Avatar of Valchyrie


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10 mos ago
Current Sick, bored, tired and can't sleep. I'll give anyone a lollipop to entertain me!
8 yrs ago
I wonder how, I wonder why, yesterday I thought I saw your mom in the sky.


Welcome to the small bio section here.
I'm a 27 year old Dane (Danish person) and I have roleplayed for so many years that I don't actually know how many years it has been.
My mother language is Danish and not English, so if you see some grammar mistakes, then that would be the reason :)

I can roleplay on an advance setting, where I write multiple paragraphs, or I can roleplay where it's a couple of paragraphs. No matter what, I'll always write more than one line, since that's just my style :)

I love music and I love playing music, as well as roleplaying and gaming, just so you know what hobbies I like. Other than that, there's not much to tell. Ask away if there's anything you'd like to know :)

Over and out - Valchyrie.

Most Recent Posts

While they were eating the breakfast, it seemed that Chalsea had finally calmed down a bit, at least for the time being. Though that didn’t seem to last long, as she soon started to feel hot again and start thrashing around on the couch like she was on fire. Adalia put the food away from herself and quickly turned to look at Chalsea’s body more closely. It seemed like there were actual flames under her skin, and if that was the reality of what was happening, then normal magic wasn’t going to help her with getting better. Something was going on with Chalsea’s body and it wasn’t going to stop in any normal way. Adalia had seen many things through her eternal life and she knew when something wanted to be unleashed and whatever was inside Chalsea’s body, was looking to be released. She quickly took her up in her arms “We don’t have a choice now Chalsea, I’m going to go through with the experiment.” She said and then she hurried down into the basement.

When they got down there, four of her mages was doing work on the big crystal shard in the middle. It seemed to have grown in size over the last few days and more magic was fluctuating from it than there had been before. Things was getting weird, and Adalia wasn’t sure if it was a good or a bad thing. Adalia looked to the mage that was in charge on today’s team. “We are going to go through with a live experiment. Chalsea is having some problems with her inner systems, and if we don’t do something, her body might self-destruct from heat and flames, and we can’t let that happen.” She explained. One of the mages looked at her “But we have no idea what will happen if we pour all the magic into it, we have theories, but it could kill her.” Adalia sighed “And so could the flames inside her body, do what I say.” She said and put Chalsea down in front of the big crystal.

The mages then stood in four corners of the crystal that was hovering in the middle of the room and then started to pour their magic into the crystal. As soon as they did that, the crystal started to respond by shining brightly and sending out it’s own magic, into everyone that was in the room. Adalia felt it as well, and what was even more strange, was that she started to hear voices and memories started to flood her brain, memories that seemed to have been accumulated over many years, but from a life she didn’t quite remember. It was hurting, and she fell down onto her knees, taking her hands to her head. The mages looked to her “Should we stop?” Adalia shook her head “Continue, it’s the only thing we can try.” She said back. She hoped that the magic the crystal was pouring out would either release what was inside Chalsea, or calm it down. But before they had a chance to discover that, the crystal suddenly melted away it’s hard shell and transformed into what looked like a window, that had a room on the other side of it. The memories stopped flooding Adalia’s mind, but something had happened in the meantime, she remembered. She remembered everything. She looked down to Chalsea and grabbed her, then she looked to the mages “Rose will be in charge while we’re gone, I don’t know how long that will be, but this portal should be open for quite some time at least.” She then stepped through the portal with Chalsea, and as soon as she did that, she completely transformed in her looks and the clothing she was wearing.

