Avatar of TheDarkTemplar
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    1. TheDarkTemplar 10 yrs ago
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Current Let's get this shmoney fam
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How's it going guild? Its ya boi, lack of interest.
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More than 71k members of the UIC and growing!
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jump man 93- bruh
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Looking for an RP to join, something medieval sounds good.
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Looking back at this bio years later...the cringe is insane.

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@AtomicNutNow that you mention it yeah, I guess the rest can be explained like they aren't spells that can be thrown fast but rather knowledge of arcane rituals and stuff that needs prep.

@Zoey White Ey yo zoey, you wanna collab?
Ey so the first IC post is up, sorry for it being so short i didnt want to control or restrict everyone's characters too much. What you can do for this is pist your character's journey to Venridge, their thoughts upin seeing it, the gate encounter etc, I've given the option of you all arriving at the same time if you want to group up early on. If not simply write your character arriving by themself. Your post should ideally end with you entering Ulric's Estate so we can jump right into the first dungeon.

EDIT: Also, you are free to control the guards, just dont hurt them too much. Once inside the city you can do whatever just make sure you end up at the house.

Stormy waters crashed against the cliffs of a city long dead. The calls of seabirds have long since vanished from these shores, replaced by the shouting of dockhands and refugees. What remaines of The Devoured City are empty homes, hollow relics of a time long past. The stone walls that towered over the waters, once a ward against naval attacks, now begin to crumble into the sea despute the efforts of its mew inhabitants to preserve them. Crows are seen overhead, messenger birds carrying correspondence to interested parties. From land you've arrived at Venridge, Window's Hill gives you a full view of what will be your home for the foreseeable future. Pillars of smoke rise from what homes still capable of harboring life. Campfires and tents can be seen throughout the city as well as outside it's walls. A good number of ships can be seen approaching the harbor from offshore, most likely carrying supplies, refugees, and new seekers. There are others around you as well, caravans following the same trail that led you to this resurrected settlement.

Upon arrival at the city's gates you are met by a small group of guards, some armed with spears and others with swords, all however wield weapons that have been poorly maintained. Rusted are their armors and weapons, these men and woman may be warriors but their equipment has been neglected either intentionally or from lack of supplies. From amongst their group, one approaches you with a book along with a quill and ink. His face looks worn and tired, sleep has not visited him in some time. "Sign your name and you're in, if you're one of the new Seekers then head to Ulric's Estate, its the large home on the hill straight ahead once you're through the gates", his hands outstretched to hand you the log, from the gates you could see Ulric's Estate. A large two floor home that was fenced off from the rest of the city. The estate was old and decrepit with portions of the roof collapsed. Candle light threw an orange glow against the broken windows with shadows dashing back and forth. Whatever the house was used for, it was bustling with life.

As for Ulric, the last lord of the city before its demise, he was said to have caused the collapse of most of the city almost thirty years ago. The underground ruines of the city have forever been named "Ulric's Folly", a mockery of his failed mining venture which costed Venridge its existence. The city had been dead for some time, but times were changing and what little semblence of civilization yet remains in this land have become hubs for the desperate. An age of darkness has begun, and it threatens to swallow the world.
@Rekaigan@Zelosse Both Accepted. NOW WE CAN BEGIN! GUNNA POST SOON!
@Zoey Whiteya wont be alone or outmatched
Oh yeah, we're waiting on one more person to show up and we can begin in case anyone was wondering.
@Eisenhorn Sorry for taking so long, New Year's Party and all that, your dank priest is accepted.

@Spriggs27You too, both of yall throw ya characters as hard as you can into the Character Tab
@ZelosseAccepted Boi
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