Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Awesomoman64
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Awesomoman64 I should go

Member Seen 9 days ago

Trad couldn't help but laugh at Amy’s remark about his pouting, “Don’t worry, I won’t make it a habit.” He said giving Amy a light pat on the back. While they were talking, Sangue let her claw drag on the floor, causing an extremely annoying sound. Trad wanted to say something, but Sangue still had a grumpy look on her face, and the last thing the team needed was for two of them to get in a tuff. Finally, the moment of truth arrived, they had reached the lunchroom. Trad couldn't help but notice the sea of students all chatting and acting as if they had known each other for year. Trying to avoid eye contact, he moved along to get his food. He ended up with some sort of pasta, not exactly the best food for his nerves but he got it anyway. Unable to find a seat, he simply waited until one of the others sat down and joined them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The red-haired woman felt hungry at a perfect time. Missing breakfast proved to be an unwise decision, but it also made lunch seem all the more appealing to the normally idle Sangue. Sangue's right eye opened a little wider than before as her claw continued to follow her. She finally seemed to notice the noises her claw was making. Making a small motion with her shoulder, the claw slowly retracted until it was fairly away from the ground. The claw no longer dragged itself across the ground, but now it ominously swung itself around like a hypnosis clock moving at multiple directions. A few seconds later, the claw retracted more, finally causing the contraption to hide itself within her clothes. "..." Sangue finally walked her own path, heading over to get some pasta. She seemed to have trouble holding her own tray, though she seemed confident with holding it on her own. The woman sat at an empty table, staring at the pasta for some odd reason. I don't know what I just picked up. Funnily enough, she never ate pasta before. She simply stared at the food and the utensil she could use to eat it. Her brain began to process how to eat pasta.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Krayzikk
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Krayzikk The Snark Knight

Member Seen 1 day ago

Ben set his tray down with a quiet tap, sinking into his seat. In the interests of efficiency he'd picked the first food he found, the result a heaping pile of spaghetti. A drink had proven much easier, as he nabbed a milk on his way to an open seat. He, after a moment of thought, placed himself in the same vicinity as Sangue without getting too close. His team member seemed to desire a little space, and he didn't think he knew her well enough yet to take a seat opposite or adjacent to her. She didn't seem a particularly bad sort, but she was quiet, and more than a little... Unapproachable. He wasn't sure if it was intentional yet, but it didn't seem like a matter to test so soon after being christened a team. He twirled a fork with one hand, loading it with pasta, but eyes idly swept the lunch room. He wasn't particularly surprised by the sheer diversity of students, but it was a touch of culture shock nonetheless. Not just the students themselves, but the way they carried themselves. He saw more than a few weapons tucked away on their owner's person, and many of his new peers carried themselves with a sense of pride. A few seemed to verge on arrogance, if he was perfectly honest. No one seemed to have paid attention to his team's arrival, so they either didn't know about them, or didn't care. Either was possible, but he found the former a little more likely. The odds of absolutely everyone ignoring a team of washouts was pretty minimal. Then again, he admitted to himself as he took a bite of his food, he was probably over-thinking it. "Food's decent, at least." BAST's leader commented to no one in particular.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Priscilla didn't really want to talk to Rayna or anything.. ever since that last performance that she did with Priscilla wasn't a 'haha it's okay. no worries' nope. She wasn't going to forgive that girl that easily. Priscilla may be looking sweet and always happy, but she had a different side... a side where most people won't see for a while. But it's not the time to talk about what kind of side she has, it will soon be showed upon the citizens in the academy. As she was walking away somewhere that wasn't here, her stomach grumbled.. yeah she was hungry but she threw away her food angrily because she didn't want to speak about what happened. Clearly Priscilla wasn't in the slightest mood to be talking about herself being raised upside down and her UNDERWEAR SHOWING! "Huh...?" she turned her head hearing a voice getting closer, a very smoothing geeky voice. It was Robert, she smiled at him grateful that she had someone like him because he was always there for her and he even stood up for her so that was nice of him. As soon as he asked her about going out just the two of them.. her face suddenly blushed, was she just asked out on a date by Robert? Dreams come true! Priscilla bit her bottom lips looking away trying to hide her face from being exposed and Robert seeing her blushing. But she suddenly shook it away, clearing her throat and getting back to seriousness but yet adorable! "Yeah...I would love to go out with you sometime, Robbie.~" her smile was still there though as she wrapped an arm around Robert walking with him and looking at his lunch tray. God.. she wanted some food..!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 24 min ago

