Avatar of Th3King0fChaos


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2 yrs ago
Current I play both sides so that I always lose.
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2 yrs ago
Can your Father still claim you if the Mail Man delivered you?
2 yrs ago
I challenge you to a game of Paradox Billiards Vostroyan Roulette Forth Dimentional Hypercube Chess Strip Poker!!!
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3 yrs ago
So I realized that the highest honor anyone can get is not to get a Nobel Peace prize, nor getting your name taught throughout history. It's being made into an Anime Character with giant boobs.
3 yrs ago
So where do I go after Elysium? I just made it through after beating a Chad-dude and his giant burly friend with horns at a break dancing contest.


About me:
I am an amateur writer at best as I have had a bit of experience writing short novels and stories as a side gig (Don't ask me for help unless you are desperate. I barely know what I'm doing half the time!)

I mostly Rp on medieval fantasy, modern fantasy, and modern slice of life. However, I am always willing to do anything. And I have been roleplaying for about 8 years now.

I have a pretty open schedule right now, other than planning DnDs, and looking for a job. (Still praying that one day I can get payed to play DnD or by playing videogames, but I haven't made a dollar yet).

I am normally a very easy guy to get a hold of. If you use one of the following contact info I should get back to you within 10 minutes, if you use discord just @me and I can respond within a quick time (If I'm at my keyboard that is).

AND PLEASE IF YOU THINK I FORGOT AN RP MESSAGE ME!!!! I CAN GARENTEE THAT I FORGOT AS I WAS PROBABLY PRAYING TO THE GODS OF CHAOS THAT I WOULD BE ABLE TO WIN THE NEXT GAME OF MAGIC I'M GOING TO PLAY!!! (In all seriousness I'm very forgetful and scatter brained, just send me a message and I should be able to pump out that post in no time)

Contact info:
nuk3clearsoldier@gmail.com (I know, don't judge)

Discord is- KingChoas #4030 (Ain't too hard isn't it?)

If you need my phone number: First off, who are you and why? Second off, Please don't spam me or I will find you and shove your phone down your throat and make you puke it up and do it again into a trash compactor and watch you cry. Then buy you a new phone. (Just saying I hate spam, also if you get my number you are the 3rd person to every get my phone number, next to my mom and my sister.)

The partners I am looking for right now is people who are chill and relax as well as just some genuinely nice people to chat to and play with. Any style is fine, just be ready as there are time where it will take some time for advanced posts will take me a few days.

Other than that I like to listen to music and anytime someone asks me to do a thing, 90% of the time I will just do it as I just don't care enough. But I will not sing, my voice is garbage and I am not confident enough to even try to learn now.

Most Recent Posts


After cleaning his face with some delicate maneuvers so he doesn't spring up more pain, Argen quickly dries his hair with some of his cloth so he doesn't get cold too quickly from the loss of heat, he begins to set his gear back in order. As he sets his helmet back into his bag as it will most likely lead to more pain, as it might make hits he will take become near fatal, like that last one.

Argen gets ready to set off as Oscar began to talk about him taking it easy Argen sighed out with a forced half smile, "I'll be alright, I won't be pushing myself too hard. I just think sitting for a few minutes will do me no real good". As Argen takes side positions again when they begin to head out to meet up with their scouts. Argen was quiet as he did need some time acclimating to his headache and the stiffness, but he did keep good spirits as it seems he was the only person to have been wounded, it ain't that bad, as its better than having Siwon or Muu who both would have probably taken that hit and might have not lived, so it could have been worst.

Argen does know one thing now though hand to hand is the worst situation to be in, never get into that situation if you can help it.

Argen wasn't fazed by the bodies, as death was a norm. Still seeing the dead always left a bad taste in his mouth as it does always show him that death looms over all. Even those who are devout in their faith.


Argen just sits there as katya works her magic. He sighs out in relief as he feels his faces swelling slowly fade away. He slowly feels his face come back to a normal state. His eye sight came back, strange he wasn't thinking about that, yet it definitely feels like a weight was taken off of his jaw as could now feel he lost some teeth. Argen was always told that the helmet was more pain than what it was worth. He can see what they mean by that, the dents might be a big bad thing as now he really can't wear the helmet as the dents are getting too severe.

He takes the helmet in his hands an just ribs it slightly as he sets it down and nods his head towards Katya and says, "Thank you. I appreciate it. When we make it back I'll get you plenty of cake". As Argen now begins his very thorough process of cleaning his face and gear, this is gonna take a bit of time to not get the rest of his body dirty, yet it would be nice to cool of his face from the rushing blood that used to be there.


Argen's eyes slowly open up as his eyes are shaking as he can hear his ears ringing and a small bit of blood in his mouth. He watches as the snow slowly disperses across the ground. As he watches as the blue haired priest slowly move in as she begins to speak. He can't make out what she is saying as he is slowly having the ringing in his ears to go away as he hears the small girl counting down as he slowly grouns out, "Uhhh....hey small one. What ya counting".

As he slowly pulls himself up and says, "I'm good. I just got hit a little hard. Other than that I'll be good". As he sits up straight and starts popping his back, and just act as if he's fine. Yet he knows that was a hit that will be a hit that will leave him a little weakened, he knows the healing would be better for a more grievous wound. His left ear is definitely be ringing for the next while.


