Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 9 days ago

Name: Crowned-By-Fire

Title(s): The Dragon King, God-Chief of the Fireblood Clans, The Wyrm of Ruin, The Lord of Wildfire, Master of Monsters and Man-Beasts (etc)

Seat of Power: Crowned-By-Fire is most commonly associated with the sacred volcano, Hypertheros, whose fiery peak scorches the heavens themselves.

Divine Aspects: Nature, Fire, Destruction

Appearance: Crowned-By-Fire possesses a mostly human form, a form somewhere between a human and a dragon, and his completely draconic "Destroyer" form.

Artifacts: When doing battle in human form, Crowned-By-Fire wields Cauterizer, a two-handed axe carved from sleek, black dragonbone. As Crowned-By-Fire's rage intensifies, Cauterizer's blade becomes white-hot and sharper than any mortal weapon.

Dragonheart is a brilliant ruby, uncut and the size of a child's head. It roils with unstable inner power, which when channeled can transform living things into more monstrous, fiery forms.

Unique abilities: Crowned-By-Fire is the fury of nature personified, so naturally the wilds bend to his will. Beasts (as well as more bestial sapients and spirits) obey his commands without question, and even plants and the elements themselves seem to at least partially serve him when called.

Crowned-By-Fire is also the undisputed master of flame. Fire and heat cannot harm him, and he may conjure divine dragonflame with which to smite his enemies. This mastery extends to molten rock as well, which he can summon and shape like a sculptor of burning destruction.

Personal History: Crowned-By-Fire came to be within the heart of untamable Zarkoum. Without so much as a name, he learned to use his considerable power to survive in an extremely hostile environment. For years he wandered as the apex predator of Zarkoum, before eventually being discovered by the Weredragons of the Boglight Clan. He revealed to them his draconic shape, and a full solar eclipse occurred overhead. The "Black Sun" being a sacred symbol to the Weredragons, they identified this stranger as the Dragon King of prophecy, naming him Crowned-By-Fire. Accepted by the clan, he lived among them for a time, learning of the world from his adopted family. Enraged by the injustices of the other nations of the world against nature and that which they considered "monstrous," Crowned-By-Fire set about his divine task of uniting the Beast Clans and cleansing the world with a wave of holy fire.

For centuries he has flown across the vast continent of Zarkoum, tracking down and winning the allegiance of various clans and tribes scattered throughout the unforgiving lands. Those that would not bow to him or offended his ideals were annihilated. All the while he kept abreast of the ongoing of the world through a network of scouts and spies, carefully tallying grudges to be repaid. After years of work, Crowned-By-Fire is nearing the fruition of his plans. It will not be long before the world is swept up in a tide of blood and fire.

Personality: Crowned-By-Fire is, in a word, explosive. His moods burst from him in full force, and he is very difficult to calm. Everything in life he throws himself wildly into, and is impossible to deter until he himself decides to stop. Bombastic, aggressive and fierce, he is the ideal image of a screaming, berserk warrior in battle. Warfare and slaughter roll off his back like water, and he eagerly lusts after the blood of those that "pervert and mutilate" nature. The closest thing to a "soft side" that he possesses is his reverence for the ferocity of the natural world, and his respect for anything powerful enough to prove itself to him.

Other: Crowned-By-Fire genuinely believes himself to be the Dragon King of Weredragon legend: a messianic figure meant to come as an incarnation of the Were-beast destroyer diety and return the world to its natural order by the most violent means possible.
Name: The Fireblood Clans

Location: The Fireblood Clans are found scattered throughout the continent of Zarkoum, a tropical landmass with extremely frequent volcanic and seismic activity. Entire ranges of volcanoes run through Zarkoum, scouring the land with frequent lava flows, fire storms and ash clouds. Even so, the land is intensely fertile; its valleys are filled with thick and thriving jungle. Zarkoum's constant cycle of destruction and rejuvenation result in "civilization" as most know it to be nearly impossible to establish. Ruins scattered throughout the land are remnants of ill-fated attempts by previous nations to tame and colonize Zarkoum.

Government: The Fireblood Clans have no formal government per say. In essence they are a coalition of tribes that have each sworn fealty to Crowned-By-Fire, and beyond that share no allegiance to each other. Each one of the many Clans has its own leadership, culture and traditions, and infighting is common both between and within the individual Clans.

