Avatar of vietmyke


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12 mos ago
It is certainly not 'optimal', but it *is* doable, depending on what you want to do with it. You could go swords or valor bard and play them more like a warrior with some magical ability
1 yr ago
One might say your villain arc has begun. Embrace it.
1 yr ago
Man do I love watching the circus


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Aceuh! My jump serve career returns!

Or perhaps a hitter... Though on that topic, technically 'Ace' isn't a position, it's a term attributed to a serve that the opposing team couldn't block.

Also on the topic of positions, shouldn't there be a setter? - front middle or occasionally back middle, responsible for setting up plays for the attackers.
O... I was gonna make that roguey character I showed you earlier Gen, but if Hawk wants to do it, I can work around that
My jump serve carried my high school team to regional semi finals. My inability to receive service led us to losing that semi-final...

Also, I currently have a part time job at my university campus as a refferee for co-ed volleyball, so volleyball is on the mind atm.

Regardless, I'm interested, preferably co-ed team
If it's the three of us.. We should do the fighter-rogue-mage trifecta
bless up @Ammokkx

There was something unnerving about the computer AIs simultaneously firing at the Celestial Star team members. Sara had never been in a regulated team fight before- most of the GEAR testing she had done had been in laboratory settings, with one on one combat, or in the field with asymmetrical combat operations. As a result, she had never been in a situation where they competed five on five. At this distance, the enemy fire was easy enough to dodge, but still unnerving. The front line AI began charging them after the first volley.

"So what's the-" Sara began to say as Bill rushed forward ahead of them and began clashing with the Computer Skirmisher, the two brawlers arcing around the skirmishers to close in on Sara and Hamasaki.

"-Plan..." she finished with a small sigh. She started up her boosters and began moving forward, juking past the Brawlers' slower melee weapons.

"So much for working together." Sara said with a frustrated sigh as she leveled her Lance at the nearest Brawler and began firing her lasergun. The Brawler turtled behind its shield, shrugging off the weapons fire as it and the other continued to charge towards Sara- only pausing as a bomb landed in their midst of their fight. Sara boosted backwards- as did they two Brawlers- her shields flaring as energy from the explosives washed over her shields. Luckily, her GEAR was fast enough to get her to the edge of the explosive radius before the bomb went off.

"Good save Hamasaki!" Sara called over the teamchat. Despite nominal damage to her shields, the grenade had given Sara enough breathing room to keep the brawlers at bay.

"Someone get one of these snipers off of me, it's a bit difficult to dodge them both!" Ian called over the teamchat.

Sara quickly shot a glance at the enemy snipers- they were far off. Supposedly it was Kiril's task to look after their sniper, but there was little the slower, close range focused Kuzov model could do against enemy counter-snipers. Meanwhile, Bill was too focused on his duel to be able to break off at get at the snipers. Not to mention, throughout the match thus far Bill seemed to be more focused on harrowing the non-responsive AI with intimidating speeches rather than coordinating his team- perhaps this was a test of their own initiative?

"I can get them!" Sara replied. "Hamasaki! Hold them off for a bit longer!" Hamasaki appeared to be a capable pilot, and her GEAR was sturdy enough to last the fight until she returned. With her rifle and energy grenades Hamasaki should be able to keep the Brawlers at a distance, perhaps even taking them down. Hopefully Kiril would notice Sara changing positions and either aid her to quickly wrap up the snipers, or aid Hamasaki on the frontlines while the Brawlers were focused on her.

With her enhanced lateral thrusters, Sara arched around the brawlers, randomly boosting to the left or right to keep them or the snipers from getting a bead on her as she lifted her lance, preparing to strike at the nearest one.
*Shrug* my post was originally going to be Sara asking Rio to hold off the two brawler's for a moment while she zipped off after the snipers because she was a speedy one. After reading your post, the plan changed to 'dodge around the two brawlers while waiting for Kiril to back her up'. I think I'd prefer Sara chasing the snipers, but you wrote the post in first so you have the first dibs on direction and target.

Nbd either way
That's up to you lol. It's not really my place to tell someone else to change their post, I can work with it either way honestly
Ah, beat me to the punch, I was gonna send Sara after the snipers since she's a speedy flanker
Sara blinked in her cockpit, Bill's bombastic response taking her a bit off guard. He sounded like an overenthusiastic video game character. She giggled lightly to herself as she joined Bill's training session, and was joined by Ian and Hamasaki shortly afterwards. Sara took a moment to look over her Valkyrie II, the white machine's weapons loaded in fairly easily- most of her blueprints had already been uploaded to the database by the manufacturer.

Sara listened as Bill addressed them again, her machine firing the various boosters around its bodies- testing her mobility in the sim. Sure enough, it was working fine. Her Valkyrie was fast- perhaps not the fastest in a straight on sprint- Ian's GEAR looked light on its feet and speedy, but her machine was built for rapid lateral movement, if done right she could string together half a dozen lateral dashes in different directions in moments, enabling her to juke past just about anything- one of the main reasons why she desired a role based on flanking instead of straight on combat.

Sara let out a small cough as Bill gave a speech that would've fit in a medieval fantasy RPG, sidling her machine up next to his, boosters allowing her to hover just above the ground. "I don't think computer programs understand the concept of fear or honor." she murmured to herself as she guided her machine into position.

She let the Valkyrie settle on the ground and readied her lance and claws. "Hayakawa, ready."
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