Avatar of Yorutenchi
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 368 (0.11 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. Yorutenchi 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Current I've finally stopped drinking for good! Now I only drink for evil.
8 yrs ago
Pet rats are awesome.
9 yrs ago
Me: "look mom no hands!" Mom: "that's nice" *not looking*Holds up stumps of my wrists where my hands would be. "NO seriously mom no hands. We need to go to the hospital."
9 yrs ago
Does anyone else have that irrational fear that if you use your debt or credit card on a vending machine or gas pump that somehow someone else will be able to charge it to your card after you?
9 yrs ago
English is a difficult language. However it can be understood through tough thorough thought, though.


Hello person reading my bio! On the account I typically go by Yoru. Yes I am an anime nerd. I like comic books as well. Prefer marvel to DC but I like some DC. Watch Dr. Who, Sherlock, Supernatural, Grimm, Game of thrones, ect. I have read lord of the rings and the hobbit. I read twilight but remain unimpressed. I obviously enjoy to rp. I rp in both real life and on the internet. I play magic the gathering, Force of Will and Pokemon TCG. I haven't gotten into my old PTCGO account in a long time and I don't play magic online. There isn't anywhere to play force of will online but if there was I probably wouldn't.

Live in the United states, specifically Florida. For those of you in Europe and other places I am south of Cairo Egypt in Longitude and latitude. It is hot all year round. The summer months are unbearably hot and humid with heat indexes over 100 every day. And winters don't really exist here. I live on the coast so I'm very close to the beach and I'm also close enough to go to Disney World whenever I want. OH! I am also a HUGE Disney fan. I own tons of Disney movies and go to Disney world a lot. My phone has at least 50 percent of my music is Disney related.

More random facts....Pumpkin is one of my favorite flavors. Pumpkin spice season is my favorite season. Halloween is by far my favorite holiday. It is my Christmas. I have green eyes which I guess is neat. I played tennis in high school. I still play it from time to time but rarely have the time. I work in a hospital. I am the eldest of three. I have a younger brother and a younger sister. Currently live at home with my parents while I'm in college. I am an atheist but I respect other religions so long as they respect me in return.

Most Recent Posts

If people are wanting to make an arc with a warlord that is open. I only have 3 warlords made. All 4 younku have been made however.
<Snipped quote by Yorutenchi>

What of yonkou?

Yep 4 younku, 7 warlords, 3 admirals.
Not on the current island but yes there are 7 warlords.
Yup. I kept getting errors and for a little while I couldn't get on roleplayer guild. Is there a way to delete them?


@zellected@Natsume Honnaji

Both Tristan and Zell now stand before the tall woman with the heavy shoes. The shoes are black but look like they might have some stains on the bottom. She reaches up and adjusts her glasses with the tip of her middle finger. She throws an irritated glare at the two of them as well as furrowing her brow.

"Two against one? Against just one little lady like myself. How unmanly." She scolds but them a small smile curls at the edge of her mouth. She is obviously taunting them and she makes a quick and brisk movement towards them. She four steps away and on the second step she suddenly increases her speed and leaps forward. She slams both of her feet at the two men at the same time in a flying double kick.

"Don't get cocky you pirate brats!" she screams

(just gonna move it on a bit so we can continue quicker.

The man with the short staff looks on as his captain is literally disarmed by the large shark fishman. He was relived to see that he ran off rather than staying to double team against him. Re-focusing himself he turns back to the lighting man. This was going to be rather difficult to defeat if he makes even one mistake. That lighting power was nothing to sneeze at either.

"You will be taken down. There is no doubt about it." He said calmly before closing his eyes. Suddenly he moves at an incredible speed with this eyes still closed. Somehow he seems to know exactly where Ahio is. He makes a swing at Ahio's head which he is barely able to dodge. The man's movements are sharper than before and suddenly it dawns on Ahio that he might not be able to defeat him without taking some risk. "This is the end pirate!" the man screams as he brings up his staff and strikes at Ahio's stomach.

There is a flash of light as the staff hits Ahio in the stomach. The force of the attack was somehow weakened by the shockwave of electric energy that he had focused to that part of his body. Ahio's blades had stuck into the marine as well. However the cuts were very shallow and Ahio took far more damage. The first blade was stuck in the top left shoulder of the marine and the other in the mid chest area.

