Avatar of vietmyke


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12 mos ago
It is certainly not 'optimal', but it *is* doable, depending on what you want to do with it. You could go swords or valor bard and play them more like a warrior with some magical ability
1 yr ago
One might say your villain arc has begun. Embrace it.
1 yr ago
Man do I love watching the circus


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Riley "T.K." Takagawa

Name: Riley "T.K." Takagawa
Age: 18
Grade: Senior
Height: 6'2" | 188cm
Preferred Position: Wing Spiker, Ace

- Has a powerful Jump-Serve
- A versatile attacker with good power and control
- Flexible and adaptable

Calm and collected, Riley is a modest student known for both his warm demeanor and level-headedness. Mature, with an even and relaxed temperament, Riley handles stressful situations with ease, and is often unfazed by hardships. He works well under pressure, and is capable of thinking logically even during times of peak stress. Riley gets along relatively well with others, or at the very least rarely steps on the toes of others. While neither the most outgoing or friendly person, Riley rarely levels insults at others or tries to antagonize them. In fact, Riley is so easygoing to point of laziness. Notoriously lazy, Riley is notably unstudious and lacking drive, and its often a wonder that he manages to maintain the grades necessary to keep his scholarship.

With little drive or direction in life, Riley isn't absolutely sure of what he wants other than to live a full, fun life. A career in professional sports after university has piqued his interests, and tentative talks with talent scouts have implied that a scholarship to a university may be within his grasp. However, he has also expressed the desire to help the people around his community, and has made toyed with the idea of becoming an EMT after graduation, similar to his mother.

+ Hiking
+ Karaoke
+ Anime/Manga
+ Volleyball (duh)
+ Swimming
+ Late Night Drives

- Schoolwork
- Waking up early
- Having to stay late after practice
- People who over-complicate things

- Regularly drinks canned tea
- Smokes Cigarettes
- Sleeps in class
Any feedback on our characters? Are we cleared to put them on the char tab?
I think it depends on the group, generally I trust players to advance where necessary but not overdo it, ie killing one enemy but not the entire opposing team. I fee most writers are mature enough to know when they're going too far... Though I've been proven wrong before

Riley "T.K." Takagawa

Name: Riley "T.K." Takagawa
Age: 18
Grade: Senior
Height: 6'2" | 188cm
Preferred Position: Wing Spiker, Ace

- Has a powerful Jump-Serve
- A versatile attacker with good power and control
- Flexible and adaptable

Calm and collected, Riley is a modest student known for both his warm demeanor and level-headedness. Mature, with an even and relaxed temperament, Riley handles stressful situations with ease, and is often unfazed by hardships. He works well under pressure, and is capable of thinking logically even during times of peak stress. Riley gets along relatively well with others, or at the very least rarely steps on the toes of others. While neither the most outgoing or friendly person, Riley rarely levels insults at others or tries to antagonize them. In fact, Riley is so easygoing to point of laziness. Notoriously lazy, Riley is notably unstudious and lacking drive, and its often a wonder that he manages to maintain the grades necessary to keep his scholarship.

With little drive or direction in life, Riley isn't absolutely sure of what he wants other than to live a full, fun life. A career in professional sports after university has piqued his interests, and tentative talks with talent scouts have implied that a scholarship to a university may be within his grasp. However, he has also expressed the desire to help the people around his community, and has made toyed with the idea of becoming an EMT after graduation, similar to his mother.

+ Hiking
+ Karaoke
+ Anime/Manga
+ Volleyball (duh)
+ Swimming
+ Late Night Drives

- Schoolwork
- Waking up early
- Having to stay late after practice
- People who over-complicate things

- Regularly drinks canned tea
- Smokes Cigarettes
- Sleeps in class
I was also about to name my character Riley... I guess I'll pass- or I'll name him Riley anyway and it can be a running joke.
I imagine he was using his shield to block fire and just charging through it regardless to get to the heavies.

Since both heavies are taking fire from Rio, does that mean it isn't chasing Sara and I should edit my post?
I had assumed both brawlers were fighting Rio while Sara went after the snipers, but Vance wrote that one of the brawlers continued to attack Sara, so I took it as the brawler chasing after Sara
Sara shot a look at the brawler that had peeled off to chase her and cursed. Luckily for her, that brawler was fighting a losing battle- she was too fast for it. It would have to face her on her terms- or at least partially anyway. At least it would take some heat off Hamasaki as Sara went after the snipers. Bill had also dispatched his foe and had decided to help them with the snipers. Again, he failed to vocalize anything, but Sara could tell from his vector that he too was going after the snipers. She continued making her way towards the snipers, her vector straightening out slightly in order to keep ahead of the Brawler- Occasionally she would flip backwards keeping her forward momentum while she shot at it- forcing it to slow down and turtle behind its shield.

The snipers had also shifted target from Ian to Rio and Bill- that meant Ian was now in a position to provide the others with support, from countersniping to covering fire. The team already had an advantage- they were 5 to 4, this extra breathing room gave them the flexibility they needed to gain a more marked advantage and begin decisively beating their opponents.

Sara was now upon one of the snipers. The sniper noticed Sara and attempted to fire at her, but she was too close, and moving too fast for the unwieldy weapon to track her at close range. The large sniper rifle cracked, its shot grazing Sara's shield as she strafed around the sniper, peppering its shields with her energy submachinegun. The sniper began fleeing, seeking to reposition and give its allies a chance to harry Sara, but she pursued the AI GEAR, launching her EMP Claw at it.

The EMP Claw caught the sniper's leg as it turned, causing it to tumble to the ground- its leg momentarily shut down. The sniper GEAR turned onto its back, rifle leveled and ready to shoot the white GEAR, but Sara was already upon it. A sniper shot flew past her head as she stabbed the lance into her foe's chest. The lance head, like its real life counterpart merely crumpled in on itself as it stabbed into the AI, but the powerful electrical discharged disabled the machine, giving Sara the K.O.

Without missing a stride, Sara leaped over the defeated GEAR almost as quickly as she had stabbed it, not desiring to stay in one position long enough for the brawler to catch up with her if it was still following her. Sara sighed out and smiled to herself- this is what she was good at- striking at the softer interior of the enemy formation while her allies wore them down. A smaller scale hammer and anvil tactic- tried and true.

"Sorry for the wait Hamasaki, I'm on my way back now." Sara called over the teamchat as she rushed back to their 'frontline', fixing her second lance head to the front of her gauntlet as she moved. The brawler was currently wrestling on the ground with the Ogre, and now had to contend with Hamasaki, who was no longer being fired upon. Sara reversed herself, dashing backwards as she fired at the brawler chasing after her. She didn't really imagine the possibility of her penetrating the big brawler's shield, but she'd be able to keep it at a distance long enough for the others to begin helping her.

Sonic booms come after thunder. Anyway I'll be posting tonight.
I've been meaning to mention this, but doesn't lightning come before thunder?
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