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<Snipped quote by RoadkilBanana>

Roadkill The red light only comes from the sun which barely reaches inside the building, u don't see it where we are at, that place is still lit by light-bulbs phhhhh 😅😆

I was just assuming he unspokenly followed.

*The Nu-Orb seems to begin shaking like crazy as it is making a loud alarm about as it zigzags throughout this place, suddenly sensing all the abnormal energies*
Hey kids! The rift is going crazy and the good professor is struggling to keep it open, what's going on in there?

The monster that makes up this dimension is becoming aggressive! We may face either combat or retreat shortly.
<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>


Well, i think you might have been right with angering this place...

So about being in that monster’s stomach...
@The Monitor 2

That’s a lot of player characters XD
<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>


AAAARGH! What the HECK was that?!? *I say as i'm knelt on the ground gasping*

*The copies break into more duplicates in attempt to support each other*
No clue! Whatever it is... it’s not good.
<Snipped quote by Memory>

*As you form the defence unit around, you are the only one that begins hearing contorted and guttural whispers coming from the depths of the forest, as the cut down and bleeding pine tree seems to cause a large aura of living shadow and several spider like legs begin crawling out of the shadow. they are made out of shadow also and are shaking and vibrating ever so slightly as they crawl ever closer to the original you that caused the copies - Nobody else sees this*

*My duplicates begin casting light spells on the ground toward the legs but don’t dare to enter the deeper forest*

<Snipped quote by Memory>

*Looking at the many versions of you suddenly appearing, i put a finger at my lips with a quirky smile*

Hmmm... i can get used to this... hehe!

*Then compose myself*

Yeah, what he said, Ben. These types of places are not usually normal and neutral worlds that you can just do things the way you'd do them normally in a natural universe...

*Holds out the note to prove my point*

Be careful, there are anomalies out here after us. We really should avoid cutting into this world.
<Snipped quote by Memory>

This place has already been angry with us from the first step we placed here... i don't mind angering it a bit more, it ate real people! I want it to suffer the consequences.

<Snipped quote by Memory>

I will concur with you Prism... and... *Gets interrupted by Ben's immediate response*

<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

You are some next level crazy dude here...

*I blink perplexed at you*

If we’re not careful, we might trigger something dangerous before we’re ready.
*Splits into several copies to secure and monitor our perimeter*
<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

Gaaaaah!!! *I reel back at the sight* Well, now i think i get it, is this thing even going to burn at all?

That’s why I didn’t think we should bother. This place is going to get angry with us.
<Snipped quote by Memory>

*As i moved closer to the tree-line, i turn around and ask you with a grin*

About that idea of yours to drill into this creepy place... anyone thinking firewood for tonight?

*Waves my hand, sparking a flame in the air with a chuckle*
Not a chance.
<Snipped quote by Memory>

No! Dude! I'm looking at the trees and the fact that the sun here is setting! Didn't that note spooked you?

I was... hoping for more granularity than that. I’m on as high alert about this environment as I think I can get.

<Snipped quote by Memory>

We have to defend ourselves as well as figure out how we identify the people here, yes, tracking them individually is not efficient, but what if it turns out to be the only solution?

*Also looks at the trees*

And uummm... beware the trees at night... doesn't sound like whomever wrote this note here had a good time here...

I’m surprised someone conscious has lived here, not just disembodied souls. That’s a good sign.
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