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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheBiddz


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Mmmph. That voice. Maxwell wouldn't get this, but LeeRoy sounds like a drunk Barry White with a lisp right now. That's really something there. If Maxwell DID know who Barry White was, he would be chuckling his ass off right now. That doesn't really have much to do with anything, I just thought I'd mention it.

"Cool. Apology accepted then. I was honestly a bit concerned you'd refuse and we get into a dick waving contest of 'Who wants to yield first'. Which frankly, neither of us have the time for."

Maxwell taps his incredibly chiseled as he thinks. "I'm more than willing to help drag the ship, that's not a problem. It doesn't weigh too much. I could just pick it up, though I'm pretty sure carrying 80 tons on my hands, putting all that weight on just my feet, the ground wouldn't like that too much. I'd probably sink. So do you have any big chains or anything I could tug on? I think you'd rather I do that than just shove my hands through the hull and push." Maxwell knows whats up, he's a smart dude. If LeeRoy got that upset about him having to push it off of himself in the desert, breaking the hull with his hands would certainly upset him some more.

"Also, where exactly are we headed now? I wasn't paying a whole ton of attention to the scenery as I was hurtling out of space. Is there a city or something we can go to to repair this busted ship?" A city would be a good place to go, and Maxwell is positive that as long as LeeRoy tells him what to get, he'd be able to "acquire" some parts real quick. One way or the other. Anything he needs to do to get off this godforsaken rock and into the action sooner rather than later. Once LeeRoy lets him know what the plan is (LeeRoy's the planner right now, after all, he's the one with the spacecraft), he'll go outside, lift this puppy up, and they can get moving.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 5 days ago

"I have plenty of time for it, I'd just prefer to not stay in the desert." LeeRoy's lisping and droning was noticeably going away as the pain relievers were wearing off, and the pain was starting to surge through his face. "You'll need to stick some pieces of metal or ceramic underneath each of the landing pads, also tear off the wheels. It'll spread the weight a bit more evenly. Allowing you to drag them without resistance. But if you leave the wheels on there it will start to sink into the sand again." His right hand pointed at the dangling pieces of metal from the roof, covered in wiring and dripping sparks like water.

"Now, while I'm not certain about this planet's rotation. Generally deserts are east of water bodies and west of inland areas, so I'm going to assume the best direction to go is east. Against the flow of the wind but we're certain to reach a habitable zone faster than we would a body of water. And only one of them would be useful to us." He didn't even pause to catch a breath, he was busy reconfiguring the console. Some of the buttons were totally shattered, the rest were only partially functional. He had to find one that worked perfectly to raise the gear. Otherwise it was going to be a very long time before reaching the inland area.

"I'm going to bet that there's a few lengths of tubing that once connected the engine to the rest of the ship. Feel free to rip those out and use those, they're going to be strong enough to support the weight of the ship."

'But how will we get the ship started again if there's nothing connecting the engine to the rest?'

"I've got a helping hand here, I don't have to worry about that. So as long as he's capable of following orders we should be able to get the ship running in only a few days."

'This guy? Following orders? Sure.'

The woman had a point, even though LeeRoy didn't bother to respond. Other than a convincing argument there really wasn't much that LeeRoy could do to get Maxwell to do anything for him. That was a problem that would arise later, and would be dealt with then. Now they had to focus on getting out of the desert.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheBiddz


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"East it is then. Is there a way for you to talk to me while we're out there?" He begins walking to the exit to begin work on the ship, then stops suddenly. "Oh hold on." He lifts up his left leg, taking off the boot, then does the same with his right. Holding both boots in his hand, he drops them onto the floor with an incredibly loud bang, as each boot weighs about 75 pounds a piece. "There we go, trying to run in sand in those is an absolute nightmare. I've killed eldritch horrors and I would rather deal with them over than sandy boots. Get's all in my toenails and shit." Truly a man with his priorities in order, Maxwell. Makes you wonder, what exactly has he done to make him so nonchalant about slaying horrific beasts, but hate sand so much? Well, I mean, I know, but you don't. Neener neener.

"Anyway, with that taken care of, activate a transmission sensor or open a porthole or something, cause this is gonna be a long trip. Well. Maybe." He walks out of the ship, his feet still thudding heavily on the ship's floor regardless of the boots or not. He still weighs about three thousand pounds anyway.

