If only I could live off of chocolate cake, but I think it may get a little too sickly.” Joking to Cas as she reached for her wine glass to wash down the remnants of the hot chocolate taste.

It was such a nice feeling to her, to be able to feel somewhat happy again. Fully fed, somewhere to sleep in the warmth and safety of another. Iris didn’t want that feeling to end and even though there was still so much going on around them it didn’t feel like it, not when they were coped up together in a hotel suite able to spend their time together like they were a normal couple. Though a part of her deep down doubted how long it would last, the saboteur of her mind telling her how something was bound to go wrong.
Ouch! That sounds painful try not hurt yourself or overdo it! Have you managed to get any done today? Have you put anything on the shoulder that could help? Like a painkiller gel or deep heat?
I did! Though now I am exhausted and not feeling too great for it haha, but I think it's more because I just haven't stopped yet? If that makes sense!

I finally got my post up!
“I hope not! Honestly that was waaaay to much alcohol.” Iris grinned finding it soothing that they did have some good memories to reminisce on, thankful it didn’t seem to be all doom and gloom for them. Today was certainly going to be something good they could look back on, well for Iris it was and she sure the same would be for Cas, but of course she knew she couldn’t just assume that fact. There was a lot she still didn’t know about Cas and perhaps he had other memories that trumped her ones of them together, truth was she could have some great memories of her past but she didn’t know because so far it had only been the rubbish that had come back to her.

For now her mood seemed to be okay, but she knew deep down that was because she was putting all of her energy into the time she got to spend with Cas fearing that it would be taken away at any instant. They hadn’t talked properly since before coming back to the Capital, she hadn’t told him how she had been feeling not that it was something she wanted to delve into truthfully. A part of her wanting to leave it buried like it never happened, the truth serum, her father and Ethan. All things she would happily forget in heartbeat and whilst with Cas it was easy too, the affection he showered her with and the care he had made it easy to push it aside for the time being even if it wasn’t a long term solution.

“It better be.” Sighing happily as she wrapped her arms around him leaning against him as he tucked her into his side, letting the warmth of his skin surround her as she got herself comfortable. “Ohhh I see, chocolate cake much more important.” Chuckling softly as she relaxed into him making the teasing remark in good jest, she knew he was right though this cake deserved to be eaten whilst it was hot. Excitement bubbled away at the idea of this cake as she had high expectations for it, especially as it was coming from a five-star hotel no less, so it had to be good. Plus, who could go wrong with chocolate cake?

Closing her eyes for a moment as she relaxed against him, she felt him move grabbing the TV remote before sinking back into the sofa. Shifting her weight on him she opened her eyes glancing up at the mention of watching something, a smile spread across her face at the idea. Although she had spent a lot of time with Miles watching movies to TV shows it was different watching them with Cas, they could cuddle on the sofa together and she knew it would be relaxing to spend time like that together. Plus, it also felt like they were a real couple as that’s what couples would do, watch movies together whilst holding one another on the sofa. “Honestly that sounds amazing. I can’t think of anything better than watching a movie, cuddling and sharing that delicious cake.”

Reaching up she placed a kiss to his check before settling back down comfortable on the sofa with him putting herself at his side. “I have no clue on what to watch though, I think I’ve gone through quite a few titles. Maybe we could watch a comedy? If you’re into that. Or maybe we could watch a different genre? I really don’t mind.”
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