They were in a big royal hall, which seemed much different from the royal halls that existed in the other world they had just come from. This world was also heavy with magic, a lot heavier than the other world they had been inside. This should help Chalsea release her inner demons, or whatever it was that was inside. However, there was another situation to take care of. In this royal hall, there were hundreds of people and guards, all looking confused at what had just happened, and rather scared, as their Royal Battle-Witch, the one who were thought dead, had just returned through a portal. Adalia felt all her powers return to her, the powers she were feared and respected for, and she was not a happy witch. She looked to the throne, where the King and Queen of this technological advanced and magical advanced world, was sitting, the same people who had thrown her into the hands of the enemy and sealed her away for hundreds of years. The deadly aura, that was filled with death and destruction, surrounded Adalia again now, and everyone could feel her intention to kill and conquer. The lights were being disrupted and destroyed all around the hall, and she let go of Chalsea now, while slowly making her way to the thrones. The king and queen were surprised, to say the least, and they could only command one thing “Guards! Kill the traitor!” the guards tried to do as they were commanded to do, but before they could move, they were pierced by black spikes, from Adalia’s magic, and the rest of the crowd in the hall, just stepped back and looked on in horror.
After the orcs had fled the battle area, it was nice that Marosa and the Eternal Grounds kingdom had the help of the Zarosian army to take care of their wounded soldiers and help gathering up the dead orc bodies, and the bodies of the fallen soldiers. It had been a tough fight indeed, but it seemed like it was over, at least for now. Though why the orcs had attached, and who they had at their command, was unsure. It was clearly a well-coordinated effort to take down the Eternal Grounds, which would have been a very valuable and defendable area for the orcs to conquer, which was more or less the same reasons why Marosa and her men had managed to stay alive until help arrived. There were many things ahead of them that they needed to figure out, but at the moment, they had to clean up the mess that the orcs had made, and prepare what damage that had been done to the walls of the Eternal Grounds.

Now that the orcs had disappeared from the field completely, Marosa came down from the top wall and started walking around on the battlefield, helping the injured the best she could. Even though she was a commander, and a Queen, she still did the dirty work after a battle, on equal terms with the rest of her soldiers, instead of going back to her own chambers to relax and let her men do all the work. It was something that helped keeping the morale high in the Eternal Grounds, and it was another reason why the walls had never fallen. With the commander and Queen on the battlefield, there was a certain respect and sometimes fear, from most enemies, as they wouldn’t expect the leader of a kingdom to show up and join the battle from the very start. But she did, and it raised the men and women morale by a lot.

Now she came back up to the leader of the Zarosian army, Riverdane. She gave him a small courtesy again and then stood back up normally. “Again, thank you for the help. It’s appreciated and literally life-saving.” She said to him with a small nod. “My men are already preparing your chamber at the castle, while a housing is being arranged for your men and golems. There will be four big buildings that your army can share with each other; each will have their own bedroom and bathroom. It should be more than enough to house all of your men and golems. You’ll have a room at the castle as said, but if you prefer to stay with your men, you are more than welcome to join them in their housing as well.” She said, wondering if he would keep talking tough-guy talk, like he had when he had shown up with his army, or if he would calm more down, now that the battle was over.
Adalia smiled a little at Chalsea, it was nice that she thought she didn’t want something to go wrong, for Adalia’s sake, if they did try to go with the experimenting, but at the same time, she had all her experiments under control. She always made sure to have a door out of the experiment, if something bad seemed like it was about to happen, so she wasn’t worried about anything bad happening to Chalsea. What she was worried about, was that the magic wouldn’t help at all, and that they would have a much more suffering Chalsea in a few days. She had no way of knowing which way Chalsea’s condition would go, but if it did get worse, they would have a really hard time beating down the temperature again, and it might not be enough with a bucket of ice the next time. She took a sip of her tea while she thought about these things, and put the cup slowly down on the table again in front of her. “You don’t have to worry about that. We always make sure that we can keep things under control. If anything goes wrong, we’ll cancel out the experiment right away with nullifying magic, and nothing will have changed. But I think it’s better that we try it, and see if we can get your temperature under control, before you completely melt yourself.” She said with a bit of worrying in her voice.

Then the maid came into the room with the breakfast they had been preparing. Eggs, bacon, pancakes and a few other delicious things, alongside with cold nice water in two buckets, and a couple of glasses. Then the maid left again, leaving the women to themselves again. Adalia looked at the food “Well, it seems that the breakfast is ready. I hope you’ll enjoy it Chalsea, hopefully it’ll help you feel better.” She gave her a small smile and then started eating herself. Whether or not food would help her, only time would tell, but for the moment, she thought it at least couldn’t hurt to get some energy in both her own body and Chalsea’s body.