Finally finding a place that sold cigarettes, Diamond restocked and refilled the slot in her hat to alwazs have a spare. Looking at the clock though, she growled: There was barely enough time to get prepared for the next class, let alone go light one outside. Fishing out her scroll, she checked for her next class. It would appear that in the afternoon, they would split according to their own whims rather than the teams. She had a hard time choosing between armory and grimm studies, but went with the latter because she hardly ever fought with a weapon and after all, killing grimm was why she came here. The second choice was a lot easier - Fighting melee, she didn'T have any use for practice and she learned how to survive on the streets herself just fine. Remembering the things she had to eat at times, she was fairly certain that anything that could be harvested off of wild nature was better tasting. The sixth period was a tough one, but not because all the options were good. Quite the opposite - either useless, or in the case of computer science, something she was already quite versed in. Still, at least that might make for a good snooze class. Sighing, she checked up which room the grimm studies were in and headed over there, hoping to be soon enough to pick a good seat, somewhere neither too close nor far from the teacher.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Indi giggled slightly as Gren infused his reply with some puns, partly out of respect, partly because he said 'fingered' and Indi had the humor of a small child on a crappy message board. More importantly though, Gren's willingness to make jokes about his destroyed hand showed that it probably wasn't going to be held against him. Gren then did something both incredibly stupid, and incredibly awesome at the same time. He used his weapon as another grill. Indi could barely contain his laughter as Gren laid more cube steak onto the smoking hot barrel. "That's one way to use a deadly weapon." Indi snickered. Then, a lot more people joined them. Oswald, Sappy, Marcus, and Shiro. Shrio looked deeply saddened, probably because of the massive idiocy of the way he tried to get people over to the Team SASG table. His face was... surprisingly adorable. He just wanted to pet him, before strangling him for wasting his lunch. He then looked at Sappy. By the looks of it, she was done arguing with his teammate. Good, that fight was stupid anyways. Finally, Oswald and Marcus. He didn't really know a whole lot about them, honestly. The only reason the names even matched faces was because of the sparring matches in first period. Everyone made themselves known, and Oswald asked meat medium rare. "I'll take mine medium rare, like the military man over here." Indi said, pointing to Oswald. That was the vibe he got from him anyways, whether he was actually from the military or not, Indi couldn't really care much less. He was here for meat, and Gren. "By the way, Saph, why'd you just start fighting with my team over there? Seems very unleader-like. Is it cool if I call you Saph, by the way?" He asked, staring at her with a grin underneath his mask. He wanted to get back at her for disrespecting his team. He didn't care much for Ivan, but Ineko was harmless. Besides, he was part of that team, defending it was also defending himself, in part.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by shadowkiller912


