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12 mos ago
It is certainly not 'optimal', but it *is* doable, depending on what you want to do with it. You could go swords or valor bard and play them more like a warrior with some magical ability
1 yr ago
One might say your villain arc has begun. Embrace it.
1 yr ago
Man do I love watching the circus


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Combusting brain matter could generally be considered bad for one's physical (and mental) well-being
Still here too
@vietmyke I ship it. <3 Honestly those two are kinda cute together, but I cuold see it being platonic or romantic, and either way it's still adorable.

I do think its a cute dynamic :D but I'm almost certain its completely platonic- a protective brother kinda vibe. I dont think Galahad works well as a romantic partner. He's someone a groupie would like idolize or put on a pedestal, but once they got into it, I don't think it would last very long, if at all. He's too focused on himself and his own thing to deal with the feelings of others

Its an interesting bit of his character methinks. While he cares deeply for most/all of the members of Warband Phoenix, a lot of the care/concern comes from a need for them to all perform when in combat or other difficult situations. That being said, I think Tatiana would be the only one that Galahad truly loves. Perhaps Ragnar as well.

This Galahad is a lot different than the other time I've played Galahad- a lot more broody and complex than I anticipated. Its a bit difficult getting into his character sometimes, as I'm nowhere near as serious, broody, or complicated in person as I portray this character. I regard myself as rather empathetic and a general worry-wart about others. Galahad in contrast is cold, calculative, and confident in a way that I could never be in person.
Speaking of Hassan, what's the plan for those that have been kinda missing for a while? Just gonna npc them?
@shylarah Aye, Ragnar and Galahad are very close, but its also a game of constant oneupsmanship around them. Galahad and Tatiana's relationship is a lot more obvious- normally cold and callous Galahad dotes on her, well, about as much as a cold and callous individual could. He's a tsundere. Basically.
Yupper! Expect that tonight
Progresso during some of the more busy times of my life
@shylarah we rewrote and modernized the story of Lac Long Quan - some vietnamese romance legend that is essentially our version of romeo and juliet. Promotes cultural unity and all that jazz.

I was only in like one or two scenes but I helped direct most of it, so humble brag I am definitely proud of myself and what the rest of my actors achieved.
Sorry I've been awol! My show has concluded and was a great success, now after another few dozen hours of sleep, I'll be raring and ready to write
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