"Ha! Its my victory pirate!" He says confidently.

"No..no its not.." Ahio says slowly. "Heart shock." He lets loose a blast of electric energy that runs from the top of his shoulder to his abdomen which runs directly through the marine's heart. The Marine falls to the ground.



Hanna did a quick back roll to land on her feet only to see that there was a sheet of glass coming at her on the ground. She quickly leaps to the side only to find the glass changing direction to follow her.

"Well this is annoying..." she mutters under her breath. She waits until the glass is right on her and then she leaps in the air over it. This was, in hindsight, a bad move. Now in mid air the glass shoots upwards at her. Her arm jerks quickly as a powerful slash knocks away the majority of the glass but some finds its way into her flesh. A few shards are in her stomach and two or three are in her leg. She lands awkwardly and quickly pulls out the pieces of glass. Her eyes are now widened with anger and she glares at Sylas. "Bastard...I'll fucking kill you..." she holds her sword now in a reverse grip and then takes her pistol and re-loads it swiftly.

"I will end you.....now." She says as her wide eyes narrow and she leaps forward with no reguard to the glass on the ground now. She leaps carefully over the glass and just past a few shards that shot up at her. She swings once with the sword in an attempt to hit/break the glass swords and then immediately afterwards attempted to shoot at close range. The problem however is she left herself too open after such an attack.

@Renny@The Irish Tree

The old man watches as Marxo arrives back from his fight. He seems surprised that he had won but not overly so. He doesn't loos his composure. He simply strokes his beard and then cracks his creaky old shoulder.

"Hmm. Guess he won't be promoted. Oh yeah...forgot to mention something. Every officer in this mission is up for promotion depending on how they do. I had hoped he would have kept his head rather than going all out like that. He is the most troublesome of my students." The old man said in regard to the cannon ball man. "He was far to reckless. So long as he is alive I can always have him train more tho.." He lets his thoughts trail off for a moment but it was at this time Nabil created the heat needles.

"Oh ho." The old man said with a mild curiosity. "Heat weapons. Non physical but will probably deal some kind of physical damage. Not bad." He holds up his pole and takes a strange stance. It almost looks like a sword stance as he simply holds the pole at the end. It seems that in the spare moment he had he had strung the fishing pole. The needles fly at him but he quickly and nimbly dodges out of the way and actually strikes two of the needles with the pole and bent their trajectory away from him.

With a quick and powerful cast he flung the hook at the end of the string behind Marxo and Nabil. It hooked on a large piece of stone that had been broken up by the cannon ball. With a jerk of his wrists he flings the stone at Nabil's back. The pole however seems to have warped slightly and the power of the stone has been reduced. The old man looks down at the pole and see's where the heat has weakened the metal.

"Too bad. It was a good weapon too." He says lightly as he casts it aside.

@Boss Muffin
Now entering the port is a massive seven foot shark. At his right near the edge of the port is a man using glass fighting a young girl with a gun and a saber. At the other end of the port there seems to be a 2 v 1 battle going on of the two from the bar as they fight a mysterious old man. However Able notices something or rather someone standing on top of the Marine ship. The figure leaps down and lands in the middle of the port and gather's everyone's attention. It is a normal looking man standing at about six feet and eight inches tall with a scruffy unshaven five o clock shaddow and bushy brown hair. The man is wearing a captain's jacket and seems to be wiping sleep out of his eyes.


@The Irish Tree@floodtalon@Bai Suzhen

Nikko rubs her head and graciously accepts the doctor's medicine. Smiling she pockets the medicine for later use as she doesn't want anything else to enter her system and disrupt her combat skills. She is probably going to need them soon. Especially with that looming figure of a captain and his leiutenants inching ever closer. The crowd of marines was still causing chaos in the town and it looked like the skirmish that had been going on a few streets down was over and the majority of the fighting was being done at the port.

Holding her hand over her eyes to act as a sun visor she peers out with her strange eyes to see Abel arriving no the scene at the port. The two pompous individuals she had met in the tavern were already on the docs fighting some people. Gritting her teeth she shivers slightly as the excitement of the whole event was sinking in. She can't help but grin from ear to ear until she notices that all of the ships had been sunk.