Member Seen 1 mo ago

The bell sounded and the students left. Sarina though just, omitted from reality with her arms crossed looking at the arena. Old memories flashed back when she had her first duel as a freshman. Pictures flashed in her mind of herself fighting against an opponent in the arena, a different looking one. Then she came to her senses, noticing Ms. Goodwitch talking to Paron. Sarina never liked nor hated Paron. They were rivals…well somewhat as Sarina never propagated it and looked on at him with a blank expression. There is one thing and that is that she never trusted him especially with his appearance and poofy outfit and his team attacking Jorgumandr which annoyed her as the team were composed of newbies. It did seem to Sarina that there was something Paron was dealing with his life. His meandering at the doors made her wonder if that attack on Jorgumandr caused something in him…or perhaps it was something else… From her perspective it seemed he was troubled, and lonely. Then Ms. Goodwitch walked up to Sarina. “Are you…ok Ms. Goodwitch?" Ms. Goodwitch's green eyes leveled on Sarina for the first time, bringing her back from the past."Yes...please take the new roster of students from the second email sent to your scroll. Randomize the pairings, but once again, make sure that no teammates are pitted against one other."By now, most of the students had arrived, and the second period bell was preparing to sound. Knowing that the caring Sarina would continue to pursue the subject until she received a satisfactory result, Goodwitch decided to tell her. "I'm concerned about Paron. He...rather, all of his team, have let themselves fall further and further onto the wrong path. I'm no Agesander, but it seems to me like they've left everything behind. It is worrisome, to say the least."She was, of course, referring to Paron's compatriots Kitty and Thistle. To those at all familiar with the events of last year, however, those three couldn't be named without recalling a fourth name: Leah the previous team leader and the ex-girlfriend of Paron, if the circulating rumors were to be held as truth. "I'm thinking of having you take the day off as my assistant. Keep an eye on the freshmen; maybe help them out, and...Well, 'help' Paron, too." As a teacher, Goodwitch couldn't outright state ask that Sarina watch him for her. With Sarina as an assistant for more than a year now, however, Goodwitch knew she'd get the picture. “Understood”as Sarina said in a monotone voice.Oh great now I have to talk to him… Sarina randomized the pairings of the second group…who looked less interesting than the last group. Sarina afterwards walked out and reclined at a wall and brought up her scroll. She texted to several people “Srry, can’t go to the city for lunch. GW asked me to look over the Freshies.” “What a shame lol.” “K.” “:(" “See you later on!” were the texted responses she got. -- After going to her classes and pretty much being an A+ student in all her classes, Sarina went into the cafeteria to do her job as per instructed by GW, an acronym she used when mention Mrs. Goodwitch. Sarina never liked the cafeteria food and always preferred buying her food from the city. She instead reclined at a wall overlooking the students as they ate and socialized. Sarina to avoid the obvious went onto her scroll to look like as if she was checking something to which, she was pretty much browsing the net. Then she got a message from Ozpin about a four students rejected for failing the exams who were re-accepted for their heroic act of saving countless civilians against a Grimm attack and holding them off long enough for VPD and team CPLT to take over. She was sent their appearances learned there team name was BAST. Needless to say, Sarina waited to meet this team. Sarina noticed team BAST and approached them casually.“I must say, it’s impressive what you guys did in saving that site from a Grimm attack. My name is Sarina Tala Dei. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious The player on the other side

