Avatar of The Elvenqueen


Recent Statuses

3 mos ago
Current Low activity rn (putting this up bc I've gotten a few PMs lately and I feel like maybe I need a more obvious "Closed for RP rn" notice on my profile, pls ignore if not applicable to you lol
1 yr ago
"Lovely, big golden chips with a nice piece of fried fish. Even YOU couldn't say "no" to that!"
1 yr ago
new Puss in Boots film did not have to go this hard but they absolutely did and now I am obsessed with the characters oh no-
2 yrs ago
Please forgive my inactivity. Got a lot going on IRL...so stressed that my brain feels like it hurts, ya know the deal...one day I'll be able to pick stuff back up again lmao
2 yrs ago
PC has officially been fixed! Small victory in the grand scheme of the crock of shit life is throwing at me rn, admittedly, but I'll take what I can get at the mo hahaha <3


Elven | Female | 18+ | {{ Polyam Aego Lesbian }}

1 x 1 Int Check (NEEDS UPDATE, TBA) ||Guild Art Thread || N/A GROUP INT CHECK ||

(I forget to post to the Guild Art Thread a LOT...if you're really interested in my artwork it would be better to go follow my deviantART or Tumblr account(s)! I post mostly Digital Art but occasionally dabble in Fanfic writing and Animation

{{ 》Profile Last Updated :: 04/10/2023 (dd/mm/yyyy) 《 }}


Art (c) Allergekko on deviantART (commissioned)



FANDOMS {{ I am LGBTQ+, polyam and multi-ship, CanonxCanon, OCxOC and/or OCxCanon* friendly and willing to double, just LMK! :'D
All "levels" friendly, from Free - Advanced. I tend to match roughly what you give me!
Dark/Gritty themes welcomed and often included, open to smut but also fine with fade-to-black scenes if you'd rather, again just LMK, I can roll with it either way! <3
1x1 or Small Group Preferred, Large Group Possible, But Selective }}

*Unless specified otherwise. Please check if there is an exception listed for the fandom you're messaging me for when PMing me! <3 I'm willing to give playing most canon characters against a partner's OC a try, but there's a handful of em that I just can't seem to get a "good" inner voice/feel for!

》》 Current Status :: OPEN / CLOSED to new threads atm! Check back later ^w^ 《《

{{ 》Current Int Status Last Updated :: 04/10/2023 (dd/mm/yyyy) 《 }}

Below is a list of my current/main fandoms, for a detailed list of plot and/or pairing interests please see my actual Int Check Thread!

Star Wars (KOTOR/SWTOR era preferred, but also open to "modern"-era e.g prequels, OT, TCW, Rebels/TFA-TROS, depending on plot ideas!)
Baldur's Gate 3
Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit/Tolkien
Overwatch (WidowTracer/WidowTracerEmily is my jam <33)
Draconis Memoria series
ARK: Survival Evolved and/or Jurrassic Park/World, Dinosaurs in general are also always good! <3
Generic Sci-fi/Fantasy (Elves/Dragons/Mages/Beastmasters/Aliens etc.)
Warrior Cats (pretty much exclusively FanClans/OCs or an AU where canon characters are long gone)
General Animal Fantasy (anything Warrior Cats/ WSD-esque with groups of animals surviving out in the wild etc.)
Watership Down





》》NB: Very low-activity rn because I'm just generally not doing very well. Writing is hard and I don't feel up to taking up any more commitments; I'd rather focus on the few I already have and prioritise getting something out to those long-term partners when they need responses <3 《《


The Silver Zephyr (PM) -- SWTOR -- Lots of OCs -- with @Jengem

Reverse!Zephyrverse AU (PM) -- SWTOR -- Lots of OCs -- with @Jengem

The Hobbit LOTR Sandbox -- The Hobbit/LOTR -- Lots of OCs + canon -- with a friend over discord


N/A. Not looking to add/join any group RPs at this time, sorry y'all!



