Avatar of XoXKieroBombXoX


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5 mos ago
Current Trying to get back in the swing of things
1 yr ago
Finals suck. End of story.
2 yrs ago
Curious... He turned himself to a pickle you say? Pretty funny
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2 yrs ago
I crave cheesecake
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2 yrs ago
Solitufde in E minor
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I just want to see you shine
'cause I know you are a star, girl.

Most Recent Posts

"Do it!" Rosa chanted
"Me? Never." Rosa would say proudly "My kind also are very prideful and boastful beings."
"I'd never be able to tell." Quill said with a smirk "Also, thanks Angel. I don't get compliments like that from people outside of my family."

He would muster the urge to flirt with her more, but has yet to gain complete confidence to do so. He would instead turn red yet again.
"Who me? Thank you, I know!" Rosa would butt in. "I was quite a charmer when I was younger. Although, my kind doesn't really care for any of that appeal."
Quill would crack a small chuckle, while still looking away, red cheeked.
(Quill got the message, just an FYI)
"What are you laughing at!?" Rosa would turn around defensively for Quill's sake "This teenage boy is just looking for someone to love, that's all."
"R-Rosa was just kidding, right Rosa??..." His voice would quake nervously, he would smile with bright red cheeks.
"I'm afraid not. This demon doesn't tell lies unless absolutely necessary." He would cross his arms and chuckle
Quill's eyes would veer away from the group in embarrassment.
Rosa would peer around his host's shoulder "Hey, every time I take, Quill here uses his life force to let me rest. Where I come from, energy isn't really a thing."
"Which is why I get angry with you when you do."
"He he... Yeah."

Rosa would look at Angel cheekily "Also, due to the fact that Jason said you were single, Quill here started thinking his woes... 'Oh, I'd never be right for her anyway...'" He would make a fake crying face "'How could someone love a'-"

"Rosa. Cut it out." His cheeks would turn a deep red.
"Ay ay ay... This day just goes on and on..." Rosa would complain
"Well, we are newbies. It's somewhat expected that our first day will be a little bit boring."
Quill would look at Angel and Jason "What were your guys' first days like?" He would grin "Were they as exciting as mine by chance?"
"Hey, no need to spill someone else's tea. Leave her be."
Rosa would appear out of Quill's side "Yeah, what the tall kid said."
Quill would smile and shrug "Well, I'm always available, so if you got anyone, hook me up before I go with someone else. I'm pretty desperate" He would chuckle
Hey there kiddos!
I'm not seeing very many Harry Potter RPs based around character development and frequent posts, rather than story.
I'm gonna change that.

In this Hogwarts RP you can play the role of a student, or a teacher, or simply a grounds keep.

It will have few restrictions, and will be pretty open ended.

I also hope to write campaigns (No dice or HP, just plotted story)

Please let me know if this interests anyone, as I want to make this RP exist ASAP!
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