At the same time under the mansion, the crystals that they had been experimenting on, was pulsating slightly. One of the mages that was in the experimenting group, was on observation duty, and took note of it. While it wasn’t anything too unusual, it was still unusual enough that it deserved to be recorded in their notes and given to Adalia later on. But the mage that was observing the crystal, felt like it was pulsating more than normally, but it wasn’t much, and he was unsure of whether it was his imagination, or if it was real. Whatever the case was, he didn’t want to disturb Adalia right now, he wanted to give her time to get better after everything that had happened, plus, he knew that she was also keeping an eye on Chalsea, who seemed to have fallen ill the day before, which meant Adalia had more than enough on her plate right now.

Meanwhile in the living room, Adalia was drinking her tea and eating her breakfast, hoping Chalsea would do that as well. “It is up to you of course, whether or not you want to try and see if the crystal shards can help you. I’m not going to force you to try, but I just don’t want anything bad happening to you, and if that’s the direction things are going, I’d rather have tried and failed, than not having tried at all.” She said with a small smile to Chalsea. “But no pressure, if you’d rather not, I’ll accept that and we’ll leave it at that.” She said, giving a slight nod after that.
By the time, Chalsea had managed to get out of her bedroom to try to go meet Adalia outside, Adalia had already returned to the mansion. She didn’t know that Chalsea was up and moving about, but she had wanted to go back and check up on her, instead of staying in the garden like she had planned at first. She had realized that while it might not be dangerous to leave Chalsea alone, as she did have the ice bucket next to her, Chalsea still had been alone the whole night, which meant there were no maids or any other person that could give Adalia a status update on how Chalsea was coming along this morning. That was the reason she had gone back inside the mansion, which seemed had been the right call. As she entered and went up the stairs to the first floor, she saw Chalsea down on one of her knees, clearly not looking too well from the way she was standing. Her body seemed to have been drained from energy through the night, even though she did look better than she had done the night before. But looking better and being healthy, were two very different things, which meant that Adalia’s alarm bells were still going off inside her head.

She hurried over to Chalsea, her summer dress flying from side to side, as she did so. “Miss Chalsea, you shouldn’t be up and moving around by yourself in your state. Something bad could occur to you and your body. We still don’t know what’s causing your body to rise in temperature the way it’s doing, but my guess would be that it’s not a normal sickness.” She said. She gently put one of Chalsea’s arms around Adalia’s neck and helped her up on her feet again. “Come on, let’s get you down to the living room, at least down there you can sit up and get some breakfast, which hopefully would help with getting some color and energy back into your body.” She said while helping Chalsea down the hall. When they got to the stairs, she was more careful with getting her down, as it would be a horrible event if she suddenly lost her grip on Chalsea and had her tumbling down the stairs, causing even more damage to her already, by the looks of it, fragile body.

With careful steps, she managed to help Chalsea down the staircase and into the living room, where she helped her sit down on the couch. “Now you wait here, I’ll go tell the maids to bring us over breakfast here.” She said, giving her a soft smile. She then went out into the kitchen where she saw the maids still working away with the food. She asked them nicely, to bring the food into the living room once they were done preparing it. She then returned to the living room and sat down next to Chalsea on the couch, with two cups of lemon tee for both of them. She put the tea on the table and looked to Chalsea “I don’t like that you seem to be so hot all the time all of a sudden. Ice magic cooled you down, but it couldn’t heal you completely. Normal healing magic seems like it won’t work either.” She sighed a little. “I did say I had something I wanted to show you, I just never managed to tell you what it was.” She said, looking at Chalsea again “I am doing some experiments on magic crystal shards under the mansion, which only the people in the mansion and a few mages knows about. If you’d like, maybe we could try and see if the shards could help you get better?” she asked her. She didn’t want to experiment on Chalsea, but she didn’t want Chalsea to suddenly burst into a flame and burn herself to ashes either, without at least having tried to help her.

Of course it is, take your time, I'm doing the same :)

Yes, I explained that in a few posts, how they were forced to split into groups because of their losses and so on ;)

Nope, sorry if I didn't make it clear in the post, I tried too hehe.

Marosa is half-elf half-human :)
And you can post some war stuff too if you want, from Marosa running through the trees to the gates, you can do some war stuff IF you want, you don't have too :) If not, you can just do post battle (he can also reply her before she rushes off through the trees if he wants to say something back) :)

Hey I finally posted and I hope you like it :)
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