Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

While the others ate, Autumn seemed to be having a whispered conversation with herself. Mary's taunts had finally gotten under her skin. "Shut up Mary! You're the reason were here in the first place!" Autumn said, a little louder than she would have liked. She was hurting us! What would you have had me do?! Mary shouted from inside her head. Autumn's mouth opened again but she was unable to form a response. Instead, she felt tears well up in her eyes at the memory of her mother lying there, colored red. When Autumn had fist snapped out of it, she had cried for her mommy to wake up but she just wouldn't. Then the men came and took her away before she could get her mom to wake up. The child buried her face into the top of Sebastian's head, hugging the stuffed rabbit to her tightly as the tears leaked out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Samebito


Banned Seen 8 yrs ago

The fwooshing of hydraulics heralded the emergence of Hokey as the doors of his storage hangar ("The Dog House", as his handling crew referred to it) parted, leaving a square shaped hole in the center of the chamber's floor. The orange rotating beacons positioned around the space illuminated and spiraled. An elevator platform gradually rose from out of the abyss to fill the gap. On the center of the platform was Hokey, who was stood on all fours, but held in place by bindings locking his joints in place. Several technicians rushed over and began to unlock each, one by one. On their overalls they each bore circular patches labelled "Project Ophois" with a cartoon image of Hokey clutching a metal bone in his fangs occupying the center of the design. "Rise and shine, big guy." A technician said. "Got a lunch date for ya. Now, I know you can't eat anything, but they wanna show you off. Introduce you to the others, y'know?" Hokey gradually stepped off of the platform. He raised his head and faced the technician. When he spoke, the mouth of his mechanical body did not move. "Understood." His voice rumbled. It wasn't a robotic monotone, though it clearly didn't belong to a living creature. "Lunch? Best time of the day, outside of training." He added. The technicians laughed. "You're such a kidder!" One said. "Well hey, since you're not gonna have any, do you think you can bring a plate or two back for us?" Another added. Hokey dipped his head in a light nod. "Though I thought you made me for combat, not catering." This got another round of chuckles. "Anyhow, you're free. Run along now, little doggy." The technician gave him a gentle pat on the back, and with that, Hokey exited the room. He had the layout of the facility uploaded to his brain upon arrival, albeit with an abundance of omissions for security reasons, so did not require escorting over to the lunch room. He also hadn't "spazzed out" in quite a while, so they trusted him enough to do as asked without training a gun on him. Whoever he was in life, he was surprisingly cooperative for someone that presumably did something very wrong to end up here, with his brain scooped out and in a robot. It was almost as if he actually wanted to be here. When he entered the lunch room, he scanned over the occupants and took his place in some distant corner, not wanting to obstruct any further arrivals with his rather large frame. He did not speak, as if this would some how conceal his obvious presence.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alexjits


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

A large crash and bang is heard before the largest doors of the dining room swung open, in walked the gigantormus humanoid creature known as "Crusher" chained up at his legs and hands with his neck firmly secured in an iron grip, moved forward by a small guard force Crusher is sat down next to the biggest group of test subjects, being uncuffed and given a huge supply of food, Crusher looks down at the rest of the puny humans as he lets out a large thumbs up and a smile before eating
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Picking up his plate, Felice moved over to an empty table near one of the walls, having decided that he already had enough of the crowding at the main table and especially those mocking cookies. Fish, some of the pesto cavatelli and a few little things on the side were all he really wanted. Not even enough to cover the plate completely, but enough for him to be satisfied. He wasn't about to stuff himself when he already had an idea of what was coming next. Sitting down to finish his food, the boy continued to ignore the rest of the experiments for the moment. Granted, the one with the rabbit had caught his attention for a brief moment, but he didn't want to actually acknowledge that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ariella continued to eat her food with elegance and grace. Mainly because there were a lot of people around here. And she wasn't about to eat like she hasnt ate for years. Which it felt like that but it didnt happen. Ariella continued to eat her dinner looking around the table seeing that she was all alone. She set her tray aside and layed her head on top of the table, sighing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 37 min ago