"Also, hold on tight."

Maxwell exits the ship, stepping onto the hot sand. A lesser (IE: Normal) human would be experiencing heat enough to burn their skin from the sun baked particles under their feet right now, but Maxwell's feet are literally tougher than the strongest leather, so he barely registers it as even being there. Lifting the ship with one arm, straining just a bit, he begins to move under it. "Alright, he said to prop the landing pads and break the wheels huh? Not too hard." Using his other arm, he breaks some of the paneling off of the side of the ship, one for each pad. He sets them under the pads in the appropriate spots, then lowers the ship once more. Crawling under the ship now, he wiggles over to the wheels, then one at a time, grabs them, one handed, and rips them off as if they were paper towels. He crawls back towards the front of the ship, chucks them inside to LeeRoy to hold onto if he needs them, and then licks his finger to check the direction of the wind. LeeRoy said east, so once he determines direction, he grabs the ship, and begins to turn it around, pointing the front of the ship east, the rear, where he is, facing west.

Satisfied with this, he walks back around to the front, grabbing some of the more flexible tubing of the ship as he goes. Once in front, he pokes a couple of holes to thread it through, then connects it to his belt, making a simple, but effective harness. "ALRIGHT LEEROY. HOLD ON." He yells through the front, thinking that the broken windows should let enough of the sound through. Taking a good running position, Maxwell begins at a slow start. With one foot in front of the other, he builds up to a normal human running speed, 15 mph, the ship being drug behind him. Establishing that it isn't yet bouncing around, Maxwell kicks it up a notch, pumping his legs harder, boosting to 70 mph within about 10 seconds. The ship rattles, but stays stable enough to where he feels comfortable really letting it fly at 100 miles per hour, sand churning and flying behind this monster of a man. "Hahaha! Okay! Maybe not so long!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 5 days ago

Just kind of looking at the shoes on his floor, they were way too large. LeeRoy would never understand how biological beings could stand growing to that enormous of a size. It must take a disgusting amount of calories to fuel him.

'Yeah, he could probably eat anything.'

"You disgust me, y'know that? You are a disgusting creature." Voidman's only response was to laugh, at least while she was laughing she couldn't talk. The tires come flopping inside, looking like they had been through a violent blowout on the road. LeeRoy shouldn't have been surprised by this, he's seen much more impressive feats, but those were vulcanized rubber tires. Vulcanized rubber tires are just one enormous molecule, tearing it apart is an incredible feat.

On the inside, LeeRoy was actually using his hand to finish breaking out the glass on the forward window. The tint was stuck black so he had to clear it out. Using a scrap of metal as a pick he finished breaking it out. "Alright, that should be good, I'll go break out the back window. Create a channel of air to reduce drag."

At the back of the ship he took the slab of metal in hand and shattered the back window out, feeling the hot dry air blow against his cheeks. A frown crept across his face as a bit of sand wound up in his eye. "I hate the desert." The ship started to move, Maxwell was rotating her into position. "Big guy works awful fast."

"Yeah, sure. I'll be sure to grab onto the falling apart slab of metal." Though he did actually brace himself, he was absolutely unsure as to how fast this ride would be. Without the stabilizers functioning he was going to feel every single G. When Maxwell really cut loose and reached his top speed LeeRoy's glasses were damn near sandblasted by the wind speed combined with the cloud of sand. Deciding that a faceful of sand and broken glasses wasn't in his list of things he was going to deal with today, he closed himself into his sleeping quarters. Laying across the bed and placing a pillow underneath his head. This was going to be a long ride, so LeeRoy was going to get comfortable.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheBiddz


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP Listen to the majestic Maxwell in full sprint. The power feet sinking into the sand and then blasting off with the force of a jet. Truly a majestic creature.

So, how's it going? Yeah? That's good. Kinda just passing time here. Even at 100 mph, running through thick sand and heat, this is a potentially long trip.

