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<Snipped quote by Valiance>

Their life force is still there. Once I eat the dragon’s flesh, I may have the power to free them.

You could, regardless of this dragon’s wishes?
<Snipped quote by Valiance>

How much collateral are you willing to bear on your shoulders?

It’s not collateral if they’re already gone. Take it from my experience- recovering from this isn’t in the cards.
<Snipped quote by Valiance>

Then we’ll catch it trying to flee and destroy it. Trap it in its own den. We should not harm these people.

If someone had come along before with the chance to do everything they could to stop that dragon before it came here and did this to them, I know all of them would have wished for it in a heartbeat. No one can afford half measures.
<Snipped quote by Valiance>

If it intended to leave, why would it have waited? We cannot indiscriminately destroy their second chance.

It’s a home. But if it sees a threat coming, who wouldn’t hesitate to escape? Make a new one, somewhere else. On top of someone else’s.
<Snipped quote by Valiance>

Why? These people cannot get worse. But we may be able to restore them.

We prance around being careful and methodical, the dragon catches wind of what we’re doing, gets away, disappears and does this to someone else. This place isn’t in our hands, but if that happens, whatever comes next will be.
<Snipped quote by Valiance>

That is what I like to hear! No mercy.

Even if it means foregoing whatever chances anyone thinks there are of saving these people.
<Snipped quote by Valiance>

I see... Then I sense a responsibility to ensure these people receive a second chance.

A second chance is more than they can have. We need to give them justice, and strike so hard and fast that this abomination can’t connive its way out.
<Snipped quote by Valiance>

Do you deal with these regularly? This is the first I’ve seen this effect.

Not this exactly. But a massacre that strikes a massive resemblance to this one, was the responsibility of someone you helped me kill.
<Snipped quote by Valiance>

*Looks down at the non-reflective but still golden walkways throughout the city and then studies another building closely*
You seem perturbed.

It’s familiar. More familiar than I expected it to be.
<Snipped quote by Valiance>

Only as useful as the moment that was frozen. We could look at reflective objects to see more, but that doesn’t help us very much.

*Walks a circle around a particular couple of folks, such that they land within my sight as I gaze into a bazaar of sorts that was ripe with activity. I stop walking and stare at the scene with a furrowed brow, and a gaze of growing contempt*
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