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

A single peek at Shiro's face would have sent anyone but Abel into a fit of laughter. As it was, however, Abel derived no amusement from the shame that his friend felt that he had caused. He moved quickly to reassure him. “You shouldn't feel bad about what you did, buddy. Anyone who faults you for bein' exuberant and generous is an idiot. Relax and have some steak or something.” Abel's attention was briefly occupied by the sight of the cafeteria doors swinging wide and admitting four new students. One of them in particular caught his gaze, but he did his best to avoid staring. Funnily enough, the girl with what looked like a red Ursatrap for an arm intrigued him more. What could she have suffered, he thought, eyebrows compressed in an expression of worry, To leave her in a state like that? Regardless, the new arrivals didn't have much time to both grab food and eat. When Abel returned his focus to his own table, he found another pair of people had arrived. Rather, one, a boy with gleaming yellow eyes in an officer's cap, had seated himself, while his slick-looking companion had gotten ticked at Hansen the next bench over, who had apparently asked her for something. As he watched the heavy-set boy rubbing his neck and joking about her to his sister, Abel made a point of remembering not to get on the hatted girl's bad side. “Hey,” the guardian replied to the newly-introduced Goldstein, and inclined his head respectfully. Anyone wearing the regalia of a soldier was worthy of esteem in his eyes. Meanwhile, Oswald had been talking, but only now did Abel start listening. “The fox girl? They way she did that kinda rubbed me the wrong way. Can't help but wonder if she can reflect lightening too.” He quieted himself, hoping that nobody took the statement out of context as him having ill will against Mokuren. Any enmity he had for her was born out of his respect for hard work; to do nearly nothing to win except use a natural gift, and to be so brazen about it, made Abel upset. As Indigo spoke, Abel considered entering the subject of Sapphire as well, but decided against it. “What do you mean, she'd do well back home?” He asked instead, after several minutes had passed. “Where you come from, is there like a...!” Abel was interrupted by the reverberating peal of the passing bell. Lunch was officially over; it was time to head to the next class. He popped his scroll from his pocket and scanned it briefly. Next class for him was Grimm Studies, which definitely piqued his interest. He stood up, and deposited his garbage into a nearby rolling trash bin. “Bad luck there,” he said to Oswald. “Where you headed next? We can talk 'n walk if you like.” -=-=- The clamor of the bell barely reached Paron Skaft. He sat at a corner table, hunched over the remains of his self-made lunch, contemplating the way the People Like Grapes soda had settled on the canister's lid. Across from him was the table's only other occupant, the regal Thistle Mallory-Pheasant, known to her only two friends as 'Lady'. Her spirits seemed low as well, for she was very bored, and stroking the iron feathers of her mechanical raven did not mitigate her boredom, so she stared listlessly through the open window as music played in her earbuds. Approaching footsteps notified Paron of the team leader's impending arrival, but it took Kitty clapping a hand on Lady's shoulder to rouse her from her trance. “Pull those out,” she hissed. “It's time we got started.” Though Kitty's tone was sharp, Paron knew by looking at her face that she wasn't actually mad. In fact, her visage gave off more of an impression of fear than of anger, and she was doing that thing she did when she was upset—flicking her mechanical tail back and forth, and fingering the bottom of her baton. Back when she had a sword, she had done that as well, but not nearly so often as she did nowadays. Paron pushed the thought from his mind. “Tattle-Tala Dei's here. She's talking to the flunkies now, but she wouldn't have left Goodwitch if I hadn't spoken to her.” Both girls flashed him an angry look; conversing with any teacher about a subject not directly related to schoolwork wasn't helpful. “Whatever. Get up off your ass and let's go.” None of them wanted to listen to Agesander's 'counseling', but off they went, leaving any intention of listening to him behind with their garbage.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TentacleLord
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TentacleLord Your Friendly Neighbourhood Eldritch Abomination

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ivan made his way over to where he had stashed his weapon after the fight, the school's absolutely massive room filled with rows and rows of rocket-propelled lockers. Leviathan was made of thick slabs of heat-resistant metal, and despite the uses it had as an impromptu club in a fight, made it nearly impossible for him to write or not simply smash anything with the solid block of dark metal resting on his forearm. People who kept their weapons on them at all times had serious paranoia issues. And most certainly those aforementioned issues with classes. Finding his own locker in short order, he pulled open to the door and began to pull on his weaponry in preparation for Armory. The girl's words had cut him deeper than he had expected. Sure, he was awesome, but it didn't matter when his own partner didn't even want the help in the first place. Ivan gritted his teeth. It wasn't Ineko's fault, of course. But he'd be dammed if it didn't seem like the half-robotic boy was actively trying to make his partner's life difficult with that sudden leaving. That only left Sapphire as the cause. The resounding sound of the bell cut through the gunslinger's anger-fueled reverie. He slammed the locker shut behind him with more force than he had intended as the resulting bang echoed around the relatively empty locker room. His ears turned a rather flattering shade of pink as Ivan grumbled something under his breath about 'bloody doors' and made a quick exit, making certain to calm himself as he approached the door to the Armory class. He'd get back at that smarmy little snot yet. Hopefully in the sparring arena. Glaring at the teacher, he nodded stiffly in their direction before he made his way toward the seating area. He grabbed one of the seats close to the front, pulling his gauntlets off to inspect the wear and damage from his fight with Merlin.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MULTI_MEDIA_MAN


