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Jade Stone | Training Grounds

Mentions: @Emil @HecateProxy

Jade had watched the pair spar with each other with much intent. Her eyes studied Emil, who seemed to be rather quick on his feet. For some reason Jade had not thought about the fact that Emil could be agile. He never struck her as someone that was motivated enough to move faster than the others. She looked over at Mora as she had made a comment towards Jade, in which she simply replied with a small nod, before returning her attention towards Emil. When he spoke to her, the young girl smiled a bit before walking over to be across from him. "Hi Emil." There wasn't much for Jade to tell the young man so she quickly took her stance and calmed her breathing. In the mean time, she watched Emil as he threw a few punches her way, causing her to react fast and pull away. She frowned slightly every time, seeing that he was just testing her by pulling away before it got too close.

"Ha! Who would've thought that we'd have some entertainment this evening! Our favorite midgets going at it!"

Schulz's words stung Jade a bit more than they probably affected Emil. She wanted to turn and kick Schulz right in his jewels, but unfortunately that would have her on a truck off to the fields. Instead, Jade let a little growl out as she lunged at Emil, dodging him ever so slightly and throwing her arm onto the back of his neck, lifting one of her legs and trying to kick out his, to have him fall forwards.

She greatly depended on his reaction time to be slow. If he was faster than her, he could easily grab her and lift her or grab her by the neck. Moral of the story being that Jade would end up on the ground instead of Emil, which would not be surprising, but it was also not wanted.

With a thud that was barely audible over the grunts and groans of the other cadets that suffered the same fate as Jade, the petite girl slowly got back up to her feet. She dusted herself off while trying to catch her breath, sweat streaming down her face which cause strands of hair to stick. "You give up yet, midget?" The girl in front of her asked, joking around as she waited for Jade to resume and engage in their hand to hand combat. While the tone of the young, blonde girl didn't sound as if she was mocking Jade, it still set a fire inside of her. Whether she meant anything by it or not, Jade had taken a keen hatred towards the word. "I'm not a god damn midget." Her eyes narrowed as she glared at the girl through the sun that was shining bright on their faces. Her name was Irina, and she was a couple inches taller than Jade, but of the same weight which somehow made them the perfect starter pair for the training. There was clearly an unfair advantage Irina had a longer arm reach and leg span for the kicks. It wasn't until the most recent take downs that jade had finally gotten to remember some of Irina's favorite moves, and she was able to use them against the girl.

Getting back into the stance, Jade waited for Irina to make her first move, which was yet again another one of the preferred methods. Jade watched intently as Irina's arm came towards her neck, and she waited until it was close enough to where Irina couldn't back out. With a swift movement, Jade had managed to slip under the arm, thankfully, and get up on her toes to be able to reach perfectly. Jade quickly lifted her right arm and placed her forearm on the crease of the elbow, then brought down her left arm to the back of Irina's shoulder. Using both the momentum of Irina and a bit of applied pressure, and a small kick to Irina's foot, Jade was able to bring the blonde crashing down onto the ground.

A smirk crept up on the dark haired girl's as she felt the satisfaction of having knocked down the blonde which had caused her to get a bit of scraping on her face.


Jade looked up as Schulz yelled for them to move on to the next person. From what had been told to them in the morning during breakfast, Jade was paired with Irina; Emil with Mora, Reese with Lauren, Olivia with Tanner, Sano with Connor, and then the two giants, Gabriel and Grant.

Next in line for Jade would be Emil. He was a perfect fit for her height but had several pounds of pure advantage over her. Being her size, it was clear to the girl that she would have to rely on outsmarting her opponent rather than trying to use 'brute strength'. Schulz had given them the basic techniques needed to take down ones enemy, and then set them loose among each other. He wanted everyone to work from their stature first, then to different sizes to be able to get the feel and understanding of how others worked.

Sighing, Jade dusted her hands off and pushed the hair out of her face, as she made her way to stand near Mora and Emil, who were finishing up their own little sparring. She didn't mind waiting at all. It allowed her learn from them, and rest.

With a slight wince, Jade's arm went up towards her abdomen which had been wrapped up by a slightly hungover Lauren early in the morning. Jade was not hurting exactly, but she was definitely feeling the soreness of the day before.

A smirk crept up on Jade's face as she heard Tanner mention that she owed his family some cents because of her always running in and out. "If you can beat me in this 'combat training'." her hands lifted in the air to do air quotations as she spoke, "then I'll pay up those few cents." She was glad that Tanner had ended up someone that was easy to speak to. She didn't feel like she needed to force the conversation like when she spoke to others.