Which is why we're going to skip some time here. During the next three hours, Maxwell just continues to churn sand behind him, occasionally tossing remarks through the window to LeeRoy. "So, what exactly are we looking for?" "How in the hell did you end up here anyway?" The like. Not that he's REALLY interested in having a conversation because LO AND BEHOLD

As soon as he asks where LeeRoy came from and how he hit him with his damn ship, he spots a....is that? Yes! It is! It's a city! In the horizon, past the dust and the clouds, Maxwell's fine eyes spot the telltale signs of a city! Tall buildings, more tall buildings. Woohoo! Success. As he gets closer, he notices that wow, this is a pretty dense city. Quite a few people, flying cars, spaceships, the like. All in all, honestly a very pretty locale. In the midst of the desert, these people have managed to create a thriving irrigation system, leading to foilage aplenty and plenty of green to offset the shit brown of the sand. Its certainly an improvement.

"Sweet ass. A city. You know what that means. People. And where's the people-" His stomach rumbles incredibly loudly. We're talking like, 80 decibels. Thats like front row of a rock concert. Maxwell laughs. He doesn't know if LeeRoy is sleeping or not, but either way, he probably heard it. "Haha that's right stomach, where there's people there's food. And we haven't eaten in a while."

Maxwell rushes to the edge of the city, unbuckles the ship, and leaves it there as he literally stampedes through the town to find some food. Thankfully, there's really only two types of transportation in this city. Flying cars, and walking. Which means there's plenty of room in the middle for Maxwell's huge ass to not trample on anyone and really, once they feel the vibrations from his 3000 pound frame stomping towards them, they generally get out of the way. Along the way he hears many comments, many of them pertaining to how they've never seen someone quite so large. Yeah, he gets that a lot.

After parading around town for a little bit trying to lock on to the best smell, he finds exactly what he is looking for. A butcher shop. Filled to the brim with a variety of local and exotic meats. But uh, not for long. "Hello there! I would like to purchase everything, please." The butcher can only look at him with a stunned and awed silence, his mouth hanging agape. "No, you heard me right. Everything. Every single piece of meat you have for sale." "O-Okay, but do you have the money to pay for it, sir?" Maxwell looks offended at the question. "Of course I have money! I'm not going to pilfer food from you. I bet you worked hard for that food. That I am now going to purchase and take from everyone who may needed to buy meat today and possibly for the next couple of weeks." Maxwell reaches into the pouch on his belt, that yes, it has in fact been there the entire time, and withdraws a gold bar. "Um, do you guys take gold? It's kind of the only thing I have to pay with me." "Of course sir! Honestly, I'd give it to you for free as long as you didn't punch me. You are a very large individual, and it looks like you can punch very, very hard." Maxwell laughs heartily, thanking the butcher and loading the literal shopsworth of meat product into a gigantic rucksack that the butcher was kind enough to throw in. Smiling happily at the thought of a 100k calorie meal, Maxwell heads back in the direction of LeeRoy's ship, when he notices a little something that catches his eye.

It's an antique shop! Maxwell loves antiques, because he's found that in his journeys, antiques are far and away the most likely objects to be filled with special powers. Entering the shop, he waves his hand to the kind old lady (If a bit stereotypical) at the counter. She smiles back, and pans her hand around to the many, many antiques in her business. Most of them are completely useless to Maxwell. He'd love to own them and put them on a dresser or a table or something, but this isn't exactly the proper environment for that. One thing that does actually catch his interest is a couple of rusty old whistles. "A-Are those train whistles? What in the hell are train whistles doing on a planet like this? I don't this planet has ever had trains. How peculiar." He buys them. Why? Why not.

Satisfied with all his purchases, he heads back to the ship, this time, actually getting there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 5 days ago

See, LeeRoy had actually been laying in the back of the ship staring at the roof. Can't sleep, remember? This entire time he had been ignoring Maxwell's shouting, focusing entirely on the wound inflicted upon his face. At this point he was certain that he was going to have to transfer into the new body once he ensured its safety. Uncertain of Maxwell's reaction to such a thing he would have to keep it secretive. Knowing how some religious extremists react to cloning and stuff along the lines of full cerebral transfer. Could not risk having his new body being destroyed, that would honestly be disastrous.

LeeRoy got up from his chambers and headed to the main console again, doing a full diagnostic of the ship's condition. Not at all to his surprise, it was grim. Even with Maxwell's help it would take a number of days to repair. Anyway, Maxwell returned to the ship with an unnecessary amount of meat. To this point, LeeRoy simply nodded, no longer addressing the absurdity of the situation. Rather, he focused on two small metallic tubes that Maxwell had brought along for the ride.