Member Seen 7 hrs ago

“I got extremely lucky with my opponent, nothing more. Next time he will probably take sparring more seriously. As for the team, from what I have seen and heard I came up with some points that need emphasising. Things like ‘if an attack is going too well you are running into an ambush’ for example, preferably with a visceral demonstration on top to really drive the lesson home. Diamond’s opponent, we do not really have much to go on. What makes you say it knocked her attack back? I couldn’t really tell from the angle was watching what happened exactly. If I was forced to guess Mokuren’s ability is either a forcefield of some description or akin to high voltage charge, something that knocks you out as soon as you touch her.” Marcus said, then cast a sideways glance at Oswald. “Also, would have done well back home? How so?” he asked curiously. Deciding to answer Marcus and Abel at the same time, even though the bell had just rang, Oswald opened his mouth as he disposed of his refuse. "We were basically Huntsman, though I was only a junior. Worked in teams of eight to compensate for our inexperience and general lack of equipment. I'm on my way to Armory, but we can walk and talk, I don't mind. Living as far away from Vale as we did, we had to make due with what we could, and that wasn't much. My original weapon wasn't nearly as advanced as the Trepanation Blade I use now. Only reason I was allowed to actually make something like this was because I'd been accepted to Beacon." Shrugging, he continued his explanation. "Sapphire would have done well because she has skill, and she's tougher than she looks. This shield of mine has cracked Ursae skulls, but she handled it like a champ. We could've used kids like her. It was tough on a lot of the softer folks. We trained from about 12, seeing actual Grimm at about 14 or 15. Nothing crazy, usually the leftovers or the few that made it too close for comfort. Yesterday was my first injury in the field, and my first time fighting anything like a Datura. Beacon puts a lot of faith in its students, but part of that is likely because they can afford us getting hurt. Back home, an injury like this would have meant that the rest of my team was at risk every day they went out. I took the heaviest hits and came out mostly unharmed, but Sapphire works on the basis of Not Being Hit. When it comes down to it, she has the upper hand any time we go head-to-head, at least until I learn how she works. The problem with her style is that people can adapt, and a few hits will break her like any Grimm. Sorry for rambling."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by harinezumikouken
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harinezumikouken Bloodstarved Beast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Abel consoling him, Shiro's glistening eyes brightened and he managed a smile. His teammate's words having comforted him, he parked his behind next to Gren as he continued to cook in his..unconventional ways. Unfortunately, Shiro's hunger would have to wait to be satiated as the bell screeched, causing him to wince and flatten his ears against his head. The bell signaled the end of the lunch period and the start of the next class. Pulling out his Scroll, he checked his class schedule and saw that he had the Armory class next. Ears and tail perking, he looked stunned and excited all at once. "Oh! Maybe I can make adjustments to Kladenets and Perun in class! At the very least I can do some minimal maintenance!" Pocketing his Scroll, he looked at the sizzling meats Gren was still grilling. One could only feel for Shiro as his golden eyes grew sad, his lips pouted, and his ears again sagged sadly onto his head. His face spoke of only heartbreak and intense sorrow. With a heavy sigh, Shiro grabbed his tray. As swiftly as he could, he disposed of it. Not wanting to be late for this class especially, he lowered his body so that he was on all fours and bounded his way out of the cafeteria. Taking care to not run into anyone. Shooting down the hallways, he quickly visited the school's Armory [*Not the class, mind you] and looked around at the multitudes of 'Rocket Lockers'. Sniffing at the air, he quickly located his weapons and withdrew them. Sword already sheathed within his shield, he slung his weapons onto his back and rapidly scrambled to locate the Armory Class to take his seat. "Don't want to be late for this!" His eager face shifted to one of hurt and pain as his stomach still grumbled at him, unsatisfied with the paltry lunch Beacon had given him. "Man, I wish I could've had some of Gren's food..." he sighed to himself, wanting to almost cry.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 10 days ago

