Avatar of Sven the Silent
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    1. Sven the Silent 9 yrs ago


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My name, as you may have noticed, is Sven. The last part of my username is a historical reference to an important person in Dutch history, William the Silent to be specific, an important leader during the Dutch revolt. If this didn't tell you already, I love history. I eat, breath and sleep history. Anything involving a historically correct setting will most likely draw my interest, whether it is during the first or perhaps the second World War, the colonial age, or even the the ancient times during the Roman Empire.

Now to sum this up to an easy and bite sized piece of information, I will most likely be down for the following scenarios or genres in terms of roleplay:

- Apocalyptic settings, whether that be Zombie or natural disasters. (Both post-apocalyptic and during the apocalypse itself.)
- Roleplays during the first or the second World War are things I enjoy immensly and that is something i'm very knowledgeable on as well.
- Ancient Rome, love it. If you have anything to do with that or possibly with things like that such as the Greek city states, I will most likely be interested.
- Videogames, roleplays based on video games such as the Metro or the Fallout series are things I can also enjoy.

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@carla6677 Yes you can. ^-^
@Claw2k11@Minimum@Lauder@ClocktowerEchos@Jbcool@RomanAria@Serene Sender@Rekaigan

And the OOC is up, I feel as though i've got the balance right now. The technology points should force you to interact with other tribes as much as possible, or with me. Purely to increase the amount you're getting so that you can achieve more. The link: roleplayerguild.com/topics/88538-395-a..

I might tweek the technology point system a little, mostly decreasing or increasing certain amounts. Feel free to give me suggestions/advice on that.
Reserved for my character sheet, I will get it up as soon as I can.

(Red dots on the map indiciate large Roman cities and green dots indicate the position of Roman legions, heavy resistance can be expected there. The dark lines are provincial borders to help you indentify on what portion of the map you are whilst advancing into Roman territory. Note that Roman legions each start with ten units and that those units are half the troop size of yours.)

Under the will of the late Emperor Theodosius I the Roman Empire was split in two. The West, less urbanized with a spread-out populace, was to experience an economic decline. The East was not so destitute, as Emperors like Constantine the Great and Constantius II had invested heavily in the eastern economy. As a result, the Eastern Empire could afford large numbers of professional soldiers and augment them with mercenaries, while the Western Roman Empire could not afford this to the same extent. Even in major defeats, the East could, certainly not without difficulties, buy off its enemies with a ransom.

In the years that followed the East would recover from its initial turmoil and flourish, showing that it had become an economic powerhouse capable of paying friend and foe alike to do their bidding. The Western Empire's resources were much more limited, and the lack of available manpower forced the government to rely ever more on barbarian troops. Rome was weak, unable to keep full control over their territories and increasingly unable to afford to pay its armies. Oh, how the tables had turned. The tribes beyond the Rhine now looked West, at the fertile and poorly defended land of the once mighty Roman Empire, poised to carve out an Empire of their own from the ruins.

But it wasn't just expansion that fueled their aggression, the Huns were coming. Hordes of horsemen, from the depths of hell. Slaughtering and pillaging their way through eastern Europe. The aura of terror surrounding the Huns was so great that their enemies were barely able to conceive that they were also human beings, rather then stand and face them, they fled. Ever going west, taking the place of previous tribes that had fled before them. With the land running out and with the Huns in their back they had little choice but to invade the ruins of Rome and seek safer lands southwards. What they didn't count on was that Rome would not be defeated so easily, it's soldier few in number and overstretched, still remained a formidable foe to be reckoned with. Given time and with the aid of its eastern counterpart, the Empire would surely recover.

Combat in the Roleplay.
Despite using things from the Total War series to establish the values for the tribes and the workings of the units, we're going to be using the honour system a lot as well. I expect players to communicate with eachother properly and to attempt to play out battles as realistically as they can. Remember, it's not always about winning but about the experience as well. I always try to picture myself in the combat situation. If I have a big shield and decent armour I will calmly advance through heavy missle fire, yet if I had no armour or shield for that matter, and my friends were dying next to me left and right. I'd be much more likely to run away.

For the sake of knowing what is going on try to describe how your army is marching or set up, simply by saying that for example; four units of spears are advancing at the front with four units of sword infantry following closely behind them, perhaps with your axe infantry on the flanks of the formation and with your cavalry on the wings. Then it's easy for the other participant to paint a mental image of what he's dealing with. Again, try to imagine the situation in your head. If you've just advanced your troops up a steep hill or you're fighting on said hill, you're going to be tired and at a disadvantage.

Keep in mind that once your unit is engaged in combat and you try to order it to pull out to allow another unit to take over, or just for a retreat. A lot of them will be cut down. You can try to get certain units of the enemy into combat in order to exploit him on other flanks with different units, such as cavalry.
@ClocktowerEchos Technology now has an effect on me as well. I get only 0,5 technology points from trade and the costs for recruitment and replenishment are doubled for me. I will however start with more technology points in place and if things get really dramatic for me I can receive aid from the non playable Eastern Roman Empire. (Say, all my armies being gone. I can receive money/troops as in real life in order to put up some resistance still.)