As the conversation slowly shifted to Grant and his whereabouts, Jade listened quietly, mostly zoning in and out of her thoughts here and there. In one of the moments that she happened to be zoning back in, she had noticed that Lauren had left the table and that there was someone next to her, referring to owing people things. She shifted slightly in her seat to look at Grant who was squatting next to her and listened to him as he spoke to her. The young girl's eyes were wide with shock as she realized what he was telling her. 'It's him! He's the boy that gave his horse for us to get to safety!' Jade was frozen in her spot as she watched Grant get back up and leaving.

"Wh.. What? Wait!"

Grant had already gone through the door and left the mess hall when Jade had come to and found her voice. She turned to the others, feeling a bit embarrassed and in shock about the revelation that had just been brought to light. She had finally been able to find the two people that were responsible for her survival. "Um. Yeah, I think we should go and get some rest. It's been a long day." She looked over to Tanner and smiled at him, "I look forward to seeing you tomorrow." With a slight wave to the table, and a quick glace to her dear friend, Mora, Jade made her way to the door. Not much time had elapsed from the time that Grant had left the table, which allowed Jade to catch up with him outside of the mess hall. "Hey!" Her voice might've been just a bit too loud for her comfort but she wanted to grab the young man's attention. Once she caught up with him, she stopped, giving them a couple of feet of distance apart. "Um. I'm sorry I didn't realize it was you. I just wanted to thank you for what you did back then. You were very brave, and selfless." She knew that the conversation was a bit awkward but she needed to get it out of the way. She had tried to put a face on the voice that she remembered hearing before being placed on the horse on that tragic day.

"Oh, and if it helps, your horse is in very good hands at the moment. Although I do think he might like me more." Jade smiled at Grant before turning towards the sound of moving trucks. Even from where the two stood, she could see clearly that the trucks were taking new cadets away. Many of the faces were ones that she had seen earlier in the day during formation. "They're taking them away," she muttered as she felt her heart sink. What if she was going to end up like them?

With a quiet clearing of the throat, Jade turned back to Grant, not really knowing what else to speak to the young man about. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow. I'm going to get some much needed sleep." Jade stood for a second feeling a bit awkward before turning around and making her way back to her cabin. She made a mental note to check on Lauren if she was awake. Hopefully she'd be asleep, though, so she didn't get her abdomen checked out.
@Solace@Aquanthe let me find out y'all reported me
@Solace @Ambra @HecateProxy @SheriffLlama @LetMeDoStuff @FrostedCaramel @QT @Jinxer @Aquanthe

Please excuse the most recent Jade post. I had not seen that QT was signed on his account through my laptop and therefore I posted under his account.
Jade Stone | Mess Hall

Mentions: @QT @Jinxer @HecateProxy @Aquanthe

Jade had been left in utter silence as Sano had answered her question in a way that was strange to her. She had most likely brought up unwanted memories which quickly made her wish the the ground would swallow her whole. She knew all too well what it was like to feel the crushing memories so she looked down the boy spoke. It wasn't until he brought up the fact that his family helped build the wall that her eyes shot up to look at him. She frowned slightly as he abruptly ended the conversation and left, leaving them with orders as usual, it seemed. "Hm." Jade chewed over the information that Sano had shared with them before turning to look at Mora's face then to Lauren. Jade saw the look the two were giving her which quickly turned her look into a menacing scowl, warning them to stop. "I didn't scare him off!" She didn't really have much else to say to defend herself so she crossed her arms over her chest and turned her attention to the others, ignoring Mora and Lauren.

Her eyes slowly went from face to face as she studied the talkative bunch. She stopped once she got to a boy who had exchanged an introduction with Lauren. Tanner, she believed his name to be. He was busy eating, thankfully, as Jade tried to figure out who he was. She couldn't seem to remember him visiting the bakery, unless she happened to be doing something that meant her being in the backroom.

"Hi Tanner, I'm Jade."