"Well that sucks...." She says not really pointing out what it is that she is talking about. However she notices that there is still ...one...boat...left. Just one. The massive marine flagship was still afloat and had plenty of ammo and probably supplies. "Yes..." She said slowly. Her trembling now slightly more visible. She throws up her arms in the air. "YEAH!" she screams.

It didn't seem that many people reacted to this which was probably good as it was somewhat embarrassing. She looked on as the blue haired girl turned the man's clothing into bricks that now lay on top of him. Her eyes widened and she walked up to her.

"That is a neat ability. You have the option to mix objects together based on properties? That is amazing..." She says seemingly in shock for some reason. Then she places her hand on the girl's shoulder. Nikko's hand is covered by a massive glove that obviously is several sizes to large for her. "I want you to join my crew. My name is Nikko. I'm starting a crew and we have a few prospective members already." She points back to the doctor. "He is one there. He is our doctor. My first mate is the big shark guy down in the port. Dunno who all else has decided to join but your powers are interesting. I think that I can have great use for them." She gives her a warm smile and then turns to the man who had taken the cannon ball as he shot a marine in the knee.

"You seem strong too. Up to join?" She asks Ryan in a casual way. "How about this..." She says walking over to him. "Lets make a deal. I'll take care of the captain and his lieutenants and you help me take that ship." She points out to the massive Marine ship. "Its the last one still floating and how great would it be to set sail in the grand line on a ship meant to capture us?" Her eyes gleam as she holds out her hands for the cannon ball. "I liked the idea of the catapult but I have a slightly better idea."

Reaching out she grabs the cannon ball, not in a rude way but just picking it up. She walks over towards where the Marines are coming up the slight incline to the Tavern from the port and lifts the cannon ball over head. With a quick jump she does a full summersault and lands hard on her feet as she lets go of the cannon ball, effectively throwing it full speed at the captain who didn't have time to react. It ignites and blasts the marines clear off of the road giving them a quick and easy path to the port.

"There." Nikko says brushing off her gloves. "Now we can get there in no time." She looks back to see the doctor hardly paying attention to anything she jut said but instead treating an injured marine. It took her back a bit as she let out a sigh. She wasn't expecting the doctor to do something like that. It made him kind of amazing in her eyes. Walking up to him she pats him on the back

"Wow. Not many would do that to people that had just threatened them. You really are a good doctor aren't you?" She smiles and then picks him up and throws him over her back. "But my guess is you're slow. So I'll give you a lift. Lets head out." With not even a second thought she jumps into a full sprint down the newly cleared road toward the port.

Heavy mist settles in as the early morning sun makes its feeble attempt to break through to the land of water. Just outside Kirigakure are numerous little villages and townships. For the most part mist kept its walls rather secure but these small encampments still pop up from time to time. This particular one was rather destitute and ragged. The buildings were made of stone but most of them had not been kept up in many years. Most of the windows were broken or boarded up and the hut like buildings were worn down and cracked. Graffitte decorates pretty much any open surface of many of the buildings. The messages written are a mix of classical thug life gang tags as well as artist murals. However a common theme between both is a heavy distrust and disdain of the current political structure of the village.

Examples of such writings were: "Down with the Mist!" "Break the chains! Free your Soul!" "Blood is thicker than water!"

The last phrase was a common one that developed many years ago. She feels as though she has heard it quite a lot growing up and something in the back of her mind recalled that it was something her late father had first said. The meaning behind the phrase is that the blood shed for the sake of the land of water was far more than what they got in return. They would not shed their precious blood for such a corrupt system any longer. That kind of unrest was still felt even by the few people that scurried along.

A young woman walks next to the building where Junshiro was standing. Her head was covered by a large navy blue hooded cloak that goes down to her ankles. For the most part it covers her face and she removes it for just a second to reveal her deep red eyes and striking white hair. Looking up at the man he would also notice that she isn't wearing her headband at all. She had instructed him to keep his headband also hidden. This was a dangerous place for any kind of ninja at this point and it was best to be careful.

"Can you get down from there? We're supposed to be incognito remember?" She says with a sigh. "Also don't call me mistress. You can just call me Yume. I'm not your superior or anything." She looks tired and they had been walking all night to reach Kiri. She has hoped they would have reached the village prior to sunrise but it can't be helped. As she walked down the street she brings up her slender fingers to rub her right cheek. There was no bruise but it looked like she half expected it to be painful to the touch. "Damn bitch." She says under her breath as she recalls her meeting a few days earlier with the leader of the village. She had been disrespectful just one to many times and got a wallop to the face by the new animal of a head jounin. She was fine and it healed rather quickly. In fact her ability to take the punch and unwavering gaze after the punch helped showcase her resolve and obtain the resources for this mission. That resource of course being the strange ninja that accompanied her.