(*in order of most > least activity level)

Discord: the_elvenjedi || Toyhou.se || SWTOR Fandom Tumblr || General Fandom/Art Tumblr || deviantART || AO3 (Fanfics) || Youtube || Picarto (Streaming) (TBA) || Facebook (Close friends only) ||

Most Recent Posts

For once, everything seemed to be running smoothly, or….as smoothly as could be. Of course, the Alliance government had to fend off various critics and Saresh was oddly absent on many occasions (something which Cheriss was currently looking into, though according to the Elder, Vice Chancellor Won was somewhat evasive on the matter.) Rumors began to circulate through the Academy, as Vano would tell Aria whenever the Champion frequented the library during the mandatory “study lessons”, which some of her students loathed just as much as she did...though Aria dutifully reminded them that theoretical study was “Just as important to their learning as practical demonstrations”, though others breathed a sigh of relief as soon as they heard the word “library”.
Aria and Yerbol had dived back into their tutoring roles at the Academy after their short two-month honeymoon period, only improving themselves further as instructors with each class they taught, much to the delight of the presiding Elders. The duo’s teaching styles were as different as their combat proficiencies, which kept each budding student on their toes. While Yerbol preferred to lead with clear, straightforward explanations supplemented with in-depth study and practical demonstrations, Aria favoured more “field-based” learning, giving the students an hour or so of classroom based instruction where they would learn the basic framework of the technique, before she threw them into a practical simulation out in the courtyard or the jungle where the students had to use their wits combined with their newly acquired knowledge to figure out the solutions for themselves while Aria barked corrections at them like a drill sergeant (not to say she was incapable of being gentle and patient for the more...sensitive students, but she did believe in being as firm and straightforward as possible, gaining quite the reputation amongst the student body for being “the stern-faced teacher who tolerated no nonsense in her classroom”).
One such session had been the source of her absence for the past two days, when the Champion had trooped her over-excited students out into the foothills surrounding the Academy grounds where she had enlisted the help of Janika, Yoruba and some of the other Knights to recreate a rendition of the attacks on Korriban and Tython, where Aria and the Knights would play the roles of Bracknell and Soto’s supporters while the students and their classmates would have to use nothing but the skills they had learnt in previous lessons, their trust in the Force and teamwork with one another to reach a rendezvous point (which was dubbed as “Zinuthra” or “Wild Space” for the purpose of the exercise) before the sun set later in the night. At the start of the exercise most of the pupils had treated it as a joke, much to the Champion’s ire, guffawing and blundering through the undergrowth like a herd of stampeding Banthas and failing in EVERY attempt to remain unnoticed.
“Your enemies are NOT going to take it easy on you just because you’re young and inexperienced!” she had hollered at them after catching Zi’veri and K’odai slacking off near the lake which provided the main water supply for the Academy. The youngsters had been most surprised when their stone-skipping contest had been interrupted by the torrential wave which Aria lifted out of the body of water using the Force and soaked them from head to toe.
“How do you expect to learn anything if you can’t make an effort to participate instead of mocking everything I say?” the Champion scolded the unruly pair, hands on her hips as they muttered apologies that sounded more sincere than the last ones, at least. “The attacks on Tython and Korriban were VERY very real, and not a joke in the slightest, so try to have a bit of respect for the people who died there. If they hadn’t you might not even be here today.”
“I did TRY to tell them that Master,” chirruped Iruba, another student in the group as she dropped down from her vantage point in the tree above their heads. “I TOLD them I saw you watching us but they didn’t believe me.”
“That was very observant of you, Ru. Advanced stealth techniques like those leave very few visible signs.” the young Chiss preened under Aria’s praise, standing up a little straighter and sticking her tongue out at her Twi’lek classmates. Aria had been somewhat apprehensive of Iruba at first, mostly due to her species’ resemblance to the Xiis and the fact that the young girl’s sharply angled cheekbones kindled flashbacks of Illesia in the back of the Champion’s mind, but the Chiss turned out to be one of Aria’s most attentive pupils who thrived both in the field and in the classroom. Aria had pointed out to Yerbol and several of the Elders during meetings discussing the students and the curriculum that she envisioned Iruba moving quickly through the ranks to become an instructor herself one day. Thankfully, after the firm scolding the young Twi’leks had thrown themselves back into the exercise with renewed gusto and the class completed it in record time, enjoying it so much that they had pleaded with her to run it all over again.

She would have obliged had Ailel not contacted her on her personal comlink and requested she report to the hangar post-haste to make ANOTHER trip out to Quensu with another group sent through to Wild Space on Lisan Won’s request, to “learn about the first discovery of the True Sith temple and the part it played in helping the Qyaari’s philosophies to be established”. The routine was becoming rather repetitive and she had grown somewhat tired of recounting the experiences she and Yerbol had encountered there or trying to explain how intricately complicated Force bonds were...but she had gotten used to it, since the Elders seemed to INSIST that the duo partake regularly in such endeavours although they had yet to receive any explanation other than vague hints from Matt before Cheriss or Ailel quickly silenced him.