Once again she blurted out something without really thinking it through. in a way she didn't feel too dumb over her actions since the boy was practically being talked over. He had been there with people talking over and around him yet not really anyone speaking to him. She sighed as she wished her attempts at being social seemed to be lacking of everything known to humankind in regards to be able to function as a normal human being. "Um. I just don't remember you and was wondering if you're from Shignashina as well." 'Never speaking to strangers again,' she thought as she had finished her statement towards Tanner. Hopefully she wouldn't scare him off too like Sano. She didn't mean to sound so harsh or mean. She was truly working on herself and hoping to at least be accepted for the time being.
Jade Stone | Mess Hall

Mentions: @HecateProxy , @Solace , @LordVoldemort , @QT , and anyone else that is involved

Once she had gotten her food, which quite frankly she didn't really know what she had gotten, Jade found herself moving with the flow of people. She heard conversations around her but she mainly focused on not spilling whatever the contents inside her bowl contained. What she was looking forward to the most was the piece of bread that she had also gotten. Extra rations for smaller people, possibly? It didn't matter. She had always been a picky eater and by the looks of things, the soup was not going to cut it. Mora and Lauren had gotten on her the last two years because she would rather not eat food that was given to her which caused her to have become so thin compared to the others.

Finding her seat at the table, Jade had noticed that more and more of the people that she once would be happy to be with started sitting down. Even Sano had came and sat next to Mora, and adjacent to her. The girl furrowed her eyebrows in concentration as she looked down and focused on breaking her bread into pieces so she could eat it bit by bit and fool her stomach to become full.

" Move it, creep."

Jade had nearly choked on a piece of bread as she looked up to gauge the boys that had suddenly come over to sit down, her eyes lingering on Gabriel. This was exactly the same spot that they had left off in two years ago before the wall had been breached by the titan. Memories flooded her as she felt like she was yanked back to that day out in the field. "Hey, Gabe. I remember you.. You never got to eat what was in the basket. We also didn't get to find out what was in that box, if I remember correctly." Jade smiled a bit at the tall boy before returning to her bread and water. Across from her sat Mora and Sano, the latter whom was apologizing for earlier. Jade watched him as he began to eat the soup, which was what she had gotten as well. By the look on the boy's face, Jade could tell that the soup was underwhelming, to say the least. She made a face and pushed the bowl away from her, closer to Reese who had begun to eat his food like there was no tomorrow. She said nothing as she turned away from the food, hoping no one truly paid attention to her.

Her eyes darted back to Mora as she heard her speak about dying, which caught Jade's attention. "Wait, Mora, don't!"Jade once again grimaced at the sight of Mora practically dying after taking a spoonful of her food. "Ugh", 'gross'. Jade shook her head and continued to eat her bread, piece by piece. She had been glad that she had decided to come sit with the bunch. Their spirits and personalities seemed to help lift Jade's own gloomy mood and helped her forget that she had been made a fool in front of everyone.

"Hey where are you from?" Jade suddenly blurted out as she looked up at Sano, curiosity taking over and having her ask the question before she could think twice about it. The boy didn't exactly look like everyone else around. He seemed foreign and mysterious which made her a bit nervous. Hopefully he wouldn't take offense to her sudden question.
Jade Stone

Cabin to Mess Hall Mentions: @HecateProxy @Jinxer @Ambra

It wasn't long after the young men had left when, through the door, entered one more cadet. Jade looked up at the girl's face and froze in her spot. 'No', her mind went back what felt like a million years, to the day that the same girl that stood in front of them had saved her from being killed. It wasn't until she spoke, directly at Jade, that she found her muscles and made them move her limbs. Lauren had been prompting the girls to move and go to the mess hall, but Jade had already began to move over to Olivia. Before she knew it or she could act against herself, Jade had thrown her arms around the girl's waist and hugged her tightly. On that unfortunate day, Jade had gone completely numb, and never got the chance to fully thank her savior. Saviors, actually, but she could not remember the face of the boy who had given them his horse in order for them to get to the boats.

"Thank you," her voice came out a bit broken as she fought back tears. She had never truly thanked her because she had hated the fact that she lived while so many others had died. Still to that day Jade didn't exactly feel as if she should have lived, but she was glad that she had made it far enough to be able to enlist and learn how to protect innocent lives. The hug only last a few seconds before Jade pulled away and looked up into Olivia's eyes. She wanted Olivia to know that she was sincere and ever grateful for her actions.

"Um. Yeah we're gonna go eat. Wanna come?" Her voice had almost gone back to normal, but she was still somewhat quiet. She didn't exactly wait for Olivia to respond before she tugged her a bit then let go and make her way out the door, hoping that she followed along. 'You idiot. Getting close to people is a mistake. They'll all end up dying out in the real world. Don't bother.'