Geni finished up his lunch in utter silence. He blocked out all outside distractions and concentrated on ideas for a weapon. With his new found knowledge about Dust, he now had an interest in it. Geni racked his brain looking for ways to incorporate Dust into Ragnorok. Unfortunately Geni could not think of anything that would work. He could not sprinkle Dust onto the blade, it would explode with the slightest of movements. The bell through Geni out of his thought and into reality. Lunch was over and it was back to class with him. He stood up and walked out of the cafeteria and made his way towards the locker room. He had Armory class next, pretty convenient for his dilemma. Geni's tail perked up slowly the fact that he would be able to improve his weapon. He smiled as he grabbed his weapon and walked out of the locker room and headed over to the Armory Class. Geni walked into his newly appointed favorite class. A lot of the students in he class were the ones that hour had seen fighting first period. "Should probably get to know some of them." He mumbled to himself. Geni got ride of any of his inhibitions and walked over to a body who had already taken a seat. It was a faunas kid just like him, which made feel a bit more comfortable. Geni strolled over to the faunas , placed Ragnorok on the worm table and took the seat to his left. "That's a nice weapon you got there." He said with a smile as he casually leaned back in his seat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Krayzikk
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Krayzikk The Snark Knight

Member Seen 1 day ago

"Ah, good to meet you, Sarina." Ben set his fork down, holding out a hand to her. He was a little surprised to be greeted by someone with knowledge of their defense, but he supposed it wasn't improbable. It did probably mean that she wasn't a regular student, though, given how recently they'd been admitted. "Surprised you heard about that, I've got to say. VPD and KPLT handled the end of it, but I guess Ozpin and Goodwitch thought it was worth a second chance." Well. Oz did. Goodwitch didn't look like it. A slight smile accompanied his response, but a loud bell rang before he could say anything more. His eyes moved from the door, to his food, and back to the door. Almost disappointed, he sighed. Looked like he wasn't going to actually get to eat all that much of his lunch after all. He carefully pushed his chair out and stood, picking up his tray and looking back at the group near him. "Guess that's class. Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Sarina, but looks like we've got to go." He crossed to a trash can in a few steps and dumped his tray, starting to retreat backwards towards the door. This was mostly so he could look at his team while he (slowly) left, but that was probably obvious. "I think we're splitting up for the afternoon. Pretty sure I've got Grimm Studies, so I'll see you guys when we've got a shared class. Or after the day's done, still gotta get our room assignment." Throwing Team Bastion a thumbs up, he turned and stepped out of the cafeteria, following the director notes towards his classroom. Grimm Studies was a fairly common class, as far as he knew, so finding it wasn't too difficult. He arrived only a minute or two later and took a seat near the front, leftmost edge of the classroom. His reasoning for the choice was simple; he was close enough to see, but also not near the center of attention.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kaithas
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Kaithas One Jump Man

Member Seen 7 mos ago

IC: Amaranth barely had time to get seated and eat anything before the bell rang. She quickly drank the rest of her water and shook Sarina's hand, cursing her luck. No time to change into something more appropriate before class. At least she didn't have to run to her locker, Unchained Fury was already on her arms. No time to put on the normal, flirty front for a stranger, either, but... Maybe it was time for a new start. "Name's Amaranth Desire, call me Amy. Killing the monsters... Easier than dealing with Good... Witch. Nice to meet you Sarina, but same as Ben... Gotta go. Hopefully will see ya later." She smiled, resisted the urge to wink (old habits die hard), and ran her hand through her hair and feathers as she turned and walked toward her next class... Which was Armory. *** Amy sat toward the back, her shoulders hunched slightly as she intentionally focused on the desk in front of her, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. Other students, she didn't care about so much, though she'd rather not be painted as the class hussy on the first day. About the teacher's opinion... She did care somewhat. She had to keep her grades up. Had to. And a bad first impression could be devastating.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sangue threw her pasta away after figuring out how to consume half of it awkwardly, not because she hated it, but because she believed that she would get left behind. After all, the person known as... Ben... was heading to one of her classes. Remaining silent, the woman bowed to Sarina while holding a blank expression before following Ben. She was not skilled at finding directions, so as much as she hated using people like tools, she decided to use Ben as a living compass. Ben seemed nice. As soon as she arrived at the classroom, however, she encountered a problem. Ben was sitting at the front of the class. Looking around with her blank expression masking her nervousness, Sangue fidgeted about before engaging a battle with her own consciousness. On one hand, she wanted to sit at a corner because she could remain at peace, but on the other hand, paying attention to her classes could let her give off a better impression of herself. And not to mention, but she did not want to distance herself from her team. She knew she needed to somehow get close to Ben, regardless of whether her closeness had to be physical or emotional. Thus, she sat right next to Ben, almost squeezing herself against him with her blank face still on. She wondered if literally getting close to people would give her a chance to make friends out of everyone in her team. "..." ...Maybe I can kill Grimm better with this class, Sangue stated- something blatantly obvious- in her mind.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sapphire Rode - Cafeteria ==> Armoury