Aria was just returning to their quarters, where she had accidentally forgotten her datapad in her footlocker two days before (oops!), in time to faintly hear the comical woman’s voice reciting a message from her partner’s datapad. She chuckled softly as he crossed the room and embraced her, slipping her arms around his neck to reciprocate the gesture as she responded in kind:
“Well now, I wouldn’t have been doing a good job of going unnoticed if you knew where I was, would I?” she planted a second kiss to his nose, her eyes twinkling as she shook her head slowly. “Practical training simulation, which sort of turned into an assessment of sorts. You should try that sometime, it’s a lot more fun. Then Ailel strong-armed me into another diplomatic fiasco and well...here I am! I missed you...”
A quiet groan of exasperation left the Champion as the datapads pinged insistently and Yerbol’s female assistant read the message aloud once again.
“Well…” Aria checked the chronometer on the wall close to the door and sighed. “I suppose that takes priority over us having an early night in then.” the pair had gotten used to being pulled away at a moment’s notice for some task or other, but that didn’t make it any easier to accept it without complaining a little when it did happen. After the nightmarish experience with the Xiis it had been taken a few months of getting used to working apart again without worrying that the other partner would end up in some kind of terrible danger, but their relationship had only solidified further and the bond between them had become so strong that they could still have an inkling of the others feelings even over greater distances, so it was easy to quickly check in on each other “just to make sure”, and before they knew it they were having to do that less and less as they settled into the less dangerous lifestyle once again.
At least this time, Malu wanted to see them both. Although that in itself was somewhat strange, usually the Council summoned them separately in order to maximise effectiveness by having the duo deal with a scenario each.
“...That probably does mean she hasn’t told Voldon or the other Elders about whatever this ‘job’ is yet, right?”

The Champions would promptly find out as they joined the Miraluka Elder in the garden at the designated time, which just so happened to be dinner time as well...so the other Academy students and staff would be preoccupied in the dining hall and not be around to eavesdrop their conversation.
“Why the secrecy, Malu?” Aria inquired with a raised brow as the Miraluka greeted them with her usual mysterious smile.
“I have an...inkling of sorts, that I’d like you to investigate for me. Given the...nature of the target, I would rather send two people who I know have done this sort of thing before.”
“Target? You make this sound like a bounty, Malu.” Aria frowned warily, exchanging a glance with her partner.
“Of sorts.” Malu confirmed with a nod. “The Council just got word that Soto escaped her holding cell on Coruscant. Ailel swears blind that it’s a hoax because when she left Coruscant she put Soto under the watch of some very capable Alliance troops but I’d rather not take the risk. There’s a possibility that she could have had...help, shall we say.”
“...you really think this underground network you’ve been trying to track has something to do with it?”
“It’s certainly possible. And if my feelings are correct then we have no time to waste. You need to track Soto and re-capture her before she can rally any more of these Force users who are opposed to the Qyaari back to her cause and start that bloodbath anew again.”
“...Got it. Coruscant, are you sure?”
“She could have moved off-world already, but that is where I suggest you start, yes. As soon as possible.”
So much for normality….Aria thought as she exchanged another glance with Yerbol.
“Well, guess it’s time to fire up the ship again. Any last advice, Malu?”
Baaah, that's annoying, that image hoster usually works without fail! >_< Popping them over in an email now!

Pahaha I'm more embarrassed by mine to be honest (don't laugh at how stupid it is, I've had it since I was like...10, too much effort to change over to a different one XD)

Wooooo, oh that makes it even more exciting XD Man I'm hyped now haha, will get working on a reply now!
Yay, world building! :D
I am one with the hype and the hype is with me xDD

*bounces around in circles* ...okay yeah I had too much caffeine too haha
I shall get working on the planet pages, and I can do the Act II interlude if you like? C:

Oh God the latest stuff for SWTOR yeah is a bit...bleeeh >_< at the risk of tooting my own horn a bit, our plots are much better hahaha xD
I wouldn't know how to go about it per se but it sure would be a cool thing to try and do, especially if we actually manage to...imagine that! o.o haha

