Avatar of Zarkun


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2 yrs ago
Current Sometimes you spend so long looking for peace in someone else, you loose sight of that peace you can give yourself. Don't forget that guys.
3 yrs ago
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery. But today? Today is a gift. That is why it is called the present." -Master Oogway
5 yrs ago
So many writing ideas, so little time to write. Being an adult sucks...
6 yrs ago
It's the most fattening time of the year!
7 yrs ago
There is a madness to my method. Or is there a method to my madness?
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Just the usual eh? *is off to see what I've got stored*
Alright, Sep. I'll nibble a little here. What are you looking for in a CS this time round?
Spartan Lucas Ryker

Ryker snorted at Aviza's last comment as he turned to follow his assigned team down the right hand hall. "You just answered your own question, Fire Team Lead." With that, he turned his attention to moving down the hall, his SMG up and sweeping the sides. He didn't see any doors that lead from side rooms into their hall right away, but Forerunner structures rarely followed what Humans or the former Covenant races called practical design in his experience. Still, as they moved, he couldn't shake his sense of unease.

These URF members had been in this location for an extended amount of time, had had chances to learn the ins and outs of these buildings and the fastest routes to and from areas. If he was honest, as he moved down the hall, he wasn't convinced that they weren't already too late to catch the HVT and they were just hoping for leftover intel at this point. But then, perhaps the URF were confident that their numbers would hold out against their team, in which case, the joke was on them.
Damian Gerard|Path to Crocus

Damian sipped at the water after nodding, feeling what little bit of fatigue had started to set in already melting away from it. Finishing, he smiled appreciatively. "Well, I don't know that my problem and this Felix's problem are one in the same causation wise from what you've said, but I do appreciate the thought. I spoke with a magical doctor, I guess you could call him, and he said that my body never adapted to the magic power I'd accumulated over the years. So I'm bare minimum a decade behind the power I wield in terms of being able to withstand it and properly channel it."

Damian resumes walking as he speaks, matching pace with Ria so they could hear each other. "I mean, I don't blame my dad. Even when we faced enemy mages, the Border Control Unit had enough mages in it already that training me to be one seemed excessive, even to me. Hell, I spoke with an old friend of mine a couple months before joining Fenixtear, a Fire Make mage still in the unit, and even he said he'd never seen the issue before. So maybe there's something more going on for me?" He shrugs, absentmindedly reaching down and scratching Jaƫger behind his ears. "Suppose it's something to investigate, eh?"
Spartan Lucas Ryker

Listening to Shih speak as they walked, Ryker couldn't help but frown slightly behind his visor. So then I had made a solid suggestion about splitting up back there before the big firefight. Ah, hindsight's 20-20 as they say. He kept walking regardless of his thoughts and listened, tapping his helmet when the nav points popped up for a bit of an 'echo' on the hallway ahead, a nifty function he'd tinkered with after he realized he likely wouldn't even get a dumb AI to help him. "So what I'm getting is one way or another, we're going to have to split up here, because if we don't know which is which, we can't risk moving as the full unit if we're going to secure the HVT and any potential intel besides."

Standing on the path going to the left, Lucas stands ready to continue. "I'll go with this group, whoever that comprises of. I think one CQC specialist per group would be a good idea."
Spartan Lucas Ryker

As Aviza moved to take care of her own injuries, Lucas remained relatively close even as he swept the perimeter with his DMR. In his experience, even when it seemed like things were finally finished, that was when they could go the most wrong with an unexpected cloaked enemy or two appearing form seemingly nowhere. If the SPARTAN IV was honest, he still had nightmares about that night, but it was neither here nor there for the mission, and he doubted they'd get ambushed up here. All the same, until he heard Aviza's helmet reseal, he remained vigilant, though her catching herself on his left shoulder almost knocked him off balance as he wasn't expecting it.

When she gave the order to move in, Ryker was right behind her, though when Ben asked if anyone could spare a weapon as he swapped for his SMG, he tossed the SPARTAN III one, along with three spare clips. "I'm running pretty low myself, so make 'em last." In hindsight, it probably would have been prudent to call for a resupply pod from their allies in the skies before moving in, but they had already entered the building, so it was a moot point now. Once they were in the first room through the first doorway from the ramp, Lucas would sweep right, his SMG up and on a swivel. "Be ready to flip to alternative visual modes. The rebels may cut the power to the structure to try and make it harder for us to see what we're doing."