Before Gren or Abel had a chance to either accept Sapphire to the table or tell her to take a hike the bell rang. She sighed, Sapphire had had enough of her previous meal that she wouldn't be too hungry and if she was she had a couple of seal snacks stashed inside her violin case. "I suppose I'll see you guys after class. Fuzzball, work on the landing, you're coming down too hard."

Sapphire left the lunch room. Her next class was Armory which she considered would be a lot more interesting than Grimm Studies. With enough firepower Grimm went down eventually no matter their weaknesses and strengths so the class the dealt with creating that firepower took precedent for her.

She had no need to go to her room for her bag, so far there wasn't anything to put in it. If she'd attended History or Math no doubt she'd have textbooks for those subjects but Armory seemed to be a hands on class so extra baggage wasn't really necessary. When Sapphire arrived at the classroom she scanned the crowd taking inventory of who was present.

She saw Oswald, her opponent from the ring, Gren from her own team and she cursed her luck but Shiro was also there. She couldn't think why he'd take this class, he didn't have the grey matter left over to visualize schematics. As Sapphire continued to survey the crowd he eyes caught on someone at the back. A girl with startlingly red hair that seemed to merge into feathers, a faunus no doubt but that wasn't what pulled Sapphire's attention.

The azure haired girl's heart beat faster watching the way she was sitting, shoulders hunched, head down. Sapphire blinked once and she could see her sister Cecily sitting like that on the days that Janus came home from a mission, hoping not to be noticed. Sapphire blinked again and the image was gone. The girl was simply trying to avoid being noticed most likely by the teacher.

Sapphire personally thought the way she was sitting drew more attention to her but then again that was likely only to Sapphire who looked for that kind of thing. The seat next to the girl was as good a place as any to sit. Sapphire walked slowly but deliberately over to the feathered girl and took a seat next to her.

Her appearance certainly was an interesting one, she had on a leather collar round her neck and the rest of her clothing was... immodest to say the least, past that however she was pretty if not for her taste in clothing she would have appeared respectable. Sapphire considered that her choice of dressing was saying something that not a lot of people could hear but she reconsidered asking about it. It wasn't really her problem or her business. As Sapphire sat down she removed both of her shotguns from her back. They were arranged in such a way that she couldn't sit down comfortably with them still holstered. Sapphire placed them on the desk in front of her.