Two brass cylinders, looking rather aged and probably from some outdated mechanism. Intrigued by this, LeeRoy stood up from the console. Wandering up to the door the scientist leaned in a bit to get a closer inspection of these mysterious metal cylinders. In his head, he thought quite a number of things. Perhaps Maxwell knew what his fuel source was and these were canisters of uranium. That would be wonderful, because that would take so long to explain why he needed it. Then he realized exactly what his enormous companion had really brought back.

Train whistles.

'Train whistles?'

"Train whistles." LeeRoy stated with absolutely no emotion to his new dry and deep voice. "You brought back train whistles. Rather than anything of use for repairing this ship, you brought back train whistles." Nodding silently to himself he turned around and put his hand in his beard, scratching at his chin underneath. "I would say I'm surprised, although that would be a falsehood. So, let's try something else. Why did you bring back train whistles?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheBiddz


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Maxwell's face hardens, those chiseled features looking like they really are made out of marble. "Why'd I bring back train whistles? Why the fuck would I not bring back train whistles? I don't remember your ass giving me a shopping list. If you were awake this whole, you could've said something, and I would have picked up supplies for you while I was out. But you didn't. So I got my food, and I saw some train whistles that I bought. Now, I'm going to weld these to my gauntlets, and name my fists the Pain Trains. You can't imagine how long I've wanted to use that joke." All of this is said with a completely straight face. No hint of a grin or anything.

"Also, now that I'm back and have MY shopping, you can go shopping on your own. Because I can't be bothered to help you while I'm hungry. I need to go through a hell of a lot more calories than normal people, so all of this food actually is useful. If we run into something strong, and I get hungry, well we're shit out of luck. I don't know what my caloric output is, but it's huge. So you can eat a dick." Maxwell takes a strip of well marbled meat out of the pouch and just puts it right in his mouth. "Mmmmm, that's really good." He chews happily, the meat actually cooking inside his mouth. One of the side effects of having the Purging Flame inside of him is that his body heat is off the charts. When Maxwell bleeds, he bleeds hot. Like, boiling hot. And the inside of his mouth is easily over 400 degrees, cooking things as he chews.

"However, we'll get no where from being rude, so while I won't help you with shopping right now, I will do things to the best of my ability here. Give me a list of things to do, and I will try to fufill it as I can. I would like to not be here for very long." Maxwell does this out of necessity, not kindness. If he didn't need LeeRoy's ship, he wouldn't hesitate to get into a sass battle/dick waving contest with LeeRoy. He can sass with the best of them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
Avatar of LeeRoy

LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 5 days ago

"Alright, that makes total sense." LeeRoy spun on his heel and returned to the console, rerouting all remaining power to the overhead lights. "Problem is, I don't have workers that can carry shit for me, so I'm gonna have to wait until you finish eating. Because the amount of ceramics, metals, fuel, and plastics we need to repair this thing is well over fifteen tons." With a flip of a switch he turned on a shaky viewscreen that hovered just above the keyboard. On it was a diagram of the ship that displayed all damaged locations. "Which, mind you, every location is damaged on the ship right now. Because you collided with the top, and then the ship landed on you. And you damaged the bottom. So, I'm going to chalk up a list of shit that needs to be brought back, and when you finish your unhealthy meal, I'll give you the list and you can return with the materials required to reconstruct the Space Grazer and my suit."

'Ordering around big men, you do that a lot.'

I'm a natural born leader, I know.

'Let that smugness get too strong and he'll probably punch you again.'

I'll be fine.

'Sure you will.'

"Anyway. The ship has a good store of valuable minerals stored in the rearmost compartment, trading my services only for materials that are considered valuable among most races has its perks. Diamonds, emeralds, and gems in general are the gist of the loot. Along with a few dozen pounds of gold bouillon. That should serve as sufficient bartering material for what needs to be purchased." Pulling out a piece of paper he began writing down a list of important materials required to reconstruct his ship. "Likely, since this is an active urban environment, this city will have a metalworkers shop. Hopefully they'll have a good bit of what I need there." The page was filled with a comprehensive list of everything from ceramic tiling used on spacecraft to coated copper wiring and powertools.

