Avatar of ViolentViolet


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1 yr ago
Current Recently returned from an extended period of. . . not being here, I guess? Looking to start some stories, so gimme a message if you've got ideas you think I might like!


Since when do I use my bio for anything?

Most Recent Posts

@The Elvenqueen

The map looks so nice o.o I haven't come up with a name for the gathering place, but I know that it's a clearing with a fallen log that the leaders speak from.


So colour patterns on the pelt don't amount to a breed. Feel free to google and go by what the other PC's are ^.^ As well, watch out for what happens when someone makes the OakClan leader. They may decide that he isn't weak or old. So keep that in mind. Otherwise you're fine.

Just check the roster on page one ^.^


So I'm having laptop issues -.- And housing problems. I am working on the first post, but it's a little difficult from my phone, and without really having a place to live. My mother has been so kind as to obey the wishes of her douche of a husband, and effectively kicked me out of the house. I will get this started as soon as I can though, and should have a place by the first of December. I hope that isn't too much of an inconvenience ^.^

Lightclan has an absurd amount of PC cats despite apparently being the smallest clan. Welp.

I'm making some cats for the other clans still ^.^ Also working on the IC post ^.^ Still need help with them pictures though >.>

Lightclan best clan

I actually had no idea that Lightclan would be so popular ^.^

@ViolentViolet Definitely. c: I think that would be an interesting storyline.

I will make that LightClan cat tonight, or tomorrow. xd I'm excited!

Sounds awesome! Can't wait to see them. We should also figure out which clan they'll defect to, and find someone to play Rosetail's mentor from another clan!

@ViolentViolet sure, that'd work! I just need to be able to see the image so I know what to put where and all =P

And here is that link I promised you ^.^ i.pinimg.com/564x/d7/17/f6/d717f69107…
Tempted to make another character. :I
Possibly a warrior who is in the process of deciding whether or not he wants to leave LightClan or not.

Any opinions?


I'm currently in the process of making Rosetail (Crowjaw's blind littermate) and though that perhaps (if) you make a warrior wanting to leave LightClan, then they could give her the courage to do what she wants to do as well. Since she's always been ridiculed and called weak and useless because she was born blind. @Pennydumb123 What do you think?
@The Elvenqueen
This is awkward. It won't let me send files via PM's. I can send you the image link instead? And yes. Very scribbly xD Literally did it in like ten minutes because I needed to know who shares boarders xD
@The Elvenqueen

I do indeed. I work tonight, and I made it on a Dungeons Cartographer, but I can send you the image file if you want^.^
You don't have to ^.^ I'm not here to make people do things they don't want to do.
I didn't realize you'd incorporated her into his bio already xD I can change it if you want?

@Pastel Moon
She's just fine. As long as she still sleeps in the Warriors Den back in the camp^.^ Because living on the border would make her more loner than clan and that won't do.

All we have to do now, is find a love interest for Rosetail! And an appearance lol.
@The Elvenqueen

I was thinking that Biartuft could have been the mentor of Ambertail (his mate) in a sort of Fercloud x Dustpelt situation?
If you want a Medicine Cat, then go ahead and make one ^.^

Also. I would suggest using the last name spot to label what type of relationship some cats have. Because it's awkward trying to figure out what's going on sometimes ^.^
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