He himself had never fought the URF specifically before the war with the Covenant had started, but when he started training as a SPARTAN IV, they had covered the tactics of all the enemies that Humanity had made over the years, from the URF to the Covenant to the Covenant Remnants that the Swords of Sanghelios were still trying to wipe out or force to surrender, so he could make a safe educated guess as to the tactics they'd run into here. "We should keep an eye out for an armory too. I imagine a number of us could use a resupply and we need more weapons better suited to this kind of close-quarters fighting."
Spartan Lucas Ryker

The sound of the golden armored brute's head and shoulder's turning into meat sauce was enough of a distraction for Ryker to swing around the arm of the Brute he was battling with in the aftermath of the grenade going off and deliver an energy dagger armed thrust through his ribs into his heart, the energy weapon deactivating on his wrist as the beast slumped over and died. "Good shot, Fire Team Lead. Moving to-" The sound of an exploding fuel rod shot drew the SPARTAN IV's attention to a tower with a decent line of sight over the battle field. Oh hell no. Not the- His thoughts were almost immediately interrupted by the sound of a heavily armored form impacting near himself and the Sangheili that had come out of the dropship.

He was moving on instinct and habit, moving quickly and gently moving aside the Sangheili. While they were all in the Mjolnir MK4 armor, which meant that fall wouldn't be lethal, she would still be in a LOT of pain and he had experience dealing with this. "Alright, Fire Team Lead, I'm removing your helmet to check for head injuries. For the love of god, don't punch or shoot me please."
Damian Gerard|Path to Crocus

"I reckon they're magical dire wolves if their size is any indication myself, but I don't question it. They've helped save my life on more than one occasion and they've made the last few years more bearable." He nodded when she asked if she could inquire further. "I'd be happy to help how I can, though I'm not sure how much help I'll be with the matter." With that answered, he listened to her explanation of what he'd seen of her magic. He certainly had to agree with her statement about plenty of magic users being capable fighters when their magical abilities, whether they used them to augment their existing abilities or used the magic to learn how to fight in general, assuming they didn't just become magical artillery that launched spells from a distance without actually endangering themselves. In many cases, they had a limited number, if any, of defensive moves.

In that regard, I find myself fortunate, since while I do have a set of dedicated defensive spells I've developed, I can also turn many of my more offensive spells into tertiary defensive spells. Nothing on par with that nifty magic shield user I met once, but still helpful. Then she mentioned the training he was doing and he couldn't help but grimace on the matter ever so slightly. While he had trained with his magic before the incident that had killed his parents, his father had insisted that maintaining his martial training was more important and that the magic training would only be sufficient to keep from accidentally using it. In the end, it hadn't made much difference, because he hadn't learned the emotional control needed due to focusing on his martial skill.

"If I'm honest, Miss Ria, my magic training has been mostly been based in exploration. Growing up in the Royal Army, when my magic manifested, dad was more concerned with making sure I wouldn't accidentally kill myself or someone else, but not actually learn anything about it or how to use it. So over the last few years, I've spent my time learning. From a martial standpoint, having a sparring partner would be fantastic, would give me a chance to actually refresh my memory on various blocks and forms. But from a magical standpoint? I'm not so sure it would be smart. I can't even wield my full magic power without putting my body under enormous strain." He stopped and faced Ria, intent on explaining it before there were a hundred questions.

"The best way to show you what I mean is to have you feel the temperature difference between where I am now and wielding my full strength. Touch my arm." Once she had done so and had registered he was running a normal temperature, perhaps a little higher due to working out recently, Damian stepped back a couple of steps and closes his eyes and focuses. A magic circle, orange in color, appears underneath him and after a moment, he speaks. "Release Power Lock Alpha. Confirmation Ceta-Zulu-Foxtrot-Bravo." The magic circle changes colors, shifting from being orange in color to a deep green, but it doesn't vanish. "Right now I'm at about eighty percent of my full strength, maybe eighty-five. Pushed to the limits of this power lock, I max out at ninety percent and that's it. But if I do this," the intensity of the magic energy around him flairs up suddenly as he speaks again, saying, "Release Power Lock Omega. Confirmation Beta-Delta-Epsilon-Ceta." The green magic circle darkened to pitch black and for the briefest of moments, the aura around Damian shimmered the same color before he brought it back under control.

Opening his eyes, the circle disappears and he approaches Ria again, offering his arm. This time when she touched, it was very clear his temperature had spiked to higher than a normal person's and he seemed to feel it. "My full strength burns me out, and if I operate at it for too long, I'll be unable to do much anywhere from a couple days to a couple of weeks." The magic circle reappears and with an uttered series of words, turns from black to green to orange again. "Get a feel for what I mean?"
so then am i good to go to put him in the characters tab and post?

also all the discord invites are expired.

Yeah, you can.

Also, here's a new link:

yeah that sounds like its right up his alley. ill leave it to you for the description but other than that i dont have anything else to add. other than i was planning on having his augmentations in his mind make him better at piloting and using his MEC efficiently but he can sometimes be more computer than human. if that makes sense, as like you said its a price to pay for having the suit.

Makes perfect sense.
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