Dominant race: The most common race among the Clans are known as Clanfolk. Indistinguishable from most humans at first glace, they differ from most in their breeding. Clanfolk are the offspring between Were-beasts and regular humans, and as a result have some of the traits of their bestial ancestors. While there are many variations between the specific Clans, such as proficiency with certain skills or vaguely animalistic features, all are generally larger and stronger than most humans, heal at an accelerated rate, and have a greater affinity for dealing with spirits, beasts, and other forces of nature. Clanfolk are hardy and tenacious enough to not only survive but thrive in the unrelenting harshness of Zarkoum, which speaks volumes for their physical and practical skill. For note, couplings between humans and Clanfolk can bear either, couplings between Were-beasts and Clanfolk (of the same Clan) can bear Clanfolk or may "breed true" and produce a Were-beast of that clan. Naturally, couplings between Clanfolk of the same clan produce more Clanfolk.

Other races: The Fireblood Clans contain a great many races among their number, the most prominent of which being Were-beasts. Creatures that can shift between man, beast, and a "war form" somewhere in between, they come in a great many varieties, including Werewolves, Werespiders, Weredragons, Wereravens, Weresharks and several more. While each clan has its own strengths and affinities, each are terrible to face in battle and have great talent with shamanism and totem magic.

Animals are not domesticated within the Fireblood Clans, by decree of Crowned-By-Fire. Rather, the beasts of Zarkoum are valued as partners and friends by the Clans, treated with respect and living in relationships of mutual benefit, rather than being enslaved. This is especially true among the Were-beast Clans, where the animal Clanfolk among the Clans are treated as family more than anything else.

Other races counted among the Fireblood Clans include Centaurs, Wild Elves, Merfolk, Cyclopes, Gnolls, Fire Goblins, and a few errant dragons.

Wild Flora/fauna: The climate of Zarkoum is not the only vicious thing about it. Terrible beasts of titanic scale and ferocity fill Zarkoum's jungles, from stone-eating wurms, to voracious ravasaurs. Even "common" animals such as wolves or birds grow to unnatural sizes, and seem to take on more primal, prehistoric shapes than their counterparts outside of Zarkoum. Dragons lurk among the volcanic peaks of Zarkoum, and while most are simply brutal predators, there exist some wizened sages of the land among them.

Even the plants of Zarkoum are not to be taken lightly. Long adapted to the harsh continent, each have their own ways of surviving. Zarkoum's trees are tall and strong, and their wood has all the durability of iron. The many vine and fern species grow so rapidly that they may overtake and consume a man in his sleep. Some flora produce fruit so poisonous that it is said that even looking at it leaves one with a headache. Ash clouds frequently blot out the sun for days on end, and so many plants have carnivorous adaptations to supply them with nutrients when in need.

Specialization: The Fireblood Clans are varied and diverse in skill and ability, but this itself is one of their advantages. When united, they are endlessly adaptable; capable of filling many roles effectively. Their ability to survive in hostile environments is unmatched, as they have long since learned the secret to living with nature, rather than against it. Practice of primal magics, dealing with spirits, totems and the elements, is common among the Clans, and their proper application can be quite devastating.

National History: Few of the Clans of Zarkoum are native to the land. Most are outcasts, pushed to the fringes of society by "civilizations" that scorn them for their ways or appearances. Most do not survive the brutal life that Zarkoum offers, but those that do grow stronger for it, as though tempered by the blazing land. Though they thrive in their new home, they do not forget those that banished them to live among the burning mountains.

For many years the Clans lived against each other, squabbling over territory and resources, having fully abandoned the world beyond the mountains. This ended when the Dragon King, Crowned-By-Fire, came to them. He told them of how the other nations of the world raped and destroyed nature and scorned its blessings. He spoke of revenge against these betrayers and fiends, and of a cleansing fire to wipe them all away. To many Clans he was a leader of legend, aligning with their own tales and beliefs. Others were merely swayed by his power and passion. To all, he ignited a righteous fury in their hearts, which had bern allowed to merely smolder for far too long. Each swore themselves to Crowned-By-Fire, promising to support him in his holy quest, and set fire to the world when the day of purification came.