EDIT: Sooooo....I was going to hand-draw the planets myself BUUUUTTTTT I was concerned about not having the adequate Photoshop skills to make them look suitably...well, planet-y XD Because making art 3D is hard o.o BUUUUUUUTTTT then I found this thing on a whim trawling the internet trying to figure out how to solve that problem and just *MUCH EXCITED SHRIEKING* LOOK AT HOW COOL IT CAN MAKE THEM LOOK!!! O_O

The interface is kinda slow and a bit buggy ish (although that COULD just be this computer I'm using in all honesty... XD) but maaaaann is this thing fun to play with! Can we make up some more planets just so I can play with it some more? HAHAHA okay I'm kidding there, but seriously it was fun XD

The first two were before I figured out how to put the stars in the background to actually make it look like it was in space (oops!), but I did try and render Nuncata in the background for the first two since it was kinda meant to be a moon around Zinuthra right? o.o
Then the last three I figured out how to do the star thing, but forgot the texture/settings I used to make the first two look so good (oops again! ^^;), and we also lost Nuncata because....it somehow decided to float its orbit faaaaar away from Zinuthra while I was trying to get a good angle for the screenshots and I can't find it anymore *gigglesnorts* XD
tbh I think the textures on the first two look a bit better than the other three despite the fact they're floating in a black hole? XD Anyway, I tried five, so let me know whether you think it works as a representation of Zinuthra and which colour scheme suits it best? =D

Did one of Chuffon Prime too, but not sure if it looks much like ice really? Might have to try that one again haha XD

I am one with the hype and the hype is with me xDD

*bounces around in circles* ...okay yeah I had too much caffeine too haha
I shall get working on the planet pages, and I can do the Act II interlude if you like? C:

Oh God the latest stuff for SWTOR yeah is a bit...bleeeh >_< at the risk of tooting my own horn a bit, our plots are much better hahaha xD
I wouldn't know how to go about it per se but it sure would be a cool thing to try and do, especially if we actually manage to...imagine that! o.o haha
Everything you proposed sounds good for a starting point so I say let's go for it! I shall have a think about how we can expand on some of your last points <3

Have a good weekend! :3
So, this seems like a bit of a cop out suggestion but there is literally NOTHING else on Quesh anywhere o.o Literally its only use is apparently that the Republic once allied with the Hutts there to try and make adrenal stims out of the toxins in the atmosphere, but that eventually turned into an abandoned project when the Empire found out and attempted to take over.

Soooo....unless The Faceless want to attempt to take over the facility there in order to have the monopoly for adrenal stims....though I can't see why they would want to cause....why would the Qyaari need adrenal stims when they have the Force right? XD

Or I guess they could use it as a prison/execution site for non-Force users if they're gonna start going down that route again but meh, we kinda already did that in Act I and I don't think Soto is that stupid to try something that clearly didn't work the first time? o.o though I do stand to be corrected of course haha
Oohhh man, this sounds so awesome! All the yes for this so far! O_O

As for how we could work Quesh into it, I have nothing right at this moment but I shall have a think and get back to you on that hopefully later today XD
Yes, we did do good! It would be an insult to the thread to call it a fanfic really, but if there was ever a chance of publishing something based on fanmade material... this would be the first one I would come to XD

I wasn't sure, I kind of forgot who all we decided was ACTUALLY related to the Purebloods so that might have been a slip up on my part haha XD If so, that makes it a LOT easier than scrambling to try and find a lot more True Sith hybrids in Legends to relate people to wahaha which theoretically means we could try and link Yerbol's ancestors to Ludo Kressh (who was supposedly a Pureblood hybrid) which would link them back to Renso and the Sith?
*sits self down in the dunce corner* XD I shall neaten that monstrosity up and make a page for it in that case! :P

Sounds awesome, I look forward to it as always. I shall potter away and keep doing stuff for the wiki in the meantime while I await your ideas :D Did you ever get the chance to look over the ideas I left in the characters tab about Quesh?

I shall endeavour to get info pages up for some of the planets (Zinuthra and Quensu particularly since they seem to be the most important ones XD) and add some more stuff to some of the bios c:
Awesome, thanks!

And sure we can, I look forward to hearing your ideas! :D

...I also lied and attempted madness. Gosh darn my love for lore/world building and wanting to connect everything. Still not sure I can pull it off and I may end up having to abandon this, but darn it I wanted to try haha I didn't want to do too much with characters that weren't mine without your input but here is what I've attempted to construct so far XD

Attempted one for Cheriss but not sure whether I can get it to work out proper XD
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