Seeing as his kick sent the spear through, he found his plan worked, giving Argen hope he had a fighting chance. Taking the hit as a blessing he came around to try and grab his spear, until he noticed something. An ape sprinted by and his spear was missing as Argen was left in the cold as he now had to fight this fast beast with nothing else.

He finds himself immediately sliding backwards and low to dodge the apes large arm hold his shield. As he takes a stance to start fighting with his hands as he didn't know who was there to help him and he sure wasn't gonna look away to check to see who can help. As Argen is biding his moments as he watches and breaths waiting for the creature to swing wild and throw a hook into the wound and gouge out anything he could. Argen knows he has endurance and stamina, and if he can survive long enough it will bleed out or he will get some aid.

But as if a heaven sent came down as ice froze over the ground and the apes legs, Argen used this chance to stay outside of the apes range and came around its side as he went slightly behind it and tries to swing a heavy hook into the creatures open wound in hopes of tearing out some flesh and organ in hopes of causing massive bleeding.


With being put into a pinch and his shield is caught by the beast and his spear inside of it Argen needed to find a way out. He couldn't get both so he decided the best tool for this job needs to get free. So he slips his hand out of the shield handle and slips away as the beast slams down. As the ape tries to reset Argen will try to put all of his weight behind a boot kick to try and shoot the spear through the ape as he uses the momentum to try and feint a tackle as he will try and roll to get around the ape and reacquire his spear.
I didn't post here. No never.

Rock throwing ape

@Rondo of Blood

The ape is startled as the spear bearer runs up with a quickness. The beast makes it's way to turn towards the Siwon as it uses its greater reach to try and beat the spear holder. As it's back gets slashed by the ice spear launched by the mage it was trying to crush it yells out in pain as it's arm slings too soon and gets stabbed. The ape in anger and pain begins to use its wider frame to bring a large crash of its arm down onto the spear beared head in hopes of smashing it clean. And if not get the small one to run off so he could hop down and crush the magic caster for shooting it in the back.

As the rock crashes into the ground it grinds to a halt as it misses its targets and slams into the cart rocking it a bit as the horses begin to become slightly startled.


Argen's met his eyes to a large ape like creature that slammed its arms and body into his shield. He has felt this pain before, just not all at once. He is feeling the force coursing through his body. His bodies joints are moving the force of the blows through his body to the earth. His breath feels heavy and his arms feel like they are being turned to rubber, but they must stay. The size of this creature allows it to smash into his shield that much harder, but Argen will stand his ground as he positions his spear and finds his timing. To punch in a single stab right to this beasts heart. Aiming to kill it with a swiftness so he can move onto a more important threat. He just feels if he wasn't trained to take this kind of abuse he might have just been hit with a tidal wave of force this beast carried.


Argen stood on edge as his blood felt as if it ran cold. He felt the signs of what has happened before. A deathly air filled his throat as his body tensed in anticipation. He gripped his spear tightly as he took in a breath and prepared his body for the ordeal that awaits. His eyes begins to scour the area in search of any semblance of any sign of creatures around them. He begins to search to the left, right, and above: in search of anything that could be there to attack. Argen's eyes have now dilated and his senses has been out looking for anything, anything at all that could be out of place.

He has been on edge since they traveled through the swamp and hasn't shaken the feeling of dread that fell over him when he spotted blood in the river. He begins to look behind them and around as to make sure nothing any has been sneaking up on him as he can't let them get close and take out their weaker people. They couldn't and wouldn't stand much of a chance in a sneak attack and Argen knew that.

He took off his bag and shoved it into the cart as fast as he could so he could have the best movement he could in this soft snow and unknown terrain underneath. His hands slightly shaking his grips down on his shield and spear and now prepared for a full scale assault. He wasn't gonna go through another party wipe, he couldn't see himself get out of this even if he found an opening for as they could be found in another Goblin ambush. He took in a deep breath and took up his weapons in preparedness as he took one side of the cart in preparation that something comes from his side to attack. He takes a deep breath in and breaths out as he prepares for an attack from the side.


The hot water sat in his stomach like a warm stone radiating heat. That felt nice as he set up his tarp and cloak to cover the ground he was on as he began drying off the clothing he had gotten wet. It would make him feel cold right now as he wasn't wearing all of his layers, but he knew this was the best idea for the long term. As he began to check his gear he sat with as minimal clothing as he could get away with that was dry enough to not need to be near the fire as he boiled some more water to begin some hygiene procedures, first thing is to apply a warm wet cloth to his feet so they can warm up as he dries out his boots and socks that seem to have began to be soaked by the snow. As he now does some basic cleaning with the water to get mud and other gunk out of his gear.

After he finishes up he starts reclaiming his gear and now starts putting on his gear now warmer than he was before and drier too he feels well enough to go on with the day, even if he got less than an ideal amount of sleep, it was better than nothing and being up this early did allow him to at least do some quality of life maintenance for himself so he can be slightly more comfortable in this cold environment.

The bit of food he did eat was alright to say the least, it definitely wasn't as filling as the stew last night, but it was better than starving half to death. Still if something bigger was to be on the menu it would be a happy day for Argen. As Siwon is talking about hunting Argen seems to like the idea as he says "I'll go with you Siwon it would also be nice to see if we could catch anything more for food". Argen wasn't the greatest of hunters but he knew if he saw a larger animal he could throw his spear with enough force to take it down. Besides nothing of real danger should show up...right?
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