Alliances: TBA

Enemies: TBA

Notable People: Each individual Clan has its own leadership, though some are particularly notable. Black-As-Midnight is the Alpha of the Silvermoon Clan of Werewolves, the largest Were-beast Clan in Zarkoum. He is an experinced and wizened warrior, and Crowned-By-Fire's second-in-command in regards to military matters. Likewise, Braves-Shallow-Water is the Shiverboss of the Weresharks of the Surfshredder Clan, and essentially the general of Crowned-By-Fire's aquatic forces. He too is a trusted advisor, as Weresharks cease to age after their First Change, and Braves-Shallow-Water is older than even the Crowned-By-Fire himself. Smells-Of-Lilies is the Clutchmother of the Boglight Clan of Weredragons, a descendant of the original Clutchmother that named Crowned-By-Fire, and his advisor in matters relating to his duties as the Dragon King. Crowned-By-Fire takes council on matters relating to magic from Steps-Through-Shadows, Murderprince of the Ebonfeather Clan Wereravens, and a powerful shaman.

Crowned-By-Fire has sired three divine children that serve as both mighty engines of destruction and objects of reverence for the Clans. Youngest is the thundering behemoth, Beast-Of-War. Middling is the mountain-crumbling wurm, Defiler-Of-Nation. Eldest is the apocalyptic hydra, Eater-Of-Worlds.

Other: The Fireblood Clans have spies and plants throughout the "civilized world," including ranger Werewolf packs and entire Clans of Wererats. Most report directly to Crowned-By-Fire, and as such are unknown to most of the Clans.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Name: Reon

Title(s): Goddess of Lilies, Goddess of the Sun

Seat of Power: Iliogis

Divine Aspects: The Sun, Fire.

Appearance: Major WIP thanks to Rin. ^^; Colors for her body at least are pale blonde hair, greenish-blue eyes, and pale skin

Artifacts: The Spear and Shield of the Sun. Both fairly ordinary in appearance, the Spear can be imbued with the intensity and heat of the sun itself(an exaggeration, but it becomes bright and on fire), allowing it to burn through foes before her if required. The Shield, however, retains a rather unique function: It is clear, acting as a magnifying glass and allowing heat and light to be channeled through it.

Unique abilities: Reon is completely and utterly immune to heat and fire, it cannot damage her in any way. This of course makes perfect sense given her domain as a goddess. Even the most intense fire would feel like a pleasant, warm day to Reon. She can also manipulate and create fire on a large scale, spawning balls of flame in the palm of her hand or pulling it from already-burning sources, directing it with her will. She can even use it as armor by igniting her body.

Personal History: Reon awakened upon a stone warmed by the sun, deep in the territory of the Amazons in Iliogis. Little did she know, however, that this was no simple stone. It was a sacred place for the female warriors, a stone pointed towards the rising sun, kept warm by its rays. When they discovered her there, groggy from her long sleep and confused in her bleariness, they were naturally quite perplexed. However, as her mind caught up to her situation, Reon rose and proclaimed her nature as the Goddess of the Sun. Naturally, the Amazons were initially disbelieving of her claim. And so Reon decided to prove it. From the nearby torch, she pulled the flames and manipulated them with ease. This proved her to be just who she claimed to be, the Sun Goddess Reon. The Amazons quickly accepted her and she took her role as their deity, accepting sacrifices of lilies(and requesting gardens of the flowers to be planted). Temples of Reon have been created, Priestesses clad in red robes worshipping the goddess and creating alters from glowing stone. Reon does her best to visit these temples, but even for a Goddess it's rather difficult to visit all of them. She does her best to guide her followers at all times, from peace to war.

Personality: Reon is, in a word, temperamental. It would be very easy to describe her personality as fiery. She is quick to anger and prone to jealousy and irritation with others, disparaging them for the foolishness she perceives and loudly declaring how she feels they are quite simply rather stupid. She is prone to insulting others without any hesitation whatsoever, even if they are those she is allied with. Even if it's those that she cares for, she will still freely insult them. This is really her way of attempting to steer them from behaviors she feels could result in them being harmed. Reon cares deeply for her followers and wishes to lead them to victory, even if she shows it in a rather indirect manner given her temperamental nature. Reon's favored symbol is the lily, the flower proving to be her favored plant above all others.

Other: The worship of Reon features the sacrifice of lilies.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Welp, looks like I'll have to sleep before I can get this done. Oh well... And even though it's not even finished it's still far too long. XD Hurm, hopefully that's not a bad thing, but we'll see.