Once the list had been completed he brought the paper up with his right hand. "Once you finish eating, take the page and retrieve the materials. I'll do what I can to piece together what we have remaining. Which is not a whole lot, crashes are notoriously destructive on small craft."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheBiddz


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Maxwell sighs. "You could at least say please. I mean, if I have to bus all of your shit around anyway." He furrows his brow, doing the "Lord Give me Strength" brow pinch. "If I didn't need you to get out of here, this would be a completely different experience." He takes another thick strip of meat out of his pouch and starts chewing on it, sizzling noises coming out between his teeth as he chews. Maxwell grabs the paper while he chews. "Might as well get started on it while I'm eating. The less time I have to put up with this bullshit, the better." Slipping the paper in between his waist and his armor, he takes off his gauntlets and holds them out to LeeRoy with his left hand. "I wasn't kidding about those train whistles. If you could weld them to the gloves, I would very much appreciate it." Maxwell walks off with both the list and the sack of food, grumbling to himself. "At least one of us grown ass men has the decency to be nice."

Anyway, after all the mumbling and grumbling, in between eating some raw steak, Maxwell takes the list out of his pocket. "Alright, lets see here. We've got...." 12 tons of boron steel, a shit ton of copper wiring, plastics, ceramic plating, and some battle grade glass. "Where in the hell does he expect me to find all of this?" He looks around himself, at the surrounding city.

Well lets see here. Tall buildings, more tall buildings. Hmmm. Jeez, Maxwell doesn't really know what he's looking for. "Well, lets try just looking around. Maybe asking some questions." And so he does so. Asking the city people, who are all actually very very nice, he manages to find out where all the supplies are.

AND because we have better things to do here, for posterity's sake, lets just say that Maxwell bought everything, including some more food, and head back to the ship, with an UNREALISTICALLY large sack full of everything. (Mind you, this is at least a 15 ton sack. Shit's gigantic.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
Avatar of LeeRoy

LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 5 days ago

When Maxwell left he dropped the gauntlets and whistles before him, telling him about his plan to have them welded on. Not quite yet, LeeRoy's got something else on his mind. With Maxwell gone he quickly rerouted all power to the medical bay, then got up from the console and dashed in there. The blue lights overcasting what was about to happen. LeeRoy tapped into a small pad on the wall and a tube with a fresh and strong clone floating inside. Barking out an order to the ball robot it complied with a few beeps and immediately rolling into action.

Stripping down to his birthday suit, the scientist himself laid down on the metal table and strapped himself in, this process would be even more painful than the jaw resetting. Inside the tube the fluid that suspended the clone drained out through the bottom, and the body limply flopped against the window. Ball robot opened up the window and caught LeeRoy's new body, strapping it into a chair nearby the table. It wheeled his new form up to the table with LeeRoy and strapped it into place. Neither of them needed to move during this process.

For the sake of not writing out gorey details, I'm just going to tell you what the robot did. It withdrew LeeRoy' spinal column, brainstem, and brain out from his old body, and place it inside of the new body. When that was finished the ball placed LeeRoy on the table face down. The machine that repaired his jaw now reset everything into this new body. Maxwell's return was still a few hours away, finding 12 tons of Boron steel isn't a quick process. Let alone hauling it.

By the time LeeRoy was back on his feet and redressed, Maxwell's return was still a half hour away. LeeRoy disposed of his old body into the tube and resealed the room.

Exiting the medical bay he felt stronger, so much stronger, this was to be expected. This new body was a supersoldier, it looked and moved the exact same as his old form. But it was exponentially more efficient.

Opting to not piss off Maxwell he went straight to the gauntlets and picked up the tubes, shaking them about and trying to figure out whether they would still work. The idea came to his head to blow in them. This was met with the surprising result of bubbles floating out of the hole, along with the screaming whistle. "What?"


LeeRoy checked inside to see if there was any trace of water or soap, or to be honest, anything. The scientist groaned with frustration, realizing, this isn't logical. "This is magic."

But! Maxwell requested that he weld them to his gauntlets. No problemo.

Within a few short minutes the task was completed, and the gauntlets were prepared to be used with the whistling bubble blowers.