She glanced sidelong at he desk partner for a moment before saying, "Nice feathers."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by harinezumikouken
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harinezumikouken Bloodstarved Beast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shiro fidgeted in his seat, he was restless and wanted the class to get started. Constantly looking around and moving, he watched as the class quickly filled up. Tail wagging excitedly, he beamed as he recognized a few familiar faces. However, his enthusiasm was cut into slightly when he noticed Sapphire coming into the class. He would have to remember to continue giving her a wide berth, which was sad when you thought about it seeing how she was supposed to be his leader. Sadly, as he continued to scan the room, he didn't see Abel. He must've had a different class for this period. Shiro wasn't all too comfortable with the inevitable separation of him and his team, but he had to remember that this was a school. They weren't always all going to be together. Besides, he was rather used to being alone. Having friends- His line of thought was interrupted as he took notice of a specific person in the room. Sniffing at the air, a low rumbling growl reverberated in his throat and chest as the scent boiled his blood. Pupils narrowing into thin, black slits his vision locked onto a particular avian Faunus sitting hunched over. She seemed to be trying to make herself as unnoticeable as possible, but Shiro caught onto her presence rather quickly thanks to Sapphire. He remembered that he was still hungry. For some reason he couldn't explain, his mind was focused on one word. "Prey.." He almost started to bare his fangs. In the bulk of the school, there were far too many students with different scents clashing and mixing with each other that it sometimes proved difficult for Shiro to navigate the school. Thankfully, he had his Scroll to help keep him on track and direct him to where he needed to go and distract him. But here, in the classroom where there were only 30-40 students, scents were easier to detect. Making it easy for Shiro to sort out other Humans from Faunus. Specifically Faunus he didn't quite view as other living creatures, but as food or enemies. Slowly rising from his seat, he had a near uncontrollable urge to lunge across the classroom and sink his fangs into the female avian Faunus. It was at that moment that someone had taken a seat next to him and made a comment on his weapons that he snapped back to reality. Blinking, he shook his head and settled back into his seat. "Woah, what was that? Come on now, Shiro, she's another student. Not...food." Looking at the student who sat next to him, he smiled and- His smile froze as he realized who had spoken to him. From the look and smell of him, the guy was a Lion Faunus. He was sitting next to him now, absolutely wonderful. Trying his best not to let it show, his smiling face soured into a neutral expression. Gritting his fangs, he pressed his lips shut tightly. He didn't quite like Lion Faunus types. He didn't have very many pleasant experiences with Lion Faunus before in the past. Typically, all Lion Faunus were the same to him. Arrogant and overly confident to the point of driving others away with their overbearing personalities. Something about being Kings and Queens of the more arid regions of the world. Whenever he would run into a Lion Faunus, they would typically make some snide remark about his Tiger Faunus lineage. Something about the Kings and Queens of the Jungle versus those of the Desert. Though Shiro may not have had a hateful bone in his body, he still had his prejudices. From no fault of his own, just from prior personal experience. "Th-thank you, your weapons are very.." He glanced at the Lion boy's weapons and couldn't help but think they were rather garish and gaudy. "Interesting too." he finished. Sighing, he sat rigidly in his chair, staring at his desk. This class was going to test him, he knew it. He couldn't wish for the class to start any harder than he was at that moment. Once he could start working on his equipment, he could distract himself and keep from potentially causing issues with the other students in the class. He would have to restrain himself, he thought as he glanced at the...interestingly dressed Avian Faunus. Ears drooping and tail lazily sweeping at the floor behind him, he was hoping to enjoy his time here at Beacon, not raise his blood pressure. Maybe the Lion faunus sitting next to him wasn't like the others. He would have to be sure to make friends with the feathered Faunus girl too, so that he could see her as a comrade and fellow student instead of lunch. He could only hope. If there was one thing Beacon did for him, it was sure good at making Shiro hope. He smirked and chuckled once to himself at the irony of the school's name.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 3 days ago

Daniel finished off the rest of his lunch, ignoring the commotion involving Priscilla and Rayna. It didn't involve him, so there wasn't much of a need to get involved. Shortly afterward, the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. As he left the table to head to his next class, he took a moment to remember what his next class was, then remembered it was the Armory class. Probably one of the few classes that wouldn't be boring. As he entered the Armory class, he noticed quite a few familiar faces. Shiro, his sparring partner from earlier, and some others from earlier as well. He picked some unoccupied spot in the middle of the class and then made himself comfortable as he waited for the class to begin. He wasn't the type to come on early, but he figured that perhaps this would be one of the more interesting classes. After all, how could an Armory class be boring?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Awesomoman64
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Awesomoman64 I should go

Member Seen 9 days ago

Trad still didn't have an appetite, but ate what he could while he could. Leaving Ben and Amy to do the talking, Trad simply gave Sarina a nod as he got up for the bell. “Hold on,” Trad quickly tossed his food and caught up to Ben and Sangue. “Grimm studies is my next class as well.” It was a quiet walk down the hall. Ben was focused on finding the right room and Sangue was…Well, still being Sangue. Eventually they reached the room and Ben took a seat in the front row. Without a thought Trad followed and sat next to him, but noticed Sangue being hesitant. There were all nervous about this, but she seemed even more so, and sitting in the front row wouldn't really help with that at all. Trad stood up and let her take his seat next to Ben and Trad took the one next to her. He hoped having her in-between teammates and not next to a stranger would help calm her. When she moved almost right next to Ben, Trad couldn't help but wonder if they knew each other better than he thought.
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