"When you are finished eating we will begin your new schedule. Most morning we will follow the following schedule Breakfast, gym, Class, lunch, power development, life skills, super, bed. However some days we will have practice missions. When you can complete a practice mission without difficulty then we will try real missions. The more you cooperate the more freedom you get." Vlad told them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Shane had opted out to fallow everyone else's lead and to keep to himself. He eyed the table for a moment and spotted the usual stuff, chicken, fish, desserts, etc. But he stopped in his tracks when he spotted his favorite food. A double decker bacon cheese burger with pretzel bread buns. "Dude..." He said before he grabbed the burger and started to down it. He glanced around the room between bites, taking note of each person in the room.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

James was still devouring the pies and other deserts, one by one. Unlike the others, he actually hadn't eaten in a few weeks, because they wanted to see how far his Indomitable Will actually went. So he was starving. Haru walked into the dining room, being the last one to arrive. He was an extremely heavy sleeper, and he was walking with a half-limp because they tazed him. Unlike the others, he didn't get some power that would make him stronger or better. Instead, he gained Tactical Analysis. He sighed as he walked in, then looked around at the others.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Samebito


Banned Seen 8 yrs ago

Hokey knelt down into a sitting posture like that of a dog's. There wasn't much else he could do right now. He had no need of the food presented. But if there was an order handed down from on high, he was never one to complain, just one to do. And for now, his orders were to attend this meeting. Then there was the voice of his superior, Vlad. His head panned over to observe him as he spoke. His attention fixated on him alone for now, studying him in quiet contemplation. Being a machine, he was mostly unable to emote, though subtle gestures betrayed his feelings. Hokey's head perked up suddenly, then gradually drew lower, his fangs clenched, and his tail coiled closer to him, curving around his forelegs defensively. Those closer to the machine could hear a low rumbling sound rattling from his vocalization array. Agitation, perhaps? What was it about this particular master that unsettled him, if so? Though two words of Vlad's brief speech caught his attention, and seemed to soothe him: Real Missions. His head flopped back up, his long ears flicking with apparent enthusiasm. "Real missions, sir?" He asked. "Actual... combat?!" With those last two words, the electronic harshness of his voice briefly gave way to a more youthful, boyish voice, one filled with noticeable excitement. Such a voice coming from the menacing looking machine was jarring. He rose to his feet and trotted over. He paused just before Vlad, as if realizing he was getting well ahead of himself. As he spoke again, his ordinary cold, mechanical manner of speech returned. "We are, after all, built for fighting, sir." At this, his jaw shifted into the closest approximation of a grin he could pull. "Can you blame me for being enthused by the prospect of fulfilling my purpose?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 37 min ago

"I am glad that you are looking forward to it Hokey. Pleased make sure no one gets left behind." Vlad told him. "Those of you who are ready follow me to the gym." He headed down the hall towards the gym. It wasn't really that far away. The gym was lathered than most school gyms. It had basketball hoops a rock wall and Roos hanging from the ceiling.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

James was the first one to follow Vlad, and Haru grabbed a few cookies before following them. James was ready to get to work, after sitting in that cell for awhile.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Autumn obediently slid from her chair, leaving her plate untouched as she padded over to the door on barefeet. She kept her gaze on the ground to avoid eye-contact as she followed after the doctor. She soon arrived at the gym. She peeked up under her hair, eyes widening at such a big place. She felt even tinier standing in it. She stood off to the side, stuffed bunny clenched to her chest as she waited for instructions. Ever the obediently pet. They say jump and you ask how high. Mary sneered from the back of her mind. We could break out you know. Autumn frowned as she realized what Mary was implying. "No Mary, I don't want anyone to get hurt!" Mary scoffed. Look what happened to our mother. "I didn't do that. You did!" Autumn whimpered. Be that as if may, I'm still apart of you. "No!" Autumn said, squeezing her eyes shut tight. Mary was wrong. She couldn't have done that to mommy. It was all Mary's fault, everything was Mary's fault!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Samebito