Maxwell showed up with the fuckton of supplies shortly after completing the process, and LeeRoy smiled at the convenience. "Just in time."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheBiddz


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The bag hits the ground with a colossal thud. "This look like enough shit to fix the ship? I got everything on the list. It sure was a good thing I was able to find everything. Almost too easy, honestly. Like, its kinda weird that I was able to find all of these incredibly specific things all in the same spot. It wouldn't be weird to find one or two, but all of them? Its a bit odd, if you ask me. But who cares I guess! This means you can start fixing the-" Maxwell cuts off his sentence earlier, staring at LeeRoy intently.

"Did you get buffer while I was gone? You look buffer."

Maxwell taps his chin. "Hmmmm. There's something suspicious going on here. Did you wait until I was gone to do something weird?" He drags the bag over to the front of the ship. "I don't give a shit either way, its cool, you're a grown ass man." He begins to shuffle through the bag, taking out all the steel and crap and setting it in a gigantic pile in front of LeeRoy.

"Alright friendo, lets get to work on this ship so we can get off this piece of shit planet. I'm bored to high hell and its time to get to brass tacks and beat someone up." Finishing the emptying of the giant rucksack, he steps back, the ginormous pile standing above even himself. "Well. I don't really know what to do here. I guess I'll just take directions from you on how to repair things."

With all that said, Maxwell walks over to the table where his precious gauntlets are, complete with new train whistles. He smiles broadly, picking them up, and slipping them back onto his massive ham hands. He grins, and gives a few new test punches to see how they work, his fists making slicing noises as they whip through the air at 500 miles an hour. The air pressure from his hands alone is enough to more than ruffle LeeRoy's hair. As he punches, bubbles flood out of the whistles and into the air above him, creating a veritable cloud of the soapy substance above him. Not just regular bubbles either. These are golden bubbles, dense and heavy looking, warping more violently than any normal bubble ever could without popping. "What the hell? Bubbles?" Maxwell looks at them in confusion, though he laughs when he notices how dense they are. "You've got to be kidding me! The Flame even covers bubbles huh? Well, I wonder what happens when I pop them them?" Taking his sword out from its slot in his shield, Maxwell gives one good swing, the sword slicing through the air and the cloud of super dense bubbles like a chainsaw through tissue paper.

The bubbles pop, making no sound. "Oh. Well that's a little underwhel-" Maxwell is cut off by a sharp sucking noise as the spot where the bubbles were appears to pull in the area surrounding it ever so slightly. Then, with no warning, a colossal burst of sound screams out from the air, a horrifically loud train whistle. The pressure from the burst of air knocks the table over and knocks the sand out from the area directly under the bubble cloud. A shockwave of pressure accompanies it, blowing Maxwell's hair back and knocking off LeeRoy's glasses. Even Maxwell has to yell over the sound "HOLY SHIIIIIIT" Then, in a span of seconds, it's over. "Well FUCK. That shit was like a sound bomb! Those are some insane bubbles!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
Avatar of LeeRoy

LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 5 days ago

The enormous and cumbersome man dumped the material on the floor. Yes, perfect. That is the most useful spot for the materials needed to primarily repair the outside of the ship. Inside of his head he was chanting the most offensive swears he can think of towards large white humans. These are not at all for polite conversation, and no, I will not tell you what they are. However, he does not have time to actually voice his concerns towards the pile of shit. As Maxwell decided to test out his new bubble blowers, and then had the brilliant idea to pop them. As his glasses blew off of his face he put his hand to the left of his head, catching them without a second thought. Blood trickled out of his right ear, the sound had blown out his right eardrum.

Although it was well within reason for him to yell, it was comical to see Maxwell screaming for no reason. The sound had stopped and it was obvious that he had damaged his own ears. "You're a genius, Maxwell. Let me get you a Nobel Prize for that one." The only thing he could hear in his right ear was ringing, perhaps it was deep ear damage, might be a bit harder to fix. In his left ear he could hear just fine. "Anyway, don't swing those inside the ship anymore!" LeeRoy shouted, knowing that Maxwell wouldn't hear him otherwise. Looking up at Maxwell with his starch white eyes for a moment, admittedly grinning at the stupidity. For a moment he forgot that he wasn't wearing his glasses, and quickly realized when he didn't see the slight glare from his glasses. "Oops." Donning his glasses again he walked over to the medical bay and waved Maxwell back over. "You'll be no help if you can't hear me, let me check how badly you've actually damaged your ears!"

