Avatar of vietmyke


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12 mos ago
It is certainly not 'optimal', but it *is* doable, depending on what you want to do with it. You could go swords or valor bard and play them more like a warrior with some magical ability
1 yr ago
One might say your villain arc has begun. Embrace it.
1 yr ago
Man do I love watching the circus


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Sooooo... What now? @Ellipses?
I'm somewhat satisfied with this, here's my post. Halfway through I ended up pivoting away from lawman and found myself making something similar to a cyberpunk Trauma Team member- but like, the knock off version.

About halfway done with my former lawman- a former Tzu Peace Solutions corpo-cop
Gonna go with a classic noir-esque investigator type, former lawman, with a big gun on his hip and a bigger chip on his shoulder- or maybe a former military man down and out, and looking for work.

Late winter- or was it early spring? There didn't appear to be much of a difference, not at least to the young youth who rode towards the castle, a heavy, reddish-brown traveler's cloak wrapped tightly against his frame. Hood pulled over the face, the twin breaths of the youth and the pack-horse-turned-travelling-animal forming small clouds against the dreary and grey sky. The stone walls of the castle rose high, and Joe'shwa's neck craned as he looked at the tallest spires of the citadel, and couldn't help but feel small against it.

Still, it was good to finally see some sort of civilization. The castle was some ways away from his hometown, a few days of long and cold riding. Though luckily for Joe'shwa, the owners of the orphanage had been gracious enough to have gifted Joe'shwa with one of their few animals- an old, slightly swaybacked and somewhat simple minded creature, but steady with its nerves and with a generally calm disposition. After camping out in the cold for a few nights, the idea of a warm hearth and solid walls was more than enough to shake any hesitation Joe had about entering the Castle. The glowing blue head of his Eidolon Raijū popped out from within Joe's hood, seemingly echoing his sentiments as the tiny creature crackled happily at the sight of their destination.

The little lightning cat jumped out of the hood and onto the head of their shared horse, the long hairs of the horse's mane starting to rise on end as the little Eidolon began stretching. At the very least it seemed Spork was happy to get off the road. Though an Eidolon, capable of generating enough electricity to bring down a tree, Raijū was almost more of a housecat than he was a primordial spirit. Joe'shwa chuckled and pet his little Eidolon companion, lightly shocking himself several times doing so.

"Well, we're finally here, huh Spork?" Joe'shwa mused, more to himself than his Eidolon as he pulled back the hood on his traveling cloak and stretched his back. There was a series of popping noises down his spine as he finished stretching and shifted his gear. Most of his pack sat on the back of his horse, with only his bow and quiver still on his person.

As he looked further down the road, it seemed that a small group had already gathered- the presence of accompanied Eidolons led Joe'shwa to assume that they were among the youths called upon by the King for his mission. It seemed they had all arrived at roughly the same time, if from different directions. Two had stopped in front of a gate, as another on horseback had waved at the wall guards and road past- seemingly familiar with the castle already. Gently prodding his forward, Joe'shwa stopped his horse a few paces from the guard and two other youths- so as not to get into their personal space, catching the tail end of their conversation as he did.

Joe'shwa also afforded the guard a nod and wave, "As am I," he added, echoing the redheaded spearwoman's greeting. Spork crackled in affirmation from his perch atop their horse's head.
I'll get something up in the morning!
Very, very interested

Excitement intensifies.
@Ellipses I couldn't really find a place in the backstory to fit it without it feeling kinda out of place, overly specific or self aggrandizing- and it didn't seem like detail that deserved an entire paragraph on its own. The tattoo would be something I would've expanded on during a post or something, but Joe'shwa got his main tattoo on his arm sometime shortly after he bonded with his Eidolon. The tattoo itself is of a dangerous mythical creature, but is supposed to both protect him and guide his aim- kind of symbolizing how Eidolons, while similar to the dangerous monsters that roam the world are essentially like protective spirits for those they bond to.

I also like to think that Raijū sits on Joe'shwa's shoulder around where the tail of the serpent is, and the electricity he channels runs through the length of the tattoo before culminating at the arrow.
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