Avatar of Xandrya


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21 days ago
Current I don't care if you're left, right, white, black, brown, or all around. You politicize something not political, I'm done.
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22 days ago
Never drinking like that again...
23 days ago
Omw to karaoke and my Uber is hitting 80 on the turnpike. I like her. I guess us women can read each other's minds after all.
2 mos ago
The ENT doc to me: "it's not looking so good in there". I know, doc. Please fix my nose, and maybe tell the VA to approve my claim.
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2 mos ago
Survived the Spartan Race! ✌🏻


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I have above average skills forging documents, though I'm no expert.

With that said, I've never used my powers for evil. Innocently enough, it started my freshman year of college back in the day because being an only female child to overprotective parents, my mother thought it sane to ask me for my university grades and I didn't do so hot in Biology. In my defense, the professor was terrible and if I remember correctly, roughly like half the (auditorium-sized) class failed. The math class? Yeah, all on me.

But anyway, if you need help, my prices are fair ;)
Beatrice's straight face could make the devil shake. She usually managed to mask her emotions quite well, but not at the present moment. Someone with the Holy Vei's status shouldn't be so blind as to pass such baseless judgement against them. The least she could do is hear them out. They were not out for blood, despite the fact that they might as well be at that point going off of the treatment they were receiving.

"And we're not denying history," she quickly chimed in after Francesca, "that would be foolish. We cannot change the past, but we can shape the future—both of our futures."

An infomercial, that's what she sounded like. But a couple of her teammates had already pleaded their case, and some pretty good ones at that. With that said, Beatrice wasn't sure whether the Holy Vei would budge. She was headstrong, claiming to know everything. The interaction at that point could go in any which way. They could attempt to reason all they wanted without much result, who really knew. A myriad of thoughts flooded her mind all at once, possible scenarios that could quickly unfold in the next upcoming moments. They could get ambushed, maybe killed on the spot. Or worse, get dragged away only to get tortured for an ungodly amount of time. Beatrice was sure they were being watched as they spoke. Not that she was the paranoid type, but you couldn't ever be too sure of anything, that much she was sure of from personal experience.

Or...they could continue having their chat.
I lived @Gunther's life for two months when I was given roughly 10 minutes to eat. But aside from the occasional rush here and there, I never had to finish my food that rapidly after the fact.

In 2007 at the ripe age of 20 I was distracted by the Olympics on TV and I accidentally allowed a Spanish lime to get lodged in my throat and I nearly died. Like, it was extremely close as according to my mother and aunt I was turning blue. Luckily I managed to swallow it down after a big gulp. My family would have witnessed my death as they didn't think to perform the heimlich but instead watched me struggle to catch my breath.

So yes, ever since I've made sure to chew my food and I'm extra careful with those damn seeds.
I eat slow. Multiple complaints have been made by family, friends, and exes alike. I can't help it that I'm usually the last one to finish her dinner. 🤷
I was planning on going to the beach this weekend with my little umbrella and catch some rays outside but now we have a tropical storm heading straight for us.
Speaking of hot metal, this is one of my favorite pictures of James Hetfield:

I've practiced choke holds to effectively take someone out. With that said, I've been on the receiving end of it as well and it is the most disorienting first few seconds when you're coming to. Initially when I first felt the pressure, I became light-headed and then I got a bit cocky like, "nah he can't do-" and next thing I know I was trying to figure out what had happened.
I'm digging Korean films as of late. Mainly thrillers. Seen a couple of them and damn it all they've truly impressed me.
@Gunther Okay, that makes sense. I got mine in high school when they grew in popularity. I imagine you at least have a house phone?

@LittleMouse Nice. In the past, I've had a few personal items I would much rather keep from my parents for the same reasons. One of those though arrived in the mail and my mom brought it to my room where I was hanging out with my friend and it looked somewhat opened so I don't know if she took a peek or not. I was mortified nonetheless.
I own a coffee mug that has a low key dirty joke on it and I keep it displayed proudly in my ultra-religious “modest is hottest” house and my family has no idea what it means

I'm a super curious person so you have to tell us what it is. Or at least me :)

I wish I had a phone. It was destroyed a month and a half ago.

I don't believe you. Nobody is able to live in this day and age without a phone.
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