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4 yrs ago
Today's the first time in a long time that I've felt empty. Not even sad or tired, just empty. This quarantine is getting to me more than I thought.
4 yrs ago
@Jessica Bunny: You live in America! College is optional (and expensive) and around you is opportunity. I believe you can make it!
4 yrs ago
Magical Girl RP, Original World: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
4 yrs ago
Oh shit, I've been surrounded! The room is ripe with the scent of bitches!


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Yuuto let out a light chuckle. Tomoko was just implacable.

In any case, he took in a big breath and set down his teacup, moving closer to Tomoko and the rest. The topic of the meeting was at hand, and it wasn't a pretty one. Their president might be acting casual about it, but he wasn't going to mistake that for callousness. He of all people knew how seriously she took her role. But still, seven missing children, perhaps...

"Perhaps it was a yamauba?" When it came to kidnapping and children, that was really the first thing that came to mind wasn't it? The demonic old women of legend where practically a parents' favorite thing to scare their children with. "Then again, it could be an oni - Shuten-doji and his gang where fond of kidnapping young girls, after all." He added as an afterthought. He didn't really consider it a possibility. It just seemed too subtle for an oni. If they were going to commit a crime, it wasn't going to be something so sneaky. They'd want to leave a mark.
Yuuto looked up from the paper he had been working on. Lately, managing his studies had become a bit more difficult, which was expected, given the circumstances, so he had to use these free gaps in time efficiently. As much importance as he put on his role as an onmyoji, he also had another role to play, that of a student, and he was loathe to under-perform in either.

"Welcome back, president. Have you kidnapped another member to your glorious cause?" he asked jokingly. Or perhaps it was half-jokingly? He held high regard for Suzuki, he really did, but he wouldn't put it past her to resort to, um, less than savory means to cajole others into joining their little club. It was just her personality.

Speaking of her victims, he smiled and thanked Asahi as she set down a teacup in front of him. He wasn't aware exactly what Suzuki did to convince her - who was already quite busy as the class president - to sign in with them, but the kitsune was not nearly as subtle with her thoughts on the matter as she thought she was.

Case in point, that smile.

Yuuto sipped his tea. She really was quite good at this.
Damn, I was hoping to get my character image up before you posted. Ah well. Here we go~!
Name: Abe Yuuto (安倍 優斗)
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Race: Human

A gentle looking young man, with big ears, and a wide mouth. Thin black eyes, thick eyebrows and short, straight brown hair swept to the side. Fairly lanky looking, but with broad shoulders. Stands at 174cm in height. Big hands.

A rare sort in that what you see is what you get - Yuuto doesn't have a mean bone in his body. Though not one to seek confrontations, he is not one to back down from them either - or rather, he becomes extremely stubborn about it, seeing them as a challenge for himself.

Happy to lend an ear to someone's troubles, and equally happy to offer his help, Yuuto has a natural inclination to soothing the suffering of others. Still, despite his sympathetic nature, he has a tendency to be a loner. With regards to this, his mindset is basically to help others' but not involve others with his problems. Oftentimes this leads to self-sacrificing tendencies that border on suicidal.

Feels the weight of his bloodline, and the duty that comes with it, acutely. He'd rather not let it define him as a person, however, he cannot deny the amount of influence it's had on his life.

As an onmiyoji, he possesses a variety of abilities useful in combating the supernatural world. As a direct exorcist, and fighter, he's not the most proficient of the group, however he's capable of forming strong barriers and seals. Where he truly shines, however, is his techniques in information gathering and detection. Yuuto can see bits of the past, present and future, see into the true nature of people and yokai. He is otherwise able to make use of shikigami that can do battle for him, or act as physical scouts. Depending on the difficulty and magnitude, doing so will take more time and often requires materials for rituals.

Though not a natural fighter, he is decently athletic, a bit above the average for his age. Observant and intelligent, his is well studied on folklore and history, and is quite good at reading others. A graceful dancer, specializing in ritual dances.

Brief Backstory:
A direct descendant of the famous Abe no Seimei, Yuuto's spiritual powers became evident at a young age. However, while the duty of the Abe bloodline as exorcists was never truly done, in the modern era, his family were not even aware of their ancestry.

But blood does not lie, and the blood of Seimei would not be denied. Even if he had tried to walk away from the moonlit path, he would be dragged into it. It is fortunate then, that he had decided to embrace it - not the least because his frequently increasing dreams of the memories of Abe no Seimei. It is fortunate that not all of his blood had abandoned their duties, though not were quite as gifted as him. He studied under his uncle, a kannushi of a local shrine that had at least some experience in dealing with the supernatural world.

That he met Suzuki Tomoko was nothing more than the miracle of coincidence, though at times he felt like it was divine providence. He had failed to enter his first choice of school due to sickness, and had instead enrolled in Miyama. It would be the first time he encountered someone like him - though not a true onmyoji, but rather a mediator of the dark side of the world.
@VitaVitaAR Got it. As for the future sight, it relies on the Gods and Astrology, so a few days of preparation and then a ritual where he gets a prophecy, which is like helpful hints IC. I'll probably have to discuss that with you whenever it's important, since you'll have to be the one to dispense said prophecies, if that's alright.

Also, removed his compelling, replaced it for familiars:
He is otherwise able to make use of familiars that can do battle for him, or act as physical scouts

This good?
Looks cool. Haven't participated in a sci-fi gig in ages, so I'll throw my hat in.
@VitaVitaAR For your judgement

Market District - Food Court
@Sho Minazuki

"Does this kid think he's living in a fucking anime? Thinks he's some defender of justice type shit?" though Mason incredulously. He's picked fights with total strangers, and total strangers have picked fights with him, but the reasons had always been petty - flirting with his girl, looking at me funny, you smell like shit - never something like this.

JM could feel it all right - this kids' one of those self-righteous types. The ones' on their high-horses, who've got some self-appointed mission to fix the world or some other bullshit. Fuck those guys, the pricks. Those types always had it out for him, though admittedly this was the first time it was because he was a 'demon'.

When the kid settled into a martial arts and ki began to flow around him, JM took no notice - he was completely new to this world, and not particularly adept at its finer details. The prowess on display flew over his head as he simply accepted such a thing as 'normal' in this world, mistaking the boys' skill for something commonplace. As such he was not affected or impressed.

"Tch. When's your shift end? I need to see why this school would let demons of all things enroll."

Looked like the dude was afraid of starting a fight in a crowded area, fucking pussy. If he didn't want to start a fight just because there'd be witnesses, he shouldn't have bothered with all the fucking posturing. Besides...

"You wanna fight? Fine bitch, I'll give you one," he growled out menacingly. "Meet me behind the department store, midnight. If you're serious about this, you'd better not run out." With a snort, he dismissed the kid, and paid him no further notice. Setting up a time and place to fight was throwback and a half, he had to admit. He used to do that all the time, two years back, and it inevitably ended up with either him curb-stomping any fucker stupid enough to accept the challenge, or getting jumped by multiple assholes who decided that fighting fair was for losers, who would end up being stomped into the ground all the same.

All this was irrelevant, however, because he had no intention of actually showing up.
Memories broken
The truth goes unspoken
I've even forgotten my name
I don't know the season
Or what is the reason
I'm standing here holding my blade
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