Avatar of The Mad Hatter
  • Last Seen: 5 mos ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 744 (0.20 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. The Mad Hatter 10 yrs ago


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3 yrs ago
Current I cannot - for the life of me - manage to manually turn off my PS4 by pressing the button. My damn cat, however, manages to hit it every single she even bypasses the console.
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4 yrs ago
My kids found an old Barbie TV from when I was a kid - you know, the kind that was huge and boxy with a tiny-ass screen - and my daughter said "No, mommy, TV's are flat." Another parenting fail.
4 yrs ago
My kids don't understand what a (computer) mouse is or how to use it. They keep poking and swiping at my monitor. I have failed as a parent.
4 yrs ago
When your kid gets super excioted and just up and læeave their friends to come give you a hug when you come to get them from daycare
4 yrs ago
Shit happened



So, it might be high time I do this. I've been considering it for a while, but I just couldn't really muster the need to do so. So here goes nothing...

The name's The Mad Hatter, though The Mad Hatress would be more befitting, considering my lack of a penis. You can call me Mad, Hatter, Hatress, AM, Love, Sister/Sis or Whatever. I'm a 28 years old woman with a bunch of different fancy pieces of paper stating how great I am, but I haven't really found that one thing (job) that makes me happy yet. But I like writing.

I've been Post-by-Post roleplaying since I was 12, so... that's a while. I've been writing stories since I could and I've always had a great interest in Fantasy and Sci-Fi; mostly High Fantasy with Elves and Dwarves (or other fantastical creatures) and Superhero/Superhuman stuff.
I've actually been roleplaying for as long as I can remember, starting with sticks as swords in the backyard with my brothers, evolving into Live Roleplaying in the town club, then going into Pen-and-Paper at the age of ten, with PnP overlapping with PbP for a few years.

I'm an Advanced level writer, but I can do Casual, if I'm intrigued enough at the concept/idea of an RP. I'm almost always looking for a new RP, so you're very welcome to shoot me a PM if you're looking for players for something I might like.

I'm from Denmark, making me a Dane, making me Danish. Danes are known for their "rude" nature, promiscuity (and generally pretty loose view on sex), open minds, horrible (and dark) sense of humor and, mostly currently, their racism. I can't say it's not true, but I'm not a racist; at least not really. I joke.

I have a small daughter (Freja) from October 2014 and a 4 months premature son (Balder) from December 2016. I also have a wonderful husband who fully supports my roleplaying "career".
I have a tabby cat named Salli, a canarie named Robin and an aquarium full of guppies that reproduce at too rapid a rate for me to come up with names for all of them.

Most Recent Posts

I think I am going to back out. Not sounding like my cup of tea.

I'm sorry to "hear" that. Sadly, I/we can't please everyone. I'm always a bit sad when people leave, but it was a very basic outline I originally gave and I was expecting for people to drop when it got more specific - wide nets do catch more fish, after all.

Good luck in your future endeavors and all that stuff.
I was gonna have my character be looking for the lost city of Muntab. Its a fictional place (I think) I made up. Sort of similar to Atlantis, but was swallowed by the Earth instead of the sea. Come for the gold, stay for the Cthullu.

I know I've heard/read "Muntab" before, I just can't put my finger on where...
Okay, so here are my thoughts on the whole Atlantis thing. It was written quite quickly and with a baby on my lap, so sorry if it's a bit messy.

I want(ed) to go Greek.
So, Atlantis has its name from Ancient Greek, where it means "Isle of Atlas". Atlas was the eldest son of Poseidon and Cleito and was made the king of Atlantis - he is also the titan who was sentenced to hold the sky after siding with the Titans in their war against the Olympians (Greek Gods), but this is not important to the story.
After the Atlanteans lost a war against the Athenians, Atlantis lost its favor with the Gods and the island was pulled into the sea by earthquakes and floods in a single day.