"Not you I mean..." She says dryly as she realized he might have been able to hear her with his special robot hearing. "Actually just forget it. We are supposed to be meeting someone here." She stops short of a strange structure near the outer edge of the village. It looks like a tomb or monument that had been made into a fountain. It was about eight feet tall square with water tricking from the top down the sides into a pool of water that surrounded it like a tiny little moat. On top of the square stone structure was a stature that had been worn and taken from the ages. The top half of the body was already gone and all that remained was the cracked and weathered legs of some unknown person. She turns around and looks slightly confused and a twing bit worried.

"Well its sunrise... and this is where we were supposed to meet them-" She was cut off as the water behind her burst up as if something had exploded underneath. Suddenly she is surrounded by water. Everything but her head was completely trapped inside a water prison jutsu.

"Don't move" A tall man with long black hair and several facial scars forms slowly out of the water. His comment was directed at the Junshiro who no doubt was already mobilizing into action. It seems that this man had transformed himself into water and laid in wait for this ambush. His body still seems to be partially made of water as his arm is still infused with the water prison. "Who are you?""

"We were sent by Sosuke." Yume interjects. "Junshiro stand down but keep your guard up." Her eyes glare at the man with a fierce intensity. She calculates what might be the best thing to say at this moment. "Blood is thicker than water." She blurts out without thinking about it much. However this seems to have some kind of affect as the man turns to look at her in silence for a moment.

"What are you here for?" He asks in a cold tone.

"I am here in search of someone. I heard from a trusted source that he may be here. My name is Yume." She takes a slow breath and then continues again. "I have an important mission to fulfill here. I also wish to join the resistance." This last part however wasn't fully true. She had no real intention for joining the resistance. In fact she wasn't fully sure of the total dynamic of who all was involved at the exact goals. But she wanted to try to get on his good side.

The man hesitated. There was no answer verbally but suddenly she was being submerged with water prison. This was bad...this was very bad. She didn't know if he was going to kill her or abduct her. Either way its not how she wanted things to go. Without thinking she bit her lip and felt the warm rush of blood in her mouth. Just as her face was about to be submerged she spit the blood at the man but instead of just blood it took the shape of several senbon that hit the man square in the head. They passed through him as he shifted into water and suddenly the hold of the water prison was weakened. She manages to claw her way out for just a moment as he regains his composure. However it was too late. She had pulled more blood from her body and created a makeshift spear with it. She stabs the man in the chest and it goes through just like water. The man smiles but suddenly looks panicked. The blood begins to circulate within the water in the man's body. More and more blood fills him and he falls to the ground.

"I told you." She spat at him. "Blood is thicker than water. Its kind hard to move your water body around when so much of my blood is circulating with it isn't it? I've not come here to kill you. I really haven't. But I am not simply going to go with being taken captive." The man struggles but its really of no use. His body seems to be weakened by the infusion of blood. She jerks her head to the side when she hear's clapping behind her. Junshiro would have most likely sensed his presence just a few seconds before Yume.

It was an old man with long white hair and a slightly receding hairline. He had a long flowing white beard and striking blue eyes. A single scar starts at the tip of his right eyebrow and follows down the side of his face to his jaw. Many wrinkles line his face. The man is rather tall going to nearly 190 cm tall but other than that nothing seems ominous about him. He is wearing a normal opened button up shirt and shorts. His feet are bare and one might even mistake him for a homeless man simply sitting among the people of the broken down slum of a village here on the outskirts of kiri.

"Good to hear." The man says as he walks closer. He holds up both hands to show he means no harm. There are no weapons on him but yet a strange sense of danger seems to emanate from him. "If you had simply given up you wouldn't be worth the resistance. You gotta have guts and grit. But if you come out guns blazing you also don't have what it takes. I welcome the two of you to Chika Kasen. If you would let up my associate I think we might be able to get you to the person you seek."
@VecAlrighty. Looking forward to the CS.
Same here.
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