Jade walked quickly after Lauren and Mora, scowling down at the ground and mentally disciplining herself over her acting on emotion rather than using her head. ' You will not do that again and you will not get close to anyone else.' They had arrived at the mess hall in a few minutes and the smell of cooked food filled the young girl's lungs. Her head lifted as she tried to make sense of the mess hall. Some of the other cadets had already arrived which made Jade feel somewhat insecure. All of them had witnessed her be punched in the stomach. A moment of vulnerability that she would never have wanted anyone to see. To have acted like that was to show weakness, and that's what the others must think of her know. That she was weak. Being left alone with her thoughts was a dangerous thing. Anger once again fueled her every movement and thought as she imagined what everyone probably thought of her.

As the feeling of insecurity consumed Jade, she folded her arms over her chest and carried on over to the area where the food was picked up at.
Jade Stone

Female's Cabin - Mentions: @SheriffLlama , @HecateProxy , @Jinxer , @QT , @FrostedCaramel

Throughout the time that Mora and Jade helped out the exhausted cadet into the cabin, Jade had pressed on the matter that male cadets should not go into their cabin, nor were they allowed to go in. As the girls made their way inside the cabin, she had muttered how they would get into major trouble and suffer the same fate as the cadet that had ran to the edge of the world and back.

Once they had laid down the cadet who would introduce himself as Connor, Jade had turned at the sound of a bed moving. Her eyes widened as she saw the other boy that had been told to run to the forest and back, which then made her jaw drop to what felt like the floor. 'How the hell did he get in here?!' Her eyes were keen on catching things out of the norm which made her feel completely dumbfounded and useless. "Wh... What? How? Where did you come from?!" Her voice was a tiny bit on the harsh side as she pointed at Emil, then looked back at Connor who was making his way towards the boy with some water. "You two shouldn't be in here. We're going to get in so much trouble."

At the moment the words left her mouth, there were two short knocks on the door. Being the closest to it, Jade muttered a curse word under her breath and went over to open it, scowling at everyone in the room. 'I knew it. We're dead,' she thought as she opened the door, only to see Sano at the door. "Oh." Jade felt her face turn red again at seeing the young man again which brought back the embarrassment of having to say something nice to him. She said nothing to him as she stepped to the side to let him come in and listened to him as he spoke. Once he said his piece, Jade turned quickly to everyone in the room with her hair flipping along with her movement, and scowled at the once more, "You see!? I told you guys that we'd get caught and in trouble." Unlike her small and timid voice out on the field where they were given the "entrance ceremony", Jade's voice was actually full of confidence in the confinement of their cabin.

Jade looked up at him, recalling all of the cursing that Sano did under his breath, and smirked, "You sure do have a mouth on you, huh? Don't worry about it. I was just telling the two they needed to get going. Don't feel too bad." Near the end of her talking to Sano, she felt Lauren and Mora's eyes glued to her, so her voice became softer and softer until she somewhat faded away and went silent. Her green eyes shot over to Mora and Lauren and gestured for them to kick the two boys out. "We'll see you guys later," was all she whispered as she watched the three leave before closing the door and looking back at her friends, a long exhale leaving the small girl as she felt like she had held her breath the entire time. Clearing her throat once more, she pulled her hair out of her face and made her way over to her bed. "I think we should start heading to the mess hall."

As the trio neared their cabin, Jade inspected it quietly from the outside. The cabin wasn't too shabby, but it wasn't exactly home. Then again nothing was ever exactly home. The small girl held the door open for her friends to go inside before she went in. Taking a look at the bed set up, Jade quickly pointed to two that were together and looked at Lauren and Mora, "You two should sleep there. I'll sleep here. I can keep a close eye on whoever gets to share the place with us." Her voice had gone back to normal now that it was just the three of them and she could be herself.

'I haven't forgotten about you either.'

Jade's eyes widened as she looked at Lauren when she mentioned checking the girl out to see if she was injured. "Uh, yeah. Once it's time to go to bed." She smiled at Lauren before turning quickly towards the door as she heard a loud thud and some other noises that she couldn't describe. "What the hell?!" Being the type of person that was always on alert, Jade ran to the door quickly to see what was going on. 'It's probably god damned Schulz,' she thought as she yanked the door open and ran outside. Fortunately enough, it was just another cadet on the ground. "Oh." Her voice sounded slightly disappointed, yet she felt a sense of relief wash over her as she saw that it wasn't anything dangerous.

Jade made her way over to the young man and stopped short of a couple feet from him, slightly crouching down and setting her hands on her knees to inspect him.

"Are you dead?"

Her question was laced with sarcasm as she could plainly hear the groans and moans of pain and exhaustion. If Jade had been her usual self, she would of laughed at situation that the boy was in, but instead she just tilted her head slightly without showing much emotion on her face. "Law! Man down!"
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