Banned Seen 8 yrs ago

Hokey lowered his head in acknowledgement. "Yes sir." He then circled around the remaining occupants of the room after Vlad, James and Autumn departed, almost like a cattle dog driving a herd of sheep together. His movements were precise, and every potential collision was avoided. "The first lesson, just one word: Discipline." He said to those gathered in the cafeteria in a somewhat instructional, but overall pleasant tone, kind of reminiscent of that of a laid-back teacher, or coach. "Any organization operates and thrives through both a hierarchy and conformity." He continued, his circling slowing to a crawl. He came to a stop before the group. "So what I'm saying is, with all due respect... move it." Hokey flashed a smile. "You heard the boss."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Felice growled at the dog-like creature as he walked to the door. How irritating. He was worse than those stupid cookies. He wasn't even that far behind, he had just taken a moment to properly brush off his vest after standing up. Shaking his head, he sat back down again for a moment as he checked his vest again; he had to be prepared after all, even if another of Vlad's dogs was being annoying. He knew what he was doig. A puppet didn't need a guard if its strings were already being pulled. Finally deciding that he was prepared, he stood up again and walked toward the gym at his own pace. It wasn't too slow, because he knew that they needed to get moving to avoid any further punishment then was already planned for the day, but he wasn't about to jump to the scientists side immediately even if he had his number. When he arrived at the gym, he took a brief look around to familiarize himself with the layout before choosing a place just outside of the center to stand for the moment. He was sure that they would be given instructions soon enough.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Samebito


Banned Seen 8 yrs ago

A brief succession of peculiar unarticulated, trilling sounds escaped the mechanical hound after Felice grumbled in his direction and headed for the hall. It sounded as if Hokey was amused by his displeasure, if anything. He did not show any hint of at all remorsing for perhaps going too far with his commanding, pushy demeanor. He shifted over to the door frame and waited by its side as he monitored the remaining stragglers. It was also as good a time as any to make up for lost time examining what would from now on be his comrades. The one called "Crusher" most immediately caught his attention. How could it ever be otherwise? He stood head and shoulders above the rest of the occupants, even "Shane", who his scanners had measured as around six feet tall. Of even more interest, his computers informed him that this "Crusher" was, like him, a cybernetic organism, given the power signatures criss-crossing his body. While not technologically enhanced to the extreme extent Hokey was, he was nonetheless a fellow augment. "I'll have to get to know that one," he thought. "Or be wary of him." He added. He returned his attention to Shane. Shane was the only one that Hokey was already familiar with, as coincidence would have it. "There's the one that technician was mad about. Patterson, I think? Yeah. Patterson. Patterson had said he was sick of Shane upstaging him whenever he came by. He must be really good at what he does, if he was able to make even Patterson look like an idiot. Another one to keep my eyes on, I think." Finally, there were Roxy and Ariella. "Now these two are tough to place. I guess I'll know what powers they've got when they show them off. It'd be handy if we were actually issued briefings, so we know who we're working with." At that last bitter note, his fangs clenched again for a moment. "Roxy looks like the sort of girl pop would kill me for talking to, though. I know that much." As the other occupants took longer than anticipated to sort out their business, Hokey laid down lazily as he patiently waited.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 37 min ago

Roxy finished her meal. She decided crusher and hocky were the only two she really needed to be concerned with. Crusher was a physical threat. At 5' he could almost step on her. There was no way she coukd take him in a fight. But he was slow. That Woukd work in her favor. Hocky was another story. The machine was a threat that she hadn't found away around yet. But she would. She always did. Rather than walk down the hall she wrapped the shadows around her and used them to appear in the gym. She leaned against the wall waiting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alexjits