Tapping a few buttons of the wall, the main console shut down and all emergency lights went out as well. The overhead light in the medical bay came on and illuminated the room properly, the table's tendrils slid back in as they were no longer online.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheBiddz


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Maxwell stares at LeeRoy as the man with the ham hands waves at him, his mouth moving, but no words coming out. "Oh. Well that sucks. I appear to have gone deaf." Maxwell's not the SHARPEST tool in the shed, but he's not a dumb guy either. He's lost his hearing more than once in his many battles across the span of space and time, you know, in the battles between armies, or fighting against soldiers with concussion or sound grenades or what have you. So now Maxwell stops yelling, since he's realized the sound has stopped, and now begins to speak very softly, knowing his yelling voice is SUPER obnoxious. "Okay, so I'm deaf. That's great."

Looking down at the train whistles, he notices something he did not before. Its a little switch. Flicking it, he sees that it closes the air hole that the sound would come out of. Giving a test punch, he smiles when no bubbles come out. "okay cool. there's a little switch. fantastic. that's really useful." He walks over to LeeRoy and up into the ship, over to the medical bay, following LeeRoy of course. It's LeeRoy's ship, so LeeRoy leads the way.

"okay so, don't actually say anything, cause I can't hear you either way, but when you fix my ears, is there someway to make my ear drums/lining stronger? the bubbles will be a real hassle if they make me go deaf every single time." Maxwell can still hear himself, but he can't actually tell how loud he is, which is honestly a little amusing. because when I say his voice is quite, it is like, trying to speak in a room with a million sleeping babies.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
Avatar of LeeRoy

LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 5 days ago

For the sake of all things punctual, I'd say a time skip is well within reason. As writing up a surgery, construction of a ship, and construction of a new suit of armor would take an unreasonable amount of time.

So a short summary of the events that happened.

LeeRoy operated on Maxwell's ears, using the table's wires to repair the damage to the eardrums and crafted two small earbuds that would prevent loud noises from damaging his ears. And also to prevent his ears from bleeding, that too is important. LeeRoy left his right ear disfunctional, simply because he didn't want to go through a third surgery today.

After completing the repairs on Maxwell's ears, he and Maxwell got to work on the ship. Two weeks and numerous arguments later, the ship was actually repaired back to its original glory.

With the remaining materials and a bit of reference from Maxwell, LeeRoy created a new and superior suit of armor to his old one. High quality and not stolen materials often leads to much higher quality equipment. The Mark VII suit is finished.

Now we're at the end of the skip, and LeeRoy has put on all but his helmet, he's about to test out the jetpack.

Stepping out of the ship he slides the helmet onto his head and braces his feet against he ground, spacing them evenly apart. "Alright, lift off in three."

'This is a bad idea!'


'Stop! I'm afraid of heights!'

"One!" LeeRoy's face lit up with a bit of a sadistic smile, the pack on his back screamed to life and threw him into the air. The scientist's experiment had been a success, the improvements upon the design of his old jetpack had worked out splendid as he roared through the sky. "Woohoo!" And a little bit of child-like excitement went through him,
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheBiddz


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

After the two weeks, Maxwell looks at the newly refurbished ship with an air of excitement and completion. He certainly wouldnt have guessed that he'd be able to cross “Building a Spaceship” off of his bucket list, but there it is.

So, with his new whistles, complete with on and off switch, super new vacuum based earphones for total sound reduction to zero to help not go deaf again, its time to get on the ship and head out to some other planets maybe, because it sure as tits doesn't seem like anything is going to happen this planet anytime soon. There seemed to be something about Ryllans or Angers or something, but nothing really happened so far. There's an armada, but they appear to be frozen in time, if you believe it.

Maxwell makes sure to run back into the city to grab some more food in case he gets hungry. Which he will.

Once he gets back, he stuffs all his shit into the storage units, and lets LeeRoy know that he's ready to go, once he gets done with his new fancy jetpack.

Plus, over the past two weeks, the lingering feelings of resentment have dimmed a little bit. The two grown ass men are no longer squabling like children. Yay.
Because he certainly didn't want to punch LeeRoy again. Hearing him be angry about it was enough the first time, thank you.
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