Hopefully tomorrow I shall be able to unleash Gnollengrom Whitebeard and the mighty and proud dwarf kingdom of Khazukan Ankor on the world. Fingers crossed, I guess. ^^;
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheSovereignGrave
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'm gonna end up sleeping before I get my sheet up too. But I should have the sheet up for my God tomorrow. Xisuthra, God of Honour, Law, and Justice. I may tweak that a little bit, but you all get the basic idea.

And VitaVitaAR, in case you didn't know, you can edit your posts so that you don't have your sheet posted on the OOC a bunch of times.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Titanic


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Klon

Title(s): God of Opposites, God of unification and self-destruction, Wielder of The Sword of Oblivion and The Staff of Mending, The Mad Being.

Seat of Power: Klon has no permanent seat of power, as the last twenty have all been destroyed in the wars of destruction. His current seat of power is located in one of the many Lakes of Realization, the lakes are located at the center of the nation, the site of the final battle of the last destruction war.

Divine Aspects: Destruction, Unification, Fate(my god would mainly appear if in an event where someone has to choose between two paths, ex: a hero has to choose between the great power of darkness or become a being of light. It's not the kind of Fate where he decides how everything happens.)

Appearance: Klon currently has only two forms ever seen by lesser beings, in the legends and myths of a nearly long forgotten past, they tell of a third form that is the result of eternal peace and the restored balance between opposites. He also has a human form which he travels the lands in. (Note, the creatures he rules over aren't human but his forms are human like to other races, to the races he rules over, he will appear to be a larger version of them.)

Form of Destruction: This is the more common of the two forms seen by lesser beings. No one has ever seen the face of Klon in this form as it is covered by a horrifying helmet that reveals only the dark red evil eyes that glow beneath, eyes that are full of hatred and that can drive a lesser being mad. Klon also wields the Sword of Destruction in this form. When not in battle, the sword is in its sheath, the sheath is massive and is said to tell the tales of Klon's most horrible memory's. Other than his helmet, he wears no armor. He instead wears a robe, the robe is the color of white and green with little bits of other colors mixed in. The color are actually caused by pieces of skin and feathers collected from all Horeans and Krakons that died of war that were woven together. The robe is said to grow longer with every appearance. No other parts of his body are clearly visible except for the eyes, even his hands are bandaged to hide them.

Form of Mending: This form is the less common of the two forms. Appearing in times of great need, Klon will appear dressed in a white robe said to be made of pure light. This is the only time his face is revealed. His face can be described only as peaceful. His eyes are always changing color and are said to be able to calm even the angriest beasts. He has a head full of white hair and his mouth is hidden by a great white beard. He is often heard laughing joyfully. In his right hand, he carries the staff of mending. The passive artifact that can cause even the most destroyed lands to flourish shah and heal any mortal wound or sickness. He is commonly described as a cheerful old man.

Normal form: Appears as an old man about average human height with great white beard, leaning on a staff, and with a sword strapped to his back.

Artifacts: The Sword of Destruction and Staff of Mending are the only two artifacts used by Klon.

Sword of Destruction: If you can even look at the sword, it would appear as a normal steel sword with a red gem in its hilt except larger. Other than appearance, this sword is nothing like the hundreds of steel toothpicks used by the lesser beings. Nature will retreat at the sight of this sword, trees and plants will shrink and shrivel up until nothing is left. This sword will kill friend and foe alike. To it, everything is worth destroying, nothing is worth preserving. Any lesser being would go mad looking at it too long. The power it gives off will cause the destruction of buildings and even small mountains. It's edge is can cut through solid rock.(nothing around the strength of diamonds or the strength of another gods artifact unless it's really weak) Only a god can stand up against this weapon. (Think it's fair that only a god can combat this weapon. There is also a human sized version of this for his smaller form. Just not as destructive)

Staff of Mending: it's appearance is that of two tree branches woven together(your classic magic wooden staff). There is also a green gem located in the head of this staff. As the name suggest. This staff quickens the healing of the wounded nearby. It also causes fauna to flourish and even landscape destroyed by the sword of destruction to bloom again.

Unique abilities: Powers that set you apart from other Gods. Every God has them. Choose two for now. More can manifest during the RP.