I will not have to dribble in upgrading units though because mine all start at the highest level, including when recruited. I will spend all my points on desperately replenishing and trying to recruit troops in areas where it's getting really dangerous. Though it's safe to say that once I have spend my initial banked technology point supply the cracks will quickly start to show.
@ClocktowerEchos I have thought about including unique units but then things would get a little chaotic, though if the participants would like to see that I can include it. The only unique units so far is the one nomadic tribe that's in the mix, they have horse archers. And then there's war hounds that everyone has. But I may scrap those two for balancing purposes. As for technology and Rome, my units are underfunded, undersized and spread to thin. The technology is more for you then it is for me. My units already start out good, and I of course have more then twenty units. I have legions spread out over the provinces.
@Claw2k11@Minimum@Lauder@ClocktowerEchos@Jbcool@RomanAria@Serene Sender@Rekaigan

I have been working on a few things and i'm happy with the current results. They are not final though and I need the opinion of you to establish whether or not it's usable. My apologies for the time it's taking me to get an OOC up but I want to ensure that you get served the best of the best so that we all enjoy the Roleplay to the fullest extend. So yes, let me know what your thoughts are and suggestions are always appreciated.

I currently do need to figure out how we're going to establish casualities but I figure that can be done on the honour system by players. If an unit is in a hopeless situation and getting cut down i'm sure they can realistically establish suffered casualities/the destruction of a unit as a whole.

I may also split up spear/pike infantry and sword/axe infantry into two catagories and work out what their qualities are for each tribe as well.
@Claw2k11@Minimum@Lauder@ClocktowerEchos@Jbcool@RomanAria@Serene Sender@Rekaigan

I'm having tremendous difficulties changing things. In my eyes the combat need a lot more detail, which i'm working on. It's so difficult to take in account all the different types of units, the impacts of skill and experience on the unit. And how to work how strong your unit is compared to the quality of your tribe. And that's just one of many things about combat I can not figure out and that stresses me out.

Economy and industry at the moment appears to be nothing more then a line to fill up the already short nation sheet. I can't think of other things to add to it because this is not your traditional type of nation roleplay. You're tribes migrating into Roman lands and you've packed up everything you owned and left your land. (Even though this wasn't traditionally the take on all of the tribes that attacked and invaded Rome, such as the Franks who just added more land to that what they already held.) If you're migrating you don't have an economy nor much industry and you can't exactly trade with others far away either.

I am seeing so, so many flaws and I do not know how to fix them. I'm going to try though but just bare with me.
@Lauder@RomanAria@Rekaigan@Minimum@Serene Sender@Jbcool@ClocktowerEchos This is what I have so far, i'm unsure about the combat and I think the nation sheet is a little to short right now. I'd love to get some feedback so I can make some final changes before putting out the OOC!

(Red dots on the map indiciate large Roman cities, heavy resistance can be expected there. The dark lines are provincial borders to help you indentify on what portion of the map you are whilst advancing into Roman territory.)

Under the will of the late Emperor Theodosius I the Roman Empire was split in two. The West, less urbanized with a spread-out populace, was to experience an economic decline. The East was not so destitute, as Emperors like Constantine the Great and Constantius II had invested heavily in the eastern economy. As a result, the Eastern Empire could afford large numbers of professional soldiers and augment them with mercenaries, while the Western Roman Empire could not afford this to the same extent. Even in major defeats, the East could, certainly not without difficulties, buy off its enemies with a ransom.

In the years that followed the East would recover from its initial turmoil and flourish, showing that it had become an economic powerhouse capable of paying friend and foe alike to do their bidding. The Western Empire's resources were much more limited, and the lack of available manpower forced the government to rely ever more on barbarian troops. Rome was weak, unable to keep full control over their territories and increasingly unable to afford to pay its armies. Oh, how the tables had turned. The tribes beyond the Rhine now looked West, at the fertile and poorly defended land of the once mighty Roman Empire, poised to carve out an Empire of their own from the ruins.

Yet it wasn't just expansion that fueled their aggression, the Huns were coming. Hordes of horsemen, some claim from the depths of hell. Pillaging their way through eastern Europe and slaughtering everything in their paths. A mass migration was about to begin that would change the world as we knew it. But not all was lost, the Western Roman Empire remained a force to be reckoned with. Its soldiers though few in number were battle hardened and experienced. Given time, the west might recover with help from its Eastern counterpart, but the clock was ticking and the Empire stood on the brink of disaster.

Experimental Situation.
The way combat has to be preformed here and the roleplay's focus on combat though it's also about diplomacy and maintaining a nation/empire, is different then i've seen on here myself. Nor have I participated in something like this before myself. If anyone has any suggestions about the combat system as is or how to improve things please do let me know. At the moment a huge part of it is simply two players communicating and attempting to play our a realistic scene of battle.

The Roleplay and Combat.
As you may have noticed this roleplay is inspired by the Total War series and i've used a lot things from the series in order to form a basis for things such a strengths and weaknesses. It would otherwise be impossible to determine what a tribe is good at or not through history alone. Typically the reports of combat events are not as simple, and I found borrowing things from the Total War series worked quite well.

I expect most fighting to take place on land and very little on the actual seas hence the navy is a little irrelevant to most phases. In actual combat I expect people to basically describe their army formation the best they can for example mentioning that all your spear units are on the front, units with sword and shield right behind them and the units with axes on the flanks. Your cavalry perhaps hidden or on the wings of the formation to intercept. If they then clash you can look at your opponent, notice your infantry is slightly better then his and feel confident that unless he flanks you or has a trick up his sleeve you will win.

Terrain is also a thing I expect the players to calculate in when they battle eachother. If you are up hill and your opponent has to fight upwards or move up the hill they will get tired more easily and preform less well then on flat ground, effectivly allowing a poorer infantry unit to hold off a superior one.
@Jbcool There is a difference between writing a post on your own or having to also take the time to discuss things with a partner in my eyes. So far I just have to set up the OOC for my own Nation roleplay, just like you still need to set up the OOC for yours. I'm confident in my ability to be able to run one myself and participate in another at the same time.
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