Supposedly, the Atlanteans were superior to the humankind somehow and I do plan to play with that and the myth of Undines together, since they were said to be humanoid, but lacking a soul and the only way for them to gain one, was to marry a human. The offspring of such a union would result in a human with a soul, but also with aquatic features of their Undine parent. Since Atlantis was completely surrounded by water and was the home of Poseidon, God of the Sea, Rivers, Floods, Droughts and Earthquakes, the Undine favored this island as their source of a spouse, making a large portion of the people there the offspring of an Undine/human union and even more of the people second generation of such, still with aquatic features. As such, a very large portion of the people of Atlantis would have been "superior to humankind" by being partly Undine.

Now, I know that some theories claim that the people that survived the sinking of Atlantis would go off and become the Maya and the Aztec - or at least join and influence them, but other than that, I don't know much about any theories in the direction.

So, as for the actual role in the RP:
The northernmost parts of Atlantis was said to be almost entire made up by large mountains (one of which was carved into a palace by Poseidon, with three large moats, growing greater with each, surrounding it, which humans later carved tunnels through and stuff to make it a huge city-like thing). For the sake of the RP and the "Bermuda Triangle" approach, though, these mountsins would need to have been in the southernmost parts of the island instead, which is such a small thing that I can easily see it being plausible. With the mountains in the southernmost part of the (huge) island, the Bermuda Triangle would be where the mountainous area of the island, and thus the city of Atlantis, would have been and the "deserted island" on which our characters will be stranded, will actually be the tip of one of the mountains, which stood tall enough to break through the surface of the sea that swallowed it. There will be several, smaller, islands around ours.
@CollectorOfMyst Ah, yes, I am aware of this. My thought was, as mentioned, to include merpeople (or, well, undines) and in a Little Mermaid sort of way have them be the inhabitants of the underwater city.

PS, please excuse me if my sentencing is a bit odd; I'm danish and sometimes the structure just goes haywire.

I agree.

Everyone who wants to submit ideas and/or help out in other ways are free to send me a PM. I have a shitbucket-load of stuff to write (as well as taking care of my kids, doing my "job" and making preparations for my wedding in 2 weeks) so I could certainly use some help.

After giving it a bit of thought, I think I've decided that the ship should be leaving Florida and heading towards Europe; specifically France.
If we get to the point of making characters, it will help me to know the specifics of the trip (ship, starting point, intended destination - unless it was a cruise, etc).

Actually, my initial and only thought about that so far was for the ship to go through the so-called "Bermuda Triangle". There's always been this idea that the place is cursed/haunted/whatever and I wanted to play with that idea.

I have been working on an idea pretty much exactly this, but I wasn't looking forward to GMing it as much as playing.

If you want, you can probably help me by showing me the stuff you have done? I could get inspired and/or rip you off completely.

You were off with another roleplay, weren't you?!

Welcome back, though. I will now work you even harder, so I don't have to do shit to prove your loyalty.
I'm fine with it, I like small group RPs more than large ones anyway.

Glad to hear it. We'll just continue this, then. I will have the event up sometime either tonight (it's 5:30PM atm) or tomorrow.

Sorry I haven't posted yet, still working on a post, haven't been able to think of my next post ran into a wall of writers block and being busy. Like my character was about to go off to train or the morning work out he was going to do after talking and meeting Haruka. So he will be out of the loop for a bit until he was done training or unless something stops him from going out and working on whatever he was going to do.

It's all right. Stuff happens. Maybe the event will give you an idea of what to write.
So, life's kicking my ass right now and stuff, so progress is a bit slow in the making of the new and official Interest Check (and OOC), but I am making some progress. I won't set a new time, but I will make this happen.

Interestement. Is there treasure? Coz i love me some buried treasures.

There will be "treasure", yes. just not in the "pirate buried his gold and gems here" type of way, but more like ancient artifacts and shit like that, that won't really be buried, but just, you know, hidden by time.
As briefly mentioned, there will be some mythical/magical/fantasy elements to this, including, but not limited to merpeople, magical relics, ancient deities and chimera.
So, I can't get a hold of @Halvtand and he better have a good excuse.

I'll leave it up to you guys; are you good to go with just the few of us?
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