Personal History: What has your God been doing since they were created? Keep in mind that they were made with inborn knowledge of things, but not of their own origins


Other: Anything you'd like to note, which I left out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucian
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Lucian Threadslayer

Member Seen 1 mo ago

WIP, will check up and answer questions/comment on sheets when I wake up. Goodnight, all.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AegonVI


Member Offline since relaunch

On vacation now, but will get something up as soon as I'm back (which is sadly in a few days)
If history is already established by then, I shall bid a bittersweet farewell and best of luck, but I'm hoping I won't have to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SillyGoy
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SillyGoy Goius Sillius

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Guardian and the Empire of Ullanor. WIP.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheSovereignGrave
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Titanic


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The Nexerus said
It just seems silly to put some arbitrary, "And if it gets more than X kilometres away then it doesn't work" limit on the Shard.

So basically your god is extremely powerful when attacking a nation but completely defenseless if someone decides to attack you? That is unless you follow the "offense is the best defense" rule.

Edit: completely clueless for what to put in unique abilities. Any ideas? I got an idea for his form of mending where he is invincible and anything around him can't be destroyed but he can't wield any weaponry and to extend this affect causes him to weaken. Would this be OP? Also for his form of destruction, he can go berserk and increase his strength and speed but at the cost of being weaker in terms of getting wounded. This affect would also extend to all surrounding beings(friend and foe) but might leave them insane and it causes nearby buildings to crumble. He also wouldn't feel pain during this state but depending on how badly he was wounded, he could be incapable for a period of time(if he was wounded to the point of death for a god, he wouldn't technically be dead but be gone so long that people would consider him dead. He would also be able to appear in his other form.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 1 yr ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 1 yr ago

holy crap that was a lot of work.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sovi3t

Sovi3t Obamacare

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Reserved for my CS and NS
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucian
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Lucian Threadslayer

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Going to answer questions and review completed application sheets. Those of you who aren't done, I like most of what I see. Keep it up and make Nations for your gods, and then I'll review.

Eternal_Flame said

Okay, I hate to do this, because I like the concept, but the character sheet is full of spelling flaws and grammatical errors, as well as issues with tenses. I take it English isn't your first language?

Dragonruby said
Question, am I allowed to play a Pantheon? The individuals of the Pantheon would obviously not be as powerful as a single one of another character's god, but all together they would be equal.EDIT: Also, would I possibly be able to play as a nation without a god/whose god had been killed?

Well, you can't play a Pantheon in the traditional sense, but your god could have the ability to split it's aspects into different physical forms or something. Even then though, that leaves you open for power-playing. You'd have to find some way for them to be weaker than other Gods singularly. In answer to your second question, sure. You can play a nation with a dead god if you want, but seeing as how most of the magic in this world stems from the Gods, well, you'll be at a huge disadvantage.

SillyGoy said

I like it a lot. Accepted. Our characters will likely know- and despise one another.

Titanic said
Edit: completely clueless for what to put in unique abilities. Any ideas? I got an idea for his form of mending where he is invincible and anything around him can't be destroyed but he can't wield any weaponry and to extend this affect causes him to weaken. Would this be OP? Also for his form of destruction, he can go berserk and increase his strength and speed but at the cost of being weaker in terms of getting wounded. This affect would also extend to all surrounding beings(friend and foe) but might leave them insane and it causes nearby buildings to crumble. He also wouldn't feel pain during this state but depending on how badly he was wounded, he could be incapable for a period of time(if he was wounded to the point of death for a god, he wouldn't technically be dead but be gone so long that people would consider him dead. He would also be able to appear in his other form.)

Not a huge fan of the indestructibility. I'd say think of something a little more subtle, perhaps.

Enalais said

Nice. So we have a Greenskin horde now. Our characters might actually get along rather well.

EDIT: Also, closed reservations. This does not count for you, Sovi3t.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 1 yr ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darcs
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Darcs Madama Witch

Member Seen 26 days ago

No more reservations? Does this mean the RP is full, or that if I want a spot I'd need to post a CS now, before it's full?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Nexerus
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The Nexerus Sui generis

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Krustaliem and Glacinus are completed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucian
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Lucian Threadslayer

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Darcs said
No more reservations? Does this mean the RP is full, or that if I want a spot I'd need to post a CS now, before it's full?

It's full for now.
The Nexerus said
Krustaliem and Glacinus are completed.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheSovereignGrave
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TheSovereignGrave Went months not realizing his Avatar was broken

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Wow, I forgot how much work this was since it's been awhile since I RPed. But I think it's going pretty well, I'm done with my God at least. I feel like I may have gone overboard with his personal history though. XD Either way, this should be fun.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 1 yr ago

god sounds like me and the Ibishian's wouldn't get along.
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