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Crusher after eating his huge meal would stand up on Vlad's orders and would follow along after him peacefully, his arms swinging low below his knee's each step would let out a slight thump as his feet connected with the floor, looking down at everyone as they walked he'd let out a bellowing grunt before he'd make his way firmly into the gym, nearly everyone Crusher took a liking to already knowing they would possibly all be his friends despite how he looked, Especially that little cybernetic dog, possibly one of the few who had been in the facility for quite a while, noticing the small woman named 'Roxy' and her unusual aura around her, it frightened Crusher slightly however he knew he could take care of business Crusher turned his attention then to the quite tall man called 'Shane', Crusher didn't find him at all frightening however he still took it on as a sign of friendship knowing that his cybernetic enhancements would possibly get the big guy a friend, Kaylee didn't frighten him at all really, if Crusher could speak proper english it'd be possible he'd have gone "Awh" at her however if he tried he'd let out a grunt Crusher would turn his head once more as his body would shy slightly away from James, he noted the powerful aura surrounding him stating his upmost willpower, that would crush the man called Crusher so it'd be best for him to stick on James's best side, However that girl, an Autumn at one point and a Mary at the other worried the big man, Crusher wanted to help her anyway he could but seeming he can barely communicate that isn't the case The guy named Felice however didn't at all worry Crusher, Crusher knew his power wouldn't compare to the huge size of Crusher however as is in his DNA, He must make a friend before an enemy but however speaking of possible enemy the man named Haru seemed a really smart-nut which Crusher didn't take a liking to, however he knew that if he'd try anything to hurt Haru he'd end up getting punished and put back in chains again by Vlad, Crusher took a seat by his lonesome in the biggest possible area to gain him room, looking down at his highly muscular hands in wonder waiting for what Vlad has to say
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ariella looked around the room, as she finished eating. Now listening to their little schedule it did have Ariella a bit worried because she didn't exactly want to show the others what she could do. It was not her style, especially when she doesn't want to be using her powers. Now scanning the room, again. She noticed someone very big and .. not human. Crusher. Her eyes widened and saw the thumbs up that he did, it was a possibility that he was friendly. Hopefully, she did -NOT- want to get eaten by that thing. "Sigh...what to do....seriously.." she said looking around, biting her bottom lips as she shook her head going back to laying her head down on the table.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Samebito


Banned Seen 8 yrs ago

Hokey recoiled at the sudden disappearance of Roxy. As he poured through the readouts that flooded his brain, his confusion only exacerbated. None of his scanners could explain to him what had just occurred. She was there one moment, gone the next. He even played the recording of the scene over again, this time in slow motion, but this brought him no closer to the answers he desired. She had indeed just vanished. "The fuck? And I thought I was fast." He thought.
Hokey rose to his feet and shifted out of the way to allow the massive frame of Crusher clearance to the door. "That's the ticket. Getting treated as if you're in a collar and leash sucks, I know, but it's how any progress is made." He said approvingly. "No idea what the hell they'll train you with in the gym, though, big guy. I reckon they got a telegraph pole with a tank welded to each end. They're the only weights that could challenge you." He joked. "See you inside." He called after him.
Hokey glanced around. Ah yes, just one more. Ariella. He trotted over to her table and poked his fanged face only several inches away from her's. "Why so glum?" He asked. "Were you not just told to head to the gym? I mean, I'm not gonna..." His teeth snap in a mock-threat as his voice continues from the speakers situated somewhere on his being. "... Do anything particularly severe, if you catch my drift, but Vlad's the boss around here. What he says goes, y'know?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hokey glanced around. Ah yes, just one more. Ariella. He trotted over to her table and poked his fanged face only several inches away from her's. "Why so glum?" He asked. "Were you not just told to head to the gym? I mean, I'm not gonna..." His teeth snap in a mock-threat as his voice continues from the speakers situated somewhere on his being. "... Do anything particularly severe, if you catch my drift, but Vlad's the boss around here. What he says goes, y'know?"
Ariella sighed but then suddenly heard someone talking to her, she lifted her head up and saw Hokey right there, a few inches away from her face. She suddenly turned invisible but then visable again as she looked at Hokey, standing up quickly. "Sorry! I- I didn't hear him. I'm so sorry. Thanks... " Ariella bowed her head, smiling at him and then walking fast towars the gym. Wow if it wasn't for Hokey she would have been sleeping there.
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